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【美国《核子周刊》1992年4月16日刊报道】美国核管理委员会(NRC)主席 IvanSelin 说,美国这个唯一没有试用国际核事件分级表(INES)的核大国,不久将“可能”试用 INES。但是,Selin 说,他倒希望国际原子能机构(IAEA)采用 NRC 的事件等级系统。  相似文献   

国际核事件分级表(INES)专家于上周说,1992年11月中国华北丢失1个钴-60源而造成的严重事故,暴露了由国际原子能机构(IAEA)管理的INES存在漏洞。 在审议该分级表的年度会议上,INES技术委员会(TC)的成员们听取了中国核工业总公司(CNNC)应急响应处副处长诸志明介绍有关该次事故的情况。CNNC第一次通  相似文献   

【美国《核子周刊》1995年11月2日刊报道】国际核事件分级表(INES)自1991年广泛用于动力堆发生的事件的严重程度定级以来,现将全面用于国际原子能机构(IAEA)成员国的非动力堆设施,这是来自59个国家的INES官员在1995年10月底举行的年度会议上提出的建议。 INES咨询委员会主席Dick Taylor对本  相似文献   

【美国《核子周刊》1995年6月8日刊报道】 法国已经对国际核事件分级表(IN-ES)迄今的状况提出异议,建议修改此分级表,使之应用起来更简单,并对一般公众更有用。 自1994年4月法国从运用本国核事件分级表——1987年制定,是后来制定的国际分级表的模式——转而采用INES以来,法  相似文献   

[世界核新闻网站2011年9月30日报道]2011年9月12日在法国森塔科(Centraco)核废物处理与整备设施发生的熔炉爆炸事故(详见本刊2011年第9期相关报道)已被定级为国际核事件与放射事件分级表(INES)的1级事故,即INES中的最低级别.这起事故共造成1死4伤,其中1人仍在巴黎的医院中接  相似文献   

日本原子能监管委员会于2013年8月21日宣布,根据国际核与放射事件分级表(INES)将最新发生的福岛第一核电站高放污水泄漏事件的评级上调至3级,即“重大事件”(国际核与放射事件分级表和相关事例如图1所示)。  相似文献   

【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》2001年6月27日报道】 瑞典灵哈尔斯核电站2号机组1个用于现场动力供应系统的错误配置的数控装置引起的事件,已根据《国际核事件分级表》(INES)定为2级。 由电厂管理者向国际原子能机构(IAEA)提交的一份报告中称,6月20日发生的此次事件最初被定为该分级表上的1级。但鉴于其涉及在纵深防御原则方面可能有影响的共因故障(CCF),已被更改为2级。 这份事件报告中说,虽然在现场对电力供应系统的一台变压器实施了预防性维护,但一台冗余变压器在60%负荷下工作32分钟后脱扣(自动切断)。对该保护装置进行故障检查过程中,…  相似文献   

【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》1992年8月7日报道】日本政府已决定采用国际核事件分级表(INES),来报道其核设施发生的事件。从8月1日起,日本的核事件将按照国际原子能机构的INES分级表来划分。以前,日本通产省和科技厅采用各自的分级表来报道日本核电厂、研究与发展设施及燃料循环设施发生的事件。这些应用现已按照INES  相似文献   

【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1999年 2月1日报道】  1999年 1月 8日在土耳其发生的辐射事故 ,有 10人受到超剂量照射。这一事故按国际核事件分级表 (INES)定为 3级 ,属于较高的一级。土耳其原子能机构 (TAEA)认为 ,这是两个单独事件——超剂量事故照射和丢失了一个放射源 ,按照 7级严重程度分类 ,将它们都定为 3级。该机构在向 IAEA提交的一份报告中说 ,超剂量照射涉及一个钴 - 6 0源 ,放射性活度约为 88居里 ,它已在伊斯坦布尔郊外的一个金属废料场碎成了几块。源的包壳没有破裂。有关废物已被送往一个核研究中心 ,而且事故区也已被封…  相似文献   

国际核事件分级表(INES)是由国际原子能机构和经合组织核能机构于1990年4月联合制定的,目的是通过对事件进行适当分析和分级,促进核社会、新闻界和公众之间共同理解。 INES经过一些国家试用一年后,IAEA于1991年5月召开了一次专家小组会议,会  相似文献   


After gaining control of radioactive material transport in June 1997, the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) decided to apply the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES scale) to transport events. The Directorate General for Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection (DGSNR) requests that radioactive material package consignors declare any event occurring during transport, and has introduced the use of the INES scale adapted to classify transport events in order to inform the public and to have feedback. The INES scale is applicable to events arising in nuclear installations associated with the civil nuclear industry andevents occurring during the transport of radioactive materials to and from them. The INES scale consists of seven levels. It is based on the successive application of threetypes of criterion (off-site impact, on-site impact and degradation of defence in depth) and uses the maximum level to determine the rating of an accident. As the transport in questiontakes place on public thoroughfares, only the off-site impact criteria and degradation ofdefence in-depth criteria apply. This paper deals with DGSNR's feedback during the past 7 years concerning the French application of the INES scale. Significant events that occurred during transport are presented. The French experience was used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to develop a draft guide in 2002 and the IAEA asked countries to use a new draft for a trial period in July 2004.  相似文献   

On 11 March 2011, Japan was struck by an earthquake measuring over 9·0 on the Richter magnitude scale, the strongest known to hit Japan and one of the top five largest earthquakes ever recorded in the world. The epicentre was 175 km (110 miles) east-north-east from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and within an hour a massive tsunami had inundated the site. This caused a serious nuclear accident, with an International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) rating of Level 7 (the highest). Following the events at Fukushima, the nuclear industry in the UK responded quickly to review UK nuclear installations against seismic and flooding hazards. On 14 March 2011 the UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change requested that Dr Mike Weightman, HM Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations, examine the circumstances of the Fukushima accident to see what lessons could be learnt to enhance the safety of the UK nuclear industry. An Interim Report was published in the middle of May 2011, with a Final Report six months later. A further report was published in October 2012 that provided an update on progress in implementing the lessons for the UK’s nuclear industry. In addition to the Weightman Reports, the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) produced two national reports on the European Council ‘Stress Tests’ focusing on licensed nuclear sites. The first covered all civil nuclear power plants with the second, on the instructions of the Chief Inspector, covering all of the remaining UK nuclear installations. In both these reports, areas for potential improvement (known as ‘considerations’) were identified by licensees and these were augmented by Stress Test Findings identified by ONR. The key findings of these reports are reviewed, with the objective of extracting and drawing out key learning which could translate to and impact nuclear transport safety. The potential impact of these findings on INS and its nuclear transport operations is assessed, and the progress made to date reported.  相似文献   

美国核管会新的反应堆监督检查程序将监督管理力度集中在反应堆安全,辐射安全,电厂安全保卫3个领域,具体落实在初始事件,缓解系统,屏障完整性,应急准备,职业辐射安全,公众辐射安全,实体保卫这7项基本点上,并配合一系列的检查活动,达到更有效,客观,及时地评价核电厂运行安全水平的目的,结合我国核安全监督管理的实践及现状,我们应该吸取美国的经验,对有限的资源进行优化,把监管重点放在风险较大的问题上,以预防事故的发生,并适当地引入美国新的反应堆监督检查程序的一些思想及方法,发展和完善国家核安全局的监督管理模式。  相似文献   


Some half a million packages containing radioactive materials are transported to, from and within the UK annually. Accidents and incidents involving these shipments are rare. However, there is always the potential for such an event, which could lead to a release of the contents of a package or an increase in radiation level caused by damaged shielding. These events could result in radiological consequences for transport workers. As transport occurs in the public environment, such events could also lead to radiation exposures of members of the public. The UK Department for Transport (DfT), together with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have supported, for almost 20 years, work to compile, analyse and report on accidents and incidents that occur during the transport of radioactive materials. Annual reports on these events have been produced for 12 years. The details of these events are recorded in the Radioactive Materials Transport Event Database (RAMTED) maintained by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) on behalf of the DfT and HSE. Information on accidents and incidents dates back to 1958. RAMTED cUlTently includes information concerning 708 accidents and incidents, covering the period 1958 to 2000. This paper presents a summary of the data covering this period, identifying trends and lessons learned together with a discussion of some examples. It was found that, historically, the most significant exposures were received as a result of accidents involving the transport of industrial radiography sources. However, the frequency and severity of these events has decreased considerably in the later years of this study due to improvements in training, awareness and equipment. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), have established the international nuclear event scale (INES), which is described in detail in a users' guide. The INES has been revised to fully include transport events, and the information in RAMTED has been reviewed with regard to the latest INES users' guide. Some preliminary classifications have been made for transport events.  相似文献   

以先进压水堆核电厂为对象,开展了适用于应急设施可居留性评价的严重事故源项分析方案研究,覆盖了堆芯释放、安全壳内自然去除、放射性物质向环境释放途径等。结合非能动安全壳冷却系统的特征,重点研究了安全壳可能的失效行为,论证了安全壳在事故后24h和72h失效工况的辐射影响。结果表明:两种工况放射性释放水平均达到了INES(国际核事件分级)第6级的水平,属于比较严重的核事故;133 Xe、131I为主导核素组的主导核素,所释放的133 Xe介于WASH-1400中PWR2~PWR4之间的水平,131I介于PWR5~PWR6之间水平。同时,以国内某沿海厂址为例,评价了两种工况下应急指挥中心(EOF)工作人员的有效剂量,均可满足100mSv的剂量限值要求。  相似文献   

核爆炸的核监测技术的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了核电子学与核探测技术学科中的一个重要专业分支——核爆炸的核监测技术的内涵和范围,介绍并分析了核爆监测及核辐射监测的技术要求特点和发展现状。  相似文献   

1979年美国三哩岛核事故、1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核事故和2011年日本福岛核事故是世界核电发展史上三次严重核事故。前事不忘,后事之师。从核事故中总结吸取经验和教训,有利于进一步加强核安全,更好地发展和利用核能为民造福。  相似文献   

陈君尧 《核动力工程》1993,14(3):263-268
从50年代中期起,美国海军首先将核反应堆成功地装备在潜艇上,随后,(原)苏、英、法等国也相继发展了核潜艇,从而为潜艇的发展翻开了新的一页。本文简要介绍上述四个国家潜艇核动力技术近40年的发展过程、路线、方针和特点。  相似文献   

核电高效紧凑新型蒸汽发生器设计研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了适应三代核电机组进一步提质增效的发展需求,在确保安全性的基础上,采用更加先进的技术、同时兼顾设计及制造技术的成熟性,研究设计了一款经济性更好、技术性能更先进的高效紧凑新型蒸汽发生器(ZH-J60型SG)。ZH-J60型SG设置了轴流式预热器和泥渣收集器,并改进设计了小型双级叶片汽水分离器。计算和分析表明,ZH-J60型SG提高了SG自然循环倍率,提升了整机功率重量比、出口蒸汽品质和运行可靠性,完全满足并在部分关键参数上超过第三代压水堆核电厂SG的水平。  相似文献   

核电工程经济数据库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁晓明  李林 《核动力工程》1996,17(6):544-549
核电工程经济数据库由核电厂经济数据库、核燃料循环经济数据库和核电规划与环境经济数据库三部分组成,用ORACLE V6.0实现。核电厂经济数据库包括公共经济数据、电厂技术参数、工程投资数据、经济效益数据等内容。核燃料循环经济数据库燃料技术参数和价格数据。核电规划与环境经济数据库由历史经济、预测经济、能源平衡、电力、能源设施等数据组成。  相似文献   

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