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Splenic rupture is the most frequent intraabdominal injury following blunt abdominal trauma. Massive hemorrhage commonly occurs from injuries to this friable vascular organ. The mortality rate from simple splenic rupture is 1%. Delayed diagnosis of a ruptured spleen increases the rate to 10%. During 1964-79, 293 patients underwent splenectomy for blunt splenic injury, of whom 278 were operated on within 24 h. All had typical signs of splenic lacerations with intraperitoneal bleeding from the time of injury. Fifteen patients were operated on more than 48 h after sustaining the injury. A detailed analysis of these 15 patients revealed that in only three did the evidence support delayed hemorrhage following traumatic rupture of the spleen. In the other 12 patients, there was a delay in recognition of the intraabdominal injury, almost entirely the result of "diagnostic error." Careful clinical inquiry and peritoneal lavage are the mainstays of early diagnosis and therapy and should help to eliminate any delay in the diagnosis of a ruptured spleen.  相似文献   

This review will examine issues related to the validity of memories of child abuse in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). A large body of research has shown that all memories are distorted by cognitive schema, and that "recovered memories" may be particularly unreliable. Empirical findings on trauma in BPD will be reviewed, as well as the difficulties in verifying trauma histories. Evidence will be examined suggesting that borderline patients have a distorted perception of interpersonal events. Clinical recommendations will be made for the evaluation of memories of abuse in patients with BPD.  相似文献   

The semantic interference effect in the picture–word interference task is interpreted as an index of lexical competition in prominent speech production models. Janssen, Schirm, Mahon, and Caramazza (2008) challenged this interpretation on the basis of experiments with a novel version of this task, which introduced a task-switching component. Participants either named the picture or read the word, depending on the word's color. Janssen et al. reported semantic interference in picture naming, regardless of whether the word appeared simultaneously with the picture (immediate naming) or 1,000 ms after the picture (delayed naming). Because picture name retrieval is completed in less than 1,000 ms, the finding in delayed naming was taken as evidence against the lexical competition account. In 3 sets of experiments conducted in German and English, we tested for semantic effects in Janssen et al.'s task-switching version and in the standard picture–word interference task. Using identical materials, we obtained sizeable interference effects in the standard task (Experiments 2, 4, and 6) but no effects in the task-switching version (Experiments 1, 3, and 5). When the word reading trials of the task-switching version were replaced with no-go trials (Experiment 7), semantic interference reemerged in immediate naming but was still absent in delayed naming. The experiments question the reliability of Janssen et al.'s critical finding and suggest that theoretical inferences about the origin of semantic effects in the standard picture–word interference task based on results from the task-switching version used by Janssen et al. are difficult to draw. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 80(3) of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (see record 2007-17568-001). The key coefficients on the diagonal paths were incorrect. The corrected figures in their entirety appear in the erratum.] This research tests a model suggesting that marital distress leads individuals to scrutinize of what is given and received in the relationship. This scrutiny elicits perceptions of unfairness that maintain or exacerbate marital distress. In a 3-panel longitudinal study tracking married couples across the transition to parenthood, both wives' and husbands' reports of marital conflict and wives' marital dissatisfaction at Time 1 positively predicted perceived unfairness of the allocation of household tasks at Time 2, controlling for earlier perceptions of unfairness. In addition, there was evidence of perceived unfairness of division of labor at Time 2 predicting marital conflict and marital dissatisfaction for wives at Time 3, controlling for earlier conflict and dissatisfaction. This model of relationship distress and perceptions of unfairness is contrasted with prior interpretations of links between perceived injustice and distress in relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Man's conception of nature is a historically dated phenomenon. Thus the recent development of infectious diseases in industrialized countries could either be a real phenomenon or simply an artifact related to our current conception of medical progress and research. Is the return of infectious disease a natural process or has modern civilization been less prudent than its predecessors? What are the characteristic features of modern pathogenesis? Are these "changes" the result of some natural dynamics or an evolution in our means of investigation? Modern civilization has not invented technological deviation or diseases of civilization, phenomena well know in the past, but what is new is the fact that science today, with an ever growing amount of information on molecular epidemiology, is still raising questions about infection, recognized new unsuspected forms of the living world which do not fit into our well-knitted outline of infectious agents. We have applied our simplistic and mechanistic schemas designed for the timespan of human life to the evolutionary processes. The effects of evolution and history are thus combined today in a novel way composing a new future for infectious diseases. This new way of looking at infectious diseases is not totally natural nor totally historical. It is perhaps an epistemological revolution going on within epidemiology. The return of infections disease would appear to have a direct effect on magnifying the knowledge and the delinquency of our culture.  相似文献   

An interview study was conducted in which women's experiences of diagnosis and treatment for depression were explored. Nine women (aged 19–66 yrs) who had been diagnosed by a physician participated in the study. Topics explored in the interview included how women came to be diagnosed as depressed, how treatment was experienced, how they understood the causes of their depression, and how being diagnosed had affected their view of themselves and their futures. Analysis involved a thematic approach guided by the topics addressed in the interview. The women's accounts also were analyzed with respect to the themes of medicalization and empowerment. All of the participants gave medicalized accounts of their depressive experiences, which were characterized by biomedical explanations and identification of anti-depressant drugs as beneficial in alleviating their distress. Based on this analysis of the women's accounts, it is concluded that a medicalized understanding and treatment of women's depressive experiences cannot readily co-exist with personal empowerment. Suggestions are made for developing strategies for treatment of women's depressive experiences that offer the benefits of medicalization without precluding the possibility of personal empowerment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Disproportionate placement of African American and Hispanic students into disability and special education categories may result from true behavioral and cognitive differences, bias in assessment and referral, or some combination of the two. Studies of commonly used ADHD rating scales suggest teacher bias may contribute to placement discrepancies. This investigation compared teacher ratings of ADHD symptoms on the Conner's Teacher Rating Scale-Revised Long Version (CTRS-R:L; Conners, 1997) and the ADHD-IV: School Version (DuPaul, Power, Anastopoulous, & Reid, 1998), with objective classroom observations from the Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools code (BOSS; Shapiro, 2003). Participants were first through fourth grade students (N = 172; 120 male) classified as Caucasian (n = 112) or ethnic minority (17 African American, 38 Hispanic, 5 African American and Hispanic). Contrary to hypothesis, results showed teacher ratings of ethnic minority students were more consistent with direct observation data than were ratings of Caucasian students. Findings suggest teacher ratings of ethnic minority students may more accurately reflect true behavioral levels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The history of laparoscopy illustrates the interaction between the many areas of medicine and technology; in fact, the development of that technique is a cumulative effort of internists, gynecologists, and surgeons. At the beginning of our century, however, neither group was particularly open to the idea of scholarly exchange. In this respect, an early pioneer of laparoscopy, Georg Kelling (1866-1945) of Dresden and the story surrounding the invention of the laparoscopy are interesting exceptions. Although Kelling regarded himself a surgeon, he devoted a great deal of energy to the development of "nonsurgical" methods of treatment. He spent a great part of his life determining stomach capacity, constructing a semiflexible tube endoscope (straightened after the insertion), and attempting to alleviate gastrointestinal bleeding by means of high-pressure pneumoperitoneum (lufttamponade). To observe the effects of insufflation on abdominal organs, Kelling introduced a cystoscope into the abdominal cavity. In fact, the invention of "celioscopy" or laparoscopy (1901) can be called a synthesis of Kelling's work with insufflation and his fascination with endoscopy.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 36(1) of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (see record 2010-02315-003). In the article “Learned predictiveness effects in humans: A function of learning, performance, or both?” by M. E. Le Pelley, M. B. Suret, and T. Beesley (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, 312–327), an incorrect equation was printed. The correct version of Equation 2 is: Δαp > 0 if |λ - Vp| VQ| and Δαp Vp| > |λ - VQ|.] Many previous studies of animal and human learning indicate a processing advantage for cues previously experienced as good predictors of outcomes over those experienced as poorer predictors. Four studies of human associative learning investigated whether learned predictiveness acts at the level of learning (modulating the rate at which cue–outcome associations form), performance (modulating the strength of behavioral responses), or both. In Experiments 1–3, it was found that retrospectively altering the learned predictiveness of cues influenced responding to those cues, demonstrating that learned predictiveness influences performance. Experiment 4 indicates that learned predictiveness also influences learning by demonstrating that the learned predictiveness of a cue affects the acquisition of an association between a novel cue and the outcome with which it is paired. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: The general goal of this study was to advance our understanding of Type 2 diabetes (T2D)-cognition relationships in older adults by linking and testing comprehensive sets of potential moderators, potential mediators, and multiple cognitive outcomes. Method: We identified in the literature 13 health-related (but T2D-distal) potential covariates, representing four informal domains (i.e., biological vitality, personal affect, subjective health, lifestyle activities). Cross-sectional data from the Victoria Longitudinal Study (age range = 53–90 years; n = 41 T2D and n = 458 control participants) were used. We first examined whether any of the 13 potential covariates influenced T2D-cognition associations, as measured by a comprehensive neuropsychological battery (15 measures). Next, using standard regression-based moderator and mediator analyses, we systematically tested whether the identified covariates would significantly alter observed T2D-cognition relationships. Results: Six potential covariates were found to be sensitive to T2D associations with performance on seven cognitive measures. Three factors (systolic blood pressure, gait-balance composite, subjective health) were significant mediators. Each mediated multiple cognitive outcomes, especially measures of neurocognitive speed, executive functioning, and episodic memory. Conclusions: Our findings offer a relatively comprehensive perspective of T2D-related cognitive deficits, comorbidities, and modulating influences. The implications for future research reach across several fields of study and application. These include (1) neuropsychological research on neural and biological bases of T2D-related cognitive decline, (2) clinical research on intervention and treatment strategies, and (3) larger-scale longitudinal studies examining the potential multilateral and dynamic relationships among T2D status, related comorbidities, and cognitive outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Estradiol levels in girls with premature thelarche have not previously been well defined because of the lack of adequate sensitivity of previously available estradiol assays. The ultrasensitive recombinant cell bioassay for estradiol has made the study of estradiol levels in premature thelarche possible. We hypothesized that girls with premature thelarche have higher estradiol levels than normal prepubertal girls. STUDY DESIGN: We used an ultrasensitive recombinant cell bioassay to study estradiol levels in 20 girls with premature thelarche and 15 normal prepubertal girls less than 3 years of age. The 2 groups were compared by Student t test. RESULTS: Estradiol levels were significantly greater in the girls with premature thelarche (8.4 4. 5 pmol/L estradiol equivalents) than in the normal prepubertal girls (3.3 3.5 pmol/L estradiol equivalents; P <.01). The estradiol level was not significantly correlated with age, height, weight, body mass index, age at onset of thelarche, or the presence or absence of ovarian cysts. CONCLUSION: Girls with premature thelarche have significantly higher estradiol levels than normal prepubertal girls. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanism of premature thelarche involves increased estradiol levels rather than increased sensitivity of breast tissue to normal estradiol levels.  相似文献   

In the New Truck Problem, a role playing case, George, the senior man, receives the truck most often. What happens when he is absent? George received the new truck in 48.5% of 103 student groups who role-played the standard case, but in 73.2% of the 41 groups where he was absent (p difference  相似文献   

Attempted to assess the validity of the phenomenon of "animal neurosis." The behavior of 14 cats exposed to the type of conflict specified by J. Masserman as critical to the development of "experimental neurosis" was contrasted with that of 14 cats simply confined in the conditioning apparatus for the same length of time. Comparison of the groups on the basis of the "symptoms" Masserman considered neurotic did not yield any evidence of neurotic behavior. It is concluded that cats do not become neurotic following exposure to conflict and that Masserman's findings are best explained as artifacts of the experimental procedures employed. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three patients with pathologically verified spinal osteomyelitis and another three with metastatic tumors of the spine were investigated. MRI of th spine of four patients showed several unusual findings. The preservation of intervertebral discs and endplates did not predict accurately the diagnosis of either infections or tumors. The "pepper and salt" appearing feature may also occur in a metastatic tumor. Plain radiographs, CT, and radioisotope bone scans were less sensitive than MRI to disclose the lesions. In cases of osteomyelitis, the systemic sources of infections were frequently not found, and the responsible microorganisms could not be identified even from the surgical specimens of two patients. However, mycobacterium tuberculosis was found in the surgical specimen of a patient with cervical spinal lesion whose MRI was indistinguishable from a metastatic tumor. Surgicopathological diagnosis was therefore crucial and mandatory in these instances.  相似文献   

The study proposed to answer three questions: "1. Is superior recall of successes in an intelligence test situation (S-recall) a function of selective forgetting (repression) of failures or selective learning in favor of successes? 2. Is superior recall of failures in this situation (F-recall) a function of selective remembering or selective learning in favor of failures? 3. Is there a mnemonic reaction to the test as a whole?" Findings indicate that: "1. Both the S- and f-recall tendencies were due to a selective learning rather than a selective remembering mechanism. 2. A repression was demonstrated for S-recallers with regard to the stress situation as a whole. 3. A comparable process of enhanced retention of the total stress situation was not demonstrated for F-recallers; rather the effect here was due to enhanced registration." Implications of results are discussed. It is suggested that "experimental tests of repression… fulfill a criterion of cognitive relevance of test materials." 23 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments examined how sensory acuity affects age differences in susceptibility to interference in the reading-with-distraction task. In both experiments, older and younger adults read texts in an italic font and were required to ignore distractor words in an upright font. Experiment 1 examined whether the age-related increase in distractibility can be simulated in younger adults by reducing their visual acuity. Experiment 2 investigated whether the age differences in distractibility disappear if visual acuity is equated across all participants in both age groups. Both experiments showed that an impairment in visual acuity leads to increased interference in the reading-with-distraction task. However, older adults were much more impaired by the distractor material than younger adults with reduced visual acuity (Experiment 1). The age differences in the reading-with-distraction task persisted when visual acuity was equated between older and younger adults (Experiment 2). We conclude that the age-related increase in susceptibility to interference in the reading-with-distraction task is not solely due to perceptual deficits of older adults but arises from a deficit in higher cognitive processes such as inhibitory attention. Nevertheless, sensory acuity has to be taken into account as a potential confounding factor in perceptually demanding visual attention tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Lehman in Age and Achievement provides data in the form of works cited in histories of art, science, and other fields and finds that they "very frequently indicate that many fewer significant contributions are made in the later decades of life than in earlier periods… . Taken at their face value, these studies indicate a drastic reduction in the output of outstanding works in the later part of the life span." But the "apparent decline in the output of significant works in the later decades of life may be merely a reflection of the behavior of historians and others with regard to their treatment of historical epochs. The present paper addresses itself to the examination of citation practices of historians and anthologists as they are related to the study of aging… . A more reasonable interpretation of the facts seems to be that, as the total output of science has increased, the percentage of literature cited by historians has declined." The trend toward increase in scientific literature "has necessitated a change in the behavior of historians." 18 refs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although rating differences among incumbents of the same occupation have traditionally been viewed as error variance in the work analysis domain, such differences might often capture substantive discrepancies in how incumbents approach their work. This study draws from job crafting, creativity, and role theories to uncover situational factors (i.e., occupational activities, context, and complexity) related to differences among competency ratings of the same occupation. The sample consisted of 192 incumbents from 64 occupations. Results showed that 25% of the variance associated with differences in competency ratings of the same occupation was related to the complexity, the context, and primarily the nature of the occupation's work activities. Consensus was highest for occupations involving equipment-related activities and direct contact with the public. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the article by J. J. Christensen-Szalanski and L. R. Beach (see record 1984-21471-001) that suggests that they have uncovered a bias, the propensity to cite experimental publications that demonstrate deficiencies in judgment and decision making over studies that demonstrate competence. This bias indicates what holds psychologists' interest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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