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Free energy calculations were carried out to determine the relativeunfolding free energy of the Ile96 wild type and Ala96 mutantbarnases. The total calculated free energies suggest that substitutionof Ile96 with Ala destabilizes barnase by 3.9 kcal/mol, whichis in good agreement with the independently determined experimentalvalues of 4.0 and 3.3 kcal/mol and a previous simulation. However,a decomposition of the free energy finds the dominant contributionsto this free energy arising from the noncovalent Interactionsbetween the perturbed group and distant residues of barnasein the sequence and water molecules and only a very small contributionfrom covalent interactions. This is in contrast to the previoussimulation, using the dual topology methodology, which produceda decomposition with an {small tilde}60% free energy contributionfrom changes in covalent interactions. The use of the singletopology employed in the present calculations and the dual topologyemployed in the previous study are analyzed in order to understandthe contrast between the present results and the results ofthe previous study.  相似文献   

An advantage of exporting a recombinant protein to the periplasmof Escherichia coli is decreased proteolysis in the periplasmcompared with that in the cytoplasm. However, protein degradationin the periplasm also occurs. It has been widely accepted thatthe thermodynamic stability of a protein is an important factorfor protein degradation in the cytoplasm of E.coli. To investigatethe effect of the thermodynamic stability of an exported proteinon the extent of proteolysis in the periplasm, barnase (an extracellularribonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) fused to alkalinephosphatase leader peptide was used as a model protein. A setof singly or doubly mutated barnase variants were constructedfor export to the E.coli periplasm. It was found that the half-lifeof the barnase variants in vivo increased with their thermodynamicstability in vitro. A dominant factor for the final yield ofexported barnase was not exportability but the turnover rateof the barnase variant. The yield of a stabilized mutant wasup to 50% higher than that of the wild type. This suggests thatexporting a protein to the periplasm and using protein engineeringto enhance the stability can be combined as a strategy to optimizethe production of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Mutations that cause X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) appear throughout the Bruton tyrosine kinase (Btk) sequence, including the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. To analyze the basis of this disease with respect to protein structure, we studied the relationships between PH domain sequences and structures by comparing sequence-based profiles of physicochemical properties and solvent accessibility profiles. The diversity of the distribution of amino acids was measured by calculating entropies for sequences containing mutations at different positions in multiple sequence alignments. Mutual information was calculated to quantify positional covariation. Eight conserved extrema were apparent in all profiles. The majority of the XLA disease-causing mutations in the Btk PH domain were found at positions having significant mutual information, indicating that there are covariant constraints for both structure and function. Together with additional structural analyses, all the XLA mutations that were analyzed could be explained at the molecular level. The method developed here is applicable to the design of mutations for protein engineering.  相似文献   

Assumptions about the dependence of protein unfolding on theconcentration of urea have been examined by an extensive surveyof the equilibrium unfolding of barnase and many of its mutantsmeasured by urea denaturation and differential scanning calorimetry.The free energy of equilibrium unfolding and the activationenergy for the kinetics of unfolding of proteins are generallyassumed to change linearly with [urea]. A slight downward curvatureis detected, however, in plots of highly precise measurementsof logjtu versus [urea] (where ku is the observed rate constantfor the unfolding of barnase). The data fit the equation logkku= logkuH2O* + mku*.[urea] – 0.014[urea]2, where mku*is a variable which depends on the mutation. The constant 0.014 was measured directly on four destabilized mutants and wildtype, and was also determined from a global analysis of data from>60 mutants of barnase. Any equivalent deviations from linearityin the equilibrium unfolding are small and in the same region,as determined from measurements on 166 mutants. The free energyof unfolding of barnase, GU–F, appears significantly largerby 1.6 kcal mol–1 when measured by calorimetry than whendetermined by urea denaturation. However, the changes in GU–Fon mutation, GU–F, determined by calorimetry and by ureadenaturation are identical. We show analytically how, hi general,the curvature in plots of activation or equilibrium energiesagainst [denaturant] should not affect the changes of thesevalues on mutation provided measurements are made over the sameconcentration ranges of denaturant and the curvature is independentof mutation.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase-related protein 2 (Tyrp2) is involved in the melanogenesis pathway, catalyzing the tautomerization of dopachrome to 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA). Recently, a new type of albinism was discovered with disease-causing mutations in the TYRP2 gene. Here, for the first time, we characterized the intra-melanosomal protein domain of Tyrp2 (residues 1-474) and missense variants C40S and C61W, which mimic the alterations found in genetic studies. Recombinant proteins were produced in the Trichoplusia Ni (Ti. Ni) larvae, purified by a combination of immobilized metal affinity (IMAC) and gel-filtration (GF) chromatography, and biochemically characterized. The mutants showed the protein expression in the lysates such as the wild type; however, undetectable protein yield after two steps of purification exhibited their misfolding and instability. In addition, the misfolding effect of the mutations was confirmed computationally using homology modeling and molecular docking. Together, experiments in vitro and computer simulations indicated the critical role of the Cys-rich domain in the Tyrp2 protein stability. The results are consistent with molecular modeling, global computational mutagenesis, and clinical data, proving the significance of genetic alterations in cysteine residues, which could cause oculocutaneous albinism type 8.  相似文献   

The acidic tail of alpha-synuclein (ATSalpha) has been shown to protect the glutathione S-transferase (GST)-ATSalpha fusion protein from environmental stresses, such as heat, pH and metal ions. In this study, we further demonstrated that the introduction of ATSalpha into other proteins, such as dehydrofolate reductase and adiponectin, renders the fusion proteins resistant to heat-induced aggregation and that the acidic tail of beta- or gamma-synuclein can also protect the fusion proteins from heat-induced aggregation. Interestingly, the heat resistance of GST-ATSalpha deletion mutants, which contain shorter peptides derived from the highly charged regions of ATSalpha, was approximately proportional to the number of added Glu/Asp residues. However, the negative charges in the ATSalpha-derived peptides appear insufficient to explain the extreme heat resistance of the fusion proteins, since polyglutamates appeared to be much less effective than the ATSalpha-derived peptides in conferring heat resistance on the fusion proteins. These results suggest that not only the negatively charged residues but also the specific amino acid sequence of ATSalpha play an important role in conferring extreme heat resistance on the fusion proteins. Furthermore, the heat-induced secondary structural changes and thermal inactivation curves of GST-ATSalpha deletion mutants indicated that the introduction of ATSalpha-derived peptides does not significantly affect the intrinsic stability of the fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Yun-Jo Lee  Jong Wook Bae  Ki-Won Jun 《Fuel》2009,88(10):1915-1921
The change in properties of ZSM-5 samples was achieved by treatment with phosphorus compounds (trimethyl phosphite or phosphoric acid) and the resultant materials were characterized by N2 adsorption, NH3-TPD, 27Al, and 31P MAS NMR techniques. The phosphorus-treated HZSM-5 (P/ZSM-5) samples exhibited lower acidity, higher hydrothermal stability and improved dimethyl ether (DME) selectivity in methanol conversion when compared to the phosphorus-free HZSM-5. 27Al, and 31P MAS NMR results revealed that the added P indeed interacted with the ZSM-5 framework and is responsible for the changes observed in the catalytic properties. The interaction caused the decrease in strong acid sites on one hand and creation of new acid sites (NH3-TPD) on the other, in P/ZSM-5 samples. The studies indicated the need of optimizing the P loading, where the positive role of P on the catalytic activity was observed to be maximum at P/Al molar ratio of 1.05.  相似文献   

Shank is the central scaffolding protein of the postsynaptic density (PSD) protein complex found in cells of the central nervous system. Cellular studies indicate a prominent role of the protein in the organization of the PSD, in the development of neuronal morphology, in neuronal signaling, and in synaptic plasticity, thus linking Shank functions to the molecular basis of learning and memory. Mutations in the Shank gene have been found in several neuronal disorders including mental retardation, typical autism, and Asperger syndrome. Shank is linked to the PSD complex via its PDZ domain that binds to the C‐terminus of guanylate‐kinase‐associated protein (GKAP). Here, small‐molecule inhibitors of Shank3 PDZ domain are developed. A fluorescence polarization assay based on an identified high‐affinity peptide is established, and tetrahydroquinoline carboxylates are identified as inhibitors of this protein–protein interaction. Chemical synthesis via a hetero‐Diels–Alder strategy is employed for hit optimization, and structure–activity relationship studies are performed. Best hits possess Ki values in the 10 μM range, and binding to the PDZ domain is confirmed by 1H,15N HSQC NMR experiments. One of the hits crystallizes with the Shank3 PDZ domain. The structure, analyzed at a resolution of 1.85 Å, reveals details of the binding mode. Finally, binding to PDZ domains of PSD‐95, syntrophin, and DVL3 was studied using 1H,15N HSQC NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The role played by the alpha-helix in determining the structure, the stability and the unfolding mechanism of azurin was addressed by studying a helix-depleted azurin variant produced by site-directed mutagenesis. The protein structure was investigated by CD, 1D (1)H NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy measurements and MD simulations, whilst EPR, UV-visible and cyclic voltammetry experiments were carried out to investigate the geometry and the properties of the Cu(II) site. The effects of the alpha-helix depletion on the thermal stability and the unfolding pathway of the protein were determined by DSC, UV/visible and fluorescence measurements at increasing temperature. The results show that, in the absence of the alpha-helix segment, the overall protein structure is maintained, and that only the Cu site is slightly modified. In contrast, the protein stability is diminished by about 60% with respect to the wild-type azurin. Moreover, the unfolding pathway of the mutant azurin involves the presence of detectable intermediates. In comparison with previous studies concerning other small beta-sheet cupredoxins, the results as a whole support the hypothesis that the presence of the alpha-helix can switch the folding of azurin from a hierarchic to a nonhierarchic mechanism in which the highly conserved beta-sheet core provides a scaffold for cooperative folding of the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Folding stabilities of camelized human antibody VH domains werestudied through the determination of their melting points inthermodenaturation experiments. The melting point of a VH domainoriginating from a synthetic library of human VHs, which hadbeen optimized for the use as small recognition units throughthe mimicking of camelid antibody heavy chains occurring naturallywithout light chain, was 56.6C compared with 71.2C of theoriginal human VH. Its stability was improved (melting point61.6C) through three mutations to mimic camelid VHs even further:Va137 was replaced by phenylalanine and two cysteines were introducedat positions 33 and 100b. The resulting VH folded properly andformed a second intradomain disulphide between the extra cysteines.The new mutations were then built constitutively into a phage-displayVH library, from which antigen-specific VHs were selected. Twowere analysed for stability with melting points of 72.6 and75.3C. Thus secondary camelization enabled the isolation ofVHs with improved folding stabilities exceeding even that ofthe original human VH. This indicates an effect on folding stabilityfor some mutations specific in the light chain lacking camelidheavy chains.  相似文献   

Large scale genome sequencing allowed the identification of a massive number of genetic variations, whose impact on human health is still unknown. In this review we analyze, by an in silico-based strategy, the impact of missense variants on cancer-related genes, whose effect on protein stability and function was experimentally determined. We collected a set of 164 variants from 11 proteins to analyze the impact of missense mutations at structural and functional levels, and to assess the performance of state-of-the-art methods (FoldX and Meta-SNP) for predicting protein stability change and pathogenicity. The result of our analysis shows that a combination of experimental data on protein stability and in silico pathogenicity predictions allowed the identification of a subset of variants with a high probability of having a deleterious phenotypic effect, as confirmed by the significant enrichment of the subset in variants annotated in the COSMIC database as putative cancer-driving variants. Our analysis suggests that the integration of experimental and computational approaches may contribute to evaluate the risk for complex disorders and develop more effective treatment strategies.  相似文献   

A.L. Bhuiyan   《Polymer》1984,25(12):1699-1710
A survey of the influence of the polymer structure on the melting/softening point and degradation temperature has been presented. Almost all aliphatic polyamides and polyacrylamides undergo degradation at lower temperatures. Introduction of cycloaliphatic rings and carbon-carbon unsaturated bonds raises the melting point as well as the degradation temperature of the polymers. Substitution of the hydrogen atom on the nitrogen with alkyl groups lowers the melting point as well as the decomposition temperature.  相似文献   

The stability changes caused by single amino acid substitutionsare studied by a simple, empirical method which takes accountof the free energy change in the compact denatured state aswell as in the native state. The conformational free energyis estimated from effective inter-residue contact energies,as evaluated in our previous study. When this method is applied,with a simple assumption about the compactness of the denaturedstate, for single amino acid replacements at Glu49 of the tryptophansynthase subunit and at Ile3 of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme,the estimates of the unfolding Gibbs free energy changes correlatewell with observed values, especially for hydrophobic aminoacids, and it also yields the same magnitudes of energy as theobserved values for both proteins. When it is also applied foramino acid replacements at various positions to estimate theaverage number of contacts at each position in the denaturedstate from the observed value of unfolding free energy change,those values for replacements with Gly and Ala at the same residueposition in staphylococcal nuclease correlate well with eachother. The estimated numbers of contacts indicate that the proteinis not fully expanded in the denatured state and also that thecompact denatured state may have a substantially native-liketopology, like the molten globule state, in that there is aweak correlation between the estimated average number of contactsat each residue position in the denatured state and the numberof contacts in the native structure. These results provide somefurther evidence that the inter-residue contact energies asapplied here (i) properly reflect actual inter-residue interactionsand (ii) can be considered to be a pairwise hydrophobicity scale.Also, the results indicate that characterization of the denaturedstate is critical to understanding the folding process.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulins bind antigens and express individual antigenicspecificities mainly through residues located in hypervariableloops of their N-terminal domains. Hyper-variable loops arekept in place by a molecular scaffold organized in a sandwich-likestructure with two ß-sheets stabilized by a disulfidebridge (the immunoglobulin fold). This structural feature, togetherwith the possibility of obtaining high level expression, extracellularsecretion, easy purification and stability of the protein product,render immunoglobulin an ideal ‘molecular vehicle’for the expression of exogenous peptides. Here we report onthe engineering of an immunoglobulin expressing an exogenousepitope, the repetitive tetrapeptide Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro (NANP)3.By recombinant DNA techniques, we inserted three copies of thetetrapeptide (NANP)3 in the third hypervariable loop (D region)of an immunoglobulin heavy chain variable domain. We show thatthe engineered antibody was properly assembled and secreted.A panel of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, including anti-syntheticpeptides and anti-(NANP)n antibodies, were used to study themolecular configuration of the engineered domain's surface.The results indicate that (i) the exogenous sequence did notappreciably alter the overall fold of the variable domain; and(ii) the inserted epitope folded with a configuration immuno-logicallysimilar to the one assumed in the native protein, suggestingthat short- and medium- rather than long-range interactionsstabilized the structure of the (NANP)3 peptide in the foldedprotein. We propose this system for the expression of peptidicsequences, and their structural and functional analysis.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is an important macronutrient required for plant growth, and is a limiting factor for crop productivity. Improving the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is therefore crucial. At present, the NUE mechanism is unclear and information on the genes associated with NUE in soybeans is lacking. cystathionine beta synthase (CBS) domain-containing proteins (CDCPs) may be implicated in abiotic stress tolerance in plants. We identified and classified a CBS domain–containing protein superfamily in soybean. A candidate gene for NUE, GmCBS21, was identified. GmCBS21 gene characteristics, the temporal expression pattern of the GmCBS21 gene, and the phenotype of GmCBS21 overexpression in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana under low nitrogen stress were analyzed. The phenotypes suggested that the transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings performed better under the nitrogen-deficient condition. GmCBS21-overexpressing transgenic plants exhibit higher low nitrogen stress tolerance than WT plants, and this suggests its role in low nitrogen stress tolerance in plants. We conclude that GmCBS21 may serve as an excellent candidate for breeding crops with enhanced NUE and better yield.  相似文献   

The role of domains in defining the equilibrium and kinetic folding properties of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli was probed by examining the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of a set of variants in which the chain connectivity in the discontinuous loop domain (DLD) and the adenosine-binding domain (ABD) was altered by permutation. To test the concept that chain cleavage can selectively destabilize the domain in which the N- and C-termini are resident, permutations were introduced at one position within the ABD, one within the DLD and one at a boundary between the domains. The results demonstrated that a continuous ABD is required for a stable thermal intermediate and a continuous DLD is required for a stable urea intermediate. The permutation at the domain interface had both a thermal and urea intermediate. Strikingly, the observable kinetic folding responses of all three permuted proteins were very similar to the wild-type protein. These results demonstrate a crucial role for stable domains in defining the energy surface for the equilibrium folding reaction of DHFR. If domain connectivity affects the kinetic mechanism, the effects must occur in the sub-millisecond time range.  相似文献   

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