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Population variation in handedness (a correlate of cerebral dominance for language) is in part genetic and, it has been suggested, its persistence represents a balanced polymorphism with respect to cognitive ability. This hypothesis was tested in a sample of 12,770 individuals in a UK national cohort (the National Child Development Study) by assessing relative hand skill (in a square checking task) as a predictor of verbal, non-verbal, and mathematical ability and reading comprehension at the age of 11 years. Whereas some modest decrements were present in extreme right handers the most substantial deficits in ability were seen close to the point of equal hand skill ('hemispheric indecision'). For verbal ability females performed better than males, but the relationship to relative hand skill was closely similar for the two sexes; for reading comprehension males close to the point of equal hand skill showed greater impairments than females. Analysed by writing hand the relationship of ability to hand skill appeared symmetrical about the point of 'hemispheric indecision'. The variation associated with degrees of dominance may reflect the operation of continuing selection on the gene (postulated to be X-Y linked) by which language evolved and speciation occurred.  相似文献   

E. coli diarrheal disease is becoming ever more complicated as more and more pathogenic mechanisms are identified. E. coli strains remain the major causes of infectious diarrhea worldwide. Presumptive diagnosis based on clinical and laboratory criteria is practical for strains known to be important in the United States. Specific diagnosis is not currently feasible outside of research centers. Therapy, when indicated, shortens the duration of illness. Research is proceeding rapidly at the molecular level and may lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the near future.  相似文献   

Diarrhea occurs commonly in African human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. A case-control (HIV-positive vs. -negative) study of adults with diarrhea was done in Lusaka, Zambia, to determine the prevalence of intestinal infection by HEp-2 cell-adherent Escherichia coli. Adherent E. coli were more common in HIV-positive patients with acute diarrhea than among HIV-negative controls (60% vs. 33%) and were found significantly more often in HIV-positive patients with chronic diarrhea than among HIV-negative controls with chronic diarrhea (79% vs. 17%, P < .002). Adherent strains were found significantly more often among HIV-positive patients (69%) than in 22 asymptomatic subjects (36%, P < .02). The HEp-2 cell adherence of the E. coli strains did not show a common pattern. Adherent bacteria were also observed in colonic biopsies from 32% of Zambians with chronic diarrhea who underwent endoscopy. Adherent E. coli may be an important cause of HIV-associated diarrhea in Zambia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine Escherichia coli isolates obtained from dogs dying with diarrhea for heat-labile, heat-stable, and Shiga-like toxins and for the eaeA gene, which is associated with attaching and effacing lesions. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 122 dogs. PROCEDURE: E coli isolates were tested by means of dot-blot hybridization of DNA extracts of cultured bacteria. Medical records of dogs from which E coli isolates with virulence genes had been isolated were examined, and histologic findings and evidence of intercurrent bacterial and viral infections were recorded. RESULTS: None of the E coli isolates obtained from these dogs produced heat-labile, heat-stable, or Shiga-like toxins; however, E coli isolates from 44 of 122 dogs were found to have the eaeA gene. Histologically, multifocal bacterial adherence to the epithelium and epithelial necrosis and detachment were seen in colonic specimens from 20 of 44 (45%) dogs. Escherichia coli was the sole pathogen identified in 15 of 44 (34%) dogs. Intercurrent pathogens, including canine parvovirus (n = 19), Clostridium perfringens (8), rotavirus (5), hookworms (3), coccidia (3), and Salmonella agona (1), were identified in the remaining 29 (66%) dogs. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Attaching and effacing E coli can be a primary or secondary pathogen in dogs with diarrhea. Antibiotic treatment is indicated in dogs with diarrhea because of the possibility that it is primarily bacterial in origin and because, even if it is primarily viral in origin, there may be secondary bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The number of Americans with diabetes mellitus has increased 50% since 1983 to 16 million. An interesting and startling factor is that only half of these diabetics are aware they have the disease. Diabetes mellitus can lead to blindness, heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, kidney failure, and periodontal disease. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. A metabolic disorder affecting insulin metabolism and associated blood glucose intolerance regulation, diabetes may be classified by the following categories: type I-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus which is commonly found in children and adolescents and type II-non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes which occurs in patients over forty and is associated with obesity. The dental hygienist's role in education, prevention, and therapeutics has expanded to detection and recognition of oral manifestations of diabetes. The dental hygienist may be the first to recognize the presence of the disease. This article aims to acquaint the dental hygienist with the clinical picture of a dental patient with diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

We isolated genomic clones that contain the 5'-flanking region of the mouse activin beta A subunit gene. The nucleotide sequence determination of the 5'-flanking region of the gene and the comparison of that with the reported mouse cDNA structure identified the putative 5' regulatory region, a novel first exon and a part of the first intron of the gene within this region. The putative 5' regulatory region of the mouse activin beta A subunit gene directed the expression of CAT gene in transfected HT1080 cells. Successive deletions of this region demonstrated a 400-bp region that exerts a strong positive effect on promoter activity of the mouse activin beta A subunit gene.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that right heart failure during endotoxin shock may result from altered ventriculovascular coupling responsible for impeding power transfer to the pulmonary circulation. METHODS: The changes in vascular pulmonary input impedance and right ventricular contractility produced by low-dose endotoxin infusion were studied in 6 intact anesthetized dogs. RESULTS: Endotoxin insult resulted in pulmonary hypertension (from 22 +/- 2 to 33 +/- 3 mmHg) associated with significant decreases in stroke volume (from 26.9 +/- 4 to 20.2 +/- 3 ml) and right ventricular ejection fraction (from 41 +/- 3 to 32 +/- 2%). The first minimum of input impedance spectrum and zero phase were shifted towards higher frequencies. Input resistance and characteristic resistance were dramatically increased. The latter change contributed to a significant increase in the pulsatile component of total right ventricular power output from 13 to 21%, indicating a reduction in the hydraulic right ventricle power output delivered into the main pulmonary artery. Overall changes in input pulmonary impedance were indicative of increased afterload facing the right ventricle leading to depressed performance. In contrast, right ventricular systolic elastance was simultaneously increased from 0.56 to 0.93 mmHg/ml indicating an increase in right heart contractility. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that pulmonary hypertension in the setting of experimental endotoxin shock is accompanied by deleterious changes in the pulmonary impedance spectrum, which are responsible for a mismatch of increased contractile state of the right ventricle to the varying hydraulic load ultimately leading to ventricular-vascular uncoupling.  相似文献   

We obtained a series of Escherichia coli strains in which gapA, gapB, or both had been deleted. Delta gapA strains do not revert on glucose, while delta gapB strains grow on glycerol or glucose. We showed that gapB-encoded protein is expressed but at a very low level. Together, these results confirm the essential role for gapA in glycolysis and show that gapB is dispensable for both glycolysis and the pyridoxal biosynthesis pathway.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for enzymatic synthesis of L and D amino acids from alpha-keto acids with Escherichia coli cells which express heterologous genes. L-amino acids were produced with thermostable L-amino acid dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from alpha-keto acids and ammonium formate with only an intracellular pool of NAD+ for the regeneration of NADH. We constructed plasmids containing, in addition to the FDH gene, the genes for amino acid dehydrogenases, including i.e., leucine dehydrogenase, alanine dehydrogenase, and phenylalanine dehydrogenase. L-Leucine, L-valine, L-norvaline, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and L-tyrosine were synthesized with the recombinant E. coli cells with high chemical yields (> 80%) and high optical yields (up to 100% enantiomeric excess). Stereospecific conversion of various alpha-keto acids to D amino acids was also examined with recombinant E. coli cells containing a plasmid coding for the four heterologous genes of the thermostable enzymes D-amino acid aminotransferase, alanine racemase, L-alanine dehydrogenase, and FDH. Optically pure D enantiomers of glutamate and leucine were obtained.  相似文献   

Here we describe genetically engineered constructs for the expression in Escherichia coli of genes for horse cytochrome c mutants. These constructs allow the expression of the cytochrome c genes together with hemeligase, an enzyme which covalently links heme to cytochrome. Careful selection of producer strains and the adjustment of the conditions of expression provided for expression levels of 10-15 mg of protein per liter of culture. This is by an order of magnitude greater than the expression previously achieved in yeast. A series of horse cytochrome c mutants were obtained in this way.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase from Escherichia coli has been expressed in transformed E. coli JE10 cells lacking the isocitrate lyase (icl) gene. After directed mutagenesis of icl by the restriction-site elimination method, partially purified isocitrate lyase mutants in which His 356 has been converted to Lys, Arg, Gln, Asp, or Leu have been characterized after induction of transformed, induced JE10 cells. Values of kcat compared to those for wild-type (wt) enzyme (100) at 37 degrees C, pH 7.3, are 18, 1, <1, 0, and 0 for H356K, H356R, H356E, H356Q, and H356L mutant enzymes, respectively. Km values for the 1:1 Mg-isocitrate complex (in millimolar units) are: 0.13, wt; 0.11, H356K; and 0.63, H356R. Further chromatographic purification of isocitrate lyase yields highly purified wt, H356K, and H356R enzymes. The pH profile of the stability of isocitrate lyase, which has never been reported, showed that the H356R enzyme was unstable in the pH range investigated; the wt and H356R variant differed but each was sufficiently stable to study the pH dependence of catalysis. The log kcat/pH profiles for highly purified wt and H356K enzymes are roughly bell-shaped and have pKa and pKb values for dissociation of an ionizable group on the enzyme-substrate complex of <6.3 and 8.4 for wt and 5.9 and 7.9 for H356K enzymes. Plots of pKm vs pH were different for the wt and H356K variant. Values of pKa and pKb (derived from log kcat/Km plots vs pH) for the dissociation of an activity-related ionizable group on the variant were 5.3 and 7.6, whereas the analogous pKb value for the wt enzyme was 8.4. The data suggest that His 356 is an important functional residue in isocitrate lyase, perhaps in deprotonating isocitrate during catalytic cleavage.  相似文献   

The formation of attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions is central to the pathogenesis of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC)-mediated disease in humans and Citrobacter rodentium (formerly C. freundii biotype 4280)-mediated transmissible colonic hyperplasia in mice. Closely related outer membrane proteins, known as intimins, are required for formation of the A/E lesion by both EPEC (Int(EPEC)) and C. rodentium (Int(CR)). A secreted protein, EspB (formally EaeB), is also necessary for A/E-lesion formation. Here we report that expression of a cloned Int(EPEC), encoded by plasmid pCVD438, restores murine virulence to an intimin-deficient mutant of C. rodentium DBS255. Replacement of Cys937 with Ala abolished the ability of the cloned EPEC intimin to complement the deletion mutation in DBS255. Ultrastructural examination of tissues from wild-type C. rodentium and DBS255(pCVD438)-infected mice revealed multiple A/E lesion on infected cells and loss of contact between enterocytes and basement membrane. Histological investigation showed that although both wild-type C. rodentium and DBS255(pCVD438) colonized the descending colon and induced colonic hyperplasia in orally infected 21-day-old mice, the latter strain adhered to epithelial cells located deeper within crypts. Nonetheless, infection with the wild-type strain was consistently more virulent, as indicated by a higher mortality rate. All the surviving mice, challenged with either wild-type C. rodentium or DBS255(pCVD438), developed a mucosal immunoglobulin A response to intimin and EspB. These results show that C. rodentium infection provides a relevant, simple, and economic model to investigate the role of EPEC proteins in the formation of A/E lesions in vivo and in intestinal disease.  相似文献   

Factors contributing to the thermostability of inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) were investigated by examining chimeric PPases from Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus (Tth). Two chimeric PPase genes, T1-135E (residues 1-135 from the N terminus are comprised of Tth PPase and residues 136-173 are derived from the C terminus of E. coli PPase) and T1-149E [residues 1-149 from the N terminus are from Tth PPase and the rest (150-175) are from E. coli PPase], were constructed by random chimeragenesis. After the genes were overexpressed in the E. coli BL21(DE3) strain and the expression products were purified, we compared the characteristics of these chimeric PPases with those of the parental PPases. We found that the two chimeras had higher activity than either parent PPase at the optimum temperature. We also examined thermal stability in terms of CD spectra, fluorescence spectra, and thermal changes in enzyme activity. The results revealed that the thermal stability of T1-149E is similar to that of Tth PPase, but T1-135E is much more stable. This suggests that the four residues that are different between T1-135E and T1-149E may be critical for thermostability between the two chimeras. By comparing the three-dimensional structures of Tth and E. coli PPases, we deduced that the following two factors may contribute to differences in thermostability. (1) Two residues (Thr138 and Ala141 in the Tth PPase and His140 and Asp143 in the E. coli PPase) in the vicinity of the trimer-trimer interface were different. (2) The Ala144-Lys145 loop in the Tth PPase was deleted in the E. coli PPase and also in the T1-135E chimera. Therefore, we conclude that T1-135E was thermostabilized by these two factors, and also, the Tth PPase moiety may contribute to the structural integrity of the chimeric enzymes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cardiolipin synthase catalyzes reversible phosphatidyl group transfer from one phosphatidylglycerol molecule to another to form cardiolipin (CL) and glycerol. The enzyme is specified by the cls gene, located at min 28.02 of the E. coli genetic map. Cells with mutations in cls have longer doubling times, tend to lose viability in the stationary phase, are more resistant to 3,4-dihydroxybutyl-1-phosphonate, and have an altered sensitivity to novobiocin. Although cls null mutants appear to lack CL synthase activity, they are still able to form trace quantities of CL. The enzyme appears to be regulated at both the genetic and enzymatic levels. CL synthase's molecular mass is 45-46 kDa, or about 8 kDa less than the polypeptide predicted by the gene sequence, suggesting that posttranslational processing occurs. CL synthase can use various polyols such as mannitol and arabitol to convert CL to the corresponding phosphatidylglycerol analog. When the amino acid sequences of four bacterial CL synthases are compared, three highly conserved regions are apparent. One of these regions contains a conserved pentapeptide sequence, RN(Q)HRK, and another has a conserved HXK sequence. These two sequences may be part of the active site. E. coli CL synthase has been studied by using a mixed micelle assay. The enzyme is inhibited by CL, the product of the reaction, and by phosphatidate. Phosphatidylethanolamine partially offsets inhibition caused by CL but not by phosphatidate. CDP-diacylglycerol does not appear to affect the activity of the purified enzyme but does stimulate the activity associated with crude membrane preparations.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein CspB from Bacillus subtilis is only marginally stable, but it folds extremely fast in a simple N reversible U two-state reaction. The corresponding cold shock proteins from the thermophile Bacillus caldolyticus and the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima show strongly increased conformational stabilities, but unchanged very fast two-state refolding kinetics. The absence of intermediates in the folding of B. subtilis CspB is thus not a corollary of its low stability. Rather, two-state folding and an unusually native-like activated state of folding seem to be inherent properties of these small all-beta proteins. There is no link between stability and folding rate, and numerous sequence positions exist which can be varied to modulate the stability without affecting the rate and mechanism of folding.  相似文献   

To elucidate the risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among women, we made a combined analysis of the data from three case-control studies conducted in high-risk areas of Japan. A total of 120 cases and 257 controls were included in the analysis. After adjustment for the study category, age, and other potential confounders, significantly increased risks were associated with chronic hepatitis-B virus infection (odds ratio [OR] = 42.4, 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 11.2-160.2), a past history of blood transfusion (OR = 3.7, CI = 1.8-7.5), and a history of smoking (OR = 2.2, CI = 12-4.1). In addition, women with a history of heavy drinking experienced an elevated risk of borderline significance (OR = 4.2, CI = 0.9-20.4, P = 0.07). When these ORs were compared with the corresponding estimates among males from the same case-control studies, no significant differences were observed between the two genders. Among the factors examined in this analysis, drinking and smoking habits--which are more common among Japanese men than women--may partly account for a large male-predominance in the incidence of HCC. Further studies are needed to clarify the roles that sex-hormones and hepatitis-C virus infection might play in the large gender difference of HCC occurrence.  相似文献   

The entire genomic sequence of Escherichia coli has recently been completed. To gain insight into the function of the vast array of yet uncharacterized open reading frames (ORFs), a variety of new genetic tools will be required. Here we examined a genetic system, using an integration plasmid vector (named pINT007), for rapid construction of disruption mutants of any ORF in E. coli. It was found that the vector allows us to rapidly construct a disruption mutant for any gene on the chromosome as a cointegrate, furthermore, resolution of the resulting cointegrate can be surely accomplished by using a pair of the bla (ampicillin resistant) genes on the vector as a positive-selection marker.  相似文献   

An enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strain isolated from a piglet with diarrhea was examined for the presence of fimbriea 987P and F41 by a direct agglutination (with MAbs), an indirect immunofluorescence technique (MAbs as first antibodies), SDS-PAGE and Western blots (antisera IgG as probes). Results of these techniques revealed that both 987P and F41 fimbrial adhesins were produced by the same strain, not by separate ones.  相似文献   

Nalidixic acid-resistant Salmonella typhi (NARST) was first isolated in Viet Nam in 1993. Analysis of the quinolone resistance-determining region of gyrA in 20 NARST isolates by polymerase chain reaction and single-stranded conformational polymorphism yielded two novel patterns: pattern II corresponding to a point mutation at nucleotide 87 Asp-->Gly (n = 17), and pattern III corresponding to a point mutation at nucleotide 83 Ser-->Phe (n = 3). In trials of short-course ofloxacin therapy for uncomplicated typhoid, 117 (78%) of 150 patients were infected with multidrug-resistant S. typhi, 18 (15%) of which were NARST. The median time to fever clearance was 156 hours (range, 30-366 hours) for patients infected with NARST and 84 hours (range, 12-378 hours) for those infected with nalidixic acid-susceptible strains (P < .001). Six (33.3%) of 18 NARST infections required retreatment, whereas 1 (0.8%) of 132 infections due to susceptible strains required retreatment (relative risk = 44; 95% confidence interval = 5.6-345; P < .0001). We recommend that short courses of quinolones not be used in patients infected with NARST.  相似文献   

During entry into stationary phase, many free-living, gram-negative bacteria express genes that impart cellular resistance to environmental stresses, such as oxidative stress and osmotic stress. Many genes that are required for stationary-phase adaptation are controlled by RpoS, a conserved alternative sigma factor, whose expression is, in turn, controlled by many factors. To better understand the numbers and types of genes dependent upon RpoS, we employed a genetic screen to isolate more than 100 independent RpoS-dependent gene fusions from a bank of several thousand mutants harboring random, independent promoter-lacZ operon fusion mutations. Dependence on RpoS varied from 2-fold to over 100-fold. The expression of all fusion mutations was normal in an rpoS/rpoS+ merodiploid (rpoS background transformed with an rpoS-containing plasmid). Surprisingly, the expression of many RpoS-dependent genes was growth phase dependent, albeit at lower levels, even in an rpoS background, suggesting that other growth-phase-dependent regulatory mechanisms, in addition to RpoS, may control postexponential gene expression. These results are consistent with the idea that many growth-phase-regulated functions in Escherichia coli do not require RpoS for expression. The identities of the 10 most highly RpoS-dependent fusions identified in this study were determined by DNA sequence analysis. Three of the mutations mapped to otsA, katE, ecnB, and osmY-genes that have been previously shown by others to be highly RpoS dependent. The six remaining highly-RpoS-dependent fusion mutations were located in other genes, namely, gabP, yhiUV, o371, o381, f186, and o215.  相似文献   

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