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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of change in video display terminal (VDT) height from desktop height (96.5 cm [38 in]) to an elevated position (109.2 cm [43 in]) on postural angles of the head and neck and the effect on cervical spine flexion moments. SUBJECTS: Twenty-seven persons (3 male, 24 female) who spent at least 3 hours per day using a computer while seated were the subjects. The subjects had a mean age of 36.7 years (SD=6.0, range=25-47). METHODS: Subjects were photographed over two 10-minute periods while seated using a computer with the VDT at two different heights. Later, a goniometer was used over images to record angles. RESULTS: There was no difference in cervical flexion moment between the two screen positions. Several postural angles of the head and neck showed changes, but the clinical relevance of these changes is questionable. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION: Changing the VDT height from 96.5 to 109.2 cm (floor to midscreen) has no effect on flexion moment on the cervical spine during short periods of VDT operation. If flexion moment is considered a biomechanical indicator of postural stress, it does not appear that the elevated screen position reduces postural stress on the cervical spine during short periods of VDT operation.  相似文献   

Concurrent cigarette smoking and cocaine use is well documented. However, the behavioral pharmacology of cocaine and nicotine combinations is poorly understood, and there is a need for animal models to examine this form of polydrug abuse. The purpose of this study was twofold: first to assess the effects of nicotine on the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine, and second, to study self-administration of nicotine/cocaine combinations in a novel polydrug abuse model. In drug discrimination experiments, nicotine increased the discriminative stimulus effects of low cocaine doses in two of three monkeys, but nicotine did not substitute for cocaine in any monkey. Self-administration of cocaine and nicotine alone, and cocaine + nicotine combinations was studied under a second-order fixed ratio 2, variable ratio 16 (FR2[VR16:S]) schedule of reinforcement. Cocaine and nicotine alone were self-administered in a dose-dependent manner. The combination of marginally reinforcing doses of cocaine and nicotine increased drug self-administration behavior above levels observed with the same dose of either cocaine or nicotine alone. These findings indicate that nicotine may increase cocaine's discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects in rhesus monkeys, and illustrate the feasibility of combining cocaine and nicotine in a preclinical model of polydrug abuse. Further studies of the behavioral effects of nicotine + cocaine combinations will contribute to our understanding the pharmacology of dual nicotine and cocaine dependence, and will be useful for evaluation of new treatment medications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cocaine and heroin often are abused together in a combination known as a "speedball," but relatively little is known about ways in which cocaine and heroin may interact to modify each other's abuse-related effects. The present study evaluated the discriminative stimulus effects of a speedball combination of cocaine and heroin. Three rhesus monkeys were trained to discriminate vehicle from a 10:1 ratio of cocaine (0.4 mg/kg) in combination with heroin (0.04 mg/kg). Both cocaine alone and heroin alone substituted completely for the cocaine/heroin combination, although cocaine and heroin were more potent when administered together than when administered alone. Combined pretreatment with the dopamine antagonist flupenthixol and the opioid antagonist quadazocine dose-dependently antagonized the discriminative stimulus effects of the cocaine/heroin combination, but pretreatment with either antagonist alone was less effective. These findings suggest that either cocaine or heroin alone was sufficient to substitute for the cocaine/heroin training combination. To characterize the discriminative stimulus properties of this speedball more fully, a series of cocaine-like and heroin-like agonists were studied in substitution tests. The indirect dopamine agonists CFT, amphetamine and bupropion and the mu opioid agonists alfentanil, fentanyl and morphine produced high levels of speedball-appropriate responding. However, the indirect dopamine agonist GBR12909, the D1 dopamine agonist SKF82958, the D2 dopamine agonist quinpirole and the partial mu opioid agonist nalbuphine did not substitute for the cocaine/heroin combination. Because these compounds produce discriminative stimulus effects similar to either cocaine or mu opioid agonists alone, these findings suggest that the discriminative stimulus effects of the cocaine/heroin combination do not overlap completely with the effects of cocaine and heroin alone. Finally, a series of compounds that produce partial or no substitution for cocaine or mu agonists alone also did not substitute for the cocaine/heroin combination, which indicates that the discriminative stimulus effects of the combination were pharmacologically selective. Taken together, these findings suggest that a combination of cocaine and heroin produces a pharmacologically selective discriminative stimulus complex that includes aspects of both component drugs.  相似文献   

The phencyclidine (PCP)-like effects of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) competitive antagonist 2R,4R,5S-2-amino-4,5-(1,2-cyclohexyl)-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (NPC 17742) were evaluated in three behavioral tests in rhesus monkeys. The discriminative stimulus properties of NPC 17742 (2-24 mg/kg, i.m.) were tested in four rhesus monkeys trained to discriminate PCP from saline under a fixed-ratio (FR) 50 schedule of food reinforcement. In three of the monkeys, NPC 17742 showed complete substitution for PCP at doses which did not decrease rates of responding. Intravenous self-administration of NPC 17742 (50-800 micrograms/kg/infusion) was tested under a FR schedule of reinforcement in four monkeys trained to lever press for infusions of PCP. At least one dose of NPC 17742 functioned as a reinforcer in two of the monkeys. A second self-administration study, employing a 10 min fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, was performed in three monkeys trained to self-administer PCP during three daily sessions. Compared with PCP, NPC 17742 (0.4-1.6 mg/kg/infusion) maintained very low rates of responding; NPC 17742 could not be clearly established as a reinforcer in this procedure. The data show that NPC 17742 has some PCP-like behavioral effects, and may function as a weak reinforcer in some subjects under specific conditions. The results provide further evidence that both similarities and differences exist between the behavioral effects of PCP and competitive NMDA antagonists.  相似文献   

Rats were exposed to a diet containing 100 ppm cadmium chloride or a control diet. At 52 days of exposure, rats were trained to discriminate between saline and 5 mg/kg cocaine injections. After acquisition training, successive substitution tests were conducted using cocaine, the indirect dopamine agonist d-amphetamine, the mixed D?-D? agonist apomorphine, SKF 38393 and SKF 82958 (both preferential D? agonists), quinpirole (a preferential D? agonist), GBR 12909 (a dopamine reuptake inhibitor), procaine (a local anesthetic), and morphine (an opiate). The results showed that cadmium-exposed rats were slower to acquire the saline–cocaine discrimination than controls. Moreover, cadmium contamination reduced substitution when apomorphine, SKF 82958, and GBR 12909 were presented during generalization testing. Also, cadmium exposure blocked tolerance to cocaine that was evident in control rats following 14 days of exposure to 60 mg/kg/day cocaine. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mu opioid receptor agonists are clinically valuable as analgesics; however, their use is limited by high abuse liability. Kappa opioid agonists also produce antinociception, but they do not produce mu agonist-like abuse-related effects, suggesting that they may enhance the antinociceptive effects and/or attenuate the abuse-related effects of mu agonists. To evaluate this hypothesis, the present study examined interactions between the mu agonist fentanyl and the kappa agonist U69,593 in three behavioral assays in rhesus monkeys. In an assay of schedule-controlled responding, monkeys responded under a fixed-ratio 30 (FR 30) schedule of food presentation. Fentanyl and U69,593 each produced rate-decreasing effects when administered alone, and mixtures of 0.22:1, 0.65:1, and 1.96:1 U69,593/fentanyl usually produced subadditive effects. In an assay of thermal nociception, tail withdrawal latencies were measured from water heated to 50 °C. Fentanyl and U69,593 each produced dose-dependent antinociception, and effects were additive for all mixtures. In an assay of drug self-administration, rhesus monkeys responded for intravenous drug injection, and both dose and FR values were manipulated. Fentanyl maintained self-administration, whereas U69,593 did not. Addition of U69,593 to fentanyl produced a proportion-dependent decrease in rates of fentanyl self-administration. Moreover, addition of U69,593 increased the sensitivity of fentanyl self-administration to increases in the FR value. Taken together, these results suggest that simultaneous activation of mu and kappa receptors, either with a mixture of selective drugs or with a single drug that targets both receptors, may reduce abuse liability without reducing analgesic effects relative to selective mu agonists administered alone. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Modafinil is a central nervous system stimulant used to promote wakefulness, and it is being evaluated clinically as an agonist medication for treating stimulant abuse. This is the first report of the effects of modafinil on the abuse-related effects of cocaine in nonhuman primates. The behavioral effects of modafinil were examined in three studies. First, the discriminative stimulus effects of modafinil (3.2–32 mg/kg) were evaluated in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) trained to discriminate either low (0.18 mg/kg, IM) or high (0.4 mg/kg, IM) doses of cocaine from saline. Modafinil dose-dependently substituted for cocaine in 6 of 7 monkeys. In the second study, the effects of chronically administered modafinil (32–56 mg/kg/day, IV) on food- and cocaine-maintained (0.001–0.1 mg/kg/inj) operant responding were examined. Modafinil was administered 3 times/hr for 23 hr/day to ensure stable drug levels. Chronic treatment with 32 mg/kg/day modafinil selectively reduced responding maintained by intermediate and peak reinforcing doses of cocaine, but responding maintained by higher doses of cocaine was unaffected. Food-maintained behavior did not change during chronic modafinil treatment. In a third study, modafinil (32 and 56 mg/kg/day, IV) was examined in a reinstatement model. Modafinil transiently increased responding during extinction. These findings indicate that modafinil shares discriminative stimulus effects with cocaine and selectively reduces responding maintained by reinforcing doses of cocaine. In addition, modafinil reinstated cocaine-seeking behavior, which may reflect its cocaine-like discriminative stimulus effects. These data support clinical findings and indicate that these preclinical models may be useful for predicting the effectiveness of agonist medications for drug abuse treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present, subjective value of a reinforcer typically decreases as a function of the delay to its receipt, a phenomenon termed delay discounting. Delay discounting, which is assumed to reflect impulsivity, is hypothesized to play an important role in drug abuse. The present study examined delay discounting of cocaine injections by rhesus monkeys. Subjects were studied on a discrete-trials task in which they chose between 2 doses of cocaine: a smaller, immediate dose and a larger, delayed dose. The immediate dose varied between 0.012 and 0.4 mg/kg/injection, whereas the delayed dose was always 0.2 mg/kg/injection and was delivered after a delay that varied between 0 and 300 s in different conditions. At each delay, the point at which a monkey chose the immediate and delayed doses equally often (i.e., the ED50) provided a measure of the present, subjective value of the delayed dose. Dose-response functions for the immediate dose shifted to the left as delay increased. The amount of the immediate dose predicted to be equal in subjective value to the delayed dose decreased as a function of the delay, and hyperbolic discounting functions provided good fits to the data (median R2 = .86). The current approach may provide the basis for an animal model of the effect of delay on the subjective value of drugs of abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Orally delivered cocaine was established as a reinforcer for 8 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Initially, each monkey was given a choice between the water vehicle and a 0.2 mg/ml cocaine concentration. The 0.2 mg/ml solution was not consumed in preference to water. One or more acquisition procedures were used with each monkey to establish orally delivered cocaine as a reinforcer. A common feature of all but one procedure was environmental situations that lead to the elective drinking of the cocaine solution. Evidence confirming the establishment of cocaine's reinforcing effects was obtained by testing each monkey across a broad range of cocaine concentrations under conditions of concurrent access to the cocaine solution and vehicle. Over a range of concentrations, the monkeys obtained greater cocaine than vehicle deliveries. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Twelve rats were trained to press one lever after cocaine injection (3 mg/kg i.p.) and another lever after saline injection. Once rats were reliably discriminating cocaine from saline, other drugs were examined for their efficacies in substituting for cocaine. The dopamine uptake inhibitors WIN 35,428 [2-beta-carbomethoxy-3-beta-(4-fluorophenyl)tropane-1,5-naphthalene - disulfonate] and GBR 12909 (1-[2-bis(4-fluorophenyl)methoxy]ethyl]-4-[3- phenylpropyl]piperazine dihydrochloride) fully substituted for cocaine (cocaine responding > 80%), whereas the peripherally active cocaine methiodide and the 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibitor fluoxetine did not substitute at all. Pentobarbital also failed to produce any cocaine-appropriate responding. Two selective norepinephrine uptake inhibitors were tested: tomoxetine fully substituted for the 3-mg/kg dose of cocaine and nisoxetine approached full substitution (79.7% cocaine responding). The direct-acting dopamine D-1 agonists SKF 38393 [(+-)-7-bromo-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-be nzazepin e HCl], SKF 77434 [(+-)-7,8-dihydroxy-3-allyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-benzazepine HCl] and SKF 75670 [3-methyl-7,8-dihydroxyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benza zep ine HBr] fully substituted for cocaine, whereas the peripherally active dopamine D-1 agonist fenoldopam did not. Of four dopamine D-2 agonists tested, only quinpirole fully substituted; the others (N-0434 [(+-)-2-(N-propyl-N-phenylethylamino)-5-hydroxytetralin], (-)-NPA [R(-)-propylnorapomorphine HCl] and SDZ 208-912 (N-[(8-)-2,6-dimethylergoline-8-yl]-2,2-dimethyl-propanamide)) produced very limited partial substitution (cocaine responding < 32%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study characterized discriminative stimulus and other effects of naltrexone in rhesus monkeys treated daily with the long-acting opioid l-alpha acetylmethadol (LAAM). An initial dose-finding study assessed the rate-decreasing effects of naltrexone in three monkeys receiving LAAM daily (0.32-1.78 mg/kg); subsequently, these monkeys and a fourth received 1.0 mg/kg/12 hr of LAAM although discriminating between naltrexone and saline. Responding occurred on the saline lever after the administration of LAAM, whereas >90% drug-lever responding occurred after the administration of 0.1 mg/kg of naltrexone that also elicited signs of withdrawal. Naloxone and quadazocine, but not morphine, nalbuphine or ketamine, substituted for naltrexone. Morphine and nalbuphine shifted the naltrexone dose-effect curve to the right. Compared to precipitated withdrawal, deprivation-induced withdrawal occasioned less naltrexone-lever responding and fewer observable signs of withdrawal. Maximal naltrexone-level responding occurred 24 to 48 hr after the discontinuation of LAAM treatment; the frequency of other withdrawal signs also peaked 24 to 48 hr after the discontinuation of LAAM. Partial naltrexone-lever responding occurred for up to 10 days after discontinuation of LAAM treatment; 4 and 8 days after the discontinuation of LAAM treatment, 0.1 mg/kg of naltrexone did no further increase naltrexone-lever responding or withdrawal signs suggesting that less-then-maximal naltrexone-lever responding was not due to long-lasting effects of LAAM or its metabolites. The discriminative stimuli that are associated with LAAM deprivation might be different from the stimuli associated with either training condition. This study is the first antagonist discrimination in non-humans primates treated chronically with LAAM and the results indicate that the naltrexone stimulus is related to opioid withdrawal.  相似文献   

This study characterized the antinociceptive, respiratory and heart rate effects of the cannabinoid receptor agonists Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) and WIN 55212 ((R)-(+)-2, 3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-[(4-morpholinyl)methyl]pyrol-[1,2,3-de]-1, 4-benzoxazin-6-yl)(1-naphtalenyl)methanone monomethanesulfonate), N-arachidonyl ethanolamide (anandamide) and the mu and kappa opioid receptor agonists heroin and U69593, alone and in conjunction with a cannabinoid receptor antagonist, SR 141716A [N-(piperidin-1-1-yl)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1(2, 4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide hydrochloride] and an opioid receptor antagonist, quadazocine, in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Using 12 adult rhesus monkeys, latencies to remove the tail from a 50 degrees C water bath, respiration in 5% CO2 and heart rate were measured. When administered alone, SR 141716A (1.8, 5.6 mg/kg i.m.) did not alter nociception, respiration or heart rate. Delta-9-THC (0.1-10 mg/kg i.m.) and WIN 55212 (0.1-10 mg/kg i.m.) dose-dependently increased antinociception and dose-dependently decreased respiratory minute and tidal volumes and heart rate. These antinociceptive, respiratory and heart rate effects were reversed by SR 141716A but not by the opioid antagonist quadazocine (1 mg/kg i.m.). Anandamide (10 mg/kg i.m.) also produced antinociception. Heroin (0.01-10 mg/kg i.m.) and U69593 (0.01-3.2 mg/kg i.m.) also dose-dependently increased antinociception and decreased respiratory and heart rate measures; these effects were antagonized by quadazocine but not by SR 141716A. These results demonstrate selective and reversible antagonism of cannabinoid behavioral effects by SR 141716A in rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 examined the effects of punishment on the discriminative stimulus (DS) effects of midazolam (M) and pentobarbital (P) in 3 pigeons. Sessions began with a fixed-interval (Fl) 3-min schedule of food reinforcement. After 40 min, either saline (S) or 0.56 mg/kg of M was injected. A drug-discrimination (DD) component began 10 min later. Pecking the left key produced grain after S injections, whereas pecking the right key produced grain after M. Dose-response curves for M and P were obtained under these conditions and also when every 30th peck during the Fl was punished by shock. The introduction of punishment increased sensitivity to the DS effects of M and P. Experiment 2 examined whether a punishment history increases sensitivity to the DS effects of M. After DD training and testing, pecking was punished for 10 sessions. This history shifted the M dose-response curve to the left for 3 of 4 pigeons. These results emphasize the contribution of behavioral variables to the DS effects of drugs. Environmental variables appear to play a prominent role in guiding sensitivity to the subjective effects of drugs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bupropion, a tobacco-cessation product, shares discriminative stimulus effects with cocaine and methamphetamine. The discriminative stimulus effects of these drugs, in turn, overlap with those of nicotine. This study investigated the overlap in discriminative stimulus effects of bupropion and nicotine. Rats were trained to discriminate 0.4 mg/kg (-)-nicotine from saline in 2-lever drug discrimination. Both nicotine and bupropion substituted for nicotine: however nicotine's effects were blocked by the nicotinic antagonist mecamylamine, whereas those of bupropion were not. These results suggest that bupropion may be producing its nicotine-like discriminative stimulus effect though a different mechanism that nicotine. Give bupropion's shared pharmacology with dopamine transport inhibitors, these effects may be produced in part through bupropion's actions on dopaminergic neurotransmission. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of several opioid agonists and antagonists in rats trained to discriminate cocaine (10 mg/kg) from saline in a two-lever, food-reinforced, discrimination task. Neither fentanyl, a mu agonist, nor the delta agonist BW 373U86 elicited cocaine-appropriate responding. Although pretreatment with fentanyl failed to alter the discriminative stimulus effects of low doses of cocaine, cocaine reversed the rate-suppressant effects of fentanyl. Although the kappa agonist U50,488H decreased response rates, it did not substitute for cocaine. Injection of U50,488H in combination with the training dose of cocaine (10 mg/kg) reversed the rate-suppressant effects of U50,488H but failed to affect the cocaine cue. Administration of U50,488H (3 mg/kg), in conjunction with several doses of cocaine, did not shift the cocaine dose-response curve. Naltrindole and naltrexone, delta and mu antagonists respectively, did not block the effects of cocaine. Further, naltrindole did not substitute for the cocaine cue. Complete generalization was observed to the dopamine uptake inhibitor bupropion (30 mg/kg). These results suggest that fentanyl and U50,488H, at doses that purportedly influence mesolimbic dopamine levels, do not alter the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine. Moreover, activation of delta receptors and blockade of mu and delta receptors are similarly ineffective.  相似文献   

Preschool antecedents of the use of defense mechanisms were longitudinally studied using data from 90 nursery school children who were again evaluated at age 23. Defense use was determined by coding Thematic Apperception Test (H.A. Murray, 1943) stories with a method previously shown to be reliable and valid. The findings indicated continuity between preschool personality and subsequent defense use for male participants but little continuity for female participants. Young men's use of the age-inappropriate defense of denial was predicted by indications at ages 3-4 of low ego resiliency and psychological difficulties in the areas of emotion, intellect, impulse control, and social interactions.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the rate of punished lever pressing of monkeys is typically decreased by cocaine administration. However, cocaine increases punished responding in monkeys with a history of responding maintained by the postponement of shock presentation. This raises the question of whether other behavioral effects of cocaine differ following a history of postponing shock. The present experiment examined whether a history of postponing shock alters the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine. Three squirrel monkeys were trained to discriminate cocaine (0.56 mg/kg, intramuscular) from saline. Presses on the left lever produced food following saline injections whereas presses on the right lever were reinforced following administration of cocaine. Occasional test sessions were conducted in which cocaine (0.1-0.56 mg/kg), midazolam (0.03-0.56 mg/kg) or pentobarbital (0.3-5.6 mg/kg) was injected prior to the session and responding on either lever was reinforced. Discrimination training was discontinued during a second experimental phase in which responding was maintained by shock postponement. Pulling a chain postponed mild shocks for 25 s, whereas shocks occurred every 5 s in the absence of responding. Next, the drug discrimination dose-response curves were redetermined. The dose-response curves for all drugs before and after the shock postponement history were similar. This outcome suggests that the influence of a history of shock postponement is specific to punished responding.  相似文献   

Because self-administration and discrimination of a drug by animals correlate with its abuse and subjective effects in humans, interventions that modify the reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of the drug may be useful in the treatment of its abuse. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of the putative dopamine autoreceptor antagonist (+)-AJ76 (AJ) or the atypical antipsychotic clozapine (CLZ) on the reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in monkeys. One group of rhesus monkeys (n = 6) was allowed to self-administer cocaine (0.03 or 0.1 mg/kg/injection i.v. fixed-ratio 10, 2 hr/day). A second group of monkeys (n = 5) was trained to discriminate cocaine (0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg i.m., 10 min presession) from saline in a two lever, food-reinforced, drug discrimination paradigm. When behavior was stable, AJ or CLZ was administered i.m., 15 or 30 min presession. Intermediate doses of both compounds (1.0-3.0 mg/kg of AJ; 0.3-1.0 mg/kg of CLZ) increased cocaine self-administration, while responding remained evenly distributed over the session. A higher dose of CLZ decreased cocaine self-administration in an apparently nonspecific manner. When combined with saline, partial substitution for cocaine was seen in one of three monkeys with AJ and in none with CLZ. In combination with the training dose of cocaine in the discrimination experiment, both AJ and CLZ decreased drug appropriate responding by at least 50% in two of four monkeys, but had little or no effect in the other monkeys up to doses that completely suppressed lever pressing (6.4 mg/kg of AJ; 3.2 mg/kg of CLZ). Taken together, the present findings suggest that any blockade of the reinforcing and discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine by AJ and CLZ was, at best, partial. Furthermore, the stimulant effects of AJ observed in rats were not prominent in monkeys.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects of the nonpeptidic delta opioid agonist SNC80 and a series of related piperazinyl benzamides derived from the parent compound BW373U86 were evaluated in rhesus monkeys. SNC80 (0.1-10 mg/kg) decreased response rates maintained by food-reinforcement in a dose- and time-dependent manner, with maximal effects occurring within 10 min of intramuscular injection. The potency of SNC80 and five other piperazinyl benzamides in this assay of schedule-controlled responding correlated with their affinity at cloned human delta opioid receptors but not with their affinity for cloned human mu receptors. Moreover, the effects of SNC80 were selectively antagonized by the delta-selective antagonist naltrindole (1.0 mg/kg), but not by the mu selective antagonist quadazocine (0.1 mg/kg) or the kappa-selective antagonist norbinaltorphimine (3.2 mg/kg). These findings indicate that SNC80 functions as a systemically active, delta-selective agonist with a rapid onset of action in rhesus monkeys. The antinociceptive effects of SNC80 were examined in a warm-water tail-withdrawal assay of thermal nociception. SNC80 (0.1-10 mg/kg) produced weak but replicable antinociceptive effects that were antagonized by naltrindole (1.0 mg/kg). SNC80 antinociception was also dose-dependently antagonized by BW373U86 (0.56-1.0 mg/kg), which was inactive in this procedure. These findings suggest that SNC80 may have higher efficacy than BW373U86 at delta opioid receptors. Moreover, SNC80 at doses up to 32 mg/kg did not produce convulsions, which suggests that SNC80 may also be safer than BW373U86. The effects of SNC80 were also examined in monkeys trained to discriminate cocaine (0.4 mg/kg i.m.) or self-administer cocaine (0.032 mg/kg/injection,i.v.). In drug discrimination studies, SNC80 (0.1-10 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent and naltrindole-reversible increase in cocaine-appropriate responding, and complete substitution for cocaine was observed in five of seven monkeys tested. However, SNC80 (1.0-100 micrograms/kg/injection) did not maintain responding in monkeys trained to self-administer cocaine. Thus, despite its ability to produce cocaine-like discriminative stimulus effects, SNC80 may have relatively low abuse potential.  相似文献   

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