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通过掺杂得到的 Mg SO4∶ Tm,P粉末样品 ,经 60 Co和13 7Csγ辐照后 ,测定了 10 -4~ 2× 10 4Gy范围内的热释光的发光曲线和三维光谱 ,确定了 TL峰的峰参数和陷阱参数值 ,主剂量峰位于 2 89.3℃左右 ,辐射剂量响应为超线性 ,从其发光谱上可看到其发光波长主要位于 36 5、4 6 0、6 6 0 mm。通过与其他材料的比较 ,观测到其灵敏度高 ,剂量响应范围宽 ,稳定性好 ,可作为实用的 TL材料在剂量学中获得应用 相似文献
MgSO4 :Dy中掺入适量的P ,热释光发光曲线中两个高温峰显著增强 ,主剂量峰的峰温接近2 83.6℃ ,另一个发光峰的峰温在 35 2 .7℃ ,其热释光效率超过LiF:Mg ,Ti的两倍。MgSO4 :Dy ,P的单个发光峰峰面积对60 Coγ辐射剂量 (0 .1Gy— 2 0kGy)的实验响应曲线用复合作用响应函数拟合 ,得到的非线性特征参数表明 ,两个发光峰的γ辐射剂量响应均为超线性。在MgSO4 :Dy ,P中再掺入微量Cu ,首先抑制峰温在 35 2 .7℃的发光峰 ,随着Cu浓度的增加 ,2 83.6℃的主剂量峰会随之降低 ,此峰的γ辐射剂量响应的超线性随之减小。MgSO4 :Dy ,P ,Cu (0 .1mol% ,0 .5mol% ,0 .0 1mol% )磷光体对γ辐射的剂量响应 (0 .1Gy— 2 0kGy)为亚线性。最引人注目的是MgSO4 :Dy ,P ,Cu(0 .1mol% ,0 .5mol% ,0 .0 0 4mol% )磷光体 ,它具有与MgSO4 :Dy ,P(0 .1mol% ,0 .5mol% )相近的热释光灵敏度 ,并具有最宽的剂量响应线性范围。这种新热释光材料可用于高剂量辐射测量。本文进一步阐明和验证了《复合作用模型》 ,并揭示了热释光材料中杂质和缺陷结构与剂量学特性的相关性。结合热释光三维发光光谱的分析对热释光机制提出一些见解 相似文献
通过三掺杂得到MgSO4:Tm,Mn,P,其热释光的两个主要发光峰温分别约为253℃和383℃,发光波长位于365nm、460nm和660nm。比较MgSO4:Tm、MgSO4:Tm,Mn、MgSO4:Tm,P、MgSO4:Tm,Mn,P的发光曲线,讨论了杂质Tm、Mn、P分别产生的作用。采用一般级动力学方程拟合发光曲线,确定出各发光峰的激活能与频率因子。用^60Co γ射线在0.1-20kGy的辐照范围内,测定了它们的热释光剂量响应曲线。用复合作用剂量响应函数拟合实验数据,得到两个发光峰的一次作用因子R分别为0.397(253℃)和0.127(383℃)。 相似文献
通过掺杂得到的MgSO4∶Tm,P粉末样品,经60Co和137Cs γ辐照后,测定了10-4~2×104Gy范围内的热释光的发光曲线和三维光谱,确定了TL峰的峰参数和陷阱参数值,主剂量峰位于289.3℃左右,辐射剂量响应为超线性,从其发光谱上可看到其发光波长主要位于365、460、660mm.通过与其他材料的比较,观测到其灵敏度高,剂量响应范围宽,稳定性好,可作为实用的TL材料在剂量学中获得应用. 相似文献
测量了经^60Coγ辐照的热释光材料LiF:Mg,Ti,LiF:Mg,Cu,P和MgSO4的正电子湮没寿命谱,所有寿命谱都分成三个成分,两种不同掺杂的LiF样品,其τ2成分寿命参数十分接近,表明正离子空位对寿命谱影响较小,并且观察到,在剂量范围为0.05-1kGy内,τ2成分寿命参数随剂量按相反趋势发生较小的变化,等时退火实验表明,MgSO4样品的τ2和τ3成分与硫酸基有关,其大小可参取决于Mg^ 相似文献
两种LiF(Mg,Cu,P)片状探测器剂量学特性的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
GR-200A与MCP-N均为LiF(Mg,Cu,P)片状探测器,现将GR-200A和MCP-N在发光曲线,灵敏度,重复使用,抗潮湿性能,本底,探测阈,光敏等性能进行平行对比实验,其中GR-200A的灵敏度为MCP-N的1.6倍;6次重复使用的结果GR-200A灵敏度无变化 ,MCP-N灵敏度下降了2.6%,抗潮湿性能GR-200A更优于MCP-N。 相似文献
LiF(Mg,Cu,P)和LiF(Mg,Fi)热释光磷光体的TL特性的主要差别在TL灵敏度,奶量响应和热稳定性三个方面,其产生原因都与铜和磷杂质的掺入有关。LiF热释光家族中,镁仍然是一种不可缺少的主要杂质,铜和磷杂质掺入后在磷光体中所形成的电子俘获中心和复合发光中心都与其他LiF热释光磷光体有所不同,从而使其具有极高的TL灵敏性,异常的能量响应和较差的热稳定性。. 相似文献
用高温固相法研制了MgSO4:Dy,MgSO4:Tm和MgSO4:Mn热释光材料,并通过将MgSO4:Dy和MgSO4:Mn混合,以及MgSO4:Tm和MgSO4:Mn混合烧结得到了双掺杂样品MgSO4:Dy,Mn,MgSO4:Tm,Mn。分别测量了这两种样品在不同热处理温度下的三维发光谱。实验结果表明热处理温度为700℃时的样品,在测量加热过程中观察到Dy和Mn离子分别发光,但超过800℃后,Mn发光强度逐渐变弱,而Tm、Dy的高温发光峰逐渐变强,其它温度的发光峰受到抑制。这表明热释光材料中形成的缺陷复合体结构与热处理温度相关,随着热处理温度的升高,愈来愈多的Mn离子与稀土离子结合紧密,因此在热释光发光谱中清楚地观察到Mn离子对稀土离子的能量转移和对Tm、Dy低于400℃发光峰进行抑制的发光过程。 相似文献
A. Upadhyay R. Rai 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2008,266(11):2594-2598
KNaSO4:Tb3+ phosphors were synthesized by melt technique with different concentration of Tb3+ ions and MgSO4:Dy3+ phosphor is prepared by solid state diffusion method. Lyoluminescence and photoluminescence characterization of KNaSO4:Tb and MgSO4:Dy3+ phosphors are reported in this paper. Only one sharp peak is observed in the lyoluminescence (LL) glow curve and KNaSO4:Tb(0.05 mol%) phosphor shows maximum efficiency. The LL intensity increases linearly with gamma ray dose. LL emission occurs in the blue and yellow region of the spectrum. Photoluminescence (PL) characterization of KNaSO4:Tb(0.05 mol%) phosphor shows PL emission at 486 and 546 nm. These PL emissions from KNaSO4:Tb3+ are due to 5D4 → 7F6 and 5D4 → 7F5 transitions of Tb3+ ion respectively. Lyoluminescence of MgSO4:Dy3+ phosphor shows the high sensitivity to γ-ray exposure and LL emission observed at 486 and 572 nm in the blue and yellow emission of the spectrum is due to Dy3+ ion. Experimental results obtained in the present investigation show that KNaSO4:Tb3+ and MgSO4:Dy3+ phosphors are suitable as a lyoluminescence dosimetry phosphor for ionizing radiations. 相似文献
A.K. Bakshi L. Olivi R.K. Kher 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2007,264(1):109-116
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements have been carried out on CaSO4:Dy phosphor samples at the Dy L3 edge with synchrotron radiation. Measurements were carried out on a set of samples which were subjected to post-preparation annealing at different temperatures and for different cycles. The EXAFS data have been analysed to find the Dy-S and Dy-O bond lengths in the neighbourhood of the Dy atoms in a CaSO4 matrix. The observations from EXAFS measurements were verified with XANES and XPS techniques. On the basis of these measurements, efforts were made to explain the loss of thermoluminescence sensitivity of CaSO4:Dy phosphors after repeated cycles of annealing at 400 °C in air for 1 h. 相似文献
用Al2O3:C、LiF:Mg,Ti、LiF:Mg,Cu,P热释光剂量计(TLD)测量湛江市区本底辐射的热释光响应,以选取适合低辐射场辐射剂量测量的TLD。它们的最低响应剂量依次为Al2O3:C(1–2μGy)、LiF:Mg,Cu,P(约2μGy)和LiF:Mg,Ti(>10μGy)。Al2O3:C的热释光峰温较低,对较长时间段(>30 d)的累积剂量,存在较明显的热释光衰退,剂量响应曲线偏离线性;LiF:Mg,Cu,P和LiF:Mg,Ti的发光峰温较高,数年内都很稳定。综合考虑灵敏度和稳定性,LiF:Mg,Cu,P更宜于低辐射场的累积剂量测量。 相似文献
M. Zahedifar M. Mehrabi 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(23):3517-3522
Thermoluminescence (TL) and photoluminescence (PL) characteristics of CaSO4:Ce nanocrystalline prepared by hydrothermal method has been studied. Its TL glow curve contains three overlapping glow peaks at around 490, 505 and 521 K. Emission spectra band at 303 and 324 nm were observed for the orthorhombic phase of nanosheets. TL response of the prepared nanocrystalline to β and γ radiation was studied and the sensitivity of the nanosheets was found much more than that of analogous microcrystalline and is around 10 times higher than the well known high sensitive TL dosimeter LiF:Mg, Cu, P (GR-200) hot-pressed chips. TL kinetic parameters of this nanocrystalline are also presented. 相似文献
Ronaldo Santos da Silva Zlia Soares Macedo Andr Luiz Martinez Antonio Carlos Hernandes Mrio Ernesto Giroldo Valerio 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):390-395
In this work, we present a detailed kinetic study of the thermoluminescence of Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) single crystals grown by the Czochralski technique. A single crystalline phase was confirmed through X-ray diffraction pattern analysis based on the Rietveld profile refinement method. The thermoluminescent (TL) glow curves were induced by UV or beta radiation and measured between 20 °C and 200 °C. The glow curves of BGO crystal presented two peaks at 61 °C and 90 °C for both kinds of radiation. The kinetic parameters, kinetic order (b), activation energy (E) and frequency factor (s), of the TL glow curves have been determined by four different methods. The lifetime of the peaks at room temperature was also determined and used to discuss the stability of the TL peaks at room temperature. 相似文献
A.K. Bakshi S. ChatterjeeT. Palani Selvam V.J. JoshiM.P. Chougaonkar 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(19):2107-2110
Self attenuation of TL and relative TL efficiency of polytetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE) embedded CaSO4:Dy disc, LiF:Mg,Ti (MTS) disc and LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-N) chip were determined in the present study for photons of energy 10-34 keV. The relative TL efficiency was determined using an alternative approach in which ratio of experimental response and corrected theoretical response was used instead of measuring the absolute TL emission in photon counting mode. For CaSO4:Dy disc, it was found that with increasing the proportion of CaSO4:Dy phosphor in the disc, the light attenuation coefficient increases. The light attenuation coefficient of MTS disc and MCP-N chip was found to be 23.4 and 45.5 cm−1, respectively. The relative TL efficiency in the photon energy range of 10-34 keV for MTS discs and MCP-N chips, evaluated in the present study matches well with the reported values in the literature. 相似文献
A. Pandey Shaila BahlKanika Sharma Ranju RanjanPratik Kumar S.P. LochabV.E. Aleynikov A.G. Molokanov 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(3):216-222
Thermoluminescence properties of nanocrystalline K2Ca2(SO4)3:Eu prepared by ball milling technique have been studied and the nanophosphor’s suitability as an effective gamma radiation and proton beam dosimeter material has been examined. It is found that the nanophosphor is suitable for dosimetry over a very wide range of doses ∼1 Gy to 1 kGy for gamma radiation. And for proton beam the same nanophosphor shows a more or less linear response for the dose range 0.1-100 Gy. A comparative study of this nanophosphor with its corresponding microcrystalline form (prepared by solid-state diffusion method) as well as the nanocrystalline form prepared by (the more conventional) co-precipitation technique has shown that the nanophosphor prepared by the ball milling technique is in almost all respects better than the other two forms reported earlier. 相似文献