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激光-MIG复合电弧焊接工艺综合了激光焊接和电弧焊接的优点,具有低热输入(0.25 kJ/mm)、高焊接速度(55~60 mm/s)、低变形等特点。应用在巴士和卡车底盘的马氏体不锈钢的焊接中取得了很好的效果,通过实验证明,激光-MIG复合焊的焊缝成形良好,接头力学性能、母材疲劳性能优越,其效率是普通MIG焊接的6.5倍。  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of weld pool shape and size is of great significance for selection and optimization of the process parameters in pulsed current plasma arc welding (PAW). In this paper, a mathematical model and relevant algorithm are developed to determine the temperature profiles and weld pool geometry in pulsed current PAW through employing an adaptive heat source model. The volumetric heat source consists of semi-ellipsoid at upper part and a conic body at lower part along the workpiece thickness direction. The dynamic variation features of weld pool shape during a pulse cycle are numerically simulated. The calculated weld cross-section is consistent with the measure one.  相似文献   

朱玉欣  胡绳荪  傅育文 《电焊机》2004,34(10):28-31
为进行脉冲等离子弧焊接的研究,在实验室现有的直流等离子弧焊接系统的基础上引入单片机控制系统,对焊接电源的原给定控制电路进行改造,实现了焊接电流的脉冲控制。同时设计了单片机控制系统的键盘输入、LED显示等外围扩展电路。  相似文献   

Double-sided arc welding with a single power source can effectively increase the weld penetration, diminish distortion, improve welding speed and save energy. Compared to conventional arc welding processes, double-sided arc welding can generate a penetrating electromagnetic field to help to form fine dendritic microstructure in the weld due to the symmetry of heating. Type 1Cr18Ni9Ti austenitic stainless steel was bead-on-plate welded with double-sided arc welding and conventional plasma arc welding processes, respectively, and microstructure in the weld, heat-affected zone and base metal were examined. After analyzing the black carbon-enriched band in the weld during plasma arc welding with electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technology, it was found that the black band was shaped from the aggregation of ferrite in the fusion boundary. Hardness measurement showed that this black band does not apparently affect the microhardness distribution in the weld.  相似文献   

Supermartensitic stainless steel welds produced by submerged are welding were assessed for their microstructure and properties. Slow strain rate tests conducted on these specimens revealed that both the parent material and the weld metals are susceptible to cracking under conditions of hydrogen (H) charging.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to make a metallurgical evaluation of the austenitic stainless surfacing welding on the sealing area of the riser tubes made of SAE 4130 steel. The study was divided into two steps. The first step aims to determine the dilution rate and deposition rate for the minimum and maximum levels of heat input according to the welding procedure specification (WPS) for TIG and SMAW processes, followed by analysis and study on the Schaeffler diagram in order to identify the welding consumable best-suited to attend the established quality criteria. This study identified the electrode 312 as the filler material for the first layer, and the electrodes 309 and 308 for the second layer, both using the maximum heat input of the WPS and the SMAW process, with benefits to productivity. The second step has as its objective the validation of the empirical results found in the 1st step, with the execution of surfacing welds with two layers each, and the metallurgical characterization of the welded joints by mechanical testing and microstructural analysis by optical and electronic microscopy. The results of mechanical testing and microstructure were considered satisfactory, filling the adopted quality criteria. An austenitic-ferritic microstructure with delta ferrite content between 10 and 15% was observed for both layers of the surfacing. The electrode 312 assumed a prominent position in the application of the first layer of the surfacing weld on the SAE 4130 steel, according to its higher content of delta ferrite and chromium, avoiding hot cracks formation. For the second layer, both the 309 and 308 may be used. All welds were made with high heat input, ensuring increased productivity, without significant change in the physical and mechanical characteristics.  相似文献   

柯黎明 《焊接学报》1993,14(3):179-185
采用试验室制造的不同成分的焊丝,用Ar+H2混合气体保护的TIG焊方法,通过纵向焊道拉伸拘束裂纹(LB-TRC)试验和焊缝金属恒应变速率拉伸(WM-SERT)试验,定量研究了双相不锈钢焊缝金属中铁素体含量对氢致裂纹敏感性的影响。结果表明,当双相不锈钢焊缝金属中δ铁素体含量小于50%时。焊缝金属对氢致裂纹不敏感;当δ铁素体含量大于50%时,随铁素体含量的增加,氢裂敏感性显著增加。  相似文献   

通过试验研究了Nd:YAG激光 脉冲GMAW复合热源焊接过程中焊接工艺参数对焊缝熔宽的影响.结果表明,复合热源焊缝熔宽随电弧功率和激光功率的增大而增大,随焊接速度的提高而减小,而光丝间距和离焦量对复合热源焊缝熔宽影响相对较小.复合热源焊缝熔宽远大于激光焊缝熔宽而仅稍大于脉冲GMAW焊缝熔宽,说明在复合热源焊接过程中脉冲GMAW决定焊缝熔宽,这主要是由于激光束加热区域远小于电弧加热区域造成的.试验结果的分析比较还表明,在激光 电弧复合热源焊接过程中激光功率的增大还极大地提高了焊接速度.  相似文献   

基于中厚板打底焊接存在着自动化程度及效率低的问题,采用脉冲熔化极气体保护焊-钨极氩弧焊(MAG-TIG)双电弧热源焊接对板厚为24 mm的Q235-B进行打底焊接单面焊双面成形工艺研究及机制分析. 结果表明,脉冲MAG-TIG双电弧热源打底焊接时,利用TIG电弧与MAG电弧间的电磁力来调节MAG电弧在熔池前端的加热位置,使得一部分电弧热量直接作用于钝边上;结合焊接电弧放电行为与熔池流动分析发现,打底成形稳定性最佳时,利用TIG电弧与熔池的剪切力使得液态金属向后方流动,熔池前端底部液态金属减少,易于平衡稳定,可获得熔透均匀、连续、稳定的打底焊缝背面成形.  相似文献   

采用钨极氩弧焊(TIG)和CO2激光焊在焊管生产线上对2mm厚日本原产409D(00Cr13Ti)铁素体不锈钢进行焊接,并对焊管进行扩口试验和焊接接头显微组织分析。结果表明:激光焊接铁素体不锈钢管具有接头热影响区窄、晶粒长大程度小、冷加工成形性能好的优点。可以很好地满足汽车排气管生产后续的所有冷加工工艺要求。  相似文献   

以0Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢钢板为试验材料,研究了低功率脉冲YAG激光-脉冲MAG电弧复合热源和单脉冲MAG焊接不锈钢.结果表明,低功率脉冲YAG激光-脉冲MAG电弧复合热源同样具有大功率激光-电弧复合焊接才有的增加熔深、提高焊接速度、稳定焊接过程等优点;低功率脉冲YAG激光的加入改变了电弧形态,电弧根部被吸引和压缩现象显著,提高了能量利用率;与单脉冲MAG堆焊相比,在相同焊接速度下复合焊最大能增加熔深1.3倍,在相同熔深下复合焊的焊接速度可以提高50%;复合焊焊缝的晶粒较单MAG焊缝中的晶粒细小,其焊缝抗拉强度比单MAG的好,断裂属于延性断裂.  相似文献   

陈兴东  肖玉竹  黄岚 《电焊机》2016,(1):108-112
为使焊接修复的叶片获得理想的接头组织和性能,利用微弧等离子焊接方法对预制缺口的2Cr13叶片采用ER410焊丝进行焊接修复。通过对比不同的电流大小和焊接方法对接头焊缝组织、热影响区宽度及显微硬度的影响,结果表明:当焊接电流大于45 A时,高温回火后的接头组织全为回火索氏体,显微硬度比母材稍高约20 HV10;但焊接电流小于45 A时,焊缝组织中残留大量的δ铁素体,显微硬度显著降低。残留大量δ铁素体是由于焊缝金属中铬当量与镍当量配比不当,且冷却过快,而δ铁素体未来得及相变直接保留至室温。  相似文献   

脉冲熔化极气体保护焊熔池图像的检测与处理   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
利用CCD摄像机和复合滤光技术建立了一套熔池图像实时采集系统。利用光谱分析,提出了适合于脉冲熔化极气体保护焊(P-GMAW)熔池成像的滤光光谱窗口,并对中心波长分别为665nm和1064nm滤光系统的成像质量进行了分析。分析了P-GMAW单个脉冲内的不同时刻的熔池图像,研究表明脉冲基值结束期间为最佳的取像时刻。使用中心波长为665nm的滤光系统,从熔池正后方取像,获取了清晰的熔池图像。针对所获取的典型的P-GMAW熔池图像,详细研究了其成像机理。开发了一套熔池图像处理程序,利用该程序提取了完整的熔池轮廓。  相似文献   

详细分析了不锈钢等离子弧(PA)-钨极氩弧(GTA)双面弧焊(DSAW)的工艺特点,该工艺可以增加熔深,减小焊后热变形,尤其适用于中厚板的焊接.当小孔效应建立后,PA-GTA双面弧焊过程中的电弧均得到了不同程度的压缩,两焊枪之间的电弧电压出现下降趋势,节省了能源.形成小孔后,电弧穿过工件从工件内部进行加热,提高了热效率.表面张力、电弧吹力和电磁搅拌力均有利于获得较大的熔深,浮力有利于增加焊缝中间部位的宽度.  相似文献   

邢宪峰 《焊接》2007,(6):56-58
通过对新型铁素体不锈钢Nirosta4003进行常规焊接工艺试验,了解了该种材料的焊接性,针对供货厂家提供的焊接材料,进行了对比焊接工艺试验,确定了匹配的焊接材料与合适的焊接工艺参数,制定出合理的焊接工艺方案,保证了产品的制造质量.该材料已成功地应用于出口澳大利亚力拓公司矿石车的生产.  相似文献   

吕小青  张鹏  沈俊 《中国焊接》2019,28(4):28-32
Using highspeed camera image measuring and processing, the contour of the weld pool was extracted accurately in pulsed metal inert gas (P-MIG) welding. Based on this extraction method, time and frequency domain characteristics at different points along the contour of the weld pool were analyzed for one pulse one droplet and one pulse two droplets, respectively. The results show that, because of the wave super position that was created by the pulsed arc and droplet impacting the weld pool, the oscillation amplitude along the weld pool fluctuated and decreased with an increase in distance from the point to the arc center. The oscillation near the arc center was complex and intense for one pulse two droplets, and the amplitude were relatively small because the oscillation caused by the pulsed arc could be offset by the molten droplet impact. The weld pool oscillation that was caused by the pulsed arc was stronger than that caused by the droplet.  相似文献   

机器人自动脉冲TIG焊J形坡口焊缝填充策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
核电压力容器封头由半球形封头和多个圆管相贯构成,连接的焊缝为J形坡口,轨迹是球管相贯的空间曲线,位于封头内部.由于该焊缝的特殊性,目前普遍采用手工焊接,质量与效率不佳.文中针对核电压力容器封头J形坡口的机器人自动焊接技术提出了一种多层多道焊填充策略.通过焊接结构分析,确定了J形坡口的焊接工艺分区,提出了设定焊接层数、道数的焊接轨迹规划方法,进而提出了焊接工艺参数的设定规则并据此对焊缝形状进行控制.结果表明,应用文中提出的焊缝填充策略及焊缝形状控制方法可获得良好的焊缝成形.  相似文献   

在探针法检测等离子云理论基础上,研制了实用化的多探针等离子云传感器,并利用尾焰传感器对比检验了所设计传感器的可靠性和检测精度.将等离子云传感器应用于脉冲等离子弧焊穿孔熔池小孔状态检测,并对检测信号的波形特征做了深入研究.分析表明,等离子云检测信号中负脉冲信号可以作为脉冲等离子弧焊穿孔熔池的状态变化的特征判据,负脉冲信号的频率则可以作为脉冲焊接是否保持"一脉一孔"焊接的特征判据.等离子云电压信号可以很好的反映穿孔熔池的状态.  相似文献   

脉冲埋弧横焊工艺在石油储罐焊接中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高莹  李桓  孙勃  杨战胜 《焊接学报》2008,29(3):149-152
把横焊位置脉冲埋弧焊的熔池简化为在固体表面承受脉冲载荷的液态金属,分析了其横焊位置的受力情况,探索了脉冲埋弧横焊消除咬边的机理,熔池所受到的电磁力、熔滴冲击力以及表面张力都是随焊接电流的变化做周期性变化,这样的周期性变化有利于在填充焊和盖面焊中消除咬边.结果表明,脉冲埋弧横焊不仅可以利用脉冲峰值电流保证熔深,同时脉冲电流的震荡作用可以有效地消除咬边,拓宽了埋弧横焊的工艺参数范围.  相似文献   

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