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Changes in mammary blood flow, arterial and venous plasma concentrations of glucose and individual amino acids, udder volume, and milk yield and composition were measured at intervals throughout lactation in four Friesland ewes. Milk yields peaked 50-80 d post partum and declined by 40% within 3 months. Neither mammary blood flow (43.3 +/- 5.8 (s.e.m.) ml/100 cm3 X min) nor udder volume changed significantly throughout the period of study, but for three ewes the 'mammary blood flow: milk yield' ratio increased from 300 (peak yield) to 570 (late lactation). Mammary glucose uptake remained essentially constant throughout lactation despite a 50% decline in lactose output. Arterial concentrations of glucose were much lower at peak yield than in late lactation. Mammary amino acid uptake conformed quite closely to 'essential' and 'non essential' categories previously defined for goats and cows, the degree of balance with output in milk protein being similar at all stages of lactation. For several amino acids arterial concentrations and arteriovenous differences were significantly positively correlated: the changes in arterial concentrations with lactation stage were also correlated for some amino acids. Apart from the intrinsic value of such studies on a breed of ewe increasingly used for dairy purposes, the Friesland ewe appears well suited for use in quantitative metabolic studies on lactation.  相似文献   

Six dairy cows were treated before milkings with either oxytocin (Pitocin, 20 i.u.) or ACTH (Synacthen, 150 i.u.), principally to determine their effect on the ratio of citrate: lactoferrin concentrations in the milk. With ACTH treatment, after 3 d milk yield and citrate concentration decreased significantly, lactoferrin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) concentrations increased significantly. Somatic cell counts (SCC) increased temporarily in the milk of three of the cows which previously had greater than 100 000 cells/ml. Lactoferrin yield remained fairly constant but citrate yield was significantly reduced. The citrate: lactoferrin molar ratio decreased from 1373 to 606. With oxytocin treatment, after 4 d milk yield first increased and then significantly decreased, citrate concentration decreased significantly while there were no significant changes in lactoferrin or BSA concentration or in the yield of any other milk constituents. The citrate: lactoferrin molar ratio decreased from 1621 to 1301. There were no significant changes in SCC either during treatment or 4 d after treatment but there was a significant rise at 16 d after treatment. It was concluded that in lactating cows both hormones affected citrate and lactoferrin concentrations in the direction that would improve the antibacterial properties of milk, but that this was accompanied by adverse effects on milk secretion. The extent of the change was not sufficient to be likely to produce inhibition of coliform bacteria.  相似文献   

In experiment I, the effect of i.m. oxytocin (OT) injection (50 IU) on OT blood pattern was tested. Blood samples from 6 cows were collected for 2 h after OT injection either with or without milking. To test the effect of i.m. OT injection (50 IU) on milk ejection efficiency, intramammary pressure (IMP) was measured in 13 cows (experiment II). Milk ejection was induced by manual teat stimulation. After IMP increased and reached a plateau, OT was injected. In experiment III, the effect of chronic OT treatment on mammary gland sensitivity and endogenous OT release was tested. For 19 d, cows were i.m. injected at each milking with 50 IU OT (n = 13) or 5 mL of NaCl 0.9% (n = 14) 1 min before the start of udder preparation. To test mammary gland sensitivity, IMP recording was performed after a long (11 h, 7 OT cows, and 7 NaCl cows) and a short (3 h, 6 OT cows, and 7 NaCl cows) milking interval at d -1 and d 18. To test the effect of withdrawal of chronic i.m. treatment on OT release, blood sample collection was performed during evening milking at d 0 and d 19. Intramuscular oxytocin injection (experiment I) caused elevated OT blood levels observed at least for 2 h and showed an even more pronounced effect when milking was also performed. Intramuscular OT injection after teat stimulation (experiment II) caused additional milk ejection but only in 6 out of 13 cows. Withdrawal of chronic OT treatment (experiment III) did not reduce OT release during milking. However, ejection time was prolonged during OT infusion after a long milking interval. Ejection pressure tended to be lower after a short milking interval. It seems that the reduction of spontaneous milk removal after chronic OT treatment was due to reduced contractibility of myoepithelial cells in the mammary gland at a physiological range of OT concentrations.  相似文献   

Raw bovine milk was heated using common industrial heat treatment conditions to determine how treatment conditions modify proteins and lipids. Processing temperature and time were found to affect both the degree and type of molecular modification. An early and consistent protein marker of heating was identified, namely the presence of the Maillard modification (carboxymethyl or carboxyethyl) at the Lys22 residue in the whey protein glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 (GLCM1). Observable chemical protein modifications generally initially increased with increasing temperature but decreased then under more extreme conditions. For lipids, the concentrations of free fatty acids, methylketones, and oxidised fatty acids were directly correlated with pasteurisation temperature. However, mirroring the trend for protein modification, phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide levels first increased and then decreased at higher temperature. These protein and lipid modifications are potential markers of milk modification during processing and product development.  相似文献   

Chronic use of high oxytocin (OT) dosages can cause a reduced response to endogenous OT. In this study the OT dosages used in the milking practice of 82 dairy cow farms were recorded. The OT dosages per cow used were high, especially when injected i.m. (23 ± 2 IU) compared with i.v. (7 ± 1 IU). In addition, the minimum OT dosages needed to obtain normal milk removal in cows with disturbed milk ejection were investigated. Seventeen cows routinely treated with OT during milking (group T) and 17 cows without previous OT treatment were used (group C). After cessation of spontaneous milk flow, both T and C groups were injected i.v. with a low dosage of OT (0.2 or 0.5 IU/cow). The time from injection until cessation of the OT-induced milk flow was recorded (response phase). The response phase and the amounts of removed milk by effect of the OT injection increased with increasing OT dosage. Values for 0.2 and 0.5 IU/cow of OT injected i.v. were (response phase and amount of milk removed) 198 ± 27 and 302 ± 18 s and 3.4 ± 0.7 kg and 6.5 ± 1.3 kg, respectively, for the C group, and 157 ± 15 and 221 ± 16 s and 3.2 ± 0.5 and 5.5 ± 1.0 kg, respectively, for the T group. Within 20 min of the OT injection, plasma concentrations returned to basal levels. The threshold OT concentration at cessation of milk flow after injection of 0.2 or 0.5 IU/cow of OT was calculated based on the OT plasma half-life. The threshold increased with increasing dosages of OT and was higher in group T (8 ± 1 and 14 ± 1 pg/mL for 0.2 and 0.5 IU/cow, respectively) than in group C (7 ± 1 and 11 ± 1 pg/mL for 0.2 and 0.5 IU/cow, respectively). In conclusion, desensitization of the udder toward OT occurs when the udder is exposed to elevated OT plasma concentrations, both short-term during the actual milking and long-term due to chronic high-dosage OT treatment. However, low-dosage OT treatments to induce normal milk removal can minimize the observed side effects.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to study the effects of catecholamines on oxytocin responses and milk removal in dairy cows. Adrenalin, noradrenalin, dopamine, isoproterenol (a beta-adrenoceptor agonist), phentolamine (an alpha-adrenergic blocker) and propranolol (a beta-adrenergic blocker) were infused intravenously. In addition, adrenalin was infused together with phentolamine and/or propranolol. Infusions started 8 min before milking and lasted until the end of milking. In some cases electroshocks (for 5 s) were applied immediately before milking in the absence and presence of phentolamine and propranolol. Adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine reduced milk removal, but only if administered in supraphysiological amounts. The effect of adrenalin and electroshocks on milk removal could be inhibited only partly by phentolamine. Inhibition of milk removal was not mediated by reduced oxytocin responses. Enhanced local release of catecholamines from sympathetic nerves was presumably responsible for lowered milk removal in response to electroshocks. Milk removal was facilitated during alpha-adrenergic blockade and during beta-adrenoceptor stimulation.  相似文献   

Supraphysiological doses of oxytocin were used to investigate the association among milk composition, secretion rates, and cell electrolyte concentrations. Groups of 8 Holstein cows were injected i.v. with 1, 10, 100, or 1000 IU oxytocin after a normal milking. Milk yield over the following 12-h period declined 5.5, 8.1, 17.0, and 43.7% respectively. Milk Na increased in proportion to oxytocin dose. Yield and concentration of lactose and protein declined with increasing oxytocin doses, but milk fat yield remained unchanged. To determine whether the decreased milk lactose secretion was caused by a decline in synthesis or leakage into blood plasma and subsequent renal clearance, milk and urine were collected for 24-h periods before and after 100 IU oxytocin. Urinary lactose accounted for 2.7 +/- 3.19 and 12.9 +/- 8.9% of the total collected on the days before and after oxytocin. This increase (46.7 g/d) was only one-fifth of the 25% decline in total lactose recovery, suggesting that reduced mammary lactose synthesis is primarily responsible for lower milk yield. Measurement of Na and K in biopsied mammary tissue suggests that a high Na:K ratio in milk will increase that ratio in secretory cells, which may be part of the mechanism for lower milk yield under circumstances that increase permeability of mammary tight junctions.  相似文献   

Timing of oxytocin release may influence milk ejection. Oxytocin is higher in cows after manual premilking stimulation than in cows receiving no stimulation. Premilking stimulation offers no advantages to milk production in short trials but results in shorter times of machine on and higher average rate of milk flow. Enhanced mechanical stimulation does not seem as effective as manual stimulation in short trials. Oxytocin release is multiphasic, and contents in blood decline during milking. Maximal concentrations during milking decrease across lactation. Nonlactating cows also release oxytocin upon udder stimulation and conditioning. Virgin heifers do not respond in the same way to udder stimulation as lactating cows, thus suggesting that sensitivity of the milk ejection reflex depends upon the physiological state of the animal. Cows probably release about one-third of their stores of oxytocin at milking, and it appears that little hormone is necessary for effect at the udder. Basal concentrations of oxytocin decrease from early to midlactation and increase from mid to late lactation and from late lactation to involution. Half-lives, metabolic clearance rates, and entry rates for oxytocin were measured in cattle in various physiological states. Data from these measurements are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the terpenoid content of milk and cheese from commercial sheep flocks monitored throughout lactation in the Cantabrian area of northern Spain were investigated. The flocks followed the same seasonal feeding strategy during lactation: indoor feeding in winter (early lactation) based on concentrate and forage; part-time grazing in the valley in early spring (mid lactation); and from mid spring on (late lactation), flocks were managed under extensive mountain grazing. In the present study design, seasonal feeding and lactation stage were intrinsically linked and could not be considered in isolation, and a holistic approach was necessary to consider the whole production management of the commercial flocks studied. Furthermore, the study focused on the identification of sesquiterpenoid ratios to differentiate milks and cheeses produced under extensive mountain grazing from those produced under other seasonal feeding regimens. Total abundance of mono- and sesquiterpenoids and that of individual compounds such as α-pinene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, α-amorphene, and γ-cadinene significantly increased in milk and cheese from indoor feeding to mountain extensive grazing. Sesquiterpenoid ratios such as γ-cadinene/α-muurolene, γ-cadinene/δ-cadinene, β-caryophyllene/α-muurolene, and (β-caryophyllene + γ-cadinene)/α-muurolene were used to differentiate mountain milks and cheeses from those from indoor feeding and part-time grazing in the valley. Multivariate discriminant analysis applied to individual terpenoids and sesquiterpenoid ratios showed milk and cheese samples classified into 2 groups: samples from indoor feeding and part-time grazing in the valley were classified together, and clearly separated from mountain milks and cheeses. The results of the present study showed that the sesquiterpenoid ratios approach could help to differentiate mountain dairy products from others obtained under other specific feeding regimens in a local environment.  相似文献   

In animal production, it is often important to investigate causal relationships among variables. The gold standard tool for such investigation is randomized experiments. However, randomized experiments may not always be feasible, possible, or cost effective or reflect real-world farm conditions. Sometimes it is necessary to infer effects from farm-recorded data. Inferring causal effects between variables from field data is challenging because the association between them may arise not only from the effect of one on another but also from confounding background factors. Propensity score (PS) methods address this issue by correcting for confounding in different levels of the causal variable, which allows unbiased inference of causal effects. Here the objective was to estimate the causal effect of prolificacy on milk yield (MY) in dairy sheep using PS based on matched samples. Data consisted of 4,319 records from 1,534 crossbred ewes. Confounders were lactation number (first, second, and third through sixth) and dairy breed composition (<0.5, 0.5–0.75, and >0.75 of East Friesian or Lacaune). The causal variable prolificacy was considered as 2 levels (single or multiple lambs at birth). The outcome MY represented the volume of milk produced in the whole lactation. Pairs of single- and multiple-birth ewes (1,166) with similar PS were formed. The matching process diminished major discrepancies in the distribution of prolificacy for each confounder variable indicating bias reduction (cutoff standardized bias = 20%). The causal effect was estimated as the average difference within pairs. The effect of prolificacy on MY per lactation was 20.52 L of milk with a simple matching estimator and 12.62 L after correcting for remaining biases. A core advantage of causal over probabilistic approaches is that they allow inference of how variables would react as a result of external interventions (e.g., changes in the production system). Therefore, results imply that management and decision-making practices increasing prolificacy would positively affect MY, which is important knowledge at the farm level. Farm-recorded data can be a valuable source of information given its low cost, and it reflects real-world herd conditions. In this context, PS methods can be extremely useful as an inference tool for investigating causal effects. In addition, PS analysis can be implemented as a preliminary evaluation or a hypothesis generator for future randomized trials (if the trait analyzed allows randomization).  相似文献   

Ejection of milk in relation to oxytocin injected intravenously   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The effects of two different high-pressure (HP) equipments, operating at industrial- and pilot scales, and of the HP-release rate on the contents of non-sedimentable proteins and denatured whey proteins were investigated after treatments of skim milk—from 250 to 650 MPa. Non-sedimentable caseins and denatured whey proteins significantly increased with the pressure level. The industrial-scale equipment produced lower micellar disintegration than the pilot-scale equipment with similar degrees of whey protein denaturation. Ultracentrifugation supernatants obtained from skim milk at 100,000×g and 20 °C for 1 h were also HP-treated for comparative purposes, showing that, in skim milk, the presence of casein promoted the denaturation of whey proteins, although the extent of whey protein denaturation did not influence the release of casein to the soluble phase. Furthermore, most denatured whey proteins remained soluble after treatment in both equipments. In the pilot-scale equipment, the pressure-release rate influenced casein solubilization and whey protein denaturation.  相似文献   

To determine whether individual cow milking vacuum (within the short milk tube and the liner mouthpiece) could be substituted for milk flow technology to identify delayed (bimodal) milk ejection, and the possible relationship between bimodal milk flow and milk yield, we recorded milking data from 663 Holstein cows on a 3,600-cow Michigan dairy that milked 3 times per day. Overall, delayed milk ejection occurred in 45.6% of the milkings, and 98% of the cows with delayed milk ejection also had bimodal flow. Multivariable analysis revealed that milk yield during each individual cow milking was positively associated with increasing lactation number but negatively associated with increasing days in milk and delayed milk ejection. As the time between unit attachment and the estimated milk letdown (the lag period) increased, milk yield decreased; relative to a lag of <30 s, milk yield decreased by 1.8 and 3.1 kg for lags of 30–59 and ≥60 s, respectively. The final multivariate model had an adjusted coefficient of determination of 0.27. The negative association between delayed milk ejection and decreased milk yield in this study suggested that milking vacuum parameters from individual cows could serve as a useful tool to qualitatively estimate milk flow within a herd and that this information may be used to enhance herd productivity.  相似文献   

Major advances associated with the biosynthesis of milk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mammary gland has an incredible level of organization and a remarkable ability to convert circulating nutrients into milk components. This review highlights four areas of high interest in the biology of milk synthesis where advances over the last quarter-century have resulted in new understanding or revealed new opportunities. First, advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of milk secretion has led to a substantial increase in our knowledge of the intracellular origin of lipid droplets and the identity and potential function of milk fat globule membrane proteins in milk-lipid secretion. Second, recent breakthroughs have advanced our understanding of the nutritional regulation of milk fat and highlighted the interrelations between dietary components, digestive processes in the rumen, and the regulation of mammary synthesis of milk fat. Third, nutritional quality is becoming increasingly important in food choices because of consumer awareness of the links between diet and health. The traditional nutritional value of milk and dairy products is well established, but recent discoveries have identified a number of “bioactive” components in milk with potential to improve human health. Finally, the concept of genetic engineering and the use of animals as “bioreactors” and the “pharming” of proteins not normally found in milk have gained recognition, with the dairy industry ideally suited to take advantage of advances in these areas.  相似文献   

Lactating heifers were treated for 4 weeks with recombinant bovine growth hormone (bGH, n = 9) or were untreated (n = 9). In addition, two mammary glands of each heifer were milked four times daily rather than the normal twice daily for the same 4 weeks, and for the following 2 weeks. Over the 4 weeks, milk yield was increased 12.8% by bGH, 14.0% by frequent milking and 28.5% by the combined treatment. The effect of bGH as administered here was slower in onset than that of frequency, but eventually produced a higher peak yield. ANOVA revealed significant effects of each stimulus independently and an additive, but not synergic effect of the combined treatment. The effect of the combined treatment tended to persist beyond the end of treatment; most of this response was related to the milking frequency component rather than the bGH. Mammary differentiation was assessed in biopsies of mammary tissue obtained prior to and at the end of treatment. Mammary enzyme activities (expressed on a per cell basis) indicated minimal differentiative response to either treatment, but synthesis rates for lactose and casein determined in vitro were increased by bGH treatment. Histological examination revealed a stimulatory effect of milking frequency on epithelial cell size. The results indicate that these two galactopoietic stimuli operate through independent mechanisms, and neither stimulus alone is sufficient to maximize milk yield in dairy heifers.  相似文献   

A Formagraph was used to test the effects of some of the exogenous factors that can affect the processing properties of milk (pH, soluble calcium, rennet concentration, coagulation temperature), and two of the endogenous factors (protein and fat concentration), on the comparative clotting properties of sheep and cows' milk, namely renneting time (r), rate of firming (k20) and curd consistency (A30). A lower pH decreased r and k20 and increased A30 in both sheep and cows' milk. The addition of calcium chloride did not affect the clotting properties of sheep milk, but in cows' milk it decreased r and k20 and increased A30. Increasing the concentration of rennet decreased r and k20 and increased A30 for both sheep and cows' milk. Increasing the coagulation temperature from 30 to 38 °C decreased r for both sheep and cows' milk, but it decreased k20 and increased A30 only in cows' milk. Increasing the protein concentration decreased r in both sheep and cows' milk; it did not affect k20 of sheep milk, but it decreased that of cows' milk and increased A30 in both milks. Increasing the fat concentration had little effect on r and k20 in either sheep cows' milk, but it decreased A30 in both milks. In general, sheep milk had faster renneting times and rates of firming and greater curd consistency than cows' milk, and its clotting properties tended to be less affected by changes in the clotting conditions. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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