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该文尝试解析在市场经济日趋成熟的中国都市中,建筑批评所出现的与以往不同的新特征,从广义和狭义两方面剖析当代建筑批评现象。并依据对于当代建筑批评狭义与广义的讨论将消费文化中建筑批评方法由表及里分为趣味批评与社会文化批评,探讨大众消费文化场景下建筑批评的不同方法,及其对当今建筑学发展的现实意义。  相似文献   

库哈斯是一位在城市规划、建筑设计理论和实践领域都有着深刻见解和个人标识的独特建筑师。他利用其激进的建筑创作思想,富有张力的表现手法,近乎偏执狂的批判反讽叙事强势与传统建筑学形成对立。本文通过对其出版的书目及发表的文章进行梳理,探究其建筑创作的思想策略,以及其在建筑或者方案设计当中的运用。总结库哈斯的建筑创作思想策略对于现代建筑设计及创作的影响及未来城市发展形态的变化。  相似文献   

李东  许铁铖 《建筑师》2010,(6):22-27
本文以刘家琨、都市实践和马达思班三家建筑事务所的作品为主要的分析样本,从概念、材料、形式以及对待传统的态度等四个方面分析当代建筑在最近十余年间的探索与尝试,着力于在纷纭的建筑现象背后批判性地挖掘建筑学的本体问题,并尝试在重置问题后探索当代建筑可能的走向与未来。批评意识是在巨大的知识实践背后推动建筑学发展的动力,在批评视野中,十年民间叙事也许被苛责,但这必将成为一种有意义的思考,在重新定位和排序新的批评伦理中至关重要。  相似文献   

自台湾921与四川512灾后援建后,谢英俊及其常民建筑团队逐渐走入社会公众与建筑同仁的视线。然而,"常民建筑"在社会层面的影响远大于在建筑领域的影响,其思想理念对于当下建筑学深刻批评的价值与意义尚未得到充分挖掘与反思。通过梳理"常民建筑"的思想体系及其隐含的建筑学批评,尝试从建筑价值、建筑设计、建筑教学三方面展开对既有建筑理论体系的讨论与比较,希望借由"常民建筑"对当代建筑学及其教学中的价值偏离、实践偏离等问题进行矫正与补充,让平民与大众化的价值、问题导向的设计美学、应用导向的实战教学回归并构筑完整的建筑学。  相似文献   

基于建筑学在校教学对非专业职业能力培养不足的现状,通过对合肥工业大学历届建筑学专业优秀校友的调查,旨在为建筑学教育明确何为对建筑学学生发展至关重要的非专业职业能力。首先,从校友库中筛选150位合肥工业大学优秀在职校友进行问卷调查,在所获反馈数据的基础上,提炼出若干个对建筑学专业学生影响较大的非专业职业能力的要素。然后在150位优秀校友中筛选出20个核心对象,设计问答题进行针对性访谈,从中提取出最为关键的建筑学非专业职业能力要素——个人表达与人际交往能力、创新能力、自主学习能力和职业规划能力。在与建筑学专业教育者沟通、综合校友意见、参考现有文献的基础上,提出在校教育培养非专业职业能力要素的可能途径。最后,从专业教育的角度,对现有建筑学专业的本科教学安排、利用校友资源协助建筑学子未来发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

在当下的中国建筑评论界,建筑批评的泛社会化已成为一个普遍现象。不少建筑评论家变成了社会批评家乃至新闻传播者,而在他们的视野中建筑的本体表达却消失了。这种游离于建筑专业批评之外的发展导致了中国建筑批评本身的整体失落。本文尝试从90年以来中国建筑批评发展的现象入手,对建筑学理论研究的困境和建筑批判理念的缺失进行了浅要剖析。  相似文献   

通过分析建筑和建筑师、建筑实践和建筑教育、建筑教育和建筑学之间的关系,从感知能力、建造能力、批评能力等方面,总结了建筑课程设计改革的总体方向,使学生的主观能动性得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

德国建筑教育给我们的启迪   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了德国柏林两所学校建筑学专业的教学情况,德国的一些做法值得我们学习和借鉴,本文就建筑学专业的培养目标、师资队伍建设、专业课程设置与考核等问题提出了个人的看法  相似文献   

玄峰 《华中建筑》2001,19(4):24-25
该文对建筑批评学的经典书籍《建筑学的理论和历史》一书的结构与观点作了系统的理论分析,并就该书作了初步简要的评价。  相似文献   

本对1960年代以来出现在西方当代建筑作品中的反讽手法进行剖析,阐述了反讽的含义与结构、反讽手法产生的社会根源,并从建筑本体的角度对反讽手法的形式特征进行了分类与归纳。章最后简要地总结了反讽手法的意义及其对我国当代建筑的启示。  相似文献   

Minsuk Cho , founder of Seoul-based Mass Studies, describes the shifting environment of practice: a world in which curators and clients are already anticipating the way that future architecture will take on a new level of interactivity, responding to personal communication devices. There is a bittersweet flavour to these accounts of projects commissioned by curators that seek to maximise the interactions between the public and the making of pavilions. The irony is sharpened by the urban context of Seoul, a densely populated city in which individuals seek to excise themselves from the relentless interactions of everyday living.  相似文献   

陈昌勇 《建筑与文化》2016,(10):235-237
本文分析国内新建筑语言探索的现状,总结出目前建筑语言探索存在标志性的过度泛滥、参数化的本末倒置和具象化的现实反讽等三方面现象,分析了其中的积极意义以及存在问题,并进行了一定的反思与批判,进而提出一些改善的建议。  相似文献   

目的:探讨心理护理干预对急诊头皮损伤清创缝合的影响。方法:选取头皮清创缝合手术患者60例,随机分为观察组和对照组,对照组30例采取常规护理清创缝合,观察组30例以清创缝合常规护理为基础,并采取心理干预的护理措施,对两组患者并发症发生率、疼痛程度、及患者满意度进行比较。结果:观察组的疼痛率明显较对照组低,观察组患者的并发症发生率明显低于对照组,观察组患者满意度显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在头皮清创缝合中采取心理干预的护理措施,能够使并发症发生率降低,提高患者满意度,降低患者疼痛感,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

<正>Introduction O.Henry is one of the most famous writers in the United States. Most of his works are based on critical reality and reflect on the social problems of the author's era. These novels profoundly reveal the gap between the rich and the poor in society, the cruelty of the capitalist system, and the fragility of morality and humanity. They reflect the author's irony and criticism of the capitalist society at the time, and cruelly reveal the unreasonable capitalist society and unfair social phenomenon. This thesis mainly analyzes the language features of his nov-  相似文献   

The serial form employed by Peter Eisenman and John Hejduk since the late 1960s undermines a representational model of architecture and offers a productive use of repetition of profound consequences for practice and criticism. In light of the argument made by Jacques Derrida and Gilles Deleuze that repetition is not a reiteration of the same but a dynamic process of affirming difference, die lateral repetitions made by Eisenman and Hejduk can be seen to dissolve the distinction between origin and copy, form and idea. These distinctions are preserved, albeit with a sense of irony, in the appropriation of historical examples which is consistently regarded as the defining practice of postmodern architecture. Thus, the series and repetition in Eisenman's and Hejduk's work has consequences for the recent history of architecture in addition to its effects on their subsequent work and the challenges it presents for us now faced with technologies of repetition which take these operations to new speeds and intensities.  相似文献   

The development of British town planning in much of the twentieth century was situated within the modern movement and characterized by the ascendancy of a professional élite who possessed vision, rationality and the desire to bring about change for the good of society. These ‘planning wizards’ championed planning’s cause, promoted the professional basis of the discipline and were central to debates and projects about the physical restructuring of British cities. At the same time, the introduction of early television in Britain enabled the arts and factual programmes to be communicated to a wider audience. Broadcasters found such subjects as planning difficult to convey to a mass audience and various approaches and innovative programming were attempted. One artist who played a pivotal role in developing broadcasts on planning and development was the poet John Betjeman (1906–1984). Betjeman possessed a background in architecture, had been a regular performer on broadcasts on the radio and utilized the new medium of television to campaign for subjects that interested him personally: Georgian and Victorian architecture, old railway stations and the last vestiges of Edwardian Britain. As a skilful player of television and someone who was totally at ease in front of the camera, Betjeman turned many of his television broadcasts into personal statements containing passion and intense irony on those issues he perceived as threatening Britain, and against those in charge of restructuring the state. He may, therefore, be viewed as some sort of alternative planning expert. Attention is paid to two of his television series from the 1960s as brief case studies and the debate is broadened to assess implications for planning and the use of film to convey emotions about planning and places.  相似文献   

现代生态规划对传统城市规划的启迪   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
鄢泽兵  万艳华 《规划师》2004,20(6):71-73
传统的城市规划至少可以从思想和方法两个方面,从现代生态规划中得到启迪。规划思想应从线性思维转向网络性整体思维,从人类中心论转向生态文明观,从以“为经济建设服务”转化为可持续发展。规划方法的启迪有:规划手段应由“硬”变“软”,规划依据应由“自上而下”变为“自下而上”,规划任务应由安排到引导,用地布局应由均质到异质。  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are readily detected in biological samples at remote sites in the Arctic and sub-Arctic due to long-range transport from source areas. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of POPs, polybrominated contaminants and their metabolites in guillemot (Uria aalge) eggs from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway and Sweden to assess spatial trends of these compounds in the Arctic and sub-Arctic areas of Europe. Egg samples were extracted, and cleaned for chemical analysis. Concentrations of PCBs, 4,4′-DDE and β-HCH were an order of magnitude higher in eggs from the Baltic Proper compared to eggs from the North Atlantic. Concentrations of HCB were of the same magnitude at all sites, ranging from 160 to 520 ng/g fat. Concentration of BCPS was 100 times higher in eggs from the Baltic compared to eggs from the North Atlantic and seems therefore to be special regional problem. Concentrations of PBDEs were lower in eggs from the North Atlantic compared to eggs from the Baltic Proper but the difference was not as large as for PCBs and 4,4′-DDE. HBCDD showed the same spatial trend as PCBs, where the concentrations in eggs from the Baltic Proper were an order of magnitude higher than in eggs from the North Atlantic. OH-PCB and MeSO2-PCB metabolites of PCBs, showed the same trend as the parent compounds while spatial trends of MeSO2-DDE and OH-PBDEs, metabolites of 4,4′-DDE and PBDEs, respectively, differed from the trend of the parent compounds. This may be due to two factors; firstly, the limited ability of birds to metabolise DDT, and secondly, to natural production of OH-PBDE, respectively. Guillemot is suggested as a monitoring species for circumpolar monitoring.  相似文献   

经济转轨背景下城市设计的演变历程和规律探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘代云  邱志勇  董禹 《规划师》2008,24(7):91-95
我国经济体制的转轨和建设机制的转型引发了城市设计的演变,促使城市设计在认识论层次上从思想理念向社会实践、从产品主导向过程主导演变,在方法论层次上从指令性控制向弹性引导、从“家长式”管理向制度化管理演变,在价值论层次上从粗放生产向有机生长、从技术工具向价值倡导演变。从总体上说,在经济转轨背景下,我国城市设计呈现从静态到动态、从工具理性到价值理性的演变规律。  相似文献   

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