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移动组播技术是近几年来无线互联网领域的一个研究热点,其相当一部分应用要求移动环境下也能提供相当于有线链路的可靠性。但是移动环境下的突出特点就是链路差错率高,组播成员位置动态变化,这给移动组播尤其是可靠移动组播提出了很大的挑战。基于IPv4的可靠移动组播算法具有两种不同的设计思想,其中一部分算法是针对现有的移动组播算法存在的问题,进行可靠性方面的改进,另一部分算法是专门用于实现可靠移动组播的,它们大都引入了新的功能实体来保证可靠性。  相似文献   

卫星组播是未来网络通信发展的方向之一,卫星由于其自身独特的特点内在地支持组播,但另一方面又因为大时延和相对复杂的无线信道特性降低了组播业务的可靠性。针对这一问题,在单向链路卫星组播结构基础上,融合分组级FEC和自适应速率技术,提出了一种新的可靠组播协议,经过理论分析可知,新的协议具有较好的差错控制和拥塞控制能力。  相似文献   

可靠的组播通信   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着IP应用对组播可靠性的要求不断提高,国际上很多大学和研究机构在一定的应用背景下提出了可靠组播通信,并开发了各自的解决方案。本文系统地介绍了常见的实现方法并进行分析。  相似文献   

高猛 《电信快报》2006,(3):39-42
文章提出的架构实现了可靠组播的本地传输与拥塞控制(LDCC)的结合。在该架构中,与路由器一起配置的传输和控制服务器(DCS)用于实现LDCC功能。每个DCS及其服务的接受者根据树型拓扑结构形成一个本地DCS域。使用合理的确认过程和缓冲管理,可以在本地有效地使丢失的包得到恢复。此外,使用拥塞控制可以使邻域干扰所引起的整体吞吐量下降最小化。最后使用NS仿真表明LDCC模式可以取得较低的带宽占用率、较小的修复延时和较高的吞吐量。  相似文献   

何永忠  韩臻  李晓勇 《电子学报》2008,36(7):1249-1255
组播是视频会议、协同工作等各种群组应用的基本通讯模式,组播安全性的研究具有重要意义.组播通常构建在不可靠的通讯协议上,因此存在数据包的丢包现象.大多数的组播认证方案不能用于这种环境,其他一些方案的主要目标是针对网络通讯故障引起的随机包丢失情况,而不能抵抗主动攻击.本文提出了抗部分碰撞哈希函数簇的思想,然后利用哈希图和纠错码技术提构造一种在不可靠信道上新的组播认证方案.该方案不仅具有很高的通讯性能和计算性能,并且在存在部分数据包丢失的情况下也可以抵抗主动攻击.本文提出了一种针对该方案特性的不可靠信道组播认证的形式安全模型,并在此安全模型下基于规约技术证明了该方案的安全性.  相似文献   

本介绍了目前可能用于卫星网络的IP组播协议,以及在卫星网络中使用这些协议时需要解决的问题,并对它们进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

卫星本身固有的广播特性为组播传输提供了一种经济有效的方法。该文针对卫星环境特点简要讨论了卫星广域组播技术,分析了卫星可靠组播特点和未来应用需求可能面临的技术挑战。  相似文献   

IP 组播技术是一种可以把单个数据信息同时分发到不同的用户去的网络技术。卫星网络固有的广播信道特性使得它很适合组播应用。然而目前针对卫星网络的可靠组播服务研究很少,虽然已经有一些关于地面Internet组播协议建议,但他们并不适合于卫星网络。在卫星网络组播传输中的一个关键技术是传输协议设计。该文提出一种基于Agent的宽带卫星网络可靠组播传输协议(ASMTP)。该协议利用接收端Agent来实现卫星组播,采用分组级FEC和本地差错恢复纠正传播中的非相关错误和相关错误。在ASMTP中,还实现了流量控制和拥塞控制机制。仿真结果表明,在卫星网络环境中,ASMTP性能优于MFTP(Multicast File Transport Protocol),同时具有较好的网络可扩展性。  相似文献   

可靠组播传输协议设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据SRM(Scalable Reliable Multicast)协议中阐述的原理,详细叙述了IP组播中可靠性的实现原理以及实现机制,并自行设计了一套实现方案,论述了此方案的可行性。  相似文献   

基于网络编码的多跳无线网络可靠组播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多跳无线网络中实现可靠组播面临许多挑战,数据丢失恢复是其中的核心问题之一。该文提出一种基于8GF(2)域的随机线性网络编码的多跳无线网络中高效可靠组播(Network Coding Reliable Multicast,NCRM)算法,克服了XOR编码方式的局限性,将原始数据包划分成不同"代"(generation)进行发送,恢复节点采用随机线性网络编码方式发送编码包,发生丢包的组播组成员发送携带丢包比特向量的NACK(Negative ACKnowledgement),经过邻居恢复、多跳恢复或源端恢复,完成可靠组播过程。该文建立了节点丢失恢复过程的齐次马尔科夫链数学模型,给出理论平均时延和重传跳数。NS2仿真结果验证了理论分析模型的准确性。数值结果表明,与PGM(PragmaticGeneral Multicast)和CoreRM可靠组播协议相比,NCRM算法显著改善了网络吞吐量和丢失恢复延时等性能。  相似文献   

In a wide variety of broadband applications, there is a need to distribute information to a potentially large number of receiver sites that are widely dispersed from each other. Communication satellites are a natural technology option and are extremely well suited for carrying such services because of the inherent broadcast capability of the satellite channel. Despite the potential of satellite multicast, there exists little support for multicast services over satellite networks. Although several multicast protocols have been proposed for use over the Internet, they are not optimized for satellite networks. One of the key multicast components that is affected when satellite networks are involved in the communication is the transport layer. In this paper, we attempt to provide an overview of the design space and the ways in which the network deployment and application requirements affect the solution space for transport layer schemes in a satellite environment. We also highlight some of the issues that are critical in the development of next generation satellite multicast services. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Next generation multibeam SatCom architectures will heavily exploit full frequency reuse schemes along with interference management techniques, eg, precoding or multiuser detection, to drastically increase the system throughput. In this framework, we address the problem of the user selection for multicast precoding by formulating it as a clustering problem. By introducing a novel mathematical framework, we design fixed/variable size clustering algorithms that group users into simultaneously precoded and served clusters while maximising the system throughput. Numerical simulations are used to validate the proposed algorithms and to identify the main system‐level trade‐offs.  相似文献   

The major problem limiting the scalability of large‐scale multicast satellite networks is feedback implosion that arises whenever a large number of users simultaneously transmit feedback messages (FBMs) through the network, thus occupying a significant portion of satellite system resources. In satellite networks operating above 10 GHz, attenuation due to rain constitutes the dominant fading mechanism deteriorating the quality of service. In this paper, a novel scheme for providing large‐scale reliable multicast services through a star‐based geostationary satellite topology is presented incorporating accurate channel modeling of the propagation phenomena. The new protocol is based on the selection of an area representative that provides quick FBMs aiming at suppressing FBMs originating from the rest of the network users. The scheme provides a timely reaction to changes of either the channel conditions or the network topology by properly updating the selection of representatives. Through appropriate simulations, comparisons and examples it is demonstrated that the new approach suppresses FBMs very effectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the multicast transmission for multicast services in high‐throughput satellite (HTS) systems. Considering the multibeam multicast feature of HTSs, cooperative transmission among beams is involved in to improve the efficiency of the multicast transmission. Since the multicast transmission rate depends on the worst user channel state, all the users experience an unreasonably low rate. In this situation, subgrouping techniques are employed to increase transmission rates of users. A subgrouping‐based multicast transmission problem aiming at maximizing the lowest transmission rate of the users is studied to guarantee fairness among users. We formulate the problem as a max–min optimization problem and propose two low‐complex subgrouping algorithms for this problem. Additionally, we also consider multicasting in a single beam and devise a two‐layer transmission scheme for it. In the performance evaluation part, besides the impact of parameters on subgrouping performance, we analyze the performance and the computational complexity of the proposed algorithms. The results indicate that the two subgrouping algorithms can achieve favorable performance with low complexity.  相似文献   

When striving for reliability, multicast protocols are most commonly designed as deterministic solutions. Such an approach seems to make the reasoning about reliability guarantees (traditionally, binary, “all-or-nothing”-like) in the face of packet losses and/or node crashes. It is however precisely this determinism that tends to become a limiting factor when aiming at both reliability and scalability, particularly in highly dynamic networks, e.g., ad hoc networks. Gossip-based multicast protocols appear to be a viable path towards providing multicast reliability guarantees. Such protocols embrace the non-deterministic nature of ad hoc networks, providing analytically predictable probabilistic reliability guarantees at a reasonable overhead.

This paper presents the Route Driven Gossip (RDG) protocol, a gossip-based multicast protocol designed precisely to meet a more practical specification of probabilistic reliability in ad hoc networks. Our RDG protocol can be deployed on any basic on-demand routing protocol, achieving a high level of reliability without relying on any inherent multicast primitive. We illustrate our RDG protocol by layering it on top of the “bare” Dynamic Source Routing protocol, and convey our claims of reliability and scalability through both analysis and simulation.  相似文献   

祝峰  武玲霜  谷源涛 《通信学报》2011,32(6):101-106
以保证可靠分发所需总传输时间为评判标准,在考虑分组头开销的条件下,研究了基于简单反馈重传、RS码(Reed-Solomon code)和LT喷泉码技术的3种多播方案中的有效负载长度选取问题,提出了通过理论分析确定最佳有效负载长度的方法,并以仿真实验进行验证。理论分析和仿真实验表明,对于不同的分组头大小和链路误比特率,各方案的有效负载长度均具有最佳取值;链路误比特率越高,最佳有效负载长度所带来的性能增益越明显。其中,基于LT喷泉码的可靠多播方案性能最优。  相似文献   

RFCs 4761和4762描述了一种基于利用点对点或点对多点单播LSP承载组播流量的VPLS解决方案.对于某些VPLS组播流量配置,这种解决方案有一定局限性.例如,当有大量的组播流量需要传播时,会导致带宽利用严重非最佳化.本文描述的解决方案是为了克服现有VPLS组播解决方案中的一部分局限性.其中描述了在SP网络中利用组播树来实现VPLS组播的过程.该解决方案允许在多个VPLS实例间共享一个这样一棵组播树.此外,本文提出的解决方案还允许SP网络中的一棵单独的组播树承载来自一个或多个VPLS实例的,仅仅属于指定的一个或多个IP组播流集合的流量.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the reliable broadcast and multicast lifetime maximization problems in energy‐constrained wireless ad hoc networks, such as wireless sensor networks for environment monitoring and wireless ad hoc networks consisting of laptops or PDAs with limited battery capacities. In packet loss‐free networks, the optimal solution of lifetime maximization problem can be easily obtained by tree‐based algorithms. In unreliable networks, we formulate them as min–max tree problems and prove them NP‐complete by a reduction from a well‐known minimum degree spanning tree problem. A link quality‐aware heuristic algorithm called Maximum Lifetime Reliable Broadcast Tree (MLRBT) is proposed to build a broadcast tree that maximizes the network lifetime. The reliable multicast lifetime maximization problem can be solved as well by pruning the broadcast tree produced by the MLRBT algorithm. The time complexity analysis of both algorithms is also provided. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can significantly increase the network lifetime compared with the traditional algorithms under various distributions of error probability on lossy wireless links. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙水发  杨扬 《电视技术》2001,(10):91-92
介绍了一个模拟视频会议的流程设计和一个实用的利用Socket进行多播通信的实现流程,以在局域网上实现音频IP多播为例,说明多播技术的应用及其实现方法。  相似文献   

Satellite transmissions are prone to both unintentional and intentional RF interference. Such interference has significant impact on the reliability of packet transmissions. In this paper, we make preliminary steps at exploiting the sensing capabilities of cognitive radios for reliable satellite communications. We propose the use of dynamically adjusted frequency hopping (FH) sequences for satellite transmissions. Such sequences are more robust against targeted interference than fixed FH sequences. In our design, the FH sequence is adjusted according to the outcome of out‐of‐band proactive sensing, carried out by a cognitive radio module that resides in the receiver of the satellite link. Our design, called out‐of‐band sensing‐based dynamic FH, is first analyzed using a discrete‐time Markov chain (DTMC) framework. The transition probabilities of the DTMC are then used to measure the ‘channel stability’, a metric that reflects the freshness of sensed channel interference. Next, out‐of‐band sensing‐based dynamic FH is analyzed following a continuous‐time Markov chain model, and a numerical procedure for determining the ‘optimal’ total sensing time that minimizes the probability of ‘black holes’ is provided. DTMC is appropriate for systems with continuously adjustable power levels; otherwise, continuous‐time Markov chain is the suitable model. We use simulations to study the effects of different system parameters on the performance of our proposed design. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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