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We have recently reported that the nuclei of B16 melanoma cells are intensely stained with anti-rat vitronectin (Vn) antibody, which reacts with both mouse and rat Vn. In the present study, we characterized the protein immunoreactive with the antibody using NIH3T3 cells, whose nuclei were also stained with the antibody. Western blot analysis showed that a protein with an approximate molecular weight of 75 kDa (p75), which was distinct from Vn, existed in the nuclear fraction, and, more specifically, in the nuclear matrix fraction, of NIH3T3 cells. Screening of an NIH3T3 cDNA library resulted in the isolation of a nearly full-length cDNA clone encoding p75. A database search revealed that the cDNA represents a novel gene. The deduced amino acid sequence showed that the protein is 580 amino acids long and contains two C2H2-type zinc finger motifs and glutamic acid-rich domains in the C-terminal region. When a fusion protein of green fluorescence protein and p75 was expressed in NIH3T3 cells, fluorescence was preferentially observed in the nuclei, demonstrating that the protein has a nuclear localization signal. The p75 protein, termed ZAN75, exhibited DNA-binding activity in a zinc-dependent manner. Southern blot analysis demonstrated that the ZAN75 gene exists in a single copy in the mouse genome and that a closely related gene is also present in chicken, rat, and human. Northern blot analysis showed that the ZAN75 gene is ubiquitously expressed in adult mouse tissues. In the cell cycle of NIH3T3 cells, expression was low in the G0/G1 phase, increased during the G1 phase, and persisted during the S and G2/M phases, suggesting that ZAN75 plays a role in regulating cell growth.  相似文献   

In 1996, the dominant (43%) strain of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE; type A) at Massachusetts General Hospital was identified at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH). To characterize the epidemiology of infection with type A isolates of VRE at BWH, we collected demographic and clinical data for all patients from whom VRE were isolated from a clinical specimen through September 1996. The first clinical isolates from all BWH patients from whom VRE were isolated were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of SmaI digests of chromosomal DNA. Among patients hospitalized after the first patient at BWH infected with a type A isolate of VRE was identified, exposures were compared between patients who acquired type A isolates of VRE and those who acquired other types of VRE. Isolates from 99 patients identified to have acquired VRE were most commonly from blood (n = 27), urine (n = 19), or wounds (n = 19). Three months after the index patient arrived at BWH and at a time when > or =12 types of strains of VRE were present, type A isolates of VRE became dominant; 39 of 75 (52%) of the study cohort had acquired type A isolates of VRE. We found no association between the acquisition of type A isolates of VRE and transfer from another institution or temporal overlap by service, ward, or floor with patients known to have acquired type A isolates of VRE. By multivariate analysis, only residence in the medical intensive care unit (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4 to 107) and the receipt of two or more antibiotics per patient-day (adjusted OR, 12.2; 95% CI, 1.2 to 9.0) were associated with the acquisition of strain A. This strain of VRE, dominant at two Boston hospitals, was associated with intensity of antibiotic exposures (i.e., two or more antibiotics per patient-day). We hypothesize that this strain may have unidentified properties providing a mechanism favoring its spread and dominance over other extant isolates, and further studies are needed to define these properties.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer of Agrobacterium tumefaciens tumour-inducing plasmids requires opines, which are released from plant tumours as nutrients for the bacteria. The opine octopine causes synthesis of the quorum-sensing TraR protein, which activates several tra promoters in the presence of a pheromone called Agrobacterium autoinducer (AAI). A gene, traS, was previously found on the same Ti plasmid in an operon that directs the uptake of mannopine, another opine. TraS strongly resembles TraR but lacks a DNA-binding module. TraS did not activate a TraR-dependent promoter and blocked TraR function, probably by forming inactive heteromultimers. Expression of traS was induced by mannopine, although this induction was strongly inhibited by the favoured catabolites succinate, glutamine and tryptone. Mannopine inhibited conjugation in a TraS-dependent fashion, and artificial overexpression of TraS also inhibited conjugation. Favoured catabolites restored tra gene expression in wild-type strains but not in strains that overexpress TraS. Downstream of traS is a gene encoding a truncated, defective chemoreceptor whose expression abolished chemotaxis.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that expression of the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) gene is a powerful prognostic indicator in childhood neuroblastoma and have suggested that the MYCN oncogene may regulate MRP gene expression. To address this hypothesis, we have examined the relationship between MYCN and MRP gene expression in neuroblastoma tumours and cell lines. MYCN and MRP gene expression were highly correlated in 60 primary untreated tumours both with (P = 0.01) and without MYCN gene amplification (P < 0.0001). Like MRP, high MYCN gene expression was significantly associated with reduced survival, both in the overall study population and in older children without MYCN gene amplification (relative hazards = 13.33 and 19.61, respectively). Inhibition of MYCN, through the introduction of MYCN antisense RNA constructs into human neuroblastoma cells in vitro, resulted in decreased MRP gene expression, determined both by RNA-PCR and Western analysis. The data are consistent with MYCN influencing neuroblastoma outcome by regulating MRP gene expression.  相似文献   

Cph was isolated from neoplastic Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts initiated by 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), and was shown to be a single copy gene in the hamster genome, conserved from yeast to human cells, expressed in fetal cells and most adult tissues, and acting synergistically with H-ras in the transformation of murine NIH3T3 fibroblasts. We have now isolated Syrian hamster full-length cDNAs for the cph oncogene and proto-oncogene. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that cph was activated in MCA-treated cells by a point-mutational deletion at codon 214, which caused a shift in the normal open reading frame (ORF) and brought a translation termination codon 33 amino acids downstream. While proto-cph encodes a protein (pcph) of 469 amino acids, cph encodes a truncated protein (cph) of 246 amino acids with a new, hydrophobic C-terminus. Similar mechanisms activated cph in other MCA-treated Syrian hamster cells. The cph and proto-cph proteins have partial sequence homology with two protein families: GDP/GTP exchange factors and nucleotide phosphohydrolases. In vitro translated, gel-purified cph proteins did not catalyze nucleotide exchange for H-ras, but were able to bind nucleotide phosphates, in particular ribonucleotide diphosphates such as UDP and GDP. Steady-state levels of cph mRNA increased 6.7-fold in hamster neoplastic cells, relative to a 2.2-fold increase in normal cells, when they were subjected to a nutritional stress such as serum deprivation. Moreover, cph-transformed NIH3T3 cells showed increased survival to various forms of stress (serum starvation, hyperthermia, ionizing radiation), strongly suggesting that cph participates in cellular mechanisms of response to stress.  相似文献   

Formation of the dorsal-ventral axis of the Drosophila wing depends on activity of the LIM-homeodomain protein Apterous (Ap). Here we report that Ap activity levels are modulated by dLMO, the protein encoded by the Beadex (Bx) gene. Overexpression of dLMO in Bx mutants interferes with Apterous function. Conversely, Bx loss-of-function mutants fail to down-regulate Apterous activity at late stages of wing development. Biochemical analysis shows that dLMO protein competes for binding of Apterous to its cofactor Chip. These data suggest that Apterous activity depends on formation of a functional complex with Chip and that the relative levels of dLMO, Apterous, and Chip determine the level of Apterous activity. The dominant interference mechanism of dLMO action may serve as a model for the mechanism by which LMO oncogenes cause cancer when misexpressed in T cells.  相似文献   

A unique A/T-rich sequence (5'-AAAAAGTAAAAA-GTAAAAAAGTAAAAAG-3), referred to as the AGTA repeat, is found in the silencer region of the pumpkin ascorbate oxidase gene. A cDNA for protein (AOBP) that binds to the AGTA repeat was isolated from pumpkin by the southwestern method. The AOBP protein has a new class of zinc/DNA-binding domain named Dof/MOA domain that is highly conserved in many plant proteins and is significantly related to those of steroid hormone receptors and GATA1. Gel retardation analysis indicated that AOBP bound to the AGTA repeat through the Dof/MOA domain. Metal chelators, 1,10-phenanthroline and EDTA, specifically inhibited the DNA binding of AOBP, indicating that metal coordination plays an important role in DNA binding of AOBP. Thus, the Dof/MOA domain acts as a zinc/DNA-binding domain in AOBP. Gel retardation analysis with mutated oligonucleotides suggested that the Dof/MOA domain recognized the AGTA core sequence. AOBP mRNA was expressed in mature tissues of pumpkin, but was expressed only in small amounts or was not expressed in growing tissues. Furthermore, the expression was auxin-independent. The expression pattern of AOBP and that of ascorbate oxidase did not show a positive correlation.  相似文献   

A chromosomally integrated Bradyrhizobium japonicum hoxA mutant is unable to oxidize hydrogen in free-living conditions. Derepressing conditions that induce hydrogenase activity in free-living, wild-type B. japonicum cells cannot induce expression of the hydrogenase structural genes in the hoxA mutant. The DNA-binding capacity of HoxA at the hup promoter region was studied by means of gel retardation. Both heterotrophically growing cells and cells induced to express hydrogenase activity contain a protein that specifically binds to the hup promoter region. Crude protein extracts isolated from a B. japonicum hoxA mutant do not contain this binding compound. The HoxA protein was overexpressed in E. coli and isolated in the form of a maltose-binding protein (MBP)-HoxA fusion. The MBP-HoxA hybrid protein specifically bound to a 50 bp region of the hupSL promoter known to be important for regulation of hupSL expression.  相似文献   

We have purified a protein that binds phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate [PtdIns(3,4,5)P3] using beads bearing a PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 analogue. This protein, with a molecular mass of 43 kDa, was termed PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-binding protein. The partial amino acid sequences were determined and a full-length cDNA encoding the protein was isolated from bovine brain cDNA library. The clone harbored an open reading frame of 373 amino acids which contained one zinc finger motif similar to that of ADP-ribosylation-factor GTPase-activating protein and two pleckstrin homology domains. The entire sequence was 83% similar to centaurin alpha, another PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-binding protein. The protein bound PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 with a higher affinity than it did inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate, and phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate suggesting that the binding to PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 was specific. The binding activity was weaker in the mutants with a point mutation in the conserved sequences in each pleckstrin homology domain. Introduction of both mutations abolished the activity. These results suggest that this new binding protein binds PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 through two pleckstrin domains present in the molecule.  相似文献   

The ecmA gene is expressed in Dictyostelium prestalk cells and is inducible by differentiation-inducing factor (DIF), a low-molecular-weight lipophilic substance. The ecmB gene is expressed in stalk cells and is under negative control by two repressor elements. Each repressor element contains two copies of the sequence TTGA in an inverted relative orientation. There are activator elements in the ecmA promoter that also contain two TTGA sequences, but in the same relative orientation. Gel retardation assays suggest that the same protein binds to the ecmB repressor and the ecmA activator. We propose that DIF induces prestalk cell differentiation by activating this protein and that the protein also binds to the promoters of stalk-specific genes, acting as a repressor that holds cells in the prestalk state until culmination is triggered.  相似文献   

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