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Grain boundary diffusion process(GBDP) serves as a promising approach in improving magnetic properties and thermal stability of Nd FeB permanent magnets. Herein, non-heavy rare earth Pr-Zn films deposited on the magnet surface using DC-magnetron sputtering system are reported. The thermal stability and coercivity enhancement mechanism of Pr-Zn GBDP magnets were investigated. Results show that the coercivity of Pr-Zn GBDP magnet increases from 963.96 kA m~(-1) to 1317.14 kA m~(-1) without any remanence reduction. Notably, the demagnetization curve of Pr-Zn GBDP magnet still remains a high squareness ratio. The temperature coefficient of coercivity and anti-demagnetization ability of Pr-Zn GBDP magnet under high temperatures are improved after GBDP treatment. The well-optimized rare earth-rich(RE-rich) grain boundary phases and high effective anisotropy field of(Nd,RE)2 Fe14 B magnetic hardening layers surrounding main grains are the key factors to impact the magnetic properties and thermal stability of Nd FeB permanent magnets via GBDP treatment. 相似文献
CoNiFe-based amorphous films were magnetron-sputtered to investigate their structural and magnetic properties, including annealing-induced effects and interfacial influence from additional layers of Ta and Cu. The amorphous structure was confirmed by diffraction experiments. The magnetic measurements showed a well-defined uniaxial anisotropy in plane, arising possibly from atom oblique incidence effects competing with the stray field of the magnetron. The anisotropy could be influenced by using a Ta buffer layer, though the interfacial reaction gives rise to a dead layer. A coercive force H
c of 1–2 Oe and a magnetization of 680 emu/cm3 were measured at room temperature; properties which show promise for application in magnetotunneling junction devices. Thermal analyses showed a two-stage crystallization behavior, which started at 400°C and ended at about 600°C. The Curie temperature of the amorphous phase was estimated to be about 440°C. 相似文献
Microstructures, optimum sputtering conditions, and annealing methods were investigated for the purpose of obtaining zero magnetostriction amorphous films with good magnetic softness. Sputtering conditions which suppress formation of columnar structure in films were studied, and films with high density were obtained. The mechanism of columnar structure suppression is discussed. Annealing in an ellipitically rotating field is effective to reduce in-plane anisotropy and Barkhausen-type noise, and to obtain very weak anisotropy for high initial permeability. Some of the samples thus obtained exhibit excellent softness with high initial permeability. 相似文献
Mechanical properties and thermal stability of nitrogen incorporated diamond-like carbon films 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The nitrogen incorporated diamond-like carbon films were deposited on Si (100) substrates by arc ion plating (AIP) under different N2 content in the gas mixture of Ar and N2. The influence of N2 content on the film microstructure and mechanical properties was studied by atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and nanoindentation. It was found that the hardness (H), elastic modulus (E), elastic recovery (R) and plastic resistance parameter (H/E) decrease with increasing the nitrogen content. The decrease of mechanical properties of DLC films resulted from nitrogen incorporation was associated with total sp3 carbon bond content and N-sp3C bond content. The structural modification as well as mechanical properties of the annealed nitrogen incorporated diamond-like carbon films was investigated as a function of annealing temperature. Raman spectra indicate that the ID/IG ratio starts to increase and G peak position shifts upward at the annealing temperature over 500 °C. The hardness and elastic modulus of thermally annealed nitrogen incorporated DLC films decreased slightly at lower annealing temperature and then significantly decreased at higher annealing temperature. The strong covalent bonding between C and N atoms is expected to be effective on their thermal stability enhancement. 相似文献
Structure, hardness and thermal stability of TiAlN and nanolayered TiAlN/CrN multilayer films 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
TiAlN films were deposited on silicon (1 1 1) substrates from a TiAl target using a reactive DC magnetron sputtering process in Ar+N2 plasma. Films were prepared at various nitrogen flow rates and TiAl target compositions. Similarly, CrN films were prepared from the reactive sputtering of Cr target. Subsequently, nanolayered TiAlN/CrN multilayer films were deposited at various modulation wavelengths (Λ). X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray analysis, nanoindentation and atomic force microscopy were used to characterize the films. The XRD confirmed the formation of superlattice structure at low modulation wavelengths. The maximum hardness of TiAlN/CrN multilayers was 3900 kg/mm2, whereas TiAlN and CrN films exhibited maximum hardnesses of 3850 and 1000 kg/mm2, respectively. Thermal stability of TiAlN and TiAlN/CrN multilayer films was studied by heating the films in air in the temperature range (TA) of 500-900 °C for 30 min. The XRD spectra revealed that TiAlN/CrN multilayers were stable up to 800 °C and got oxidized substantially at 900 °C. On the other hand, the TiAlN films were stable up to 700 °C and got completely oxidized at 800 °C. Nanoindentation measurements performed on the films after heat treatment showed that TiAlN retained a hardness of 2200 kg/mm2 at TA=700 °C and TiAlN/CrN multilayers retained hardness as high as 2600 kg/mm2 upon annealing at 800° C. 相似文献
稀土Nd掺杂FeCo纳米磁性薄膜的结构和磁性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用射频磁控共溅射方法,通过改变Nd靶溅射功率,制备了一系列Ta/Ndx(FeCo)100-x/Ta纳米薄膜。研究了其结构和磁性随Nd含量和真空磁场退火温度(T)的变化关系。X射线衍射研究表明制备态的薄膜为非晶态,随着退火温度的升高,逐渐析出Fe-Co纳米晶,随T的进一步升高,FeCo纳米晶粒逐渐变大,而且在薄膜中生成了FeCoNd合金纳米晶。利用振动样品磁强计研究了纳米薄膜的静态磁性,结果表明,饱和磁化强度随着Nd含量的升高而降低。经真空磁场热处理的样品都表现出很好的面内磁各向异性,在Ta/Nd20(FeCo80)/Ta样品中获得了易轴矫顽力135.32A/m,难轴矫顽力为199A/m,各向异性场为8166.96A/m的优异静态磁性,表明在高频领域具有很好的潜在应用前景。 相似文献
溅射法制备Mn-Zn铁氧体薄膜的磁性与微结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以交替真空溅射的方法使用成分分别为MnFe2O4与ZnFe2O4的双靶制备了成分变化的系列Mn1-xZnxFe2O4铁氧体薄膜,衬底为Si(100)。薄膜的成分通过控制不同靶的溅射时间来进行调整。沉积态的薄膜呈非晶结构,在真空炉中以适当的温度对薄膜进行退火之后能够得到多晶Mn-Zn铁氧体薄膜。组成成分为Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4的薄膜呈现了相对最高的饱和磁化强度。同时还研究了制备条件对薄膜结构与磁性的影响,如溅射氧分压,退火真空度,退火温度及薄膜厚度等等。制备的薄膜相对于块状材料具有较高的矫顽力,进而讨论了应力对薄膜矫顽力的影响。 相似文献
Magnetic properties and thermal stability of Co-TM-Zr (TM=Nb,Ta, Mo,W, and Ni) amorphous sputtered films for magnetic heads 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Shigekazu Otomo 《Journal of Materials Science》1996,31(14):3805-3812
The magnetic properties and thermal stability Co-TM-Zr (TM=Nb, Ta, Mo, W, and Ni) amorphous films prepared by rf diode sputtering are investigated. Amorphous films with a homogeneous structure and coercive force H
of less than 20 A m–1 are obtained at an argon gas pressure of 0.3–1 Pa. The formation range of the amorphous films is broad in the systems containing Ta and Nb, whereas it is limited to the composition range greater than 4–5 at % of Zr in the systems of Mo, W, and Ni. The magnetostriction
depends on the concentration ratio of Zr and the TM. Films with zero
are obtained at concentration ratios C
TM ranging from 0.3 for Co-Nb-Zr films to 1.5–1.7 for Co-W-Zr films. The crystallization temperature T
is highest in Co-Ta-Zr films and lowest in Co-Mo-Zr films when
is zero and both films have the same saturation magnetic flux density B
. The anisotropy field H
is highest in Co-Ni-Zr films and lowest in Co-Nb-Zr films. These results indicate that Co-Ta-Zr and Co-Nb-Zr amorphous films are suitable for use as magnetic head materials because of the Co-Ta-Zr film's high T
and B
, and the Co-Nb-Zr film's small ns and low H
Titanium aluminide thin films are being considered as coating materials for high temperature applications due to their high melting points and high oxidation resistance. In this study, Ti37Al63 and Ti53Al47 thin films are deposited onto SiO2 substrates by RF magnetron sputtering using compound targets and then annealed in vacuum to investigate the properties of the films. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry, transmission electron microscopy, and four-point probe measurements are used to analyze the characteristics of Ti37Al63 and Ti53Al47 thin films for high temperature electronics applications. The films show good thermal stability up to 700 °C for 1 h in vacuum. Reasonable resistivity is obtained when appropriate compositions and anneal conditions are used. 相似文献
Fengzhu Lv Yueying Wu Yihe Zhang Jiwu Shang Paul K. Chu 《Journal of Materials Science》2012,47(4):2033-2039
The imidization mechanism, structure, and magnetic properties of organic modified Zinc-aluminum layered double hydroxides/polyimide
composites are investigated. During imidization, organic modified Zinc-aluminum layered double hydroxides lose the hydroxyl
group and sodium dodecyl sulfate modifier decomposes partly resulting in a loose contact between PI and oxidized Zinc-aluminum
layered double hydroxides. The thermal properties of composites are slightly decreased with increasing organic modified Zinc-aluminum
layered double hydroxides but the wettability varies oppositely. Comparing to organic modified Zinc-aluminum layered double
hydroxides, the saturated magnetization of heated organic modified Zinc-aluminum layered double hydroxides is enhanced slightly
due to structural improvement in Fe3O4 crystalline domain. Therefore, the magnetic properties are not affected by imidization procedure. The soft magnetic composites
have large potential in electromagnetic shielding. 相似文献
Thermal stability of non-reactive physical vapour deposited alumina films of varying thickness on Al2O3-TiC and Si substrates, deposited at two different substrate biases, is examined. Substrate curvature measurements were used to determine the deposition stress and stress development during thermal cycling and annealing. Thermal cycling experiments revealed that the films deposited on Al2O3-TiC substrates become irreversibly more compressive on heating and annealing while films deposited on Si substrates become irreversibly more tensile. The deposition stress was found to be independent of film thickness, substrate material, and substrate bias during deposition. The thermal stability was independent of film thickness and substrate bias during deposition. 相似文献
Films from copolyimides containing side carboxylic acid groups were prepared in -COOH and COO−Na+ forms to study the effect of the side groups content on some physical properties such as water absorption, thermal stability and electrical parameters. The thermal stability was evaluated by TGA and the results showed that degradation temperatures depended not only on the side groups content but also on the membrane ionic form. This dependence was also observed in the water sorption isotherms; the polyimides with the highest -COOH content showing the highest water sorption in the equilibrium. Dielectric impedance measurements revealed how the side groups and their ionic form affect the material electrical characteristics, in such a way that resistivity decreased and permittivity increased on introducing more -COOH groups in the polymer, which is also related to a higher water uptake of the films. 相似文献
General equations are derived to describe the simultaneous nonuniform planar rotations of the magnetization vector and displacements of curved domain walls and their junctions in soft magnetic films. These equations take into account effects of exchange stiffness, magnetic anisotropy, external and either long- or short-range demagnetizing fields, wall energy, and dissipation. The case of a matched film pair using the capacitor or transmission-surface approximation for its short-range demagnetizing energy is considered. The theory is founded on energy and dissipation functionals including domain and wall terms. The constraint of wall-normal magnetization continuity across a domain wall is handled by a method of implementing d'Alembert's virtual work principle without introducing Lagrange multipliers. The result is a set of coupled equations expressing the dynamic torque balance at points inside domains, the wall-domain constraint due to wall-normal magnetization continuity, an additional boundary condition coupling domain magnetization and wall curves, and the wall velocity.<> 相似文献
Md. Tahidul Haque Norio Nakajima Kazuyoshi Watanabe Naoki Kamegashira Mitsuru Itoh 《Materials Chemistry and Physics》2003,80(3):676-681
A new perovskite compound Gd2MnTiO6 was synthesized and its crystal structure, magnetic and thermal properties have been investigated. The XRD patterns were refined by the Rietveld method and the refined lattice parameters with the monoclinic space group P21/n (No. 14) were a=0.5398 (2), b=0.5704 (2), c=0.7767 (2) nm and β=89.68 (2)°. The antiferromagnetic behavior was observed below 16.0 K and λ-type heat capacity was measured near this temperature. 相似文献
Thin films of tellurium of wide range of thicknesses have been deposited by vacuum evaporation and their electrical properties
such as electrical resistivity and temperature coefficient of resistance have been measured. The suitability of these films
for possible use as strain gauges has been studied and their strain resistivity behaviour is presented. The thermal conductivity
of these films have been determined and these results are presented alongwith. An interesting phenomenon has been noticed.
In all these effects an extraordinary behaviour is observed at a specific thickness. This smears out with an increase in the
thickness of the film. These effects are explained in terms of size effects in thin films. 相似文献
Distinctive thin layers of TiZr and Ni were deposited by using a magnetron sputtering method and a thermal annealing was applied to discover metallic films of quasicrystals. After a heat treatment in vacuum, 70 nm thick deposited layers were well mixed with nominal compositions of 49.7, 29.3 and 21.0 for Ti, Zr and Ni, respectively, which is very close with the one forming a quasicrystalline phase. The magnetization values were significantly decreased from 0.286 to 0.142 emu/mm3 at 2000 Oe, after annealing, while a shape of magnetic hysteresis was maintained. It is believed that a different magnetic behavior after thermal annealing is due to the homogeneous mixing of atomic elements and possible existence of a metastable phase. 相似文献
Strukova GK Strukov GV Bozhko SI Kabanov YP Shmytko IM Mazilkin AA Sobolev NA Zhiteytsev ER Sukhanov AA Voronkova VK Tagirov LR 《Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology》2011,11(10):8907-8911
Nanostructured Pd-Fe thin films with varied Fe content were prepared by electrodeposition technique from organic electrolytes on Cu and brass substrates. The structure and the magnetic properties of the films were investigated prior to post-deposition annealing. The structure of the Pd1-xFe(x) thin film with x = 0.14, 0.24, and 0.52 was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) as a solid solution of iron in palladium face-centered cubic lattice with the (111) orientation of nanograins relatively to the substrate surface. The films with higher iron concentration, x = 0.74, 0.91, have structure of a solid solution based on the body-centered cubic lattice. The average grain size determined by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the first two alloys is 7-10 nm, and for the latter ones it is about 120 nm. The saturation magnetization of the films has linear dependence on the iron content, but coercivity has non-monotonic dependence on x, i.e., the films with x = 0.68 show highest coercivity. The magnetic anisotropy of the samples is studied by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy. 相似文献