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A pair (T,C) of a tree T and a coloring C is called a colored tree. Given a colored tree (T,C) any coloring C′ of T is called a recoloring of T. Given a weight function on the vertices of the tree the recoloring distance of a recoloring is the total weight of recolored vertices. A coloring of a tree is convex if for any two vertices u and v that are colored by the same color c, every vertex on the path from u to v is also colored by c. In the minimum convex recoloring problem we are given a colored tree and a weight function and our goal is to find a convex recoloring of minimum recoloring distance. The minimum convex recoloring problem naturally arises in the context of phylogenetic trees. Given a set of related species the goal of phylogenetic reconstruction is to construct a tree that would best describe the evolution of this set of species. In this context a convex coloring corresponds to perfect phylogeny. Since perfect phylogeny is not always possible the next best thing is to find a tree which is as close to convex as possible, or, in other words, a tree with minimum recoloring distance. We present a (2+ε)-approximation algorithm for the minimum convex recoloring problem, whose running time is O(n 2+n(1/ε)241/ε ). This result improves the previously known 3-approximation algorithm for this NP-hard problem. We also present an algorithm for computing an optimal convex recoloring whose running time is , where n * is the number of colors that violate convexity in the input tree, and Δ is the maximum degree of vertices in the tree. The parameterized complexity of this algorithm is O(n 2+nk⋅2 k ).  相似文献   

The vertex coloring problem is a well-known classical optimization problem in graph theory in which a color is assigned to each vertex of the graph in such a way that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. The minimum vertex coloring problem is known to be an NP-hard problem in an arbitrary graph, and a host of approximation solutions are available. In this article, a learning automata–based approximation algorithm is proposed to solve the minimum vertex coloring problem. The proposed algorithm iteratively finds the different possible colorings of the graph and compares it at each stage with the best coloring found so far. If the number of distinct colors in the chosen coloring is less than that of the best coloring, the chosen coloring is rewarded; otherwise, it is penalized. Convergence of the proposed algorithm to the optimal solution is proven. The proposed vertex coloring algorithm is compared with the well-known coloring techniques and the results show the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the others both in terms of the color set size and running time of algorithm.  相似文献   

邻点可区别[VI]-均匀全染色是指图中任意两条相邻边分配不同的颜色,且任意两个色类(点或边)的颜色个数最大相差为1,同时确保相邻顶点的色集合不同,其所用的最少颜色数称为图的邻点可区别[VI]-均匀全色数。提出了一种针对随机图的邻点可区别[VI]-均匀全染色算法,该算法依据染色条件设计了三个子目标函数和一个总目标函数,并依据交换规则逐步迭代寻优,直至染色结果满足总目标函数的要求。同时给出了详细的算法执行步骤,并进行了大量的测试和分析,实验结果表明,该算法可以高效地求出给定顶点数的图的最小邻点可区别[VI]-均匀全色数。  相似文献   

The Convex Recoloring (CR) problem measures how far a tree of characters differs from exhibiting a so-called “perfect phylogeny”. For an input consisting of a vertex-colored tree T, the problem is to determine whether recoloring at most k vertices can achieve a convex coloring, meaning by this a coloring where each color class induces a subtree. The problem was introduced by Moran and Snir (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73:1078–1089, 2007; J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74:850–869, 2008) who showed that CR is NP-hard, and described a search-tree based FPT algorithm with a running time of O(k(k/log k) k n 4). The Moran and Snir result did not provide any nontrivial kernelization. In this paper, we show that CR has a kernel of size O(k 2).  相似文献   

This paper studies the natural linear programming relaxation of the path coloring problem. We prove constructively that finding an optimal fractional path coloring is Fixed Parameter Tractable (FPT), with the degree of the tree as parameter: the fractional coloring of paths in a bounded degree trees can be done in a time which is linear in the size of the tree, quadratic in the load of the set of paths, while exponential in the degree of the tree. We give an algorithm based on the generation of an efficient polynomial size linear program. Our algorithm is able to explore in polynomial time the exponential number of different fractional colorings, thanks to the notion of trace of a coloring that we introduce. We further give an upper bound on the cost of such a coloring in binary trees and extend this algorithm to bounded degree graphs with bounded treewidth. Finally, we also show some relationships between the integral and fractional problems, and derive a 1+5/3e≈1.61—approximation algorithm for the path coloring problem in bounded degree trees, improving on existing results. This classic combinatorial problem finds applications in the minimization of the number of wavelengths in wavelength division multiplexing (wdm) optical networks.  相似文献   

图[G]的点可区别V-全染色就是相邻的边、顶点与其关联边必须染不同的颜色,同时要求所有顶点的色集合也不相同,所用的最少颜色数称为图[G]的点可区别V-全色数。根据点可区别V-全染色的约束规则,设计了一种启发式的点可区别V-全染色算法,该算法借助染色矩阵及色补集合逐步迭代交换,每次迭代交换后判断目标函数值,当目标函数值满足要求时染色成功。给出了算法的详细描述、算法分析和算法测试结果,对给定点数的图进行了点可区别V-全染色猜想的验证。实验结果表明,该算法有很好的执行效率并可以得到给定图的点可区别V-全色数,并且算法的时间复杂度不超过[O(n3)]。  相似文献   

Motivated by reliability considerations in data deduplication for storage systems, we introduce the problem of flexible coloring. Given a hypergraph H and the number of allowable colors k, a flexible coloring of H is an assignment of one or more colors to each vertex such that, for each hyperedge, it is possible to choose a color from each vertex?s color list so that this hyperedge is strongly colored (i.e., each vertex has a different color). Different colors for the same vertex can be chosen for different incident hyperedges (hence the term flexible). The goal is to minimize color consumption, namely, the total number of colors assigned, counting multiplicities. Flexible coloring is NP-hard and trivially approximable, where s is the size of the largest hyperedge, and n is the number of vertices. Using a recent result by Bansal and Khot, we show that if k is constant, then it is UGC-hard to approximate to within a factor of sε, for arbitrarily small constant ε>0. Lastly, we present an algorithm with an approximation ratio, where k is number of colors used by a strong coloring algorithm for H.  相似文献   

一个图的全染色被称为点可区别的即对任意两个不同点的相关联元素及其本身所构成的色集合不同,其中所用的最少颜色数称为G的点可区别全色数。本文定义了一种排序方法:三角排序。利用该排序的结果证明了当n≡4(mod8)和C4n-1/2+2〈m≤C4n/2+2时,梯图Lm■Pm×P2的点可区别全色数为n。  相似文献   

The coloring problem is a well-known problem of graphs. This paper considers a new coloring problem with restrictions such that some pairs of colors cannot be used for adjacent vertices, called coloring problem with restrictions of adjacent colors . The restriction of adjacent colors can be represented by a graph H called a restriction graph , i.e., each vertex represents a color and each edge means that the two colors corresponding to the two end-vertices of the edge cannot be used for adjacent vertices. This paper shows some properties of the new coloring problem. It also presents a necessary and sufficient condition such that a restriction graph H cannot be replaced with a more simple graph, when H is a cactus with no 3-cycle.  相似文献   

Palette‐based image decomposition has attracted increasing attention in recent years. A specific class of approaches have been proposed basing on the RGB‐space geometry, which manage to construct convex hulls whose vertices act as palette colors. However, such palettes do not guarantee to have the representative colors which actually appear in the image, thus making it less intuitive and less predictable when editing palette colors to perform recoloring. Hence, we proposed an improved geometric approach to address this issue. We use a polyhedron, but not necessarily a convex hull, in the RGB space to represent the color palette. We then formulate the task of palette extraction as an optimization problem which could be solved in a few seconds. Our palette has a higher degree of representativeness and maintains a relatively similar level of accuracy compared with previous methods. For layer decomposition, we compute layer opacities via simple mean value coordinates, which could achieve instant feedbacks without precomputations. We have demonstrated our method for image recoloring on a variety of examples. In comparison with state‐of‐the‐art works, our approach is generally more intuitive and efficient with fewer artifacts.  相似文献   

一个图的全染色被称为点可区别的即对任意两个不同点的相关联元素所构成的色集合不同,其中所用的最少颜色数称为G的点可区别全色数。本文定义了一种排序方法——三角排序,利用该排序的结果证明了当n=7(mod8)且Cn-1^4/2+2〈m≤Cn ^4/2+2时,梯图Lm≌Pm×P2的点可区别全色数为n。  相似文献   

一个图的全染色被称为点可区别的即对任意两个不同点的相关联元素及其本身所构成的色集合不同。其中所用的最少颜色数称为G的点可区别全色数。本文定义了一种排序方法:三角排序。利用该排序的结果证明了当n≡5(mod8)和C4n-1/2+2〈m≤C4n/2+2时,梯图Lm≌Pm×P2的点可区别全色数为n。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the complexity of several coloring problems on graphs, parameterized by the treewidth of the graph.
The List Coloring problem takes as input a graph G, together with an assignment to each vertex v of a set of colors Cv. The problem is to determine whether it is possible to choose a color for vertex v from the set of permitted colors Cv, for each vertex, so that the obtained coloring of G is proper. We show that this problem is W[1]-hard, parameterized by the treewidth of G. The closely related Precoloring Extension problem is also shown to be W[1]-hard, parameterized by treewidth.
An equitable coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring of the vertices where the numbers of vertices having any two distinct colors differs by at most one. We show that the problem is hard for W[1], parameterized by the treewidth plus the number of colors. We also show that a list-based variation, List Equitable Coloring is W[1]-hard for forests, parameterized by the number of colors on the lists.
The list chromatic numberχl(G) of a graph G is defined to be the smallest positive integer r, such that for every assignment to the vertices v of G, of a list Lv of colors, where each list has length at least r, there is a choice of one color from each vertex list Lv yielding a proper coloring of G. We show that the problem of determining whether χl(G)?r, the List Chromatic Number problem, is solvable in linear time on graphs of constant treewidth.

This paper describes a new exact algorithm PASS for the vertex coloring problem based on the well known DSATUR algorithm. At each step DSATUR maximizes saturation degree to select a new candidate vertex to color, breaking ties by maximum degree w.r.t. uncolored vertices. Later Sewell introduced a new tiebreaking strategy, which evaluated available colors for each vertex explicitly. PASS differs from Sewell in that it restricts its application to a particular set of vertices. Overall performance is improved when the new strategy is applied selectively instead of at every step. The paper also reports systematic experiments over 1500 random graphs and a subset of the DIMACS color benchmark.  相似文献   

Let G be a graph, and let each vertex v of G have a positive integer weight ω(v). A multicoloring of G is to assign each vertex v a set of ω(v) colors so that any pair of adjacent vertices receive disjoint sets of colors. This paper presents an algorithm to find a multicoloring of a given series-parallel graph G with the minimum number of colors in time O(n W), where n is the number of vertices and W is the maximum weight of vertices in G.  相似文献   

We consider a graph with n vertices, and p<n pebbles of m colors. A pebble move consists of transferring a pebble from its current host vertex to an adjacent unoccupied vertex. The problem is to move the pebbles to a given new color arrangement.  相似文献   

图的邻点可区别均匀V-全染色(AVDEVTC)是指在满足邻点可区别V-全染色的基础上,还要保证每种颜色的使用次数相差不超过1,把完成AVDEVTC所用的最少颜色称为图的邻点可区别均匀V-全色数(AVDEVTCN)。针对图的AVDEVTC问题,提出了一种基于多目标优化的染色算法。设计了一个总目标函数和四个子目标函数,在染色矩阵上通过每个点的颜色集合的迭代交换操作,使得每个子目标函数都达到最优,进而满足总目标函数的要求,完成染色。经过理论分析和实验对比表明,8个顶点以内的所有简单连通图都存在AVDEVTC,且图的AVDEVTCN介于最大度加1与最大度加2之间。实验结果表明,该染色算法能够在较短的时间内正确地计算出1000个顶点以内的图的AVDEVTCN。  相似文献   


A radio coloring of a graph G is an assignment of nonnegative integers to its nodes so that each pair of adjacent nodes have color numbers that differ by at least two, and any pair of nodes at distance 2 have different colors. Every graph has a radio coloring by simply assigning the odd integers 1,3, 5, @, but there is then a big difference between the smallest and largest colors. We define the span of a radio coloring of G as one plus the difference between the smallest and largest colors. We study radio colorings of a hypercube with the objective of finding such a coloring with minimum span. We develop a formulation for what we believe is the complete solution to this question in the form of a conjecture.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the oriented coloring of graphs. Oriented coloring is a coloring of the vertices of an oriented graph G without symmetric arcs such that (i) no two neighbors in G are assigned the same color, and (ii) if two vertices u and v such that (u,v)∈A(G) are assigned colors c(u) and c(v), then for any (z,t)∈A(G), we cannot have simultaneously c(z)=c(v) and c(t)=c(u). The oriented chromatic number of an unoriented graph G is the smallest number k of colors for which any of the orientations of G can be colored with k colors.The main results we obtain in this paper are bounds on the oriented chromatic number of particular families of planar graphs, namely 2-dimensional grids, fat trees and fat fat trees.  相似文献   

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