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A nutritionally controlled study was conducted on two groups of 15 female college students aged 16 to 20 years, selected from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. The girls were either anemic (hemoglobin 7.7 g/dl) but energy adequate (AEA), or anemic (hemoglobin 7.4 g/dl) and energy deficient (AED). The AEA group was given iron supplementation (60 mg iron/day) for 6 to 9 months along with 100 mg of ascorbic acid, and the AED group was given iron as well as energy supplementation for 3 months. There was a significant (p < .01) increase in weight, body mass index, mid-upper-arm circumference, and body fat in the AED group after iron-energy supplementation. Hemoglobin, serum iron, transferrin saturation, total iron-binding capacity, and unsaturated iron-binding capacity were below normal in both groups; however, after iron and iron-energy supplementation, there was a significant (p < .01) increase, and these indices were in the normal range. There was a significant (p < .01) increase in exercise time and maximum work load tolerance after iron and iron-energy supplementation. Combined energy and iron deficiency had a greater adverse effect on physical work capacity than energy or iron deficiency alone.  相似文献   

儿童、青少年正处于生长发育的重要阶段,良好的饮食行为对其体格、智力发育和健康成长都起着重要作用。《中国居民膳食指南》是我国营养学家针对我国居民的营养需要及膳食中存在的主要缺陷而制定的,共8条,即1.食物多样,谷类为主;2.多吃蔬菜、水果和薯类;3.常吃奶类、豆类或其制品;4.经常吃适量鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉,少吃肥肉及荤油;5.食量与体力活动要平衡,保持适宜体重;6.吃清淡少盐的膳食;7.如饮酒应限量;8.吃清洁卫生、不变质的食物。除第7条外,其余原则也同样适用于儿童、青少年。如何才能更好地贯彻《中国居民膳食指南》中的内容,仅就中小…  相似文献   

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms in which the DNA has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. Such methods are used to create GM plants – which are then used to grow (GM) food crops. GM foods have the potential to solve many of the world’s hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help protect and preserve the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. Nevertheless, the consumption of GM foods provokes doubts and hesitations among consumers, especially in Italy. This paper has two aims, the first is to investigate genetically modified (GM) foods consumption in Italian high school students through a large sample size survey on 2122 students randomly selected in 39 schools of a metropolitan area (Naples, South-Italy). The second, by examining the behavioural process that drives individual’s perceptions of GM food taking advantage of an empirical choice methodology that corrects for endogeneity in decision making relationships, namely structural equation model (SEM). The results show that a very large percentage of students never or rarely eat GM food and a lot of them do not suggest the consumption of GM food. The proposed SEM is a full formative measurement model and shows that GM foods consumption in Italian students depends on the knowledge of GMO and on the impact of the GMO on the men’s health and on the environment. Therefore, in order to orient population it could be realized a standardized evaluation systems relative to human health and environment consequences produced by GM organisms and GM foods.  相似文献   

The influence was studied on 2-and 3-fold nutritional pattern on the performance capacity of 43 students, who continuing their ordinary work under routine conditions were receiving isocaloric rations identical in their qualatitative composition. The regularity of nutrition was found to have a favourable effect; it heightened the accuracy of work according to correction tables; increased the speed of the visual-motor reaction during working hours; reduced the number of erroneous reactions to a differentiated stimulator the positive influence of a 3-fold nutritional regimen being more pronounced.  相似文献   

目的评估成都市中小学生膳食中甜蜜素暴露水平及对青少年健康状况的潜在风险。方法根据GB2760-2014中允许使用甜蜜素的食品及2015~2017四川省食品检测实测甜蜜素数据,结合成都市中小学生食品消费量数据,采用简单分布模型法,对目标人群甜蜜素的膳食暴露量进行估算,并与欧盟食品科学委员会(Scientific Committee on Food,SCF)制定的甜蜜素每日允许摄入量(acceptable daily intake,ADI)值进行比较。结果使用甜蜜素含量均值进行个体评估时,最大个体暴露量为4.62 mg/kg·bw,低于SCF制定的ADI值(7 mg/kg·bw),使用甜蜜素含量P97.5评估超过ADI的个体比例为9.9%。对调查人群全体进行甜蜜素含量均值及P90评估均低于ADI值,P97.5含量暴露值占ADI比例为243.6%。在甜蜜素含量P97.5高暴露量情况下,小学生暴露量高于初中生。甜蜜素含量P97.5高暴露量情况下,男生暴露量略高于女生。甜蜜素暴露的贡献率最高的食品为熟制坚果与籽类(27.98%)。结论在日常生活中,家长或者学生自身应多关注科学饮食,避免偏食带来健康风险。  相似文献   

王秋云 《食品与机械》2022,(12):151-155
为了解城市青少年在健康饮食与营养知识、传统饮食文化、食品安全等方面的认知程度,在中国人民解放军国防科技大学附属中学开展食育状况调查活动。以1 088名初高中学生为调查对象,从食物营养认知、正确饮食习惯培养与安全知识、传统饮食与礼仪的传承、食育知识认知及态度4个维度设计调查问卷,调查结果显示:城市中学生对食物营养知识、传统饮食文化与礼仪、正确饮食习惯的认知程度较高,并显示出对全社会食品安全状况与食育教育的较高关注度。大多数青少年能正确认知嗜好性食品存在的健康隐患,但在实际生活中不能有效克制。中学生对丰富多彩的食育教育活动参与意愿较强烈。建议加快食育教育进校园的进程。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人面临着亚健康的问题,而亚健康的改善与体育锻炼、合理饮食是密不可分的。大学生是一个特殊的群体,心智处于成熟与未成熟的过度时期,对于自我的调节能力不够完善,使大学生时期成为各种心理问题和身体问题最容易出现的高发期。而体育锻炼与合理饮食对于改善大学生健康问题有着至关重要的作用,合理饮食是健康的基石,而体育锻炼则是固本培元,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。因此本文综述了体育锻炼与合理饮食对于健康的影响与作用,以期为大学生如何拥有健康的体魄提供参考。  相似文献   

The authors have estimated the influence of polyvitamin intake on mental and physical working capacity of schoolchildren beginning their study from 6 years. A total of 74 children were under observation. They were divided into 2 groups: control (30 children) who were not given vitamins, and the main group (44 children) who received Undevitum (1/2 capsule, 2 times/day) during 6 months of the winter-spring period. It was found that already after 3 months of vitamin intake children studying in kindergartens or at school demonstrated increased number of letters looked through, muscle strength, decreased number of mistakes after introduction of a differential component. At the same time no favourable changes were recorded in the control group who did not receive vitamins. Six months after the beginning of vitamin intake the number of letters looked through by the children in the main group was higher by 22-37% than in the control group, the muscle strength was higher by 37-40%, the fatigue limit--by 113-119%, while the latent period of visual-motor reactions was lower by 25-30%, and that of audio-motor reactions--by 12-14%, as compared to the control group.  相似文献   

<正> 世界经济一体化的今天,食品营养标签的发展已趋向于国际化,世界各国纷纷制定食品营养标签标准或法规,在法律上对其认可,规范其作为公布食品营养信息重要媒体的行为,引导消费者合理选择食品以促进身体健康。  相似文献   

Nowadays countless food safety standards were developed due to the close link between food safety and human health, and the frequent occurrence of food safety failures. Food industry especially exporting companies were confused how to execute appropriate certifications and have to burden high costs of setting up and maintaining multiple systems.  相似文献   

We have studied 152 students of the Dental faculty. With most of them the caloric content of their daily ration was lower than the energy spent, their body weight was also reduced. The ration of most students had a lowered protein and fat content with prevalence of carbohydrates. On the basis of our findings recommendations were given on the correction of students' diet.  相似文献   

This paper reports levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in a wide range of foods of animal origin and estimates their dietary exposure for secondary school students in Hong Kong, China. Dietary exposure to PBDEs was estimated using local food consumption data obtained from secondary school students in 2000 and the concentrations of PBDEs in food samples taken from local market in 2008. The PBDE levels on a fresh weight basis for fish ranged from 13 to 6600 pg g?1, for seafood and seafood products ranged from 15 to 1200 pg g?1, for meat and meat products ranged from 23 to 3500 pg g?1, for poultry ranged from 68 to 670 pg g?1, for eggs ranged from 280 to 800 pg g?1, and for dairy products ranged from 12 to 480 pg g?1. The dietary exposures of secondary school students for the average and high consumers were estimated to be 2.6 and 6.4 ng kg?1 body weight day?1, respectively. According to the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), for the more toxic PBDE congeners, adverse effects would be unlikely to occur in laboratory animals at doses of less than approximately 100 µg kg?1 body weight day?1. The resulting margins of exposures (38,000 for average consumers and 16,000 for high consumers) showed that the estimated dietary exposures of secondary school students were far below any adverse effect dose observed in laboratory animals and were therefore of low concern for human health.  相似文献   

The use of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) as a quality parameter for fish is rapidly growing to include other types of meat. Investigations of meat quality have recently focused on TVB-N as an index of freshness, but little is known on the biochemical pathways involved in its generation. Furthermore, TVB-N and methylated amines have been reported to exert deterimental health effects, but the relationship between these compounds and human health has not been critically reviewed. Here, literature on the formative pathways of TVB-N has been reviewed in depth. The association of methylated amines and human health has been critically evaluated. Interventions to mitigate the effects of TVB-N on human health are discussed. TVB-N levels in meat can be influenced by the diet of an animal, which calls for careful consideration when using TVB-N thresholds for regulatory purposes. Bacterial contamination and temperature abuse contribute to significant levels of post-mortem TVB-N increases. Therefore, controlling spoilage factors through a good level of hygiene during processing and preservation techniques may contribute to a substantial reduction of TVB-N. Trimethylamine (TMA) constitutes a significant part of TVB-N. TMA and trimethylamine oxide (TMA-N-O) have been related to the pathogenesis of noncommunicable diseases, including atherosclerosis, cancers, and diabetes. Proposed methods for mitigation of TMA and TMA-N-O accumulation are discussed, which include a reduction in their daily dietary intake, control of internal production pathways by targeting gut microbiota, and inhibition of flavin monooxygenase 3 enzymes. The levels of TMA and TMA-N-O have significant health effects, and this should, therefore, be considered when evaluating meat quality and acceptability. Agreed international values for TVB-N and TMA in meat products are required. The role of feed, gut microbiota, and translocation of methylated amines to muscles in farmed animals requires further investigation.  相似文献   

本刊哈尔滨讯:"第四届健康食品与文化高峰论坛"于2010年1月16~17日在冰城哈尔滨隆重举办,中国食品添加剂协会理事长齐庆中、副理事长兼秘书长薛毅、副理事长杜雅正.中国焙烤食品糖制品工业协会理事长朱念琳等领导参加论坛各项活动并对论坛的顺利举行表示热烈祝贺.  相似文献   

Plant-based foods (PBF) are relevant and diversified sources of lipotropes, which are compounds preventing excess hepatic fat deposits. In a first study, we defined the lipotropic capacity (LC, %) of raw PBF as the means of 8 lipotrope densities (LD, mg/100 kcal), each expressed relative to that of a reference food ranking the highest considering its mean 8 LD ranks (LC(raw asparagus)=100%) (A. Fardet, J.-F. Martin and J. M. Chardigny, J. Food Comp. Anal., 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2011.1003.1013). We showed that vegetables appeared as the best source of lipotropes on a 100 kcal-basis compared to legumes, cereals, fruits and nuts. The main objective of this second study was to quantify the effect of processing on LD and LC of raw PBF based on lipotrope contents collected in a USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) database and the literature, i.e. betaine, choline, myo-inositol, methionine, magnesium, niacin, pantothenic acid and folate contents. Choline and betaine densities were not significantly affected by processing while methionine and lipotropic micronutrient densities were significantly decreased, especially for magnesium, pantothenate and folates. Myo-inositol density decreases were insignificant due to lower product number resulting from limited literature data. Lipotropic micronutrient densities were more affected by processing than other densities. Fermentations increased betaine (median change of +32%) and choline (+34%) densities. Canning and boiling vegetables increased choline densities (+26%). Globally, processing significantly reduced LC by ~20%, fermentations being less drastic (median change of -5%) than refining (-33%) and thermal treatments (-16%). More specifically, canning increased LC of beetroot (536 vs 390%) and common bean (40 vs 36%) as fermentation towards LC grape (14 vs 7% for wine). Results were then mainly discussed based on percentages of lipotrope content changes on a dry-weight basis. Results of this study also showed that the LC is quite a relevant index to estimate effect of processing on lipotropic potential of PBF.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to explore some of the ways we need to think about work if we are to teach it as a •'good' for the self and society. The social, cultural, technological and economic developments of •'new times' have led to enormous changes in the kind of work people do and this has given rise to opportunities for a new relationship between the self, work and society, which can be culturally enriching for self and community, but which also carries with it certain dangers. To begin with, the work ethic and some of the ideas associated with it will be explicated with a brief reference to its historical origins and the interpretations of various social analysts, in particular those of John Dewey. The author then goes on to examine the ways in which these ideas might be applied to teaching and learning about work in a school context. This will involve looking at the informal and the formal level of the curriculum, and addressing questions to do with the way we expose pupils to various meanings of work, what it means to do •'good' work and what alternative teaching approaches might be envisaged.  相似文献   

Browning reactions represent an interesting research area for the implications in food technology, nutrition and health. The development of some non-enzymatic browning reactions, such as Maillard reaction, has been recently associated to the formation of compounds with strong antioxidant capacity. In this paper, the relation between colour changes due to non-enzymatic browning and the formation of compounds with antioxidant activity is discussed. Simple positive or complex correlation between colour and antioxidant properties can be found depending on composition and technological history of the product. Complex relations between these variables are generally obtained in multi-component and in formulated foods, where the simultaneous development of a number of reactions, interacting or prevailing Maillard reaction itself, can affect in opposite ways the overall antioxidant properties and colour of the product.  相似文献   

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