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 对比了钢水脱气工艺使用的干式机械真空泵和蒸汽喷射泵的特点,结果表明,干式机械真空泵在脱气的质量以及泵和配套的除尘系统、气体冷却系统的可靠性方面有明显优势;标准化真空泵可以使制造成本相对更低,标准化的预组装模块式系统不仅在安装和调试方面降低了成本,而且结构更为紧凑,更加节能、节水。  相似文献   

主要介绍了机械泵在莱钢120 t VD炉的应用实践,重点阐述了机械真空泵的运行情况和冶金效果。生产实践表明,使用机械真空泵系统的VD炉,其冶金效果达到或优于使用多级蒸气喷射泵真空系统的VD炉,脱[H]率达63.5%,能源介质消耗成本较多级蒸气喷射泵真空系统低3.5元/t钢。机械真空泵以电能为介质,生产组织灵活。  相似文献   

本文介绍了干式(机械)真空泵系统在重钢210 t RH的应用,重点阐述了干式真空泵的设备运行情况及冶金效果实绩。生产实践表明:干式真空系统应用于RH,其冶金效果可达到或优于多级蒸汽喷射泵真空系统相同的工艺指标,脱[H]率达63.5%、极限脱碳能力10×10-6、能源介质消耗较多级蒸汽喷射泵真空系统低7.74元/t钢,干式(机械泵)真空泵以电能为驱动能源,其运行不受蒸汽压力、温度的制约,可根据生产实际情况随时起停泵,生产组织灵活。  相似文献   

RH真空炉全蒸汽泵蒸汽消耗偏高,转炉余热锅炉自产蒸汽不能满足RH炉与VD炉同时生产要求.参考外厂真空泵系统的生产运行经验,对二钢厂RH真空泵系统进行了改造,对比改造前后蒸汽的消耗量,分析了改造后节能效果.  相似文献   

制造真空的真空泵是炼钢RH真空精炼炉的关键设备,真空泵是靠喷射蒸气工作的,真空泵要求蒸气为过 热蒸气。目前普遍采用的方式是利用高品质过热蒸气与加热转炉自产饱和蒸气混合,达到精炼真空泵抽真空用蒸 气压力和过热度后,供精炼炉真空泵使用。而这种方式存在能源浪费,工作不稳定。所以采用蒸气过热系统替代 混合系统,蒸气过热系统是用燃料燃烧产生的高温烟气加热转炉自产饱和蒸气,从而使饱和蒸气满足精炼真空泵 抽真空要求,蒸气过热系统比混合系统运行成本节约330万元/a。  相似文献   

针对某钢厂1号RH真空泵真空度下降慢、抽气时间长的问题,对原有真空系统进行技术改造。通过更换大型水蒸汽真空泵泵体、法兰分体对中现场安装、对真空泵泵体容易磨穿的位置采用双层泵体密封结构、取消蒸汽稳压室、增加快速启动泵等多处优化改进,减轻了现场安装及后期检漏维护的工作量。改造后大大缩短从大气压到8 kPa的抽气时间,提高了真空冶炼的可靠性。  相似文献   

转炉蒸汽供RH真空精炼炉使用可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于炼钢厂转炉蒸汽大量放散,对RH真空精炼炉使用转炉蒸汽的可行性进行了分析。通过采取提高余热锅炉运行压力、增大蓄热容积、转炉汽化装置“一机两用”、改善蒸汽品质、恒定供真空泵的蒸汽压力等措施,转炉蒸汽能够充分得以利用。蒸汽平均回收量按50t/h计算,每年可创经济效益2000万元,减少外排烟气量2.8×10^8m^3。  相似文献   

 在很宽的钢水质量范围内对包括钢包炉和多种真空处理在内的二次冶金工艺的成本进行了分析,并对两种常用的真空泵系统进行了比较。干式机械真空泵在最多360t的整个钢水质量范围内都具有明显的成本优势,节约的幅度随工艺而变化,具体同能源(无论何种形式)的供应和设备的产能有关。通过快速抽真空缩短处理的周期时间,降低了钢水的过热需要,从而降低了生产成本,提高了产能,改善了质量。  相似文献   

根据冶金设备的特点,对工程中常用的双线干油集中润滑系统、油气润滑系统和智能润滑系统做了详细的介绍和分析。考察和调研目前已投产的多家钢厂润滑系统的使用情况,结合参与炼钢项目润滑系统的设计经验,不仅从润滑系统的原理上进行比较,而且更注重从工程角度考虑,综合项目设计、成本和生产实践等方面进行了全面的比较,对以后钢厂建设中如何选用合理的润滑系统提供了依据和参考。  相似文献   

王玉昌  刘平  张家泉 《钢铁》2015,(1):86-90
由于蒸汽喷射泵抽真空系统具有能耗高、维护量大等缺点,因此干式机械泵组成的真空系统开始受到广泛关注。基于包钢实践,对干式真空系统原理、构成与工作过程进行解析,详细介绍其自控与软件系统的特点,并对其目前的工作效果给予客观评价。其中,在100 t VD上对原蒸汽泵组进行改造,改用干式真空泵后节电效果达95%,且实现了免维护。结果证明,机械泵VD到达深真空时间可达5 min以内,VD处理后钢水中[H]质量分数在0.000 25%以内,工艺效果完全满足包括优质重轨钢在内的高品质钢生产规范要求。  相似文献   

VD精炼炉的真空抽气泵工作时蒸汽压力稳定而流量具有周期性,间断使用,本文介绍的是一种利用高参数蒸汽管网,通过蓄热器来满足要求的方法,该方法在鞍钢一系列精炼炉上使用取得成功,该系统不仅投资少,而且操作简便。  相似文献   

If greater use is to be made of vacuum technologies in out-of-furnace treatments of steel within Russia, more stringent requirements will have to be met in regard to the reliability, productivity, and efficiency of the pieces of equipment used to create the vacuum-the vacuum pumps. Unfortunately, Russian-made vacuum pumps do not presently meet these requirements. The equipment traditionally used to create a vacuum in units designed to treat steel outside the steelmaking furnace is based on steam-jet ejectors. This article compares the operating costs of a vacuum-degassing unit for 90-ton heats when the unit is equipped with mechanical pumps and when it has a steam-jet-ejector station. In the latter case, liquid-ejector pumps are used as the starting stage. It was found that the costs of the material resources and maintenance of the auxiliary equipment of a vacuum-degassing unit with mechanical pumps are roughly 10 times less than the analogous costs of a vacuum system with steam-jet ejectors. Another important advantage of vacuum-degassing units with mechanical pumps is that they are environmentally safe. __________ Translated from Metallurg, No. 4, pp. 58–61, April, 2007.  相似文献   

介绍了首钢京唐钢轧部真空精炼炉的选择依据及VD炉工艺设计特点。双工位VD炉主要由真空泵及真空度自动调节系统、车载式移动真空罐车及罐盖系统、合金加料系统、底吹氩系统等组成,具备脱气、脱氧、自然脱碳及调整合金成分、去除夹杂和净化钢水的冶金功能。双盖双罐位布置模式,可缩短精炼处理时间约5~10 min,使转炉 精炼 连铸衔接匹配合理、顺畅;在线喂线工艺的实施,可提高芯线吸收率,实现环境友好。  相似文献   

The operating principles, the technical characteristics of the main types of modern vacuum pumps used in steel degassing units, and the peculiarities of using vapor-et and mechanical pumps in industrial practice are considered. It is noted that, in recent years, mechanical pumps are used to provide a higher evacuation rate and degree of evacuation and to reach a decrease in the operating costs on their maintenance and steel degassing.  相似文献   

Use of Genetic Algorithm in Optimization of Irrigation Pumping Stations   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Energy costs constitute the largest expenditure for nearly all water utilities worldwide and can consume up to 65% of a water utility’s annual operating budget. One of the greatest potential areas for energy cost savings is in the scheduling of pump operations. This paper presents a new management model, WAPIRRA Scheduler, for the optimal design and operation of water distribution systems. The model makes use of the latest advances in genetic algorithm (GA) optimization to automatically determine annually the least cost of pumping stations while satisfying target hydraulic performance requirements. Optimal design and operation refers to selecting pump type, capacity, and number of units as well as scheduling the operation of irrigation pumps that results in minimum design and operating cost for a given set of demand curves. The optimization process consists of three main steps: (1) generating randomly an initial set of pump combinations to start the optimization process for a given demand-duration curve; (2) minimizing the total annual cost, which consists of operation and maintenance costs and depreciation cost of the initial investment, by changing the set and discharge of pump sets based on the provided model; and (3) achieving the final criterion to stop the optimization process and reporting the optimized results of the model. Computational analysis is based upon one major objective function and solving it by means of a computer program that is developed following the GA approach to find the optimized solution of generated equations. Application of the model to a real-world project shows considerable savings in cost and energy.  相似文献   

影响60tVD炉脱氢效果的主要因素有真空度、熔渣、吹氩流量和压力、原始[H]含量等,通过优化脱氢工艺,抽真空时,蒸汽压力稳定在0.80~0.85MPa,真空度67Pa以下,真空保持时间一般钢种8~10min、氢敏感性钢种10~12min、特殊要求钢种15min,吹氩压力≥0.20MPa,吹氩流量≥150L/min,钢中氢含量控制在了2.5×10-6以下,使单工位VD炉满足了快节奏生产的需求。  相似文献   

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