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 建立了AOD全铁水冶炼不锈钢的配料模型,确定了各种模型参数,以此分析冶炼过程的热量收支情况和影响过程热量的关键因素。结果表明,通过本模型能够很好地确定冶炼过程的发热剂配量。热量收入方面,AOD全铁水冶炼时,化学反应热和炉衬显热均超过30%,铁水的热量为20%~30%,增加炉衬显热可以有效地减少发热剂的加入量。提高CO二次燃烧率,可以显著增加熔池热量的供给,减少发热剂用量。  相似文献   

针对流程工业生产过程连续性的特点,从一种新的角度建立了工件等待时间受限的混合流水车间调度模型.以总完工时间最小化和工件在各机器最早开工时间最小化为目标函数,利用改进的遗传算法生成最优排序计划,并用模拟的实际生产数据对模型和算法进行验证和分析.  相似文献   

炼钢连铸制造流程是一个复杂的多阶段、多产品生产过程,其生产调度问题可建模为车间调度问题.提出一个改进遗传算法求解炼钢连铸生产调度问题.改进包括三个方面:基于排序的适应度分配、基于排序的工件过滤交叉算子和基于指数关系的变异率曲线.经24个benchmark的比较测试表明,改进遗传算法比传统遗传算法的寻优能力更强.通过16个生产计划和6个处理工序的炼钢连铸生产调度实例计算结果表明,改进遗传算法是有效的.  相似文献   

钢铁流程动态调度对钢铁全流程跨工序紧凑连续、动态有序运行非常重要。概述了钢铁流程动态调度技术现状,针对其面临的对象描述难、优化求解难、变化适应难3个难点,提出了对应的解决方案,即采用多智能体建模和数字仿真技术、采用规则与优化算法相结合进行迭代优化的方法、采用分场景不确定优化方案;构建了基于信息物理深度融合的钢铁流程动态调度平台,介绍了基于平台的动态调度运行过程,从协同规则、流程仿真和动态甘特图3个方面探讨了动态调度的信息物理融合方法和技术。该技术可提升钢铁流程动态调度系统的多目标全局优化水平,增强其对复杂工况的适应性。  相似文献   

应用着色Petri网对复杂的多阶段、多产品生产过程的炼钢连铸制造流程进行建模.该模型具有直观的图形表示、方便分析模型性质和仿真模型性能等优点.重点讨论了建模的两个关键问题:通过不同的运输变迁设置不同的看守函数实现路径选择;通过编制单体工序变迁的输入输出函数实现不同产品的不同处理时间.采用发生图验证了模型的有界性约束,并基于发生图提出一个求解最小makespan的最优调度方法.实例应用表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对脱磷铁水+AOD+VOD三步法冶炼400系不锈钢冶炼过程,通过分析AOD炉脱碳保铬化学反应中碳、铬、温度三者之间的平衡关系,并综合考虑体系的质量和热量衡算及精炼过程的不等温状态,开发了基于Visual Basic.Net程序的AOD全铁水冶炼数学模型,可准确计算出入炉料和发热剂的用量,并分析冶炼过程的热量收支情况和影响过程热量的关键因素。与实际生产用料量相比,模型计算值误差均在8%以内,因此可用于指导生产,最终实现钢水高效化冶炼。  相似文献   

AOD冶炼不锈钢氮合金化控制模型的研究和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据氮在钢中的溶解热力学和脱除动力学理论,建立了AOD精炼氮合金化的控制模型。经45 t AOD装置精炼0Cr19Ni9N不锈钢(%:≤0.08C、18~20Cr、8~11Ni、0.10~0.16N)的应用结果表明,模型计算值与实测值吻合良好,可通过AOD氮气溶解和氩气脱除,精确控制不锈钢的N含量。  相似文献   

备煤环节中的输煤调度在焦化厂生产过程中有着重要作用,目前主要以人工调度为主。本文提出了一种基于混合整数规划的建模方法,用来解决多煤仓、多煤种的输煤调度问题。此建模方法可在考虑煤仓库存上限、下限,班后库存余量等前提下,给出各煤仓的补煤顺序和补煤时长决策,保证生产过程中不出现断煤,且输煤补煤作业的效率尽可能优化。使用一款开源的整数约束规划求解器(solving constraint integer programs, SCIP)和实际案例数据进行了测试,结果表明,对于常规的生产规模,该建模方法和所建模型具有远快于人工的求解速度和较好的连续求解稳定性,可在实际生产中推广应用,以提升备煤工艺的自动化和智能化水平。  相似文献   

分析了304不锈钢电炉冶炼流程的传搁时间和传搁过程温降情况,建立各个工序冶炼温度制度与连浇炉数的关系,得知已有温度制度下的连浇炉数仅为2炉,并以6炉连浇为例给出不同连浇炉数情况下温度制度.通过计算流程中传搁能耗,讨论了连浇炉数与浇次总传搁能耗和平均传搁能耗的关系.提出了一种考虑传搁能耗确定最优连浇炉数的方法.对比发现,当增加连浇炉数的传搁能耗小于开浇一次耗材消耗的能耗时,最大连浇炉数为最为合理的连浇炉数.  相似文献   

炼钢-连铸生产的浇次组合与排序是带有工艺约束的并行机流水车间调度问题。作者研究了钢铁生产作业计划的求解策略,在满足机器约束的条件下,以浇铸生产成本为目标,建立了浇次排序问题的数学模型,并用自适应遗传算法加以求解。计算结果表明,混合钢铁流程炼钢-连铸浇次组合与排序计划算法是有效的,该算法已运用于生产实际,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

AOD全铁水冶炼铁素体不锈钢工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合不锈钢炼钢生产线的现有工艺和装备,对采用高炉铁水(脱磷后)和铬铁合金,在AOD炉内直接冶炼铁素体不锈钢工艺进行了研究和探讨.该工艺的实现,解决了冶炼铁素体不锈钢时对磷等有害元素的控制(P≤0.020%)问题;在电炉出现故障时也可组织生产,实现生产组织的灵活性,提高了生产作业率;由于无需使用电炉熔化不锈钢母液,节约了大量电能,提高了铬综合收得率,降低了生产成本.  相似文献   

使用变尺度混合遗传算法进行热轧负荷分配优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 将变尺度BFGS优化算法嵌入到遗传算法中,提出了变尺度混合遗传算法,并将其应用于1780 mm热连轧精轧机组的压下规程优化计算。与目前现场使用的压下规程相比,变尺度混合遗传算法优化效果明显,为后续的板形控制打下了良好基础。按层别选取代表性产品进行了负荷分配系数的优化计算,分析表明,当产品在层别内变化时,轧制力和功率两种负荷分配模式优于压下量负荷分配模式,更能保持最优特性。  相似文献   

铁水为主要原料的不锈钢冶炼新工艺的开发   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
王一德  徐芳泓 《特殊钢》2006,27(3):35-38
太钢开发了通过预处理装置采用粉剂喷吹法对铁水进行脱硅、脱磷和脱硫;以30 t EBT UHPEAF熔化铁合金和部分废钢、75 t K-OBM-S顶底复吹转炉和VOD精炼的冶炼不锈钢工艺,生产能力已达50万t/a。重点介绍了工艺流程的选择、主体设备的确定和铁水脱磷、K-OBM-S冶炼不锈钢模型、无氩冶炼多种不锈钢和高质量超纯铁素体不锈钢冶炼等关键工艺技术的开发和效果。  相似文献   

Evaluation of a Genetic Algorithm for the Irrigation Scheduling Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A typical irrigation scheduling problem is one of preparing a schedule to service a group of outlets which may be serviced simultaneously. This problem has an analogy with the classical earliness/tardiness problem in operations research. In previously published work an integer program was used to solve this problem, however such scheduling problems belong to a class of combinatorial problems known to be computationally demanding (N-P hard). This is widely reported in operations research. Hence integer programs can only be used to solve relatively small problems usually in a research environment where considerable computational resources and time can be allocated to solve a single schedule. For practical applications metaheuristics such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, or tabu search methods need to be used. However as reported in the literature, these need to be formulated carefully and tested thoroughly. This paper demonstrates the importance of robust testing of one such genetic algorithm formulated to solve the irrigation scheduling problem with simultaneous outlets serviced against an integer program formulated to solve the same problem.  相似文献   

莱钢在转炉工序采用高铁水比装入制度,由于造渣制度及枪位控制不合理、炉型控制不当及铁水流冲击,导致喷溅加剧,兑铁位侵蚀。通过优化造渣工艺、枪位控制及溅渣护炉工艺,喷溅渣量由25.5kg/t降至17.5kg/t,钢铁料消耗由1069.5kg/t降至1064.0kg/t,耐材消耗由0.42kg/t降至0.20kg/t,氧枪寿命由210炉提高至325炉。  相似文献   

Considering that the liquid flow field under the conditions of the combined side and top blowing would be a combined result from the common action of the side blowing gas streams and a gas top blowing jet, as the first attempt, the three‐dimensional mathematical models for the flows of molten steel in an AOD converter bath during the simple side and top blowing processes have been proposed and developed, respectively. And the mathematical model of the flow in the bath during the combined blowing AOD refining process of stainless steel has been given by the composition and superposition of the two models. In the composed model, the gas‐liquid two‐phase flow is described and treated in terms of the two‐fluid (Eulerian‐Eulerian) model. The especially modified two‐equation k?ε model for the turbulence in the liquid phase is employed. And, the surface of the sunken pit formed by impact of the gas jet blown from a top lance at the central location of the bath liquid surface is regarded as a revolution paraboloid. The related details of the composed model are shown.  相似文献   

The mathematical model developed for the molten steel flow in the combined side and top blowing AOD refining process of stainless steel has been used to compute and analyze the flow fields of the liquid phases in the baths of the 120 t AOD converter and its water model unit with a 1/4 linear scale. The influence of the side tuyere number and the angle between each tuyere on the flows has been examined. The results demonstrate that the mathematical model can quite reliably and well model and predict the fluid flow in an AOD bath with the combined blowing. The liquid flow in an AOD converter bath with the combined blowing is resulted from the gas side blowing streams under the influence of a gas top blowing jet. The streams play a governing role on it; and the liquid in the whole bath is in active agitation and circulatory motion during the gas blowing process. The gas jet from the top lance does not change the essential features of the gas stirring and liquid flow in the bath, but can make the local flow pattern of the bath liquid obviously vary and its turbulent kinetic energy enhance. The changes in the tuyere position and number have similarly not altered the basic characteristics and patterns of the gas agitation and liquid flow and turbulent kinetic energy distribution in the bath. At a given tuyere number and gas side blowing rate or a given angular separation between each tuyere and gas side blowing rate, however, the variation of the angle between each tuyere or the tuyere number can locally change them. Using 6 tuyeres with 27° can reach the more uniform flow field and turbulent energy distribution of the liquid in the bath than taking 7 tuyeres with 18° or 22.5° and 6 tuyeres with 22.5°.  相似文献   

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