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A sensitive radioimmunoassay for cholecystokinin (CCK) has been developed. Porcine CCK-33 was labelled by conjugation with 125I-hydroxyphenyl-propionic acid succinimide ester. Antibodies were raised against porcine CCK-33 covalently coupled to egg albumin. Plasma samples were extracted with 96% ethanol prior to assay. Free and bound hormone were separated by dextran-coated charcoal. The antibodies bound CCK-8 and CCK-33 with equimolar potency. The assay detection limit was 1 pmol/l plasma. Within and between assay coefficients of variation were +/- 12.7 and 13.0% at mean plasma CCK concentrations of 13.2 and 13.6 pmol/l. The concentration of CCK in 47 normal fasting subjects ranged from undetectable to 22 pmol/l. Ingestion of a mixed meal in 9 normal subjects increased the plasma concentration from 8.3 +/- 2.5 S.E. to 24.4 +/- 6.5 pmol/l.  相似文献   

Enhanced dissociation of HLA-DR-bound peptides in the presence of HLA-DM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DM is a critical participant in antigen presentation that catalyzes the release of class II-associated invariant chain-derived peptides (CLIP) from newly synthesized class II histocompatibility molecules, freeing the peptide-binding site for acquisition of antigenic peptides. The mechanism for the selective release of CLIP but not other peptides is unknown. DM was found to enhance the rate of peptide dissociation to an extent directly proportional to the intrinsic rate of peptide dissociation from HLA-DR, regardless of peptide sequence. Thus, CLIP is rapidly released in the presence of DM, because its intrinsic rate of dissociation is relatively high. In antigen presentation, DM has the potential to markedly enhance the rate of peptide exchange, favoring the presentation of peptides with slower intrinsic rates of dissociation.  相似文献   

The midgut of the female mosquito Aedes aegypti was studied immunohistologically with antisera to various regulatory peptides. Endocrine cells immunoreactive with antisera to perisulfakinin, RFamide, bovine pancreatic polypeptide, urotensin 1, locustatachykinin 2 and allatostatins A1 and B2 were found in the midgut. Perisulfakinin, RFamide and bovine pancreatic polypeptide all react with the same, about 500 endocrine cells, which were evenly distributed throughout the posterior midgut, with the exception of its most frontal and caudal regions. In addition, these antisera recognized three to five neurons in each ingluvial ganglion and their axons, which ran longitudinally over the anterior midgut, as well as axons innervating the pyloric sphincter. The latter axons appear to be derived from neurons located in the abdominal ganglia. Antisera to two different allatostatins recognized about 70 endocrine cells in the most caudal area of the posterior midgut and axons in the anterior midgut whose cell bodies were probably located in either the brain or the frontal ganglion. Antiserum to locustatachykinin 2 recognized endocrine cells present in the anterior midgut and the most frontal part of the posterior midgut, as well as about 50 cells in the most caudal region of the posterior midgut. Urotensin 1 immunoreactivity was found in endocrine cells in the same region as the perisulfakinin-immunoreactive cells, but no urotensin-immunoreactive axons were found in the midgut. Double labeling experiments showed that the urotensin and perisulfakinin immunoreactivities were located in different cells. Such experiments also showed that the locustatachykinin and allatostatin immunoreactivities in the most caudal area of the posterior midgut were present in different cells. No immunoreactivity was found in the mosquito midgut when using antisera to corazonin, allatropin or leucokinin IV. Since these peptides have either been isolated from, or can reasonably be expected to be present in mosquitoes, it was concluded that these peptides are not present in the mosquito midgut.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency causes lymphopenia and immunodeficiency due to toxic effects of its substrates. Most patients are infants with severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), but others are diagnosed later in childhood (delayed onset) or as adults (late onset); healthy individuals with "partial" ADA deficiency have been identified. More than 50 ADA mutations are known; most patients are heteroallelic, and most alleles are rare. To analyze the relationship of genotype to phenotype, we quantitated the expression of 29 amino acid sequence-altering alleles in the ADA-deleted Escherichia coli strain SO3834. Expressed ADA activity of wild-type and mutant alleles ranged over five orders of magnitude. The 26 disease-associated alleles expressed 0.001%-0.6% of wild-type activity, versus 5%-28% for 3 alleles from "partials." We related these data to the clinical phenotypes and erythrocyte deoxyadenosine nucleotide (dAXP) levels of 52 patients (49 immunodeficient and 3 with partial deficiency) who had 43 genotypes derived from 42 different mutations, including 28 of the expressed alleles. We reduced this complexity to 13 "genotype categories," ranked according to the potential of their constituent alleles to provide ADA activity. Of 31 SCID patients, 28 fell into 3 genotype categories that could express <=0.05% of wild-type ADA activity. Only 2 of 21 patients with delayed, late-onset, or partial phenotypes had one of these "severe" genotypes. Among 37 patients for whom pretreatment metabolic data were available, we found a strong inverse correlation between red-cell dAXP level and total ADA activity expressed by each patient's alleles in SO3834. Our system provides a quantitative framework and ranking system for relating genotype to phenotype.  相似文献   

The marketing authorization for a new medicinal product is based on the scientific assessment of its quality, safety and efficacy. The marketing authorization application (MAA) which covers all the relevant documentation can be filed in the EU via different application procedures. For peptides and biological products special issues have to be taken into consideration during drug development. Due to special production procedures and the complexity of the active substance itself, peptides and biotech products are subject to specific regulatory requirements. This leads to the necessity to discuss the development program of a new peptide or biotech product with the health authorities on a case by case basis. This article will focus on the special regulatory requirements for peptides and biotech products including the registration procedures as well as technical, preclinical and clinical issues.  相似文献   

Samples of oesophagus, first, second and third stomach, duodenal ampulla, proximal intestine and distal intestine including rectum were obtained from striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded along Italian coasts, fixed in formalin and used for immunohistochemistry. The possible presence of neuropeptides and the biogenic amine serotonin was investigated by a labelled streptavidin-biotin method. Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-, substance P-, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-, metenkephalin-, gastrin releasing peptide (GRP)/bombesin-, and somatostatin-like immunoreactivities were present in the submucosal as well as the myenteric plexuses, even with differences of distribution in the various organs. Vasoactive intestinal poly-peptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity was detected in the submucosal plexus, whereas beta-endorphin- and leu-enkephalin-like immunoreactivities were shown in the myenteric plexus only. NPY-, substance P-, CGRP- and VIP-like-immunoreactivities were also observed in perivascular nerve fibres. In addition, VIP-, GRP- and somatostatin-like immunoreactivities were detected in myelinated nervous bundles. These were localized in the submucosal and muscular layers all along the gastrointestinal tract, and possibly sustain an exceptionally rapid response of the target structures. It is note-worthy that peptidergic axons in the wall of the gut of the majority of mammals are unmyelinated. A somatostatin-like peptide was identified in epithelial cells only in the second stomach, whereas in terrestrial mammals this endocrine cell type occurs widely. Immunoreactivity to serotonin was never detected, and this is a further difference in comparison with the majority of other mammals.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for the determination of free pholedrine at the lower nanogram level was developed. The sulfate conjugate cross-reacts and has to be separated before the assay procedure in plasma.  相似文献   

Spore germination is a defined developmental process that marks a critical point in the life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum. Upon germination the environmental conditions must be conducive to cell growth to ensure survival of emerged amoebae. However, the signal transduction pathways controlling the various aspects of spore germination in large part remain to be elucidated. We have used degenerate PCR to identify dhkB, a two-component histidine kinase, from D. discoideum. DhkB is predicted to be a transmembrane hybrid sensor kinase. The dhkB-null cells develop with normal timing to give what seem to be mature fruiting bodies by 22 to 24 h. However, over the next several hours, the ellipsoidal and encapsulated spores proceed to swell and germinate in situ within the sorus and thus do not respond to the normal inhibitors of germination present within the sorus. The emerged amoebae dehydrate due to the high osmolarity within the sorus, and by 72 h 4% or less of the amoebae remain as spores, while most cells are now nonviable. Precocious germination is suppressed by ectopic activation of or expression of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A. Additionally, at 24 h the intracellular concentration of cAMP of dhkB- spores is 40% that of dhkB+ spores. The results indicate that DHKB regulates spore germination, and a functional DHKB sensor kinase is required for the maintenance of spore dormancy. DHKB probably acts by maintaining an active PKA that in turn is inhibitory to germination.  相似文献   

Cross-reaction of anti-3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) antisera with thyroxine has proved problematical in the development of radioimmunoassays for rT3. Results of experimental work with two antisera with differing specificities are presented which illustrate certain aspects of cross-reacting assay systems. The mathematical theory of a single binding-site, two ligand assay is discussed and extended by use of a multiple binding-site computer model to a two binding-site, two ligand system. It is suggested that for the practical evaluation of the nature and extent of cross-reaction, a family of response curves for the hormone should be drawn, each curve representing the addition of a fixed mass of the cross-reactant to a set of standard incubation mixtures. Such curves will reveal whether the antiserum is (a) specific, implying that assay results require no correction, (b) behaves as a single binding site system, in which case measurement of the relative potency of the two ligands at the point on the response curve generated by the serum sample will enable an algebraic correction to be made, given that the T4 concentration is known or (c) behaves as a multiple binding-site system where correction necessitates the use of a nomogram.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) was purified from human serum and used for immunization of rabbits. Antiserum bound up to 75% of added 125I-GSHPx after precipitation with a second antibody. Human serum, but not sera from eight animal species, inhibited the binding of labelled GSHPx, indicating that the antiserum did not react with GSHPx from these species. GSHPx could be measured in less than 10 microliters of human serum by radioimmunoassay. In sera with widely varying selenium concentrations (0.1-2.9 mumol/l) the amount of GSHPx protein (0.3-6.3 mg/l) was strongly correlated with GSHPx activity (r = 0.94) and it was also correlated with serum selenium concentrations (r = 0.64). This indicates that GSHPx protein may be a valuable biological marker of selenium status. In samples with serum selenium concentrations of 0.8-1.2 mumol/l, the concentration of GSHPx was 3.3 (0.4) mg/l (mean (S.D.)), or 0.04 (0.005) mumol/l. This corresponded to 0.16 (0.02) mumol/l of GSHPx selenium and 16% (2.8)% of total serum selenium. The data suggest that the method can be used to measure the proportion of serum selenium that is located in GSHPx. Following storage of serum at room temperature, both serum GSHPx protein and activity declined, but addition of glutathione protected both GSHPx protein and activity.  相似文献   

Two gradient systems for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) are described, with emphasis on improvements accumulated over two decades of studies on contractile proteins and regulatory enzymes from smooth muscle. The first "big slab" system utilizes 18 x 20 x 0.1 cm3 gels and a 10-18% acrylamide gradient, optimized for a high resolution of 10 to 500 kDa polypeptides. Eight (or more) gels are cast simultaneously with a gradient formation from "bottom to top" and 20% glycerol is added to the 18% acrylamide solution. The second "minislab" system represents an improved version of the system of Matsudaira and Burgess (Anal. Biochem. 1978, 87, 386-396), with 8 x 10 x 0.05 cm3 gels and 5-15% or 9-18% acrylamide gradient ranges. They are cast from "top to bottom" in 28-piece batches also with the addition of glycerol for improved gradient formation. Both types of gels can also be cast individually using a specially designed pestle-type gradient maker. For gel destaining, a convenient continuous hydrodynamic destainer is also described.  相似文献   

Two radioimmunoassay (RIA) systems for genistein have been established, based on polyclonal antibodies against genistein-4'-O-(carboxymethyl)ether-bovine serum albumin and genistein-7-O-(carboxymethyl)ether-bovine serum albumin conjugates. The sensitivities of assays were 4.44 and 10.4 fmol (1.2 and 2.8 pg)/tube, respectively, the intraassay coefficients of variation ranged from 3.54 to 9.30%, the interassay C.V. varied from 6.72 to 19.7%, depending on the type of method and on genistein concentration. The cross-reactivities with other chemically related compounds (with exception of genistein derivatives at the position used for construction of the immunogen) were 5.5 and 6.1% for daidzein and 3.9 and 0.04% for formononetin in RIAs using reagents prepared through positions 4'- and 7- of genistein, respectively. The method was used for measurement of genistein levels in 26 omnivore subjects and in three volunteers after consumption of a meal prepared from 125 g of cooked whole soybeans. The values obtained in ether extracts from human sera were almost identical for both RIA systems, indicating that both RIAs measure the same entity.  相似文献   

Exocrine secretion from the pancreas and concentrations of cholecystokinin, gastrin, secretin, and somatostatin in plasma were measured in relation to feeding in 70- to 120-d-old preruminant calves fed either a milk diet or a soybean diet. Pancreatic fluid was continuously collected, measured, and reintroduced in catheterized calves. Blood samples were withdrawn for measurements of gut regulatory peptide concentrations in plasma. A slight increase in outflow of pancreatic fluid was observed 30 min before the milk diet was introduced but not before the soybean diet was fed. In contrast, concentrations and outflows of protein and trypsin immediately after feeding were higher when calves were fed the soybean diet. Overall, during the first 5 h postfeeding, the outflow of pancreatic fluid was 40% higher when the milk diet was fed than when the soybean diet was fed. No difference in outflow of protein was observed, but that of trypsin was 82% higher when the soybean diet was fed. This enhanced enzyme secretion could have been related to the increased plasma concentrations of gastrin and cholecystokinin after the soybean diet was fed. Secretin release was less in calves fed the milk diet that in calves fed the soybean diet during the first 2 h postfeeding, suggesting that this gut peptide along with gastrin and cholecystokinin, contributed to the stimulation of enzyme secretion. Plasma gut regulatory peptides could be influenced by the soybean diet, which does not coagulate in the stomach, inducing faster gastric emptying of protein and fat, and by the chemical form of protein from the soybean diet and the lower susceptibility of these proteins to protease compared with casein. However, the resulting enhancement of pancreatic trypsin secretion and activity seemed to be insufficient to increase the digestibility of soybean protein up to a level similar to that of milk.  相似文献   

The neuroendocrine peptides cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin, originally identified in mammals, are characterized by a common amidated C-terminal tetrapeptide sequence, Trp-Met-Asp-Phe.NH2, which also constitutes the minimal structure necessary for biological activity of both. Hence, it has been proposed that CCK and gastrin have evolved from a common ancestor. Although the occurrence of CCK/gastrin-related peptides has been suggested in representatives of several invertebrate phyla, the evidence, mostly based on immunoreactivity, has not been substantiated by peptide identification. Instead, CCK/gastrin-specific antibodies might be cross-reacting with Asp-Phe-amides, like the lymnaDFamides, isolated from the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Cionin, isolated from Ciona intestinalis, a representative of the protochordates that occupy a key position at the transition to vertebrates, so far represents the oldest genuine member of the CCK/gastrin family, dating the emergence of these peptides back to at least 500 million years ago. The CCK/gastrin family appears to be represented in the whole chordate phylum, and in addition to mammals, CCK and gastrin have recently been identified in a number of nonmammalian species representing the major vertebrate classes, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. This now makes it possible to consider the CCK/gastrin phylogeny based on structural information. A duplication of the ancestral gene appears to have already occurred before or during the appearance of cartilaginous fish, giving rise to two peptides most likely homologous to mammalian CCK and gastrin. Indicative of a function of gastrin, the acid secretory system appears to have developed concomitantly in sharks. The segregation of CCK and gastrin early in vertebrate evolution resembles the situation in other peptide families, in accordance with a suggested widespread pattern of multiplication within vertebrate peptide and protein families around 400 million years ago. At the amphibian level, two separate peptide systems, resembling mammalian CCK and gastrin, have been characterized by identification of the mature bioactive peptides, cDNAs, gene structures, primary and secondary sites of gene expression, and their physiological actions. The overall gene structure, including exon/intron organization, is similar in all mammalian and nonmammalian CCK/gastrin genes. CCK is well conserved in all vertebrate species investigated, while the mammalian gastrins at first sight appear as a distinct group with little similarity to the nonmammalian gastrins outside the invariant C-terminal tetrapeptide and the C-terminal flanking peptide of the prohormone. However, evidence indicates that the transition from nonmammalian to mammalian gastrin may not be as dramatic as first anticipated. In conclusion, the CCK/gastrin family appears to be represented in most, if not all, chordates, to which group it may also be limited. The two major classes, CCK and gastrin, probably arose as distinct peptide systems early in vertebrate history. While CCK is well conserved in all vertebrates, a major structural change of gastrin accompanied the transition to mammals.  相似文献   

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