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The ionization yields produced by 33.5 MeV/amu 18O, 31.9 MeV/amu 36Ar, and 23.1 MeV/amu 129Xe in liquid argon with 80 ppm allene have been measured. Energy resolutions for these particles were found to be 0.37, 0.57, and 1.74% FWHM, respectively, at an electric field strength of 1.67 kV/cm. Charge collection with all of the particles is strongly dependent on the applied electric field.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out on the neutron response functions of two neutron detector arrays consisting of 39 3He proportional counters with a polyethylene moderator for monoenergetic neutrons within the 0.39–1.54 MeV neutron energy range. Experimental data on the sensitivity of neutron counting to a change in neutron energy and the influence of the thickness of polyethylene moderator were obtained. The experimental efficiency curves were compared with the calculated response functions generated by a neutron transport code.  相似文献   

A detector has been designed and built to assist in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy with fusion–evaporation reactions. It measures with high efficiency the evaporation residues that recoil out of a thin target into the angular interval from 1.8° to 9.0° at an adjustable distance of 1000–1350 mm from a target, in coincidence with γ-rays detected in a Ge-detector array. This permits filtering of such γ-rays out of a much stronger background of other reaction products and scattered beam. Evaporation residues are identified by their time-of-flight and the pulse height using a pulsed beam. The velocity vector of the γ-emitting recoil is also measured in the event-by-event mode, facilitating to correct the registered γ-ray energy for the Doppler shift, with the resulting significant improvement of the energy resolution. The heavy-ion detection scheme uses emission of secondary electrons caused by the recoiling ions when hitting a thin foil. These electrons are then electrostatically accelerated and focused onto a small scintillator that measures the summed electron energy, which is proportional to the number of electrons. The detector is able to operate at high frequency of the order of 1 MHz and detect very heavy nuclei with as low kinetic energy as 5 MeV. The paper describes the properties of the detector and gives examples of measurements with the OSIRIS, GAREL+ and EUROBALL IV γ-ray spectrometers. The usefulness of the technique for spectroscopic investigations of nuclei with a continuous beam is also discussed.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a neutron detector with boron trifluoride proportional tubes embedded in a polyethylene moderator was simulated with a Monte Carlo program. A moderator structure where the detector had uniform sensitivity for neutrons from 2 to 14 MeV was determined by simulation. A counter was built based on the simulation results. The counter's efficiencies were calibrated with an Am–Be source and an accelerator that served as a D–D and D–T neutron source. Experimental neutron efficiencies of these sources are approximately uniform. The simulated model was validated by the consistent results between the calculated and experimental data.  相似文献   

The influence of the experimental conditions (concentration, subphase, volume, waiting time, compressing speed and compression–expansion cycle, etc.) and UV-light irradiation on the monolayer behavior of C60 was studied in details by using pressure–area (πA) isotherms and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) images. The concentration of spreading solution and the subphase were the most important factors in the formation of relatively homogenous C60 monolayers and Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) films. A concentration of 10−5 M and the phenol subphase were preferred.  相似文献   

J.L. Cui  H.F. Xue  W.J. Xiu 《Materials Letters》2006,60(29-30):3669-3672
The p-type pseudo-binary AgxBi0.5Sb1.5−xTe3 (x = 0.05–0.4) alloys were prepared by cold pressing. The thermal conductivities (κ) were calculated from the values of heat capacities, densities and thermal diffusivities measured, and range approximately from 0.66 to 0.56 (W K− 1 m− 1) for the AgxBi0.5Sb1.5−xTe3 alloy with molar fraction x being 0.4. Combining with the electrical properties obtained in the previous study, the maximum dimensionless figure of merit ZT of 1.1 was obtained at the temperature of 558 K.  相似文献   

Phase transitions and dielectric properties of the (1 − x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3xPbTiO3 crystals with x = 0.3–0.5 are studied. The solid solutions in this composition range are shown to be relaxor ferroelectrics. The crystals with low x demonstrate a diffused maximum in the temperature dependences of the dielectric permittivity at Tm. Tm varies with frequency according to the Vogel–Fulcher law. The polarizing microscopy investigations reveal a first-order phase transition from the relaxor phase to the low-temperature ferroelectric phase at TC, which is several degrees below Tm. The permittivity peak in the crystals with x = 0.5 is sharp, and Tm is equal to TC and does not depend on frequency, as is typical of the transition from a ferroelectric to an ordinary paraelectric phase. Nevertheless, the relaxor, but not the paraelectric, phase is observed at T > Tm. This conclusion is confirmed by the observation of the temperature behaviour of complex dielectric permittivity at T > Tm, which is typical of relaxors and related to the existence of polar nanodomains.  相似文献   

We evolve an effective interionic interaction potential (EIoIP) with long-range Coulomb interactions and the Hafemeister and Flygare type short-range overlap repulsion extended up to the second neighbor ions and the van der Waals (vdW) interaction to discuss the pressure induced structural aspects of NaCl-type (B1) to CsCl-type (B2) structure in alkaline earth chalcogenides (SrX; X = S, Se and Te). Particular attention is devoted to evaluate the vdW coefficients following the Slater–Kirkwood variational method, as both the ions are polarizable. The present calculations have revealed reasonably good agreement with the available experimental data on the phase transition pressures (Pt = 17.5, 14.5, 12.5 GPa) and the elastic properties. The calculated values of the volume collapses [ΔV(P)/V(0)] are also closer to their observed data. Further, the variations of the second- and third-order elastic constants with pressure have followed a systematic trend, which are almost identical to those exhibited by the observed data measured for other semiconducting compounds with rocksalt (B1) type crystal structure. Also the Born and relative stability criteria is valid in strontium monochalcogenides.  相似文献   

The combination of the coefficient a of the antineutrino/electron angular correlation with the beta asymmetry of the neutron provides a sensitive test for scalar and tensor contributions to the electroweak Lagrangian, as well as for right-handed currents. A method is given for measuring a with high sensitivity from the proton recoil spectrum. The method is based on a magnetic spectrometer with electrostatic retardation potentials such as used for searches of the neutrino mass in tritium beta decay. The spectrometer can also be used for similar studies using radioactive nuclei.  相似文献   

In our previous paper [V.Kh. Liechtenstein, N.V. Eremin, R. Golser, W. Kutschera, A.A. Paskhalov, A. Priller, P. Steier, Ch. Vockenhuber, S. Winkler, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 521 (2004) 203], first results on the evaluation of thin natural diamond-based detectors (NDDs) as an energy spectrometer for heavy ions in the energy range below 1 MeV/amu were presented. Although results were promising, the energy resolution of the detector was limited by an unexpected high-energy loss in the “dead layer” of the entrance window. In this paper, we report a significant improvement in the spectrometric properties of two highly selected and carefully treated NDDs with electrical contacts made of carbon and gold films as thin as about 10 and 20 μg/cm2, respectively, instead of much thicker aluminum contacts used before. In particular, for the NDD with thin carbon contact an energy resolution of 7.6% for 197Au-ions at 20.6 MeV was obtained. The energy cut-off of the detectors was reduced to 0.9 and 1.5 MeV for carbon and gold contact, respectively. The measured data on energy cut-off for different projectiles are compared with calculations, which yields an estimate of the thickness of the dead layers. Long-term irradiation runs proved stable spectroscopic performance of the detectors, in spite of the inherent “pumping” effects and imperfections of pulse height distributions. Our data suggest that NDD-based spectrometers might outperform other detector types in applications where very fast detectors with high radiation tolerance are required.  相似文献   

A custom method to generate fatigue crack growth (FCG) data requires testing of multiple specimens at different load ratios, R, and the application of a load shedding procedure from pre-cracking level to threshold. In this paper, a novel method of testing has been investigated which utilizing a single specimen and a testing matrix in terms of Kmax and ΔK values corresponding to predetermined R-ratios for which FCG data are recorded. Automatic K-controlled tests on 2324-T39 Al alloy were conducted using both increasing and decreasing ΔK procedures while Kmax was kept constant. Results show that the increasing ΔK procedure gives less scatter than decreasing ΔK procedure. Also, fatigue crack growth curves near the threshold region obtained from increasing ΔK are above the curves obtained from decreasing ΔK procedure. These differences are explained by means of interaction between cyclic plastic zones and their effect on fatigue damage. The procedure with increasing ΔK demonstrated minimal interaction effects and hence it is recommended for efficient FCG data generation. The proposed procedure reduces testing time, the overall scatter associated with multiple samples and eliminates possible uncertainty linked to the load shedding procedure and its effects on threshold.  相似文献   

In this paper, Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δxSm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (BSCF–xSDC, x = 0–60 wt.%) composite cathodes were prepared by soft chemical methods, and then examined for potential applications in lower temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Both DC polarization and AC impedance spectroscopy measurements indicated that the addition of SDC electrolyte into BSCF remarkably improved the electrochemical properties. The optimum composition was found to be BSCF–30SDC, which exhibited 5.5 times higher polarization current density and 15.1% polarization resistance, compared with the pure-phase BSCF cathode at 550 °C.  相似文献   

On the basis of the cross section models of neutron scattering in liquid H2O and D2O, which have been developed in the previous papers, we have generated eight sets of multigroup constants (energy-averaged cross sections) for each liquid at 5, 27, 52 and . The multigroup constants cover a wide energy range –10 MeV with 140 energy groups at equal logarithmic intervals and represent an angular scattering distribution by the Legendre polynomial expansion up to order 3. Major characteristics of neutron scattering inherent to liquid water are fully included in terms of coherent and incoherent properties and temperature-dependent quasi-elastic and inelastic scattering. These characteristics are assured by comparison with relevant experimental results of scattering cross section and also by neutron slowing-down and thermalization analysis in liquid H2O and D2O. It is shown that the present multigroup constants serve for analysis of neutron moderation from fission/spallation to ultra-cold energies, in combination with the already-generated ones for liquid 4He, H2, D2 and CH4 and solid CH4.  相似文献   

Transparent and uniform tellurite–phosphate glasses were prepared and the reason why the substitution of NaPO3 for P2O5 can eliminate the coloration of tellurite–phosphate was discussed. The result of TDA indicated that introducing NaPO3 into tellurite glasses can improve thermal stability of glass hosts. The compositional dependence of absorption cross-sections of 4I13/2, 4I11/2 and 2H11/2 level, emission cross-section of 4I13/2 level, host phonon energy, up-conversion and 1.5 μm optical emission intensity as well as and quantum yield for 4I13/2 level in PTEr glasses were investigated too. By analyzing obtained data, authors believe that tellurite–phosphate glasses can be used as potential host material for developing optical amplifiers.  相似文献   

The ratios of the carbon K-K electron capture cross sections to the total K-vacancy production cross sections are measured in a coincidence between carbon KLL Auger electrons and charge-changed ions detected by time-of-flight. The vacancy production cross sections are determined from the carbon total KLL Auger electron production in a separate experiment, and electron capture cross sections are obtained by multiplying the measured ratios by the vacancy production cross sections. The data are compared to first Born and perturbed stationary state theories. Both the carbon K-K electron capture and the vacancy production measurements are found to be in excellent agreement with the ECPSSR theory. K-shell fluorescence yields for carbon in CH4 are extracted by comparison of the present work and other Auger-electron work to X-ray production measurements. They are found to be independent of 11H+ energy from 0.05 to 1.0 MeV where both X-ray and Auger electron data exist.  相似文献   

In contrast to synthetic materials, evolutionary developments in biology have resulted in materials with remarkable structural properties, made out of relatively weak constituents, arranged in complex hierarchical patterns. For instance, nacre from seashells is primarily made of a fragile ceramic, yet it exhibits superior levels of strength and toughness. Structural features leading to this performance consist of a microstructure organized in a hierarchical fashion, and the addition of a small volume fraction of biopolymers. A key to this mechanical performance is the cohesion and sliding of wavy ceramic tablets. Another example is bone, a structural biological material made of a collagen protein phase and nanoscopic mineral platelets, reaching high levels of toughness and strength per weight. The design and fabrication of de novo synthetic materials that aim to utilize the deformation and hardening mechanism of biological materials such as bone or nacre is an active area of research in mechanics of materials. In this review, our current knowledge on microstructure and mechanics of nacre and bone are described, and a review of the fabrication of nacre-inspired artificial and related materials is presented. Both experimental and simulation approaches are discussed, along with specific examples that illustrate the various approaches. We conclude with a broader discussion of the interplay of size effects and hierarchies in defining mechanical properties of biological materials.  相似文献   

Glasses of various compositions in the system (100 − x)(Li2B4O7) − x(SrO–Bi2O3–0.7Nb2O5–0.3V2O5) (10  x  60, in molar ratio) were prepared by splat quenching technique. The glassy nature of the as-quenched samples was established by differential thermal analyses (DTA). The amorphous nature of the as-quenched glasses and crystallinity of glass nanocrystal composites were confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction studies. Glass composites comprising strontium bismuth niobate doped with vanadium (SrBi2(Nb0.7V0.3)2O9−δ (SBVN)) nanocrystallites were obtained by controlled heat-treatment of the as-quenched glasses at 783 K for 6 h. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) of the glass nanocrystal composites (heat-treated at 783 K/6 h) confirm the presence of rod shaped crystallites of SBVN embedded in Li2B4O7 glass matrix. The optical transmission spectra of these glasses and glass nanocrystal composites of various compositions were recorded in the wavelength range 190–900 nm. Various optical parameters such as optical band gap (Eopt), Urbach energy (ΔE), refractive index (n), optical dielectric constant and ratio of carrier concentration to the effective mass (N/m*) were determined. The effects of composition of the glasses and glass nanocrystal composites on these parameters were studied.  相似文献   

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