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Through positioning the leading laser as an auxiliary role, and the trailing arc as the main heat source, aluminum alloy (Al) was joined to galvanized steel plate with lap joint. The brazed seam width w increased with the increasing of heat input. The appropriate laser-wire distance Dlw and defocusing distance df to obtain the good fusion weld appearance were 5 mm and +20 mm, respectively. The fracture position of tensile test sample was divided into brazed interface fracture (P < 0.6 kW) and HAZAl fracture (P > 0.6 kW). The maximum tensile strength of dissimilar joint reached 75% of that of Al. The shear strength was mainly decided by heat input, and the brazed seam had the highest microhardness. Joining mechanism of this process was summarized into two factors: the effective function of laser and the metallurgical function of zinc. Compared to gas metal arc welding (GMAW), large spot laser assisted GMA process improved weld appearance and enhanced the process stability and its time-efficiency.  相似文献   


Intermetallic layer of dissimilar tungsten inert gas welding–brazing butt joint of aluminium alloy/ stainless steel has been studied. A visible unequal thickness intermetallic layer has formed in welded seam/steel interface, and the thickness of the whole layer is <10 μm. The interface with Al–12Si filler metal consists of τ 5-Al8Fe2Si layer in welded seam side and θ-(Al,Si)13Fe4 layer in steel side with the hardness values of 1025 and 835 HV respectively, while the interface with Al–6Cu filler metal consists of θ-Al13(Fe,Cu)4 layer with the hardness of 645 HV. The average tensile strength of the joint with Al–12Si filler metal is 100–120 MPa, and the fracture occurs at θ-(Al,Si)13Fe4 layer, while the joint with Al–6%Cu filler metal presents high crack resistance with tensile strength of 155–175 MPa, which reaches more than 50% of aluminium base metal strength.  相似文献   

Tungsten inert gas(TIG) arc-assisted laser welding–brazing was used for the butt joining of 5A06 aluminum alloy to the galvanized steel by preset filler powder without groove. The spreading behavior of liquid metal on the back of the galvanized steel at different assisted welding currents was also investigated. The results show that the assisted TIG arc optimizes the interface reaction temperature, enhances the wettability of liquid metal on the steel side, and forms a sound butt joint at an appropriate welding current. A non-uniform intermetallic compound is formed at the interfacial layer, which is composed of Fe2Al5 close to the steel substrate and Fe4Al13 close to the solidified aluminum. The superior tensile strength of joint is indicated when the welding current ranges from 13 to 16 A. The average tensile strength can reach 151 MPa at the welding current of 16 A, and the corresponding fracture belongs to the ductile and brittle hybrid mode.  相似文献   

The influence of process variables including heating mode, flux, laser beam offset, and travel speed on the weld bead geometry and joint strength was investigated during laser welding–brazing (LWB) of AZ31B Mg alloy to Zn coated steel. The wettability of molten filler metal on steel surface was studied via a Charge-coupled Device (CCD) camera. The reaction layers along the interface were characterized and the failure mechanism was identified. Dual beam processing was found to preheat the steel substrate and promote the wettability of molten filler metal on the steel surface, thereby improving the corresponding joint strength. Utilizing a flux was found to produce a similar effect on molten filler metal. The optimized range of laser offset was found to be between 0.5 and 1.0 mm toward the steel side of the joint. These optimized parameters led to a maximum joint strength of 228 N/mm. The joint strength was however found to decrease with increasing travel speed. Cracking was identified with travel speeds greater than 1 m/min. Microstructural characterization showed that heterogeneous interfacial reaction layers were produced from the seam head to the seam root of the joint. The reaction layer thickness varied within a certain range when applying different process parameters, suggesting the growth of interfacial layer was not essentially related to the heat input. The primary failure mode of the lap specimens was interfacial fracture. Cracks propagated along the Mg–Zn reaction layer and steel interface. Original Fe–Al phase formed during the hot-dip galvanization process hindered the metallurgical bonding of Mg–Zn reaction layer and steel substrate, which was attributed to interfacial type failure.  相似文献   

A novel resistance brazing method aided by numerical simulation, in which the brazing is completed through several preliminary heatings and a subsequent final heating aided by the numerical simulation is presented. The preliminary heating is performed with a relatively low electric energy input so that the uniformity of the surface contact condition between two parts can be improved due to local melting and subsequent solidification and so that the electric current data can be acquired for preparing analytical conditions necessary to the numerical simulation. The final heating is performed with an energizing condition determined by the numerical simulation in advance. To prove the efficacy of the resistance brazing method aided by the numerical simulation, Ti–Ni alloy and type 304 stainless steel wires with diameters of 96 μm both were butt-joint brazed using Au–Cu brazing filler metal supplied with the individual metal plating. The brazed joints had tensile strengths ranging from 74 to 448 MPa in accordance with the energizing conditions.  相似文献   


Federal regulations have recently been enacted to reduce significantly the atmospheric pollution caused by motor vehicles. This has compelled automotive manufacturers to improve the fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks by using lightweight materials such as aluminium. The focus of the present work is to develop welding procedures for autogenous CO2 (continuous mode) and Nd–YAG (continuous mode) laser beam welding of 5754–O aluminium alloy. The mechanical and microstructural characteristics of the welded joints were evaluated using tensile tests, microhardness tests, optical microscopy, and chemical analysis. Results indicate that this alloy can be autogenously laser welded with full penetration, minimum surface discontinuities, and little if any loss of magnesium through vaporisation from the fusion zone. The total elongation (all weld metal) in the longitudinal direction for 5754–O laser welds produced using 5 kW CO2 and 3 kW continuous wave (CW) Nd–YAG shows a slight decrease with increasing travel speed. Studies indicate that the decreasing tendency is probably due to the orientation of the grains with respect to the loading direction. The welds produced using the 5 kW CO2 laser at travel speeds between 127 and 212 mm s-1 displayed a total longitudinal elongation of 19.13–15.12% and those produced using the 3 kW CW Nd–YAG laser at travel speeds between 85 and 148 mm s-1 displayed a total longitudinal elongation of 22.6–18.15%, compared with the base metal value of 28.1%. An observation of great interest was that the weld surface condition did not have any effect on the ductility of the 5754–O aluminium alloy studied in the present investigation.  相似文献   

Based on thermal-elasto-plastic finite element theory, a two-dimensional finite element model for calculating electron beam brazing temperature and residual stress fields of stainless steel radiator are presented. The distributions of temperature and residual stress are studied. The resuhs showed that temperature distribution on brazing surface is rather uniform, ranging from 1 026 ℃ to 1 090 ℃. The residual stresses are varied from initial compressive to tensile , and the variation of residual stress is very little in total zone of brazing surface.  相似文献   

Based on literature sources and the author's own research, this article presents the current state of knowledge about composite coatings created by means of the plasma transfer method. The general characteristics of composite coatings and their strengthening mechanisms have been described. Methods of creating composite coatings by means of the plasma transfer method have also been discussed.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe copper and copper alloys possess a num ber of superior properties, such as excellent elec trical conductivity, excellent thermal conductivityand forming property, so the complex componentsof the steel, copper and copper alloy have comple mentary advantages on the economy and perform ance[1, 2]. But it is very difficult to realize the goodbonding of them by adopting routine fusion weld ing and braze because of a rather large difference inthe melting point, coefficient…  相似文献   

In the present study, dissimilar welds of an Al–Mg–Mn alloy and a Zn-coated high-strength low-alloy steel were welded by refill friction stir spot welding. The maximum shear load recorded was approximately 7.8?kN, obtained from the weld produced with a 1600?rev min?1 tool rotational speed. Microstructural analyses showed the formation of a solid–liquid structure of an Al solid solution in Mg–Al-rich Zn liquid, which gives rise to the formation of Zn-rich Al region and microfissuring in some regions during welding. Exposure of steel surface to Mg–Al-rich Zn liquid led to the formation of Fe2Al5 and Fe4Al13 intermetallics. The presence of defective Zn-rich Al regions and Fe–Al intermetallics at the faying surface affects the weld strength.  相似文献   

This investigation is aimed to establish empirical relationships between continuous multi-seam friction stir cladding process parameters (i.e., rotational speed, welding speed and shoulder overlap ratio) and the quality characteristics (bond tensile strength, shear strength and corrosion) of dissimilar magnesium–aluminium alloy clad joints. The influence of considered process parameters on the clad properties was reported. Furthermore, multi-criterion optimization procedure was used to obtain ideal processing conditions, which can yield higher interface strength and lower corrosion rate of fabricated composite plate. Results indicate that, the aluminium-rich thin continuous layer, Mg-rich irregular shaped regions consists of Al3Mg2 and Al12Mg17 intermetallic compounds and nature of mechanical interlocking has great influence on the joint interface strength. On the other hand, the corrosion resistance of the clad joints is greatly affected by the amount of magnesium mixed with top aluminium sheet during friction stirring. Also, bend testing shows that, the cladded joints exhibit excellent ductility.  相似文献   

1Introduction Arc brazing is a relatively new joining technique.The main advantages over existing commercially available joining processes are its low cost and potential for being easily incorporated as a workstation in the production chain.This will sign…  相似文献   


The hot cracking behaviour in the diode laser braze joint of 13Cr–4Ni stainless steel using Au–18Ni, Ag–10Pd and Ag–21Cu–25Pd filler metals has been investigated. The types of joint investigated were the T fillet joint and the L fillet joint which simulated the second braze bead in the T fillet joint. Tandem beam brazing was also carried out in order to prevent the hot cracking by post-heating treatment with a trailing beam. A centreline crack, characterised as a ductility dip crack, occurred in the second braze bead of the T fillet joint using Au–Ni filler metal. On the other hand, no cracks occurred in either the first or the second braze bead in T fillet braze joints using Ag–Pd and Ag–Cu–Pd filler metals. The hot cracking susceptibility of the Au–Ni braze metal was evaluated by the spot Varestraint test. Most of the cracks observed in the spot Varestraint test specimen were also characterised as ductility dip cracks, and the susceptibility to such cracking increased with increasing the augmented strain. The ductility dip temperature range (DTR) was estimated from the crack position and length to be 1000–1250 K at strains over 0·4%. Numerical analyses of the thermal stress and strain revealed that the plastic strain–temperature curve intersected the DTR in the single beam brazing, but did not intersect the DTR with post-heating during the laser brazing. The effect of post-heating on the crack prevention was verified by tandem beam brazing of L fillet joint with a trailing beam. No cracks occurred in the braze bead made with a trailing beam at laser powers of 200–300 W. The authors concluded that hot cracking in the Au–Ni braze metal could be successfully prevented by controlling the thermal cycle during the laser brazing process.  相似文献   

Friction stir welding parameters were developed for a 6 mm thick dissimilar butt joint made of mild steel and Ni based alloy 625. A composite W-Re/polycrystalline cubic born nitride tool was used to study the effect of tool offset (between 0 and 3·13 mm away from the alloy 625 plate) and rotational speed (between 250 and 350 rev min?1) on joint consolidation. When non-optimal parameters were used, macrovoids were observed at the advancing side and faying surface near the joint interface root. Defect free joints were obtained using 300 rev min?1, 100 mm min?1, tool offset of 1·63 mm, and axial force between 25 and 30 kN, under force controlled mode.  相似文献   

Laser brazing was carried out for dissimilar joining of sialon and a WC–Co alloy. Eutectic type Ag–Cu alloys as filler metals with different Ti content ranging from 0 to 2·8 mass-% were used to investigate the effects of Ti on the interface structure and strength of the joint. The filler metal sheet was sandwiched between a sialon block and a WC–Co alloy plate, and a laser beam was irradiated selectively on the WC–Co alloy plate. The brazed joint was obtained using the filler metal containing >0·3 mass-%Ti. TiN, Ti5Si3, and Cu4Ti layers were formed at the interface of sialon and brazed metal as compound layers. The shear strength of the brazed joint increased with increasing Ti content in the filler metal in the range 0·3–1·7 mass-%, reaching a maximum value of 106 MPa. However, the strength decreased when the Ti content became higher than 1·7 mass-%.  相似文献   


In the present work a 2·5 kW high power Nd–YAG laser is used in the bead on plate (BOP) and butt welding of Inconel 690 plates of thickness 3 mm. Welding is performed using a rectangular laser pulse, for which the peak to base power ratio Wr is reduced from an initial value of 10 to a value of 1, maintaining an identical mean power of 1·7 kW. Therefore, the welding mode changes from a pulsed wave to a continuous wave. The BOP results indicate that the depth of the weld penetration increases at a lower travel speed and/or a higher value of Wr. In the butt welding process, as Wr is increased from 1 to 10, the cellular microstructure of the weld remains relatively unchanged, but the macroporosity formation ratio decreases from 7·1% to 0·6%. At low values of Wr, macroporosity is identified primarily in the root region. However, as Wr increases, the associated periodic high power increases the agitation of the molten pool and probably causes bubbles to float upwards. Consequently, at higher values of Wr, the regions of macroporosity are distributed randomly throughout the weld. Although microcracks are not apparent within any of the welds, each weld exhibits slight microporosity. This microporosity decreases as Wr increases. The present results confirm that a pulsed laser beam with an appropriate peak power can be used to achieve a compromise between the mechanical properties and surface roughness of the weld for Inconel 690 in Nd–YAG laser welding.  相似文献   

In the present work, the increase in the basicity index of the slag system of the flux, represented by the ternary system of MnO–SiO2–CaO oxides, is evaluated. The increment of the basicity index is performed by the addition of CaO, keeping the MnO/SiO2 percentage relation of the system constant, in order to evaluate the behaviour of the chemical composition resulting from the metal deposited by SAW. As a result, it is possible to intensify the Mn transfer to the deposited metal and at the same time attenuate that of the Si, S, P and the carbon remains basically unalterable. All this makes it possible, in combination with low-manganese wire, to obtain similar results to those obtained with fluxes of lower basicity in combination with medium manganese wires.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of microstructural characterization studies conducted on copper alloy joints obtained by different brazing processes. In particular, tests have been conducted on Cu–Ni–Zn ternary alloys (nickel silvers), traditionally used in the spectacle industry, in order to highlight the merits and any metallurgical and functional defects in samples obtained using two different heat input methods: induction and LASER beam welding.

Along with the metallographic analysis of joints made using the traditional induction brazing technique, the joints obtained by LASER brazing have been investigated. In particular, it has been evaluated as to how altering the process parameters pertaining to both the LASER beam (power and impact time) and base metal surface conditions (presence or absence of surface oxides) can significantly influence the formation of macroscopic defects in the joints or on deformation of the components themselves.

Hence, the main scope of the paper has been an attempt to identify the optimal process parameters for LASER beam brazing, so that the joints thus obtained have acceptable mechanical properties, while maintaining good aesthetic appearance, a decidedly essential requirement in components for spectacles.  相似文献   

Driven by the interest to weld steel and aluminium in the solid state to prevent intermetallic formation, 9?kW ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM) has been used to fabricate Al 6061-4130 steel dissimilar metal builds. In addition, Al 6061-Al-6061 builds were fabricated using similar techniques to provide a baseline for mechanical property measurement. Mechanical testing performed using pushpin testing shows that steel–aluminium dissimilar metal welds fail across multiple layers while Al–Al welds delaminate from the substrate. Multi-scale characterisation indicates that the change in failure morphology is due to the formation of metallurgical bonds in the Al–steel builds. Texture analysis shows identical textures at the interface of Al–steel, Al–Al and Al–Ti joints; showing that the bond formation in all cases relies extensively on plastic deformation across multiple materials. In addition, no changes to the bonding mechanism occurred when the materials used as foils and substrate were swapped.  相似文献   

Steels applied for construction of oil and gas pipelines are analysed; examples of X70 and X80 steel pipelines are given. The mechanical properties and weldability of X70 and X80 steel as well as principles of quality inspection of pipelines performed at a building site are described. On the grounds of the literature survey and the author's own experience, both shortcomings and advantages of application of advanced high-yield-strength steels, for instance X80 steel, for construction of high-pressure pipelines are presented.  相似文献   

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