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文中阐述了纸袋纸所要求的使用性能,通过对伸性纸袋的有关试验,验证了采用提高纸张定量,减少层数的纸袋具有较好的使用效果和经济效益,建议在实践中加以推广和应用之。  相似文献   

开发了最优化技术用于实现纸机流浆箱浆流的数字控制。对于特定的流浆箱和其中的部件或浆流情况,相关的最优化问题是通过对其进行数字描述并数字化控制来解决的。产生的内部软件通过两个实例进行阐述,即锥形总管的几何优化和堰板槽浆流的控制优化,包括流浆箱的传统堰板调节和可控浆浓流浆箱的数字化控制实例。[刊,英](41)  相似文献   

赵方 《西南造纸》2003,32(5):35-35
2000年5月陆良银河纸业有限公司决定在原有2362型薄页纸机上开发卷烟滤嘴棒成型纸,决定对2362mm纸机进行改造,为确保生产出的纸张定量波动控制在±5%以内,拟采用高达测控公司浆浓自控系统对纸机上浆进行自动控制,确保纸机抄造正常,减少因定量波动而产生的残次品数量,并节约能源。该系统的应用具有一定的先进性和实用性。1流程介绍本公司纸机上浆系统采用冲浆池、冲浆泵上浆,自控部分及相关上浆流程如图1所示。2系统工作原理及硬件配置变送器包括1台高达公司的静刀浓度计,(DD2—Ⅲ)1台光华仪表K300电磁流量计(SE×10mm),2台电磁调节阀(unic…  相似文献   

火炬松木材价格比北方针叶木低,生长速率快,种植、采伐适应性强。但是,火炬松机械浆的质量差,主要用于生产低档纸例如新闻纸。加拿大造纸中心科技人员最新研究结果表明,火炬松机械浆通过低浓磨浆或化学品预处理可以明显地改进质量,从而可生产高档纸例如低定量涂布纸。  相似文献   

AlexPiquer 《中华纸业》2004,25(10):22-23
北美某纸厂的一台大型纸机生产低定量涂布纸,出现了严重的纵向和横向定量波动问题.Voith工艺分析团队对其流送系统进行了全面分析,包括脉冲研究、管道流动特性的工程评估、Tapio/TSO分析以及流浆箱的测绘.其中的造纸工艺师进行了震动研究,他用一台多通道光谱分析仪评估纸浆系统各点的压力脉冲变化(图31).  相似文献   

Forced heat loss from body surface reduces heat flow to body surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heat stress is commonly relieved by forced evaporation from body surfaces. The mode of heat stress relief by heat extraction from the periphery is not clear, although it reduces rectal temperature. Radiant surface temperature (Ts) of the right half of the body surface was examined by thermovision in 4 lactating Holstein cows (30 kg of milk/d) during 7 repeated cycles of forced evaporation created by 30 s of wetting followed by 4.5 min of forced airflow. Wetting was performed by an array of sprinklers (0.76 m3/h), and forced airflow (>3 m/s velocity) over the right side of the body surface was produced by fans mounted at a height of 3 m above the ground. Sprinkling wetted the hind legs, rump, and chest, but not the lower abdomen side, front legs, or neck. The animals were maintained in shade at an air temperature of 28°C and relative humidity of 47%. Coat thickness was 1 to 2 mm, so Ts closely represented skin temperature. Mean Ts of 5 × 20 cm areas on the upper and lower hind and front legs, rump, chest, abdomen side, and neck were obtained by converting to temperature their respective gray intensity in single frames obtained at 10-s intervals. Little change occurred in Ts during the first wetting (0.1 ± 0.6°C), but it decreased rapidly thereafter (1.6 ± 0.6°C in the fifth wetting). The Ts also decreased, to a smaller extent, in areas that remained dry (0.7 ± 1.0°C). In all body sites, a plateau in Ts was reached by 2 min after wetting. The difference between dry and wet areas in the first cooling cycle was approximately 1.2°C. The Ts of different body areas decreased during consecutive cooling cycles and reached a plateau by 3 cooling cycles in dry sites (front leg, neck, abdomen side), by 5 cooling cycles in the hind leg, and 7 cooling cycles in the rump and chest. The reduction in mean Ts produced by 7 cycles was 4.0 to 6.0°C in wetted areas and 1.6 to 3.7°C in sites that were not wetted. Initial rectal temperature was 38.9 ± 0.1°C; it remained unchanged during first 5 cooling cycles, decreased by 0.1°C after 7 cooling cycles, and decreased to 38.4 ± 0.06°C after 8 to 10 cooling cycles, with no additional subsequent decrease. The concomitant reduction in Ts in dry and wet areas suggests an immediate vasoconstrictor response associated with heat extraction and later development of a cooler body shell. The reduction in rectal temperature represents a response involving transfer of heat from the body core to the body shell. This response mode requires consideration in settings of heat stress relief.  相似文献   

Drying of apple slices was studied in a conventional tray drier (initial slice thickness=0.3–1.0 cm, drier temperature=60–100 °C) and in a computer-controlled tunnel drier (initial slice thickness=0.8 cm, air tempera ture=50–100 °C, air flow rate=2.4 m/s). In most of the experiments the drying behaviour was characterized by a constant rate period, followed by a falling rate period. The constant rate drying period did not occur, and the colour of the dried slices was improved substantially with tunnel drying under computer control, when a linearly decreasing temperature profile from 100 °C to 70 °C was used. The quality improvement may be attributed partly ot the elimination of the continuous water film covering the surface in the constant rate drying period, which may serve as a medium for the reaction and transport of the chemical species.
Farbveränderungen und Gewichtsverluste von Apfelstücken während des Trocknens
Zusammenfassung Apfelscheiben (0,3–1,0 cm) wurden in einem konventionellen Hordentrockner (60 bis 100 °C) und einem rechnerkontrollierten Tunneltrockner (Scheiben 0,8 cm, Lufttemperatur 50 bis 100 °C, Luftfluß 2,4 m · s–1) getrocknet. Bei den meisten Experimenten wurde eine zweiphasige Trocknung beobachtet. Eine regelmäßige Trocknung fand dagegen bei einem gesteuerten, linearen Temperaturgradienten von 100 zu 70 °C statt. Dies verbesserte die Qualität der Produkte, offensichtlich wegen des Vermeidens einer Wasserfilm-Bildung auf den Oberflächen der Apfelstücke während des Trocknens. Ein derartiger Film kann ein Medium für Reaktionen und den Transport von Reaktanden Scin.

目前在猪肉的冷加工过程中,一般冷却肉的加工温度为0~15℃,冷冻肉的加工温度为-40~-15℃.肉类在冷加工过程中,由于表面层的水分蒸发,使肉类不断减重,这种减重的现象,称为"脱水",俗称"干耗".  相似文献   

普洱茶发酵过程中茶多糖分子量变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从不同微生物发酵的普洱茶中提取茶多糖,并对其分离纯化?分子量分析,明确茶多糖在发酵过程中的变化规律。采用热水浸提乙醇沉淀法提取茶多糖,双氧水脱色,再用凝胶色谱(GPC)法测定其分子量。结果表明,由木霉和酵母发酵的普洱茶多糖提取物中糖分与蛋白质含量均随着发酵时间的延长而增加。由木霉发酵的普洱茶中多糖的分子量随着发酵时间的延长先增大然后减小;由酵母发酵的普洱茶中多糖的分子量未呈现出规律性变化。结果表明,茶原料、发酵的微生物种类以及发酵时间等对发酵普洱茶中多糖分子量都有影响。  相似文献   

Weight loss and chilling injury often occur during the refrigerated storage of fresh produce, leading to significant economic costs to horticultural industries. The postharvest quality of three types of horticultural produce, eggplant fruit (Solanum melongena), mizuna (Brassica rapa) and fig fruit (Ficus carica), was investigated under storage environments of two kinds of fine mists producing relative humidity as high as 95% at 5.5 and 7 °C for 10, 6 and 8 days, respectively. Mists generated by nanomist humidifiers (nanomists) had average particle diameters less than 100 nm, while ultrasonic humidifiers (ultrasonic mists) generated average particle diameters of 216 nm. The results show that the weight loss rates of the samples stored under nanomist humidifiers were 3.7%, 5.3% and 8.8% for mizuna, eggplant and fig, respectively, while those stored under ultrasonic mist were 7.3%, 8.5% and 14.7%, respectively. The eggplant fruits stored in the nanomist chamber had a lower index of chilling injury than those stored in the ultrasonic mist. The stomatal pores of the samples exposed to the nanomists closed by 34.7 and 51.5 μm2 for mizuna and fig, respectively, compared with their initial openings, while in the ultrasonic mists, they closed by 15.8 and 25.5 μm2, respectively. The color of mizuna stored in the nanomist was greener than those placed in the ultrasonic mist during the postharvest storage period.  相似文献   

The biochemical, sensory and drip loss changes that occur during processing and prolonged frozen storage of kiwi fruit slices (cvs Abbott and Hayward) were studied. Fruit slices were frozen at ?40°C, packed in polyethylene bags and stored at ?18°C for 11 months. Maturity characteristics (pH, acidity, dry matter, soluble solids) were determined on raw fruit. Objective (proteins, peroxidase (EC activity, drip loss) and subjective (sensory tests) analyses were carried out during processing and storage, and indicated a good quality of the frozen kiwi fruit slices after 11 months of storage. There were significant differences (P < 0.05) between the studied varieties with respect to drip loss during frozen storage and colour after 11 months. Best results were obtained with cv Hayward. This variety showed less drip loss after thawing and after 11 months storage presented the same green colour as after freezing, while cv Abbott became yellowish-green.  相似文献   

真空预冷毛豆冷藏期间色泽和失重率变化动力学模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探究真空预冷毛豆贮藏过程中色泽和失重率变化规律及其动力学模型。方法将真空预冷毛豆贮藏在0、5、10℃温度条件下,研究其色泽L*、a*、b*、?E和失重率随贮藏时间的变化规律,采用动力学模型对指标进行分析,并结合Arrhenius方程建立基于色泽和失重率变化的预测模型。结果在实验条件下,贮藏温度越低,真空预冷毛豆的色泽和失重率变化速率越慢。不同贮藏温度下毛豆色泽和失重率变化符合零级动力学规律和Arrhenius方程,色泽L*、a*、?E和失重率的活化能Ea分别为27.78、49.70、30.55、54.32 kJ/mol,建立依赖于温度-时间的色泽和失重率动力学模型,验证表明其模型拟合度良好(r20.9)。结论动力学模型能够预测真空预冷毛豆贮藏期间色泽和失重率的变化,为毛豆冷藏期间色泽和失重率的变化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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