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The HfFe6Ge6-type RMn6Sn6−xXx′ solid solutions (R=Tb, Dy, X′=Ga, In; x≤1.4) have been studied by powder magnetization measurements. All the series are characterized by ferrimagnetic ordering and by a decrease in Curie temperatures with the substitution (ΔTc/Δx≈−39 K for X′=Ga and ΔTc/Δx≈−75 K for X′=In). The RMn6Sn6−xGax systems are characterized by a strong decrease in the spin reorientation temperature with substitution (ΔTt/Δx≈−191 K and −78 K for R=Tb and Dy, respectively) while this transition almost does not change in systems containing indium. The coercive fields drastically decrease with the substitution in the TbMn6Sn6−xGax system while the substitution of In for Sn has a weaker effect. The coercive fields of the Dy compounds do not vary greatly with the substitution in both series. The behaviour of the TbMn6Sn6−xGax is compared with the evolutions observed in the TmMn6Sn6−xGax series. This comparison strongly suggests that the replacement of Sn by Ga changes the sign of the A02 crystal field parameter. 相似文献
K. Asada K. Konno M. Matsuura M. Sakurai A. Fujita K. Fukamichi 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2003,350(1-2):47-51
Studies on the structure and the crystallographic site of Mn in LaCo13−xMnx compounds were carried out by using X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) of the Mn K-edge. These compounds with x≤3.0 adopt a NaZn13-type structure consisting of icosahedral clusters. The lattice constant increases with the Mn concentration. The calculated XAFS curves of the center and the corner sites in the icosahedral clusters for the Mn K-edge are obtained by using the program
. The fitting result for the corner site agrees much better with the observed XAFS spectrum than that for the center site. Therefore, the Mn site is determined to be the corner Co site in the icosahedral clusters of all the compounds. In comparison with the crystallographic parameters of LaCo13, the icosahedral clusters composed of Mn atoms expand and the crystallographic Mn site is slightly more close to the La atom. 相似文献
A. Yücel A. Elmali M. Kabak P. Sevgi Y. Elerman 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2005,400(1-2):11-15
The magnetic properties of DyFe10−xNixSi2 compounds with x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10 have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. Substitution of Ni for Fe leads to a decrease in the lattice constants a, c and the unit-cell volume V. The Curie temperature reaches a maximum of 590 K at x = 2, then decreases strongly for x ≥ 2. The spin reorientations are observed for the compounds with x = 0, 1, 2 and 3. The spin reorientation temperature decreases strongly from 255 to 60 K as the Ni content is increased from x = 0 to 3. Below the spin reorientation temperature, the compounds exhibit ferrimagnetic ordering. For the Ni-rich compounds with x = 9 and 10, the magnetization of the Dy sublattice decreases strongly since the magnetization of the Dy sublattice is strongly affected by the molecular field produced by the 3d sublattice. 相似文献
The structure and magnetic properties of Ce3−xGdxCo11B4 borides have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), magnetization and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. X-ray analysis reveals that the compounds crystallize in the hexagonal Ce3Co11B4-type structure with P6/mmm space group. The substitution of Gd for Ce leads to an increase of the unit-cell parameter a and the unit-cell volume V, while the unit-cell parameter c decreases linearly. Magnetic measurements indicate that all samples are ordered magnetically below the Curie temperature. The Curie temperatures increase as Ce is substituted by Gd. The saturation magnetization at 4 K decreases upon the Gd substitution up to x = 1, and then increases. 相似文献
《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2004,370(1-2):47-52
The structure and magnetic properties of the Pr1−xGdxMn2Ge2 (0.0≤x≤1.0) compounds have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements. All compounds crystallize in the ThCr2Si2-type structure with the space group I4/mmm. The lattice constants and the unit cell volume obey Vegard’s law. Samples in this alloy system exhibit a crossover from ferromagnetic ordering for PrMn2Ge2 to antiferromagnetic ordering for GdMn2Ge2 as a function of Gd concentration x. At low temperatures, the rare earth sublattice also orders and reconfigures the ordering in the Mn sublattice. The results are summarized in the x–T magnetic phase diagram. 相似文献
The structure and magnetic properties of Nd1−xYxMn2Ge2 (0.0≤x≤0.6) were studied by X-ray powder diffraction and magnetization measurements. All compounds crystallize in the ThCr2Si2-type structure with space group I4/mmm. Substitution of Y for Mn led to a linear decrease in the lattice constants and the unit cell volume. Increasing substitution of Y for Nd in NdMn2Ge2 shows a depression of ferromagnetic ordering and the gradual development of antiferromagnetic ordering. 相似文献
I. Nehdi M. Abdellaoui L. Bessais C. Djega-Mariadassou H. Zarrouk 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2003,360(1-2):14-20
The crystallographic and the Curie temperature of the Sm2Fe17−xCrxC2 (x=0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2) carbides have been extensively studied. X-ray diffraction studies have shown that all these alloys are approximately single phases corresponding to the Th2Zn17 type rhombohedral structure with a small amount of -Fe. The amount of this residual -Fe phase decreases with increasing the Cr atomic content. It decreases from 1 wt% for x=0.5 to 0.4 wt.% for x=2. The lattice parameter c increases as a function of the Cr atomic content x from x=0 to x=1.5 and then decreases. This is due to the Cr atoms which prefer to substitute the Fe atoms in the 6c sites located along the c-axis. The lattice parameter a and the unit-cell volume decrease in all substitution ranges. The insertion of the C atoms leads essentially to an increase of the distances between the 9d and 18h sites and the 9d–18f sites. The Curie temperature reaches a maximum value of 583 K for x=1.5 and then decreases to 551 K for x=2. The enhancement of the Tc for lower Cr contents is due to a lowering of the hybridization of the iron atoms with their neighbors, the magnetovolume effect and the reduction of antiferromagnetic interactions. However, the decrease in Tc for higher Cr content is due to the reduction in the number of Fe–Fe pairs due to the magnetic dilution effect. For given interatomic distances, the exchange coupling of the Cr–Cr atoms is not of antiferromagnetic type and the exchange integral of the Cr–Cr pair is higher than that of the Fe–Fe pair. 相似文献
The HfFe6Ge6-type YbMn6Ge6−xGax solid solution (0.07≤x≤0.72) has been studied by X-ray diffraction, microprobe analysis and powder magnetization measurements. All the compounds order antiferromagnetically between TN=481 K for x=0.07 and TN=349 K for x=0.72 and display more or less pronounced spontaneous magnetization at lower temperature. The corresponding Curie points increase from 40 K for x=0.07 to 319 K for x=0.72. The maximum magnetization values of the Ga-rich compounds (M≈5 μB/f.u. at 6 K) is compatible with a ferrimagnetic order of the Mn and Yb sublattices whereas the smaller values measured in the Ga-poor compounds suggest the stabilization of non-colinear magnetic structures. All the studied compounds are characterized by rather large coercive fields at low temperature (4.0≤Hc≤8.2 kOe). 相似文献
L. Vasylechko W. Schnelle U. Burkhardt R. Ramlau R. Niewa H. Borrmann K. Hiebl Z. Hu Yu. Grin 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2003,350(1-2):9-16
The ternary phase Yb4Ni10+xGa21−x has been synthesised from the elements by high frequency melting in argon atmosphere. The homogeneity region has been established from X-ray powder data and confirmed by EDX analysis for 0.3≤x≤1. The crystal structure of Yb4Ni10+xGa21−x has been estimated from X-ray single crystal data: space group C2/m (no. 12), Z=2, a=20.6815(9) Å, b=4.0560(4) Å, c=15.3520(7) Å, β=124.800(3)°, R(F)=0.023 for 1701 symmetry independent reflections with F(hkl)>4σ(F). A special feature of the structure is the local disorder within the gallium/nickel network. Neglecting atomic disorder in the region of the Ga9 and Ga11 positions, the Yb4Ni10+xGa21−x structure is an occupation variant of the Ho4Ni10Ga21 type with nickel atoms partially replacing the Ga atoms in the 2d sites at the centers of distorted icosahedra. From magnetic susceptibility and from LIII-XAS spectra, the valence state of ytterbium is near 3+. 相似文献
A series of the Chevrel phases, Mo6−xRuxTe8 and Mo6Te8−xSx (x=0, 1, 2), has been prepared and the various physical properties, such as the elastic modulus, Debye temperature, and electrical resistivity, have been evaluated. The relationships between several properties of the compounds have also been studied. Young’s modulus and Debye temperature of Mo6−xRuxTe8 and Mo6Te8−xSx increase with increasing x value. The relationship between the Vickers hardness and Young’s modulus shows ceramic characteristics for Mo6−xRuxTe8, while they show glass-like characteristics for Mo6Te8−xSx. The electrical resistivities of Mo6−xRuxTe8 and Mo6Te8−xSx increase with increasing x value. 相似文献
In this study we give evidence for the strong dependence of the compositional and magnetic properties on the synthesis conditions of polycrystalline Co2(Cr1−xFex)Al Heusler alloys (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) by comparing the properties of as-grown and annealed compounds. Strong chemical inhomogeneities are found at the micrometric level depending on the compound and the synthesis method. Moreover, we find that the Co content is homogeneous at the micrometric level in all the studied samples in sharp contrast with significant inhomogeneous distribution of (Fe/Cr) and Al at the micrometric level, especially for Cr-rich compounds (x ≤ 0.4). We have found that the magnetic properties (the Curie temperature and the saturation magnetization) are strongly depressed in the annealed compounds with respect to the corresponding as-grown compounds. For the as-grown compounds the saturation magnetization is close to the theoretically predicted one for x ≥ 0.7 whereas it is lower than the theoretically predicted one for x ≤ 0.4, which correlates with the observed chemical inhomogeneity. 相似文献
The mechanical properties are not yet understood at basic levels. Previous works shows that the greatest hardness for rock-salt structures (such as TiCxN1−x) is attained for a valence electron concentration (VEC) of 4.2 electrons per atom. The present work is aimed to explore this concept for yttrium-based compounds. By means of first principles calculations we did a systematical investigation where nitrogen in YN (VEC = 4) was supplanted by either of B, C or O to reduce or increase its VEC, forming YBxN1−x, YCxN1−x and YN1−xOx ternary compounds. We have calculated the cohesive energy (EO), cell volume (VO), bulk modulus (BO) and density of states (DoS) as a function of VEC. The Fermi level (Ef,) is shifted toward the valence band by substituting B or C in YN, and toward the conduction band by means of O. It is concluded that the optimal position for Ef (maximum BO) is linked to the saturation of electronic states with eg-symmetry. At this point the excess of electrons provided by O starts filling antibonding states with t2g-symmetry. That is, BO increases monotonically as a function of VEC until VEC 4.1, after that point BO decrease. 相似文献
Feng Xu Zhiming Wang Guang Chen Jianzhong Jiang Youwei Du 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,463(1-2):226-229
After a review of the selection process of (Nd0.625Ni0.375)85Al15 as a metallic glass with a relatively high glass-forming ability, we investigate the influences of its phase transitions by duplicating the heating process of the isochronal thermal analysis with low-temperature annealings. The structure, thermal stability and magnetic properties are characterized. And the influences on magnetic properties are particularly discussed with emphasis. Both the annealing processes, to the glass-transition temperature and to the onset temperature of crystallization, bring about a higher coercivity of the sample and a higher freezing temperature of the spin-glass-state. For the sample annealed to the onset temperature of crystallization, the influence is quite obvious and is ascribed to the formation of ferrimagnetic Nd7Ni3 phase, as detected by XRD. For the sample annealed to the glass-transition temperature, the indistinct influence is further identified with the analysis of the frequency dependence of the spin-glass-state, and it is mainly attributed to the change of the short-range order in the amorphous matrix. 相似文献
The hexagonal ErMn6−xFexSn6 solid solution (0.2 < x < 4) has been studied by magnetisation measurements and neutron diffraction. The ordering temperature of the T = (Mn,Fe) sublattice almost continuously increases from T = 386 K for x = 0.2 to T = 498 K for x = 4. The T sublattice orders in the successive magnetic structures helimagnetic H1, antiferromagnetic AF2, helimagnetic H2 and antiferromagnetic AF1 with increasing iron content. While structures AF2 and H1 were already observed in ternary Mn compounds and AF1 in ternary iron compounds, the structure H2 is of a new kind characterized by an AF slab around the Er(1a) site. At low temperature, a change of the easy direction of the Er moment from easy plane to easy axis is observed. The iron-rich compounds display a ferromagnetic order of the Er sublattice. A new kind of magnetic structure characterized by a sine-wave modulated arrangement with a propagating vector Q = (0, 0, qz) is also observed. The evolution of the magnetic properties (enhancement of the AF character of the (Mn,Fe) sublattice and magnetocrystalline anisotropy of erbium) is discussed. 相似文献
H. Samata M. Kai T. Uchida M. Ohtsuka G. Tanaka S. Sawada T. Taniguchi Y. Nagata 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2003,350(1-2):77-85
Crystals of Ba3NaRu2O9−δ (δ≈0.5) and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (R=Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) were grown by an electrochemical method, and their crystallographic, magnetic, and electric properties were studied. All crystals have a hexagonal structure of space group P63mmc. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) have a negative asymptotic Curie temperature suggesting the existence of an antiferromagnetic order; however, they are paramagnetic at temperatures above 1.7 K. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ has an effective magnetic moment Peff of 0.91 μB, while Peff of Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) reflects the large free-ion moment
of the rare earth ions. Ba3(Na, Ce)Ru2O9−δ shows peculiar magnetic behavior that differs from the magnetism of other Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ crystals. The resistivity of all crystals exhibits an activation-type temperature dependence with an activation energy in the range of 0.10.2 eV. 相似文献
Nanocrystalline LaNi4−xMn0.75Al0.25Cox electrode materials prepared by mechanical alloying (0≤x≤1.0)
Polycrystalline hydrogen storage alloys based on lanthanum (La) are commercially used as negative electrode materials for the nickel–metal hydride (Ni–MHx) batteries. In this paper, mechanical alloying (MA) was used to synthesize nanocrystalline LaNi4−xMn0.75Al0.25Cox (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0) hydrogen storage materials. XRD analysis showed that, after 30 h milling, the starting mixture of the elements decomposed into an amorphous phase. Following the annealing in high purity argon at 700 °C for 0.5 h, XRD confirmed the formation of the CaCu5-type structures with a crystallite sizes of about 25 nm. The nanocrystalline materials were used as negative electrodes for a Ni–MHx battery. Cobalt substituting nickel in LaNi4Mn0.75Al0.25 greatly improved the discharge capacity and cycle life of the LaNi5 material. For example, in the nanocrystalline LaNi3.75Mn0.75Al0.25Co0.25 powder, discharge capacities up to 258 mA h g−1 (at 40 mA g−1 discharge current) were measured. Mechanical alloying is a suitable procedure to obtain LaNi5-type alloy powders for electrochemical energy storage. 相似文献
A high-energy ball milling technique using the mechanical alloying method has been employed for fabrication of glassy Co100−xTix (25≤x≤67) alloy powders at room temperature. The fabricated glassy alloys in the Co-rich (33≥x) side exhibit good soft magnetic properties. The binary glassy alloys for which the glass transition temperatures (Tg) have rather high temperatures (above 800 K), show large supercooled liquid regions before crystallization (ΔTx larger than 50 K). The reduced glass transition temperature (ratio between Tg and liquidus temperatures, Tl (Tg/Tl)) was found to be larger than 0.56. We have also performed post-annealing experiments on the mechanically deformed Co/Ti multilayered composite powders. The results show that annealing of the powders at 710 K leads to the formation of a glassy phase (thermally enhanced glass formation reaction), of which the heat of formation was measured directly. The similarity in the crystallization and magnetization behaviors between the two classes of as-annealed and as-mechanically alloyed glassy powders implies the formation of the same glass state. 相似文献
Single crystals of the spinel solid solutions ZnCr2−xAlxSe4 with x = 0.15 and 0.23 were grown and studied by X-ray diffraction and macroscopic magnetic measurements. The solubility of Al3+ ions in the parent compound ZnCr2Se4 is very limited and only weakly substituted single crystals can be obtained. The spinel structure is hardly modified by this admixture and regular cation distribution is preserved. Alike ZnCr2Se4, the two compounds investigated order antiferromagnetically at low temperatures. Both the Néel temperatures and the paramagnetic Curie temperatures are similar to that reported for the parent selenide. Also the effective magnetic moments are close to that of ZnCr2Se4 and compatible with trivalent Cr ions. In contrast, the saturation magnetic moments measured above the metamagnetic phase transitions in strong magnetic fields and calculated per one Cr atom, appear to be strongly affected by the Al-substitution, being rapidly suppressed with rising Al-content. 相似文献
N. Sheloudko C. Safaridis M. Gjoka M. Mikhov O. Kalogirou 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,458(1-2):37-40
The effect of Co substitution for Fe in Nd3(Fe1−xCox)27.7Ti1.3Ny (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) compounds on the magnetocrystalline anisotropy has been investigated. The anisotropy constants K's and the anisotropy field HA have been deduced from the magnetization curves measured on magnetically aligned powder (4–7 μm) samples. The obtained results show that at RT the anisotropy is uniaxial and HA (about 10 T) does not change substantially upon the substitution. At 5 K the results for K's give evidence for the presence of easy-cone-type anisotropy. The cone angle as well as the anisotropy field decrease upon the substitution from 21.6° to 11.8° and from 22.8 to 18.6 T, respectively. 相似文献
Xiao-hui Liu Zhuo Xu Xiao-yong Wei Xi Yao Xiao Yang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2009,480(2):L41-L44
0.7Bi(Fe1−xCrx)O3–0.1BaTiO3–0.2PbTiO3 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) solid solutions were prepared by the traditional ceramic process. X-ray diffraction results revealed that the samples with x = 0–0.3 showed pure perovskite structure. Frequency and temperature dependences of dielectric constants and dielectric loss of the samples were investigated. Both dielectric constant and the loss tangent increased at given frequencies (100 Hz–1 MHz), while the Curie temperature of the solid solutions decreased with increasing Cr content. Room temperature magnetic hysteresis loops indicated that an appropriate amount of Cr could improve magnetization of the solid solutions. 相似文献