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In this paper we present and compare some classical problem-solving methods for computing the stable models of logic programs with negation. Using a graph theoretic representation of logic programs and their stable models, we discuss and compare linear programming, propositional satisfiability, constraint satisfaction, and graph methods.  相似文献   

The Gelfond-Lifschitz operator associated with a logic program (and likewise the operator associated with default theories by Reiter) exhibits oscillating behavior. In the case of logic programs, there is always at least one finite, nonempty collection of Herbrand interpretations around which the Gelfond-Lifschitz operator bounces around. The same phenomenon occurs with default logic when Reiter's operator is considered. Based on this, a stable class semantics and extension class semantics has been proposed. The main advantage of this semantics was that it was defined for all logic programs (and default theories), and that this definition was modelled using the standard operators existing in the literature such as Reiter's operator. In this paper our primary aim is to prove that there is a very interestingduality between stable class theory and the well-founded semantics for logic programming. In the stable class semantics, classes that were minimal with respect to Smyth's power-domain ordering were selected. We show that the well-founded semantics precisely corresponds to a class that is minimal w.r.t. Hoare's power domain ordering: the well-known dual of Smyth's ordering. Besides this elegant duality, this immediately suggests how to define a well-founded semantics for default logic in such a way that the dualities that hold for logic programming continue to hold for default theories. We show how the same technique may be applied to strong autoepistemic logic: the logic of strong expansions proposed by Marek and Truszczynski.  相似文献   

The evolution of logic programming semantics has included the introduction of a new explicit form of negation, beside the older implicit (or default) negation typical of logic programming. The richer language has been shown adequate for a spate of knowledge representation and reasoning forms.The widespread use of such extended programs requires the definition of a correct top-down querying mechanism, much as for Prolog wrt. normal programs. One purpose of this paper is to present and exploit a SLDNF-like derivation procedure, SLX, for programs with explicit negation under well-founded semantics (WFSX) and prove its soundness and completeness. (Its soundness wrt. the answer-sets semantics is also shown.) Our choice ofWFSX as the base semantics is justi-fied by the structural properties it enjoys, which are paramount for top-down query evaluation.Of course, introducing explicit negation requires dealing with contradiction. Consequently, we allow for contradiction to appear, and show moreover how it can be removed by freely changing the truth-values of some subset of a set of predefined revisable literals. To achieve this, we introduce a paraconsistent version ofWFSX, WFSX p , that allows contradictions and for which our SLX top-down procedure is proven correct as well.This procedure can be used to detect the existence of pairs of complementary literals inWESX p simply by detecting the violation of integrity rulesf L, -L introduced for eachL in the language of the program. Furthermore, integrity constraints of a more general form are allowed, whose violation can likewise be detected by SLX.Removal of contradiction or integrity violation is accomplished by a variant of the SLX procedure that collects, in a formula, the alternative combinations of revisable literals' truth-values that ensure the said removal. The formulas, after simplification, can then be satisfied by a number of truth-values changes in the revisable, among true, false, and undefined. A notion of minimal change is defined as well that establishes a closeness relation between a program and its revisions. Forthwith, the changes can be enforced by introducing or deleting program rules for the revisable literals.To illustrate the usefulness and originality of our framework, we applied it to obtain a novel logic programming approach, and results, in declarative debugging and model-based diagnosis problems.  相似文献   

Reasoning almost always occurs in the face of incomplete information. Such reasoning is nonmonotonic in the sense that conclusions drawn may later be withdrawn when additional information is obtained. There is an active literature on the problem of modeling such nonmonotonic reasoning, yet no category of method-let alone a single method-has been broadly accepted as the right approach. This paper introduces a new method, called sweeping presumptions, for modeling nonmonotonic reasoning. The main goal of the paper is to provide an example-driven, nontechnical introduction to the method of sweeping presumptions, and thereby to make it plausible that sweeping presumptions can usefully be applied to the problems of nonmonotonic reasoning. The paper discusses a representative sample of examples that have appeared in the literature on nonmonotonic reasoning, and discusses them from the point of view of sweeping presumptions.  相似文献   

Gelfond and Lifschitz were the first to point out the need for a symmetric negation in logic programming and they also proposed a specific semantics for such negation for logic programs with the stable semantics, which they called 'classical'. Subsequently, several researchers proposed different, often incompatible, forms of symmetric negation for various semantics of logic programs and deductive databases. To the best of our knowledge, however, no systematic study of symmetric negation in non-monotonic reasoning was ever attempted in the past. In this paper we conduct such a systematic study of symmetric negation. We introduce and discuss two natural, yet different, definitions of symmetric negation: one is called strong negation and the other is called explicit negation. For logic programs with the stable semantics, both symmetric negations coincide with Gelfond–Lifschitz' 'classical negation'. We study properties of strong and explicit negation and their mutual relationship as well as their relationship to default negation 'not', and classical negation '¬'. We show how one can use symmetric negation to provide natural solutions to various knowledge representation problems, such as theory and interpretation update, and belief revision. Rather than to limit our discussion to some narrow class of nonmonotonic theories, such as the class of logic programs with some specific semantics, we conduct our study so that it is applicable to a broad class of non-monotonic formalisms. In order to achieve the desired level of generality, we define the notion of symmetric negation in the knowledge representation framework of AutoEpistemic logic of Beliefs, introduced by Przymusinski.  相似文献   

Embedding defaults into terminological knowledge representation formalisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of integrating Reiter's default logic into terminological representation systems. It turns out that such an integration is less straightforward than we expected, considering the fact that the terminological language is a decidable sublanguage of first-order logic. Semantically, one has the unpleasant effect that the consequences of a terminological default theory may be rather unintuitive, and may even vary with the syntactic structure of equivalent concept expressions. This is due to the unsatisfactory treatment of open defaults via Skolemization in Reiter's semantics. On the algorithmic side, we show that this treatment may lead to an undecidable default consequence relation, even though our base language is decidable, and we have only finitely many (open) defaults. Because of these problems, we then consider a restricted semantics for open defaults in our terminological default theories: default rules are applied only to individuals that are explicitly present in the knowledge base. In this semantics it is possible to compute all extensions of a finite terminological default theory, which means that this type of default reasoning is decidable. We describe an algorithm for computing extensions and show how the inference procedures of terminological systems can be modified to give optimal support to this algorithm.This is a revised and extended version of a paper presented at the3rd International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, October 1992, Cambridge, MA.  相似文献   

Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions (LPADs) provide a simple and elegant framework for representing probabilistic knowledge in logic programming. In this paper we consider the problem of learning ground LPADs starting from a set of interpretations annotated with their probability. We present the system ALLPAD for solving this problem. ALLPAD modifies the previous system LLPAD in order to tackle real world learning problems more effectively. This is achieved by looking for an approximate solution rather than a perfect one. A number of experiments have been performed on real and artificial data for evaluating ALLPAD, showing the feasibility of the approach. Editors: Stephen Muggleton, Ramon Otero, Simon Colton.  相似文献   

We study the expressive power of first-order autoepistemic logic. We argue that full introspection of rational agents should be carried out by minimizing positive introspection and maximizing negative introspection. Based on full introspection, we propose the maximal well-founded semantics that characterizes autoepistemic reasoning processes of rational agents, and show that breadth of the semantics covers all theories in autoepistemic logic of first order, Moore's AE logic, and Reiter's default logic. Our study demonstrates that the autoepistemic logic of first order is a very powerful framework for nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming, deductive databases, and knowledge representation.This research is partially supported by NSERC grant OGP42193.  相似文献   

The relationship between TMS and general logic programs is an important issue in non-monotonic logic programming.In this paper,we prove that,after we translate the TMS theory into a general logic program,the TMS‘s well-founded assignment (or extension) is equivalent to the corresponding general logic program‘s stable model.It means that TMS can be completely integrated into a non-monotonic logic programming environment.  相似文献   

Providing a clean procedural semantics of the Negation As Failure rule in Logic Programming has been an open problem for some time now. This rule has been treated as a technique in nonmonotonic reasoning, not as a rule in classical logic. This paper contains a demonstration of the negation as failure rule as a resolution procedure in first-order logic. We present a sound and complete resolution scheme for negation as failure rule for the larger class of constraint logic programs. The approach is to consider a canonical partition of the completion of a definite (constraint) program into the IF and the FI programs. We show that a negated goal, provable from the completed definite program is provable from just the FI part. The clauses in this program have a structure dual to that of definite Horn clauses. We describe a sound and complete linear resolution rule for this fragment, and show that a resolution proof of the negated goal from the FI part corresponds to a finite failure tree resulting from classical linear resolution applied to the goal on the If part of the original definite program. Our work shows that negation as failure rule can be computationally efficient in the sense that the SLD-resolution on the If part of a definite program along with the negation as failure rule is more efficient than a direct resolution procedure on the completion of that program.  相似文献   

This article is the thirteenth of a series of articles discussing various open research problems in automated reasoning. Here we focus on finding criteria for correctly choosing between using logic programming and a more general automated reasoning approach to attack a given assignment. The problem proposed for research asks one to find criteria that classify problems as solvable with a well-focused algorithm or as requiring a more general search for new information. We include suggestions for evaluating a proposed solution to this research problem.This work was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38.  相似文献   

In the paper we introduce a variant of autoepistemic logic that is especially suitable for expressing default reasonings. It is based on the notion of iterative expansion. We show a new way of translating default theories into the language of modal logic under which default extensions correspond exactly to iterative expansions. Iterative expansions have some attractive properties. They are more restrictive than autoepistemic expansions, and, for some classes of theories, than moderately grounded expansions. At the same time iterative expansions avoid several undesirable properties of strongly grounded expansions, for example, they are grounded in the whole set of the agent's initial assumptions and do not depend on their syntactic representation.Iterative expansions are defined syntactically. We define a semantics which leads to yet another notion of expansion — weak iterative expansion — and we show that there is an important class of theories, that we call -programs, for which iterative and weak iterative expansions coincide. Thus, for -programs, iterative expansions can be equivalently defined by semantic means.This work was partially supported by Army Research Office under grant DAAL03-89-K-0124, and by National Science Foundation and the Commonwealth of Kentucky EPSCoR program under grant RII 8610671.  相似文献   

Equilibrium logic is a general purpose nonmonotonic reasoning formalism closely aligned with answer set programming (ASP). In particular it provides a logical foundation for ASP as well as an extension of the basic syntax of answer set programs. We present an overview of equilibrium logic and its main properties and uses.Partially supported by CICyT project TIC-2003-9001-C02, URJC project PPR-2003-39 and WASP (IST-2001-37004).  相似文献   

Computing argumentation in logic programming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article provides detailed constructions demonstrating that the class of indexed grammars introduced as a simple extension of context-free grammars has essentially the same expressive power as the class of logic programs with unary predicates and functions and exactly one variable symbol.Some additional considerations are concerned with parsing procedures.  相似文献   

A logic for reasoning with inconsistency   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Most known computational approaches to reasoning have problems when facing inconsistency, so they assume that a given logical system is consistent. Unfortunately, the latter is difficult to verify and very often is not true. It may happen that addition of data to a large system makes it inconsistent, and hence destroys the vast amount of meaningful information. We present a logic, called APC (annotated predicate calculus; cf. annotated logic programs of [4, 5]), that treats any set of clauses, either consistent or not, in a uniform way. In this logic, consequences of a contradiction are not nearly as damaging as in the standard predicate calculus, and meaningful information can still be extracted from an inconsistent set of formulae. APC has a resolution-based sound and complete proof procedure. We also introduce a novel notion of epistemic entailment and show its importance for investigating inconsistency in predicate calculus as well as its application to nonmonotonic reasoning. Most importantly, our claim that a logical theory is an adequate model of human perception of inconsistency, is actually backed by rigorous arguments.A preliminary report on this research appeared in LICS'89.Work of M. Kifer was supported in part by the NSF grants DCR-8603676, IRI-8903507.Work of E. L. Lozinskii was supported in part by Israel National Council for Research and Development under the grants 2454-3-87, 2545-2-87, 2545-3-89 and by Israel Academy of Science, grant 224-88.  相似文献   

Integrity constraints were initially defined to verify the correctness of the data that is stored in a database. They were used to restrict the modifications that can be applied to a database. However, there are many other applications in which integrity constraints can play an important role. For example, the semantic query optimization method developed by Chakravarthy, Grant, and Minker for definite deductive databases uses integrity constraints during query processing to prevent the exploration of search space that is bound to fail. In this paper, we generalize the semantic query optimization method to apply to negated atoms. The generalized method is referred to assemantic compilation. This exploration has led to two significant results. First, semantic compilation provides an alternative search space for negative query literals. The alternative search space can find answers in cases for which negation-as-finite-failure and constructive negation cannot. Second, we show how semantic compilation can be used to transform a disjunctive database with or without functions and denial constraints without negation into a new disjunctive database that complies with the integrity constraints.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop a declarative semantics for N-Prolog with negation as failure. N-Prolog is an extension of Prolog proposed by Gabbay and Reyle (1984, 1985), which allows for occurrences of nested implications in both goals and clauses. Our starting point is an operational semantics of the language defined by means of top-down derivation trees. Negation as finite failure can be naturally introduced in this context. A goal-G may be inferred from a database if every top-down derivation of G from the database finitely fails, i.e., contains a failure node at finite height.Our purpose is to give a logical interpretation of the underlying operational semantics. In the present work (Part 1) we take into consideration only the basic problems of determining such an interpretation, so that our analysis will concentrate on the propositional case. Nevertheless we give an intuitive account of how to extend our results to a first order language. A full treatment of N-Prolog with quantifiers will be deferred to the second part of this work.Our main contribution to the logical understanding of N-Prolog is the development of a notion of modal completion for programs, or databases. N-Prolog deductions turn out to be sound and complete with respect to such completions. More exactly, we introduce a natural modal three-valued logic PK and we prove that a goal is derivable from a propositional program if and only if it is implied by the completion of the program in the logic PK. This result holds for arbitrary programs. We assume no syntactic restriction, such as stratification (Apt et al. 1988; Bonner and McCarty 1990). In particular, we allow for arbitrary recursion through negation.Our semantical analysis heavily relies on a notion of intensional equivalence for programs and goals. This notion is naturally induced by the operational semantics, and is preserved under substitution of equivalent subexpressions. Basing on this substitution property we develop a theory of normal forms of programs and goals. Every program can be effectively transformed into an equivalent program in normal form. From the simple and uniform structure of programs in normal form one may directly define the completion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for computing extensions and for deriving formulae from a default theory. It is based on the semantic tableaux method and works for default theories with a finite set of defaults that are formulated over a decidable subset of first-order logic. We prove that all extensions (if any) of a default theory can be produced by constructing the semantic tableau ofone formula built from the general laws and the default consequences. This result allows us to describe an algorithm that provides extensions if there are any, and to decide if there are none. Moreover, the method gives a necessary and sufficient criterion for the existence of extensions of default theories with finitely many defaults provided they are formulated on a decidable subset of FOL.This work was completed while the author was at CNRS, Marseille.  相似文献   

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