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In this paper, we discuss the recursive stochastic H2/H∞ control problem of delay systems with random coefficients involving both continuous and impulse controls. By virtue of a new type of forward backward stochastic differential equations, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a unique solution to the control problem under consideration is derived. The existence and uniqueness of the forward backward stochastic differential equations are also be proved. 相似文献
A new approach to study the indefinite stochastic linear quadratic (LQ) optimal control problems, which we called the “equivalent cost functional method”, is introduced by Yu (2013) in the setup of Hamiltonian system. On the other hand, another important issue along this research direction, is the possible state feedback representation of optimal control and the solvability of associated indefinite stochastic Riccati equations. As the response, this paper continues to develop the equivalent cost functional method by extending it to the Riccati equation setup. Our analysis is featured by its introduction of some equivalent cost functionals which enable us to have the bridge between the indefinite and positive-definite stochastic LQ problems. With such bridge, some solvability relation between the indefinite and positive-definite Riccati equations is further characterized. It is remarkable the solvability of the former is rather complicated than the latter, hence our relation provides some alternative but useful viewpoint. Consequently, the corresponding indefinite linear quadratic problem is discussed for which the unique optimal control is derived in terms of state feedback via the solution of the Riccati equation. In addition, some example is studied using our theoretical results. 相似文献
Jen‐te Yu 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
In this paper we propose a new approach to solve the static output feedback suboptimal mixed H2/H∞ control problem using a state fixed‐structure feedback design. We formulate the static output feedback problem as a constrained static state feedback problem and obtain three coupled design equations: one Riccati equation, one Lyapunov equation, and a gain equation. We will prove the equivalence of the proposed solution to the existing solution. A very simple iterative algorithm is then presented to solve the design equations for the stabilizing output feedback gain that minimizes an upper bound of H2 norm while satisfying the H∞ disturbance attenuation requirement. A unique feature of the new approach is that it admits the Kalman gain as an initial stabilizing gain to start the above iterative solution procedure, which is computationally attractive and advantageous compared to the direct approach, as the latter has to deal with the difficult algorithm initialization problem. Some illustrative numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a numerical algorithm to the cross‐coupled algebraic Riccati equations(CARE) related to H2/H∞ control problems for singularly perturbed systems (SPS) by means of Newton's method. The resulting algorithm can be widely used to solve Nash game problems and robust control problems because the CARE is solvable even if the quadratic term has an indefinite sign. We prove that the resulting iterative algorithm has the property of the quadratic convergence. Using the solution of the CARE, we construct the high‐order approximate H2/H∞ controller. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The performance of preview control is investigated in terms of H∞‐criterion. In the output feedback setting, an H∞ preview control problem is discussed and the analytic solution is characterized by introducing matrix Riccati equations. The strength and the limitation of the H∞ preview performance are illustrated with numerical examples. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The problem of output regulation with a guaranteed H∞ performance, besides robust stability, for a class of feedback linearizable nonlinear systems via self-tuning controllers is investigated. The H∞ performance consists of the desired disturbance attenuation and internal finite L2-gain stability. We show that, under the perturbations of matched parametric uncertainties, the sufficient condition for the existence of a self-tuning controller reduces to the solvability of a single Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs inequality (or algebraic Riccati equation) which indicates that the design can be performed as if the system uncertainties were absent. Under certain situations, the sufficient condition is also necessary. Once a solution of this nonlinear differential inequality (or algebraic equation) is available, a desired self-tuning controller with gradient-type parameter estimator can easily be constructed. The present work falls into the category of singular nonlinear H∞ control since the desired H∞ performance does not require any penalty on control input variables. The results also provide an immediate application to H∞ self-tuning model reference control in linear systems under full state measurement. 相似文献
研究了一类带Poisson跳扩散过程的线性二次随机微分博弈,包括非零和博弈的Nash均衡策略与零和博弈的鞍点均衡策略问题.利用微分博弈的最大值原理,得到Nash均衡策略的存在条件等价于两个交叉耦合的矩阵Riccati方程存在解,鞍点均衡策略的存在条件等价于一个矩阵Riccati方程存在解的结论,并给出了均衡策略的显式表达及最优性能泛函值.最后,将所得结果应用于现代鲁棒控制中的随机H2/H∞控制与随机H∞控制问题,得到了鲁棒控制策略的存在条件及显式表达,并验证所得结果在金融市场投资组合优化问题中的应用. 相似文献
A method is presented for the construction of fixed-order compensators to provide H∞ norm constraint for linear control systems with exogenous disturbances. The method is based on the celebrated bounded-real lemma that predicates the H∞ norm constraint via a Riccati inequality. The synthesis of fixed-order controllers whose dimensions are less than the order of a given plant, is demonstrated by a set of sufficient conditions along with a numerical algorithm. 相似文献
This paper presents an elementary solution to the non-singular H∞ control problem. In this control problem, the underlying linear system satisfies a set of assumptions which ensures that the solution can be obtained by solving just two algebraic Riccati equations of the game type. This leads to the central solution to the H∞ control problem. The solution presented in this paper uses only elementary ideas beginning with the Bounded Real Lemma. 相似文献
This paper deals with the problem of H∞ estimation for linear systems with a certain type of time-varying norm-bounded parameter uncertainty in both the state and output matrices. We address the problem of designing an asymptotically stable estimator that guarantees a prescribed level of H∞ noise attenuation for all admissible parameter uncertainties. Both an interpolation theory approach and a Riccati equation approach are proposed to solve the estimation problem, with each method having its own advantages. The first approach seems more numerically attractive whilst the second one provides a simple structure for the estimator with its solution given in terms of two algebraic Riccati equations and a parameterization of a class of suitable H∞ estimators. The Riccati equation approach also pinpoints the ‘worst-case’ uncertainty. 相似文献
In many filtering problems of practical interest, some of the noise signals satisfy the assumptions of H2 (Kalman-Bucy) filtering, while others can be more accurately modelled as signals with bounded variance (hence more amenable to an H∞ filtering approach). These problems may be addressed by considering a mixed H2/H∞ filtering problem. In this paper we present a novel theory which solves the mixed problem exactly and in a computationally efficient way. The applicability of the theory is illustrated by designing a filter to estimate the states of an aircraft flying through a downburst. 相似文献
A new online iterative algorithm for solving the H∞ control problem of continuous‐time Markovian jumping linear systems is developed. For comparison, an available offline iterative algorithm for converging to the solution of the H∞ control problem is firstly proposed. Based on the offline iterative algorithm and a new online decoupling technique named subsystems transformation method, a set of linear subsystems, which implementation in parallel, are obtained. By means of the adaptive dynamic programming technique, the two‐player zero‐sum game with the coupled game algebraic Riccati equation is solved online thereafter. The convergence of the novel policy iteration algorithm is also established. At last, simulation results have illustrated the effectiveness and applicability of these two methods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper presents a version of the certainty equivalence principle, usable for nonlinear, variable end-time, partial observation zero-sum differential games, which states that under the unicity of the solution to the auxiliary problem, optimal controllers can be derived from the solution of the related perfect observation game. An example is provided where in one region, the new extended result holds, giving an optimal control, and in another region, the unicity condition if is not met, leading indeed to a non-certainty equivalent optimal controller. 相似文献
The decentralized linear–quadratic–Gaussian (LQG) control problem for networked control systems (NCSs) with asymmetric information is investigated, where controller 1 shares its historical information with controller 2, and not vice versa. The asymmetry of the information structure leads to the coupling between controller 2 and estimator 1, and hence the classical separation principle fails. Through the assumption of linear control strategy, the coupling between controller 2 and estimator 1 (CCE) is decoupled, but the estimation gain is still coupled with the control gain. It is noted that the control gain conforms to the backward Riccati equation while estimation gain abides by the forward equation, which is computationally challenging. Applying the stochastic maximum principle, the solvability of the decentralized LQG control problem is reduced to that of corresponding forward and backward stochastic difference equations (FBSDEs). Further, necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of optimal control problem are presented by two Riccati equations, one of which is nonsymmetric. Moreover, a novel iterative forward method is proposed to calculate the coupled backward control gain and forward estimation gain. 相似文献
In this paper we propose a nonrecursive method for solving the general discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation related to the H∞ control problem (H∞-DARE). We have achieved this by casting the problem of solving a given H∞-DARE to the problem of solving an auxiliary continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation associated with the H∞ control problem (H∞-CARE) for which the well known nonrecursive methods of solving are available. The advantages of our approach are: it reduces the computation involved in the recursive algorithms while giving much more accurate solutions, and it readily provides the properties of the general H∞-DARE. 相似文献
This paper presents a transfer matrix framework approach to the now well-known Riccati solution to the nonsingular H∞ control problem. The approach taken is a frequency-domain one based on the concepts of coprime factorization and J-lossless transfer matrices that lead to the development of relatively simple method for obtaining the state-space solutions. Using two dual pairs of coupled coprime factorizations of certain chain scattering-matrices which describe the problem, we derive an identity, analogous to the Bezout identity for all stabilizing controllers, to generate all proper real-rational H∞ controllers. We also point out the connections between algebraic Riccati solutions and J-lossless matrices. 相似文献
The H∞ framework provides an efficient and systemic method for the design of controllers for both linear and nonlinear systems. In the nonlinear controller synthesis, however, the limitation of this method is usually associated with the existence of a solution to the Hamilton–Jacobi–Isaac (HJI) equation. In this paper, an innovative energy compensation‐based approach to the solution of the HJI equations is presented and compared with the existing methods relying on Taylor series expansion. This new approach provides an efficient methodology that ensures the existence of a solution to the HJI equation. Numerical application to spacecraft attitude control is presented to validate the developments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献