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A computer program is described that emulates a curve analyzer and fits a sum of up to 30 Gaussian components plus a straight background to any set of equi-spaced data points. The program allows interactive, real time curve fitting by the operator and/or objective curve fitting using a non-linear least squares fitting routine, or a combination of the two. The program is more robust in a micro-computer environment than subtractive or generalized non-linear least squares methods and faster than pattern searching methods. The program has been used over the last 4 years in my laboratory by a number of personnel without any previous experience of computers. It is written in BASIC and runs on a Hawlett-Packard series 200 model 16S (9816) computer or on a Hewlett-Packard model 9845S computer. The program is structured to allow use of any underlying curve shape with 3 parameters per component.  相似文献   

The problem of implementing cross assemblers by means of a macro expansion technique is addressed. Various problems caused by the implementation technique proper, as well as the target machine instruction set, are identified.  相似文献   

Powers  V.M. Hernandez  J.H. 《Computer》1978,11(7):108-120
Designers of high-speed microprocessors need good software to help them construct the microprogram, but the seven bit-slice assemblers surveyed here remain essentially low level and even primitive.  相似文献   

The problem of applying formal techniques of program specification and verification to large complex programs is considered. It is argued that a practical solution requires a variety of techniques, including both procedural and nonprocedural specifications, hierarchical program organization, and the use of program transformations. In particular, a case is made for flexible problem-oriented choice of specification techniques and languages. These ideas are expanded by specifying a load-and-go assembler in three parts: a transduction grammar describing the correspondence between concrete and abstract syntax for assembly language programs; a set of transformations of the abstract form; and a nonconstructive axiomatic specification of the result of core assembly and loading of transformed abstract programs.  相似文献   

A simple interactive language named Micro MUMPS has been implemented on a microcomputer system. Its powerful facilities for data base manipulation and character handling make programming easy for end users who are unfamiliar with computers. Micro MUMPS is a practical subset of the language MUMPS which has been implemented on many minicomputers, and it also has some additional capabilities indispensable to micro-computer applications. A modified prefix B-tree is used in Micro MUMPS database and its organization can be changed according to the requirements of space and time efficiency. The design criteria of Micro MUMPS and micro-computer based implementation techniques are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Using computer programs written in BASIC and the graphics facilities of microcomputers, students can be made aware of the assumptions of statistical models. The paper deals with the author's approach to two topics—linear regression and the design of experiments which are usually taught in appreciation courses for students not specialising in Statistics.  相似文献   

Participating in exercise is beneficial for women who have been treated for breast cancer. However, not being able to find a comfortable exercise bra can be a barrier to exercise participation. This study aimed to systematically investigate what breast support women treated for breast cancer want when they exercise in order to provide evidence-based recommendations to improve exercise bra designs for these women. Based on 432 responses from a national online survey, frequency and relationship data were analysed (binary logistic regression) to understand exercise bra issues pertinent to this population. These issues included being able to control for asymmetrical cup sizes, managing heightened skin sensitivity, managing fluid (size) fluctuations, managing a prosthesis and restoring body image by restoring shape. This study provides evidence-based recommendations to inform an exercise bra design that will meet the unique needs of women treated for breast cancer. Rigorous, evidence-based evaluations of exercise bras for women treated for breast cancer may contribute to their well-being and quality of life through enhanced designs.  相似文献   

NAT使得SIP端到端的应用变得非常困难,文章分析了几种SIP穿越NAT方法及其不足,提出了一种基于STUN和TURN方法的穿越方案.其基本思想是根据NAT的不同采用不同的方式实现SIP信令的穿越,而媒体流的穿越则通过对所有可用媒体地址进行连接检查来实现.方案不改动现有NAT,在应用层上实现了对所有NAT的有效穿越,避免单独使用其它方法带来的缺陷.  相似文献   

<正>ADI公司2007大学生创新设计竞赛颁奖典礼暨媒体见面会侧记高性能模拟集成电路制造商ADI公司于2007年11月6日在北京工业大学(BJUT)举办"2007年度ADI大学生创新设计人赛"  相似文献   

全球瞩目焦点2008北京奥运会已经开幕,美齐和所有中国人一起,为此次盛会的成功开幕欢欣鼓舞.与此同时,为了与广大消费者共享奥运激情,美齐(JEAN)宣布,在奥运期间举办"为奥运喝彩"的降价促销活动,一举将旗下的JT178R、JT198R、JT198F、JT209RP、JT229RP、JT229OP等九款显示器进行全面调价,价格下调幅度更达200元到300元.美齐期望能通过此次活动,与广大消费者进一步分享奥运带来的喜悦,共同祝福北京奥运会圆满成功!……  相似文献   

This research is an effort towards providing higher level Design for Environment (DFE) tools for a broad industrial region. Issues ranging from the levels immediately above existing design tools, to the envisioned highest level for a broad geographical region are discussed. A tool for the regional planning of the DFE activities is proposed, considering a model construction based on material flows across the industry. The Multi-Lifecycle approach is supported by organizing the input/output flows for industries, potentially utilizing waste material, side products and recycling. Capitalizing on the conceptual integration of the design and process activities, an Abstract Design Environment is used for the design of the basically process oriented material flow tool. Within the context, the relations among design, process and flow-modeling concepts are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe our experience in grammar engineering to construct multiple parsers and front ends for the Python language. We present a metrics-based study of the evolution of the Python grammars through the multiple versions of the language in an effort to distinguish and measure grammar evolution and to provide a basis of comparison with related research in grammar engineering. To conduct this research, we have built a toolkit, pygrat , which builds on tools developed in other research. We use pygrat to build a system that automates much of the process needed to translate the Python grammars from EBNF to a formalism acceptable to the bison parser generator. We exploit the suite of Python test cases, used by the Python developers, to validate our parser generation. Finally, we describe our use of the menhir parser generator to facilitate the parser and front-end construction, eliminating some of the transformations and providing practical support for grammar modularisation.  相似文献   

Some design-for-testability techniques, such as level-sensitive scan design, scan path, and scan/set, reduce test pattern generation of sequential circuits to that of combinational circuits by enhancing the controllability and/or observability of all the memory elements. However, even for combinational circuits, 100 percent test coverage of large-scale circuits is generally very difficult to achieve. This article presents DFT methods aimed at achieving total coverage. Two methods are compared: One, based on testability analysis, involves the addition of test points to improve testability before test pattern generation. The other method employs a test pattern generation algorithm (the FAN algorithm). Results show that 100 percent coverage within the allowed limits is difficult with the former approach. The latter, however, enables us to generate a test pattern for any detectable fault within the allowed time limits, and 100 percent test coverage is possible.  相似文献   

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