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Laser pressure welding was conducted by changing the laser power and the roller pressure in the previous experiment. It was revealed that dissimilar metal welding of galvannealed steel and pure aluminium was feasible in a wide range of welding conditions. When the roller pressure was more than 1.96 kN at the laser powers equal to or less than 1400 W, the joint strengths were so high that the specimens in the tensile shear and the peel tests fractured in the A1050 parent metal.

In order to know the reason for such high strengths of joints with thick compound layers and the joining mechanism, the compound layer was observed by HR-transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TEM observation results revealed that the main phase in the compound layer was the solid solution of Al + Zn. Moreover, the intermetallic compound was identified as FeAl, Fe2Al5, Fe4Al13 and Fe2Al5Zn0.4 phase by electron diffraction. The Fe3Zn10 (Γ phase) of Fe–Zn intermetallic compound was confirmed on a Fe base material. It is guessed that the joining areas were heated at a range of 782°C more than 665°C, a melting point of Al, by laser irradiation because the δlk phase aspect was not confirmed. Because the surfaces of A1050 and Zn plated layer were melted thinly, the layer was over 10 μm thicker. The reason for the production of high-strength joints with a relatively thick intermetallic compound layer was attributed to the formation of (Al + Zn) phase with finely dispersed intermetallic compounds.  相似文献   

Dissimilar metal joints of galvannealed steel and commercially available pure aluminium (A1050) sheets were produced by changing the laser power and the roller pressure by the laser pressure welding method. In this method, the YAG laser beam was irradiated into a flare groove made by these dissimilar metal sheets. In addition, the laser beam was scanned at various frequencies and patterns through the lens using two-dimensional scanning mirrors. Then the sheets were pressed by the pressure rolls to be joined. The compound layers in the weld interface were observed by optical microscope, and the layer thicknesses were measured. The thicknesses were in the range of 7–20 μm. The mechanical properties of welded joints were evaluated by the tensile shear test and the peel test. In the tensile shear test, the strengths of the joints produced under the most welding conditions were so high that the fracture occurred through the base aluminium sheet. In the peel test of the specimens subjected to the laser beam of 1200–1400 W power under the roller pressure of 2.94 kN, the specimen fracture took place in the base aluminium sheet. Even if the compound layer was thick, high joint strength was obtained. In order to know the reason for such high strength of joints with thick compound layers and the joining mechanism, the compound layer was observed by the HR-TEM. The TEM observation results revealed that the main phase in the compound layer was the solid solution of Al + Zn. Moreover, the intermetallic compound was identified as FeAl, Fe2Al5, Fe4Al13, and Fe2Al5Zn0.4 phase by electron diffraction. The Fe3Zn10 (Γ phase) of Fe–Zn intermetallic compound was confirmed on a Fe base material. It is assumed that the joining areas were heated in a range of 782°C more than 665°C, a melting point of Al, by laser irradiation because the δlk phase aspect was not confirmed. Because the surfaces of A1050 and Zn plated layer were melted thinly, the layer was over 10 μm thicker. The reason for the production of high strength joints with the relatively thick intermetallic compound layer was attributed to the formation of (Al + Zn) phase with finely dispersed intermetallic compounds.  相似文献   

Dissimilar metal joining of aluminium alloys to steel is generally difficult to be in practical use because of a formation of brittle intermetallic Fe–Al compound (IMC) at the interface of the joint. The authors have been researching in order to minimize the thickness of this brittle IMC in order to get excellent joint strength and have found that the formation of this brittle IMC is regionally prevented by using the advanced hot-dip aluminized steel sheet and by adopting suitable joining conditions. In particular, this paper focuses on the mechanism of creating this IMC-free region in the case of MIG-braze welding and the results obtained are as follows. (1) The creation of IMC-free region is initiated as the first process by the dissolution of the τ5 phase (Fe–Al–Si) in the aluminized layer into the weld metal, and temperatures of more than 886 K for dissolution during MIG-braze welding and the use of filler metal for dilution of Fe and Si in τ5 phase have significant effects. (2) In the second process, the diffusion between aluminium-alloy weld metal and base steel is restricted by AlN on the surface thin layer of the base steel which existed under 908 K temperature conditions during MIG-braze welding.  相似文献   

Recently, the demand for dissimilar metal joints of titanium to aluminium alloy has arisen in industry, especially in the transportation vehicle industry. However, it is well known that fusion welding of titanium to aluminium alloy is difficult because of generating the brittle intermetallic compound at the joint interface. Therefore, new welding processes with high reliability and productivity for these dissimilar materials are demanded. In the present work, Laser roll welding of titanium to aluminium alloy using a 2 kW fibre laser was tried to investigate the effects of the process parameters on the formation of the interlayer and the mechanical properties of the joint. As a result, the cross-section of the joint shows partial melting of the aluminium sheet and spreading of molten aluminium alloy on the titanium sheet occurs during the welding thermal cycle. Various types of intermetallic compound were confirmed at the interlayer of the welded joint. The specimen with a bonding width of 2.8 mm failed in the base metal of titanium in the tensile shear test. In Erichsen cupping tests, the Erichsen value was 5.7 mm. This value was 89% of the base metal of aluminium sheet.  相似文献   

采用有限元方法对马氏体/珠光体异种耐热钢接头在560℃条件下,外加轴向应力水平分别为100,120和140 MPa时界面附近的最大主应力、Von Mises等效应力进行了数值模拟,通过恒应力加速蠕变试验对模拟结果进行了验证.结果表明,对于低匹配接头,焊缝/低强母材界面附近最大主应力很高,蠕变孔洞易于在焊缝/低强母材界面处形成,随着外加应力水平的提高,焊缝/低强母材界面附近最大主应力升高较快,但VonMises等效应力较低,孔洞不易扩张.加速模拟试验后界面的蠕变损伤较轻,晶界仅存在少量分散蠕变孔洞,失效倾向较小.对于高匹配接头,焊缝/低强母材界面的最大主应力数值大,界面附近的Von Mises等效应力很高,孔洞易于形核、扩张.加速模拟运行后,高匹配接头中焊缝/12Cr1MoV界面的蠕变损伤及失效倾向大,发生了界面蠕变断裂.因此,对于马氏体/珠光体异种耐热钢接头,采用低匹配焊缝较高匹配合理.  相似文献   

In many industries, there are applications that require the joining of stainless steel and copper components; therefore, the welding of dissimilar stainless steel/copper joints is a common process. For this investigation, the optimal brazing conditions and suitable filler metals for laser brazing of stainless steel/copper lap joints were studied. Tensile shear force increases with increases in the laser spot diameter or in the laser irradiation angle, which is associated with increased bonding width; however, as bonding width approaches 2 mm, tensile shear force reaches a saturated value due to fracturing at the HAZ of the Cu base plate. In order to obtain joints with high tensile shear strength, laser brazing was optimized by using Cu–Si-based filler metal under the following conditions: laser power, 4 kW; spot diameter, 3 mm; laser irradiation angle, 80°; irradiation position shift, 0.6 mm; brazing speed, 0.30 m/min; and filler metal feed speed, 0.30 min. Concerning filler metals, it was found that the Ni–Cu type showed relatively large tensile shear force even at high welding speeds in comparison with those of the Cu–Si, Cu, Cu–Ni, Ni–Cu and Ni types, respectively.  相似文献   

This research concerns a dissimilar metal joining of steel and aluminium (Al) alloys by means of zinc (Zn) insertion. The authors propose a joining concept for achieving strong bonded joints between Zn-coated steel and Al alloys. A eutectic reaction between Zn in the Zn coating and uniform Al–Fe intermetallic compound (IMC) layer at the joint interface, leading to a strong bonded joint. The ultimate aim of this research was to apply this joining concept in the resistance spot welding process for manufacturing vehicle bodies. As a practical issue characteristic to joints of dissimilar metals, anticorrosion measures against electrochemical corrosion must be undertaken. If there is moisture near a joint interface of dissimilar metals, electrochemical erosion will progress. Therefore, a sealing function that could prevent moisture intrusion is required. By applying the above-mentioned welding process to a set of metals with thermosetting resin spread in between, we realized seal spot welding, which not only prevented moisture intrusion but also retained high tensile strength. In this research, first, a cyclic corrosion test was performed on the seal spot-welded joint of galvanized (GI) steel, a steel grade widely distributed in Japan, and Al alloy was bonded by seal spot welding, and the following topics are discussed. Complete removal of sealant from the joint interface is the key to realizing the high tensile stress joint, because remaining sealant will lead to reduction in tensile strength. Therefore, heat generation at the interface was monitored by measuring electrical current and potential difference between the two electrodes, and a precise temperature control was performed. Moreover, the bonding process was clarified by stepwise analysis of the joint interface using optical microscopy, and a guideline for producing strong joints was proposed. And finally, a TEM observation also confirmed that the interface structure of the seal spot-welded joint was the same as joints without the resin; a thin and uniform Al–Fe IMC layer was formed and a strong metallurgical bonding was achieved.  相似文献   

采用三相次级整流电阻焊机进行镁/钢异种材料电阻点焊,研究并确定了工艺参数范围和最佳数值.通过金相显微镜观察了接头的显微组织特征,并采用显微硬度计测试了接头各区域的显微硬度.结果表明,接头的剪切力随着焊接时间(2 ~ 14周波)、焊接电流(20~ 37.5 kA)以及电极力(5~8 kN)的增大均呈先增大后减小的趋势.当焊接时间8周波、焊接电流32 kA、电极力7 kN时,最大接头剪切力达6.961 kN,形成纽扣断裂.接头由半椭圆形镁合金熔核和钢侧热影响区组成,镁侧熔核显微组织由柱状晶和等轴晶组成,钢侧热影响区显微组织为板条状马氏体.镁侧离熔合线越近硬度越高,而钢侧最高硬度出现在钢板的中心.  相似文献   

近来铝合金/钢、铝合金/钛合金等异种金属的连接在汽车等行业越来越受到重视。但是采用熔化焊来连接异种金属非常困难,同时扩散焊的效果也不很理想,主要是因为焊接过程中在界面处会产生较多的脆性金属间化合物。因此,急需一种高可靠性、高效率的新工艺对此类异种材料进行高质量的连接。激光滚压焊正是针对这一需求而开发的新型连接工艺。详细介绍了该工艺方法的提出背景、工作原理、界面上金属间化合物的特点以及所得到焊接接头的主要性能。  相似文献   

The welded joint of dissimilar heat-resisting steels 20Crl2MoV(F12)and 12 Cr2MoWVTiB(102)generally works around 600°C.In this paperthree kinds of ferritic electrodes are used for testing.They are R817 high-strength electrode(CrllMoVNi),R347 low-strength electrode(Cr2MoVWB)and newly-developed R507MoNb medium-strength electrode.The study on theinfluence of those three different electrodes on carbon migration,HIC and hy-drogen diffusion shows that medium-strength electrodes can well control thecarbon migration,and that the tendency to HIC in the joint formed by R817 issmaller than that by R347 instead.Considering the effect of weld metal transfor-mation on the restraint stress and hydrogen concentration of a joint,the hydro-gen distribution in the heat-affected zone(HAZ)is calculated by using finite ele-ment method(FEM)with stress and strain changing,and so the effect of thetransformation behaviour on HIC is revealed.In addition,newly-developedR507MoNb electrodes,tested the elevated-temperature property,oxidation re-sistance and creep rupture strength,have fulfilled the technical standards con-cerned and passed the examination of on-the-spot operation.  相似文献   

游胜辉 《电焊机》2012,42(7):65-67
40MnB是中碳合金结构钢,具有强度高、韧性好等性能,但其含碳量高,焊接性低,冷裂倾向大。16MnR属于低碳合金钢,具有良好的物理性能和工艺性能。两种钢在汽车上应用比较广泛。通过焊接接头无损检测、力学性能和组织金相分析,研究CO2气体保护焊40MnB和16MnR异种钢的焊接性能。结果表明,采用合适的焊接规范,所得的焊接接头各项性能良好,热影响区晶粒长大不严重,焊缝与母材熔合良好。  相似文献   


Double-pass process was newly performed to a friction stir welded (FSWed) A3003 aluminium alloy/SUS304 stainless steel dissimilar lap joint in order to improve the asymmetry of the FSWed joint. A sound symmetrical joint was produced by running the tool again at the bead which ?rstly produced by FSW. Tensile strength of specimens was improved by leaving the tool distance from 2 mm to 5 mm where both edges of the stirred zone were advancing side (AS-AS joint). Micro-tensile test revealed that most of the stirred zone in the AS-AS joint with the tool distance of 5 mm fractured at A3003 base metal.  相似文献   

运用相位摩擦焊技术实现电解铝阳极铝-钢的大端面焊接,替代了传统电解铝中铝-钢爆炸焊块作过渡的连接方式。在此主要研究了铝-钢摩擦焊接头的各项力学性能,并模拟真实电解环境对焊接件进行了电阻检测试验,试验结果表明:铝-钢摩擦焊接头可承受的最高平均负载为88 t,高于传统型接头59 t;温度350℃、通电电流7 k A条件下,铝-钢摩擦焊技术可实现降低阳极压降约8 m V。  相似文献   

Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) has been applied to a dissimilar metal lap joint of an aluminium alloy and steel by stirring only the upper aluminium alloy sheet. Therefore, FSSW cannot be used to weld a lap joint composed of three or more sheets and a lap joint with an adhesive interlayer. In the present work, we propose a novel spot welding process for dissimilar metal lap joints using a new tool with the tip made of spherical ceramics. When this process is applied to the lap joint of the aluminium alloy and steel, the tool can be plunged into the lower steel sheet, then a steel projection is formed in the aluminium alloy sheet. The height of this steel projection increases with the plunge depth, and accordingly, the weld strength increases; the tensile shear strength and the cross tensile strength reached about 3.6 and 2.3 kN/point, respectively.  相似文献   

The interfacial microstructure produced through tool transit of a friction stir welded lap joint between an aluminium alloy and stainless steel was studied by transmission electron microscopy in order to clarify its early stages of formation. Transmission electron microscopy studies of the bottom surface of the exit hole revealed the presence of several mixed layers of an ultrafine intermetallic compound (IMC) and stainless steel. The joining between dissimilar materials was achieved through a continuous flow of the stirred aluminium alloy into the mixed layers and the resultant growth of the ultrafine IMCs due to the heat induced by the friction between the tool and the specimen. The continuous thin reaction layer finally produced at the interface was found to be stronger than the base aluminium alloy.  相似文献   

A new type of hybrid welding method called resistance plug welding (RPW) was firstly adopted to achieve the connecting of dissimilar steel,mainly as for the poor welding characteristics of high strength steel produced by increasing carbon,manganese,silicon,etc.Microstructures and mechanical properties of RPW joint were analyzed by optical microscope,micro-hardness test and shear tensile measurement.Experimental results indicate that the RPW joint has a rounded rectangle nugget,and the size is larger than elliptical nugget of resistance spot welding (RSW) joint;the hardness value of RPW joint is evenly distributed,accordingly there is no hard brittle phases;the shear tensile strength of RPW joint increases by 20% in comparison with RSW joint under the same welding conditions.  相似文献   

The dissimilar metals 1Crl8Ni9 and 16MnR are welded by shielded metal arc welding process using electrode A312. The corrosion experiments are carried out on welded joint samples, which is as-welded and post-weld heat treatment at 650 ℃, 750 ℃ and 850 ℃, for 2 h in 70% sodium hydroxide solution. EDS and X-ray diffraction analysis are carried out on the samples after corrosion. Average corrosion rate calculation and microhardness measurement are conducted on both as- welded and post-weld heat treatment samples. The results indicate that average corrosion rate of as-welded joint metal is smaller than that of post-weld heat treatment joint metal. Compared with that of post-weld heat treatment at 750 ℃ and 850 ℃ for 2 h, the average corrosion rate of welded joint after post-weld heat treatment at 650 ℃ for 2 h increases greatly.  相似文献   

熔钎焊是抑制或减少钢/铝异种金属激光焊接过程中FeAl脆性金属间化合物产生的有效工艺方法。采用光纤激光器,不添加任何钎料,对1.2 mm厚DC56D+ZF镀锌钢和6016铝合金平板试件进行激光搭接焊试验,利用MATLAB软件,针对焊接过程的实际情况,在一定的基本假设下建立准稳态下钢/铝异种金属激光焊接熔池形状的数学模型,基于准稳态形状控制方程数值计算获得的熔池几何形状分布,结合试验来调整焊接工艺参数,获得最佳焊接成形,利用卧式金相显微镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪等手段研究焊接接头各区域的金相组织、主要元素分布与物相组成。结果表明:焊接激光束照射搭接在钢板上的铝板对接焊缝时,焊接功率和焊接速度对熔池几何形状的影响较大,随着激光功率的增大,熔深增加;而随着焊接速度的增加,熔深却变浅。当焊接功率为1 600~1 800 W、焊接速度v=30 mm/s、离焦量D=0 mm时,焊缝成形性良好,无明显裂纹、气孔等缺陷,焊接接头区域存在一个台阶状结构,在平台区域,钢/铝两钟金属存在明显的界限,界面结合依靠液态的铝在钢母材表面上的润湿、填充和铺展等作用;下凹区域,钢/铝熔合较好,Fe和Al元素的混合区宽度较大,未形成明显的FeAl脆性金属间化合物,Fe和Al的热扩散是该区域界面结合的主要原因。  相似文献   

分析了珠光体钢与奥氏体钢异种钢的焊接性,介绍了焊接材料的选用原则、材料种类、工艺及工程中的应用.结果表明:该类异种钢焊接材料的选择原则是,尽量选用接近或高于奥氏体钢的高合金成分,而不是接近珠光体钢的成分;尽量避免焊缝中马氏体组织形成,保证接头获得良好的使用性能和焊接性.可供该类异种钢选用的焊接材料种类较多,工艺方法各具特色.三个典型应用案例表明,这类异种钢焊接质量的有效控制,取决于焊接材料的合理选用及正确的工艺方法.新型、高效、自动化焊接材料是颇具推广应用前景的焊接新材料.  相似文献   

倪加明  陈梦凡  卜星 《电焊机》2021,51(3):55-58
针对6061铝合金与1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢异种金属焊接,采用连续旋转摩擦焊接实现铝钢异种材料焊接,并采用SEM、EDS进行组织分析和性能测试.试验结果表明:在旋转速率为600 r/min、顶锻压力为4.5 MPa,顶锻时间为2 s等工艺参数条件下,铝/钢摩擦焊接头结合紧密,界面呈现波纹状;接头抗拉强度可达252 M...  相似文献   

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