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The objective of the present study was to describe plasma hormonal and metabolite profile and mRNA expression levels and activities of the enzymes pyruvate carboxylase (PC), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase in the liver of male Holstein calves before (1 and 3 wk of age) and after (8, 13, and 19 wk of age) weaning at 6 wk of age. The mean plasma concentration of acetate and β-hydroxybutyrate increased, and that of plasma lactate and nonesterified fatty acids decreased with week, particularly after weaning. Plasma glucose concentration was lowest at 8 wk of age. The mean plasma concentration of insulin and glucagon did not change with time, and that of cortisol was greatest at 1 wk of age. In the liver, enzyme activity of PC was greatest at 1 wk of age and decreased with time. There was a significant relationship between the activity and the mRNA level for PC. Activity of PEPCK also decreased with week. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity tended to decrease with week, and activity at 13 wk of age was lower than that at other times. Expression of PC mRNA, but not that of PEPCK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase α, decreased with week. We conclude that the hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes and acetyl-CoA carboxylase activities tend to decrease with age, reflecting changes in plasma metabolites in early weaning production systems.  相似文献   

Forty-one Holstein and Brown Swiss calves were raised as herd replacements under conditions in which they were allowed natural exposure to sporulated coccidial oocysts at a very early age. Two compounds previously shown to have anticoccidial efficacies, decoquinate and lasalocid, were used for this study. Calves were assigned randomly at birth to one of the treatments: decoquinate (approximately .5 mg/kg of BW) or lasalocid (approximately 1.0 mg/kg of BW) or to remain as unmedicated controls through 16 or 24 wk of age. Counts of fecal oocysts were reduced in the calves fed decoquinate for wk 4 to 8 and for both treated groups for wk 9 to 24. Calves fed decoquinate had increased BW, heart girth, and height at withers during wk 5 to 8. Both treated groups had higher gains than untreated calves during wk 12 to 16 with the decoquinate group larger than the lasalocid group. Feeding an anticoccidial compound to newborn calves reduced severity of coccidiosis when early natural exposure occurred.  相似文献   

In the artificial rearing of dairy calves, the same feeding plan is applied to all animals during the milk-feeding period, with individual differences attributable to development or health status rarely considered. The aim of this study was 1) to analyze whether the parameters of feeding behavior automatically recorded by a feeding computer and weight gain are suitable for predicting the health status and rumen development of male dairy calves, and 2) to compare a conventional weaning method (end of milk provision at 12 wk of age, n = 23 calves) with a concentrate-dependent weaning method (with reduction in the milk amount depending on the consumption of concentrate, n = 24). The health status of each animal was evaluated daily by a scoring list (health score), and body temperature was measured automatically during each milk intake. In addition, the number of veterinary treatments per calf was recorded. Rumen development was assessed by measuring rumen papillae in 8 rumen areas after slaughter (n = 24, half of each treatment group). During the milk-feeding period, body temperature was elevated (≥39.5°C) on 40.8 and 43.2% of all days for calves on the concentrate-dependent weaning method and the conventional weaning method, respectively. Hay and concentrate intake (but not milk intake) and weight gain were clearly affected by health status. In addition, health score and the probability of being treated by a veterinarian were significantly related to decreases in concentrate consumption. During the milk-feeding period, increased body temperature, an increased number of veterinary treatments, and decreases in milk consumption were all associated with reduced weight gain. Calves on the concentrate-dependent weaning method were weaned at an average age of 76 d, which was significantly shorter than the age at the end of milk provision for conventionally fed calves (84 d). Weight gain and health status did not differ between treatment groups. Weight gain was positively associated with papillae length. A treatment effect on rumen development could not be found. We conclude that the concentrate-dependent weaning method allows a faster physiological development without any negative impact on rumen development, weight gain, or health status; we therefore recommend its use in practice.  相似文献   

Optimizing weaning strategies of dairy replacement calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate whether performance could be improved and incidence of respiratory problems decreased either by allocating 6 additional days of individual housing after weaning or by moving calves in groups before weaning at 2 different ages. The first experiment involved 320 female calves that received 2 L of milk replacer (MR) twice daily until 49 d of age, and then 2 L of MR once daily until weaning at 56 d of age. Half of the calves were allowed to remain individually housed for an additional 6 d after weaning, and the other half were moved immediately after weaning to a different pen holding 8 calves. The second experiment involved 240 female calves that received 2 L of MR twice daily until 49 d of age, and then 2 L of MR once daily. Half of the calves were moved at 49 d of age to superhutches holding 8 calves with an elevated trough that was used to continue delivering MR; the other half remained individually housed until the age of 56 d and were then moved to the superhutches, where they also continued to receive MR. Growth and incidence of respiratory problems were recorded in both experiments, and feed intake was recorded in experiment 2. Calves moved to groups immediately after weaning reached the target BW 6 d earlier and experienced a lesser incidence of respiratory afflictions than those grouped 6 d after weaning. From experiment 2, calves grouped at 49 d of age had a greater average daily gain and BW at 56 d of age as a result of a greater total solid feed consumption compared with those grouped at 56 d of age. Calves grouped at 56 d, however, had a greater average daily gain between 56 and 64 d of age (the week following grouping for the calves in the 56-d treatment) than those grouped at 49 d of age. Overall, the proportion of animals affected by a respiratory problem between 49 and 112 d of age did not differ between treatments. However, calves grouped at 49 d of age had a lower number of respiratory cases than those grouped at 56 d of age. It is concluded that moving calves from individual hutches to groups of calves in superhutches immediately after weaning is preferable to waiting an additional 6 d. In addition, moving calves from individual hutches to groups of 8 in superhutches at 49 d of age and starting to reduce MR offering once grouped is preferable to starting to reduce MR while calves are individually housed.  相似文献   

When calves are weaned abruptly off large amounts of milk, weight gain is reduced as a result of low intake of starter. We compared gradual and abrupt weaning of 40 calves allowed to drink up to 12 kg of milk/d by automated feeders, housed in groups of 4, and weaned at 41 d abruptly or over 3 gradual weaning periods (4, 10, or 22 d), with one calf within each group randomly allocated to each treatment, balancing for sex and birth weight. During the milk-feeding period, the calves weaned over 22 d drank the least milk and ate the most starter, but these calves had the lowest total digestible energy intake and weight gains. The abruptly weaned calves had the highest digestible energy intakes and weight gains during the period before weaning. During the 9 d following weaning, the calves weaned over 22 and 10 d ate more starter and had better weight gains than abruptly weaned calves and those weaned over 4 d. Abruptly weaned calves lost weight during this period. In summary, gradual weaning improved starter intake, but because of reduced milk availability, this resulted in reduced total digestible energy intake before weaning. Weaning over 10 d resulted in the best overall weight gains over the study.  相似文献   

Dietary fiber and early weaning on growth and rumen development of calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Holstein calves were assigned to treatments of 1) pelleted prestarter (22% protein and 12% fat) and starter containing 10% alfalfa; 2) prestarter and starter containing 20% alfalfa; 3) no prestarter and starter containing 10% alfalfa; and 4) no prestarter and starter containing 20% alfalfa. Calves assigned to treatments 1 and 2 were fed 3.64 kg milk/d for 2 wk and calves assigned to treatments 3 and 4 were fed 3.64 kg milk/d for 3 wk and 1.82 kg milk/d for wk 4. Calves on treatments 2 and 3 were heavier at 10 wk but body weights and heights were similar by 6 mo. Rumen fluid and plasma measures were similar among treatments. Bull calves were assigned to treatments 1 and 3 and necropsied at 3 or 6 wk. Dry feed intakes to 3 wk and volatile fatty acid concentrations were greater for calves on treatment 1 than those on treatment 3. Wet weights of the empty reticulorumens were greater for calves on treatment 1 than those on treatment 3. Papillary development was not affected by weaning system. Calves weaned at 17 d and fed a prestarter have earlier rumen development than calves fed no prestarter and weaned later.  相似文献   

Dairy calf weaning results in blood ketone concentrations in excess of mature rates of use and can result in excretion of ketones in urine representing a loss of energy. Lasalocid is frequently supplemented as an anticoccidial agent in calf starters; however, in mature ruminants it is known to alter molar ratios of ruminal volatile fatty acids (VFA). Effects of weaning transition and postweaning ionophore supplementation on body weight, dry matter (DM) intake, average daily gain (ADG), and blood concentrations of glucose, acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), lactate, pyruvate, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), VFA, insulin, and glucagon were examined using Jersey bull calves (n = 24) over 16 wk. Calves were blocked into groups of 2 according to birth date and weight and randomly assigned to receive either a commercial pelleted starter (control), or the same diet containing lasalocid (TRT; 83 mg/kg of DM). Calves were fed milk replacer from d 3 to 34 (d 3 to 20 = 454 g/d at 12% solids; d 21 to 34 = 568 g/d at 15% solids), from d 35 to 48 calves received both replacer (d 35 to 41 = 454 g/d; d 42 to 38 = 227 g/d) and free access to control or TRT starter, and from d 49 to 112 received ad libitum control or TRT. Body weight and jugular blood metabolite concentrations were measured and recorded weekly. Postweaning DM intake, average daily gain, and feed:gain did not differ between control and TRT calves. Glucose and NEFA concentrations did not differ between control and TRT, but declined with age. Insulin and glucagon concentrations did not differ between control and TRT, but glucagon concentrations increased with weaning. Total VFA significantly increased following introduction of solid feed at d 35 in both groups with an apparent 1-wk lag in TRT VFA increases compared with control. Jugular acetate and butyrate concentrations were greater in control calves than TRT calves during wk 7. Propionate concentrations did not differ between control and TRT at any time following weaning. Blood BHBA concentrations were greater in control than TRT during wk 8 and 9. Thus, consumption of starter supplemented with lasalocid delayed peak acetate and butyrate and lowered peak BHBA concentrations. However, supplementation at concentrations currently recommended for control of coccidiosis did not appear to be sufficient to enhance growth or efficiency during the wk 7 to 16 postweaning interval for this sample size.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of social housing on the behavioral, intake, and physiological changes that occur at weaning for dairy calves fed milk ad libitum. These changes were evaluated during the weaning (d 40 to 48 of age) and postweaning (d 49 to 56 of age) stages. Twenty male Holstein calves were fed milk replacer ad libitum and weaned gradually by dilution over 9 d starting at d 40 of age. Calves were housed in pairs (10 calves) or individually (10 calves) from birth until the beginning of the postweaning phase, when all calves were paired. Feed and water intake were monitored daily. Feeding time was video-recorded, and blood β-hydroxybutyrate concentration was measured on alternate days beginning on d 40 and ending on d 56 of age. Electronic accelerometers continuously recorded standing and lying behavior for the 17-d study. Solid feed consumption increased by more than 5-fold over the weaning phase in all calves; during this phase pair-housed calves consumed more than twice (0.96 vs. 0.50 kg/d on d 48) that of the individually housed calves. Postweaning all calves rapidly increased their solid feed intake, and to a greater extent for previously individually housed calves, such that intake was similar between treatments by d 56. Free water intake was stable during weaning; however, a decrease (of 6.6 L) occurred in the constituent milk replacer water intake across this phase. As result, total water intake (free water + milk replacer water content) decreased (by 6.0 L) over the weaning phase between d 40 (14.9 L/d) and d 48 (8.9 L/d). On the first day postweaning (d 49), total water intake for all calves increased sharply (to 19.0 L/d) and then returned to a lower baseline (13.2 L/d) the next day (d 50), and slowly increased over the following week. During the weaning phase, feeding time and feeding rate increased with time for all calves, whereas pair-housed calves had greater feeding rates than individually housed calves (13.4 vs. 6.6 g of DM/min). After weaning, calves previously housed individually spent more time feeding in the early hours of the day than calves housed in pairs. Lying time and lying bout frequency decreased with calf age during the weaning period across treatments, and pair-housed calves tended to spend less time lying than individually housed calves (1,015 vs. 1,039 min/d) during this time period. Blood β-hydroxybutyrate increased across treatments over the weaning period, with the largest increase occurring between d 48 (0.05 mmol/L) and d 50 (0.2 mmol/L). These results show that calves alter their behavioral patterns during weaning and that housing calves in pairs may ease the transition from milk to solid feed.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):12079-12093
Most milk replacers (MR) contain more lactose compared with whole milk, which, when fed at a large meal size, could influence gut barrier function in calves. This study evaluated how replacing lactose in MR with fat (on a wt/wt basis) affects intestinal histomorphology and permeability in neonatal dairy calves. Thirty-four Holstein-Friesian bull calves were blocked by dam parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments (n = 17): a high-lactose (46.1% lactose, 18.0% crude fat, and 23.9% crude protein of dry matter) or a high-fat MR (HF; 39.9% lactose, 24.6% crude fat, and 24.0% crude protein of dry matter). Calves were individually housed and fed pooled colostrum at 1.5 h and 12 h postnatally, at 18 and 9% of metabolic body weight (BW0.75), respectively. From 24 h postnatally until the end of the study (d 7), calves were transitioned to be fed MR (prepared at 15% solids) at 18% of BW0.75 twice daily at 0700 and 1900 h. During postprandial sampling on d 6, intestinal permeability was assessed by mixing lactulose (1.03 g/kg of BW0.75) and d-mannitol (0.31 g/kg of BW0.75) into the morning meal without altering total meal volume. Sequential blood samples were collected via jugular catheter, and total urine was collected for 12 h to measure the marker content. Calves were euthanized 3 h after the morning meal on d 7, and gastrointestinal tract tissues and digesta were collected for analysis of histomorphology, digesta osmolality, and gene expression. The empty gastrointestinal tracts of HF calves were heavier, although length did not differ and differences in histomorphology were minor. Digesta osmolality changed along the tract without differences between treatments. Plasma lactulose was greater in HF, although plasma d-mannitol and the recovery of both markers in urine were unaffected. No significant differences were detected in gene expression, although HF calves tended to have lower expression of TJP1 and CLDN2 and higher expression of proinflammatory cytokine IL1B in ileum tissue. In conclusion, partially replacing lactose in MR with fat resulted in a heavier and more permeable gut, with minor histomorphological differences.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):6207-6219
The core part of the mammal innate immune system is the acute-phase response (APR), during which acute-phase proteins (APP) are synthesized. Colostrum contains immunomodulating factors such as proinflammatory cytokines and APP in large quantities. We looked at proinflammatory cytokines [IL-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)] and APP [serum amyloid A (SAA) and haptoglobin (Hp)] in colostrum and in calves' serum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of colostrum on the calves' systemic APR and the associations of the calves' serum APR with short- and long-term weight gain (at the age of 1, 3, and 9 mo). A total of 143 female dairy calves were studied during their first 3 wk of life. The calves were separated from their mothers immediately after birth and bottle-fed 3 L of quality-controlled colostrum once within 2 h after birth. Serum samples were collected once a week during the first 3 wk of life (a total of 1–3 samples per calf). Mean sampling age (±standard deviation) was 4.3 (±2.0) d in the first week, 11.0 (±2.0) d in the second week, and 18.0 (±2.0) d in the third week. Linear regression models were used to study associations of colostrum APP and cytokine concentration with serum APR markers and for studying associations of colostrum and serum APR markers with calves' average daily weight gain (ADWG). Mixed linear regression models were used to compare serum concentrations of APR markers by study weeks. The colostrum IL-6 concentrations were positively associated with serum IL-6 in the first 3 wk of life. Colostrum IL-1β was positively associated with calves' serum IL-1β during the first week of life, and colostrum TNF-α was positively associated with calves' serum TNF-α during the first 2 wk of life. Serum IL-1β concentrations differed over the 3 wk, being the highest during the first week and the lowest during the second week. For IL-6, the concentration during the first week was the highest, and for TNF-α, a steady decline in the concentration was observed. Serum SAA concentrations were elevated during the first 2 wk of life and subsequently declined during the third week. Albumin concentrations were lowest in the first week, whereas Hp concentrations were highest during the second week. Serum concentrations of SAA, Hp, IL-6, and TNF-α during the second week were negatively associated with ADWG at 9 mo of age. The SAA concentrations during the third week of age had a negative association with 9-mo ADWG. Serum Hp concentrations in the third week were negatively associated with 3-mo ADWG. The results of our study suggest that colostrum cytokines influence calf serum cytokine concentrations. Thus, they influence the newborn calves' adaptation to the environment and the development of their immune system. Factors that activate an APR during the second and third week of life have a long-term influence on calves' development.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is a zoonotic protozoan that is most often diagnosed in association with diarrhea in 1- to 3-wk-old dairy calves. There are neither consistently effective nor approved antimicrobial drugs for treatment in animals. The objective of this study was to test nitazoxanide (NTZ) as a treatment for cryptosporidiosis in experimentally infected dairy calves. A randomized, controlled, and blinded trial was performed using Holstein bull calves obtained from a large commercial dairy. All births were attended by study personnel and calves were fed 4 L of heat-treated colostrum within 1 h of birth. Calves were randomly assigned to treatment or placebo group and maintained for a 32-feeding (16 d) study period. Twenty-three calves were enrolled with 3 lost to follow up. Thirteen calves were assigned to the treatment group and 7 calves to the placebo group. All calves were inoculated with 1 × 106 viable Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts at feeding 3. Treatment was a commercially available NTZ product and the placebo was the carrier of the same product. Nitazoxanide was administered at 1.5 g twice per day for 5 d. Nitazoxanide or placebo treatment began after feeding 10 and when the fecal score was greater than 1 out of 3. Outcome measurements included twice-daily fecal and health scores and a once-daily oocyst count by an immunofluorescent antibody assay. Data were analyzed by nonparametric and time-to-event methods. Measures of passive transfer of antibodies, initial body weight, and onset of oocyst shedding were not different between treatment and control calves. Eighty-five percent of the NTZ-treated calves stopped shedding oocysts by the end of the observation period whereas only 15% of the placebo group stopped shedding. The median number of feedings with a fecal score equal to 3 was 2 in the NTZ group while it was 6 in the placebo group. Calves receiving NTZ were 0.13 times as likely to have severe and sustained diarrhea than control calves (95% confidence interval, 0.02-0.98). Treating calves with NTZ reduced the duration of oocyst shedding and improved fecal consistency.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare innate immune responses of calves weaned early (EW; n = 23; weaned at 23.7 ± 2.3 d of age) with those of conventionally weaned calves (CW; n = 22; weaned at 44.7 ± 2.3 d of age). All calves were fed 3.8 L of colostrum within 12 h of birth and were subsequently fed milk replacer twice daily. The weaning process began by withdrawal of the afternoon milk-replacer feeding. Milk was fully withdrawn, and the calf was considered completely weaned when it consumed 900 g of calf starter as-fed for 2 consecutive days. Blood samples were collected from all calves at 24, 27, 31, 45, 48, 52, and 66 ± 2.3 d of age. Early weaned calves took a variable amount of time to completely wean from milk replacer; therefore, data were also analyzed by comparing calves grouped by latency to completely weaned (fast = 1 to 5 d; intermediate = 6 to 8 d; slow = 15 to 17 d). Slow-EW calves weighed less than either the fast- or intermediate-EW calves before initiating weaning. At 27 d of age, circulating neutrophils were greater among EW calves than CW calves. Moreover, fast-EW calves had lower neutrophil:mononuclear cell ratios at 45 d of age than other EW calves. Slow-EW calves had lower TNF-α concentrations from whole blood stimulated with endotoxin at 27 and 31 d of age compared with fast- and intermediate-EW calves. All EW calves had decreased neutrophil L-selectin at d 27 and increased neutrophil L-selectin at 31 d of age. At 31 d of age, neutrophil β2-integrin was the greatest among the fast-EW calves. All EW calves had decreased neutrophil oxidative burst at 27 and 31 d of age. Three days after CW calves were weaned they had higher neutrophils, hematocrit percentages, and circulating cortisol than EW calves. In addition, 3 d after CW calves were weaned they had decreased neutrophil oxidative burst responses to Escherichia coli. Weaning, irrespective of age, suppressed many innate immune responses. In addition, early weaning transiently suppressed L-selectin expression on neutrophils; however, the immunological significance in the context of the resistance to disease is unknown because EW calves likely had greater protection from passively derived immunoglobulins when they were weaned. Finally, calves with lower BW around 24 d of age may not be suitable for early weaning programs as evident in the suppressed secretion of TNF-α from whole blood cultures during the week following the initiation of weaning.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine the effect of starter crude protein (CP) content on growth of Holstein calves from birth to 10 wk of age in an enhanced early nutrition program, and to compare the enhanced program to a conventional milk replacer program. Calves (64 female, 25 male) were assigned to 3 treatments in a randomized block design: 1) conventional milk replacer (20% CP, 20% fat) plus conventional starter [19.6% CP, dry matter (DM) basis], 2) enhanced milk replacer (28.5% CP, 15% fat) plus conventional starter, and 3) enhanced milk replacer plus high-CP starter (25.5% CP, DM basis). Calves began treatments (n=29, 31, and 29 for treatments 1 to 3) at 3 d of age. Conventional milk replacer (12.5% solids) was fed at 1.25% of birth body weight (BW) as DM daily in 2 feedings from wk 1 to 5 and at 0.625% of birth BW once daily during wk 6. Enhanced milk replacer (15% solids) was fed at 1.5% of BW as DM during wk 1 and 2% of BW as DM during wk 2 to 5, divided into 2 daily feedings. During wk 6, enhanced milk replacer was fed at 1% of BW as DM once daily. Calves were weaned at d 42. Starter was available for ad libitum intake starting on d 3. Starter intake was greater for calves fed conventional milk replacer. For calves fed enhanced milk replacer, starter intake tended to be greater for calves fed enhanced starter. During the weaning period, enhanced starter promoted greater starter DM intake than the conventional starter. Over the 10-wk study, the average daily gain of BW (0.64, 0.74, and 0.80 kg/d) was greater for calves fed enhanced milk replacer with either starter and, for calves fed enhanced milk replacer, tended to be greater for calves fed high-CP starter. Rates of change in withers height, body length, and heart girth were greater for calves fed enhanced milk replacer but did not differ between starter CP concentrations. The postweaning BW for enhanced milk replacer treatments was greater for calves receiving the enhanced starter at wk 8 (73.7, 81.3, and 85.8 kg) and wk 10 (88.0, 94.9, and 99.9 kg). Starter CP content did not affect height, length, or heart girth within enhanced milk replacer treatments. Regression analysis showed that gain of BW during the first week postweaning (wk 7) increased with greater 3-d mean starter intake in the week before weaning. Starter with 25.5% CP (DM basis) provided modest benefits in starter intake (particularly around weaning) and growth for dairy calves in an enhanced early nutrition program compared with a conventional starter (19.6% CP).  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to test the stimulation ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) expressed as stimulation index (SI) of newborn calves and of their dams fed a control fat supplement (CON, n=6) or 50 and 100g/d of a CLA-containing fat supplement (CLA50, n=5, and CLA100, n=6, respectively) during the preceding lactation period for 182 d after calving. The total intake of cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 CLA by groups CLA50 and CLA100 amounted to 4 and 8 g/d each, respectively. For this purpose, blood was collected immediately after parturition from calves before and after colostrum intake, and from cows after parturition and 21 d later. The SI was related to the fatty acid composition of erythrocyte and milk lipids and to various hematological and clinical-chemical parameters. Retrospective evaluation revealed that depletion time (i.e., the individual period elapsed between the day of terminating the feeding of the experimental diet in the preceding lactation period and the day of calving) ranged from 190 to 262 d, which corresponded to fetal exposure times of 19 to 102 d. The SI from cows increased significantly by 77 and 55%, within 21 d after calving according to the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and Alamar Blue assays, respectively. However, feeding of 50 g of the CLA product failed to demonstrate this increase in the MTT assay. Moreover, SI was significantly lower for calves whose dams belonged to the CLA50 group, whereas stimulation ability was comparable for the PBMC from calves whose mothers were treated with CON and CLA100. Plasma metabolites (total bilirubin, total cholesterol, glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, 3-β-hydroxybutyrate, total protein, and albumin) and hematological parameters (hematocrit, white blood cell profile) were not significantly influenced by dietary treatments of the cows in the preceding lactation period. Although the fatty acid pattern of erythrocyte lipids of cows remained uninfluenced, that of calves showed alterations due to the feeding type of their dams. For example, C16:0 increased significantly from 14.4 to 16.9% of total fatty acid methyl esters, whereas cis-9,trans-11 CLA increased slightly from 0.11 to 0.15% at the same time in calves when their mothers were fed the CLA100 instead of the CON diet. Fatty acid profile of colostrum was significantly different from that of milk after 3 wk for most of the detected fatty acids, but was not influenced by diet type. In conclusion, feeding a CLA-containing fat supplement during the preceding lactation and gestation period exerted effects on the stimulation ability of PBMC from cows and calves for the subsequent parturition. However, CLA dose effects were inconsistent and require further investigation.  相似文献   

When weaned at the ages typical of commercial dairy production, dairy calves usually show reduced growth rates, lowered energy intake, and increased behavioral signs of hunger, reflecting their difficulty in switching from a milk diet to solid feed. However, large differences exist between calves in their ability to adapt to solid feed, and automated feeders allow the age of weaning to be adjusted to an individual calf's intake of solid feed. We examined the effects of weaning according to solid feed intake on age at weaning, feed intake, and behavioral signs of hunger. In a 2×2 factorial design, 60 female Holstein calves in groups of 8 and fed milk, grain starter, and hay from automated feeders began to be weaned when their voluntary intake of grain starter was either 400g/d (high start) or 200g/d (low start), with weaning completed when their voluntary intakes of starter were either 1,600g/d (high end) or 800g/d (low end). Digestible energy intakes were calculated from milk, starter and hay intakes, corrected for body weights, calves were weighed, and the frequency of visits to the milk feeders were measured each day. The main effects and interactions between treatments were tested with ANOVA. Large differences were observed between calves in the age at which weaning was complete, with weaning completed earlier for low-end calves compared with high-end calves. No treatment effects (either of start amount or end amount) on intakes of milk, starter, or hay or on weight gains occurred. However, the calves that began weaning earlier had longer durations of weaning, greater growth rates from d 20 to 87, and were heavier on d 87, and had lower milk intakes, higher starter intakes, higher hay intakes, and a greater digestible energy intake, but showed more unrewarded visits to the milk feeder. Adjusting the age at which individual calves are weaned off milk according to their ability to eat solid feed can reduce the age at which weaning occurs while reducing the negative effects of weaning on energy intake and weight gain, although the increased visits to the milk feeder during weaning suggest that calves remain motivated to drink milk.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(6):5475-5491
Calves are typically weaned from milk to solids once they reach a predetermined age or when they are consuming a predetermined intake of solids. The first aim of this study was to compare feeding behavior and performance of calves weaned based on age versus starter intake. The latter method can result in considerable variation in the age at which calves are weaned, so a secondary aim was to compare calves that weaned early or late when weaned based on starter intake. In experiment 1, dairy calves were randomly assigned to be either (1) weaned by age at d 70 (n = 16), or (2) weaned by intake, where calves were weaned based on starter intake (n = 16). All calves were fed using an automatic milk feeder and offered 12 L/d of milk until 30 d of age. On d 31, all calves had their milk rations reduced. Calves weaned by age were reduced to 6 L/d of milk over 5 d and received 6 L/d milk from d 35 until d 63, when milk was reduced over 7 d until complete weaning at d 70. For calves weaned by intake, the milk ration was reduced on d 31 to 75% of that calf's previous milk intake (3-d average) and further reduced by 25% when the calf met each of 3 targets for starter intake: 225, 675, and 1,300 g/d. Calves that failed to reach the final target by d 63 (failed-intake group; n = 6) were weaned over 7 d to complete weaning at d 70. Ten calves met all 3 starter intake targets (successful-intake group). In experiment 2, all calves were assigned to the weaned-by-intake treatment (n = 48). The weaning strategy was identical to that described for experiment 1, but calves were permitted up to d 84 to reach the final starter intake target. Forty-three calves met all 3 targets and were retrospectively divided into early-weaning (weaned before d 63; n = 31) and late-weaning (weaned on or after d 63; n = 12) categories. In both experiments, the weaning period was considered from the time of initial milk reduction at d 31 until complete weaning at d 70 (weaned by age) or when consuming 1,300 g/d (weaned by intake). Postweaning growth was monitored from weaning until final weight in the calf-rearing period at d 98 (experiment 1) and d 105 (experiment 2). Final weight in the grower period was measured at d 134 (experiment 1) and d 145 (experiment 2). In experiment 1, successful-intake calves (vs. calves weaned by age) consumed 125.3 ± 16.4 L less milk and 41.3 ± 9.3 kg more starter over the experimental period, engaged in more unrewarded visits to the milk feeder during weaning (11.1 ± 1.5 vs. 5.0 ± 1.3 visits/d), and achieved similar weights at the end of the grower period (188.2 ± 6.6 vs. 195.2 ± 5.7 kg). In experiment 2, calves that weaned by intake early (vs. late) consumed 93.3 ± 26.0 L less milk and 57.2 ± 12.2 kg more starter, engaged in a similar number of unrewarded visits during weaning (7.0 ± 0.6 vs. 7.6 ± 1.0 visits/d), had greater average daily gain during weaning (1.08 ± 0.02 vs. 0.94 ± 0.03 kg/d), and achieved greater final weights at the end of the grower period (203.2 ± 2.9 vs. 192.6 ± 4.2 kg). These results indicate that calves weaned based on starter intake can achieve similar weights to those weaned by age, despite consuming less milk. However, some calves will fail to meet starter intake targets unless given sufficient time to do so. Variation in preweaning feed intake provides an opportunity for individualized management of calves.  相似文献   

Dairy calf weaning is associated with ketone concentrations that exceed the levels occurring in adults, and weaning represents a potential energy loss that may be mitigated by ionophore supplementation. To assess the effects of weaning and ionophore supplementation on net nutrient flux across portal-drained viscera (PDV) tissues in dairy calves, concentrations of glucose, acetoacetate (ACAC), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), nonesterified fatty acids, volatile fatty acids, lactate, pyruvate, insulin, and glucagon and PDV flux rates were determined in Jersey bull calves (n = 19) at 35, 56, 84, and 112 d of age. Calves were randomly assigned at birth to either a commercial pelleted starter without (CON) or with lasalocid (TRT; 83 mg/kg of dry matter). Calves were fed only milk replacer from d 3 to 34 (d 3 to 20 = 454 g/d; d 21 to 34 = 56 g/d). After blood sampling on d 35, calves received replacer (d 35 to 41 = 45 g/d; d 42 to 48 = 22 g/d) and had free access to the CON or TRT starter, and from d 49 to 112 they received CON or TRT ad libitum. Catheters were implanted in the portal vein and in the mesenteric vein and artery between d 21 and 28. Blood flow was measured by continuous infusion of p-aminohippurate into the mesenteric vein. Six serial samples were taken at 30-min intervals from the arterial and portal vein catheters simultaneously. Portal blood flow increased with age but did not differ between CON and TRT calves. Glucose was released preweaning and was extracted postweaning by PDV, but was not affected by ionophore. The portal flux of nonesterified fatty acids was not different from zero during any of the 4 sample ages. Fluxes of ACAC and BHBA in CON and TRT calves went from no measurable flux preweaning to a postweaning PDV release that peaked at d 84, but the d-84 release of ACAC and BHBA was lower in TRT calves. The portal flux of volatile fatty acids increased with age, and PDV release of both butyrate and propionate was lower at d 84 in TRT than in CON calves. However, TRT calves had a greater PDV release of lactate on d 84, partially compensating for the lower release of propionate. Glucagon was greater in CON than in TRT calves at d 84 and could be a response to the elevated ketogenesis observed in CON calves during this period. Changes in the metabolic profile and nutrient flux of transition calves were demonstrated in response to weaning and ionophore supplementation. Inclusion of an ionophore appeared to moderate alimentary output at a postweaning period (d 84) at which ketone concentrations have the potential to exceed the whole animal capacity for utilization.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding calf starter on rumen pH of dairy calves during weaning transition. Twenty Holstein bull calves were paired into 10 blocks by starting date of the study and body weight, and fed either milk replacer and hay (MR) or MR, hay, and a commercial texturized calf starter (MR+S) in a randomized complete block design. All calves were fed 750 g/d of milk replacer as the basal diet. Calves on MR+S treatment were also fed a calf starter ad libitum to maintain similar energy intake between calves within blocks, and MR calves were fed additional milk replacer that was equivalent to energy from calf starter intake. When MR+S calves consumed a calf starter at 680 g/d for 3 consecutive d, rumen pH of a MR+S calf and his MR counterpart was measured continuously for 3 d using a small ruminant rumen pH measurement system. Treatment did not affect minimum pH, mean pH, maximum pH, standard deviation of mean pH, and duration or area under pH 5.8, indicating that calf starter consumption did not appear to affect rumen pH. However, hay intake was negatively correlated to area under pH 5.8, with a breakpoint at 0.080 kg/d intake, suggesting hay intake might play an important role in mitigating ruminal acidosis in dairy calves during weaning transition.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to characterize the establishment of ruminal fermentation and enzymatic activities in dairy calves from birth to weaning (d 83). Six Holstein calves, immediately separated from their mother at birth, were fed colostrum for 3 d after birth, and thereafter milk replacer, starter pelleted concentrate, and hay until d 83 of age. Ruminal samples were collected from each calf every day for the first 10 d, and additionally at d 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, 33, 36, 40, 43, 47, 50, 55, 62, 69, and 83. Ruminal samples were collected 1h after milk feeding with a stomach tube. The pH and redox potential (E(h)) were immediately measured. Samples were kept for further determination of ammonia nitrogen (NH(3)-N) and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations, and xylanase, amylase, urease, and protease activities. Ruminal pH averaged 6.69, 5.82, and 6.34, from d 1 to 9, d 10 to 40, and d 43 to 83 of age, respectively. At first day of life, the ruminal E(h) value was positive (+224 mV). From d 2 to 9, d 10 to 40, and d 43 to 83 of age, ruminal E(h) averaged -164, -115, and -141 mV, respectively. From d 1 to 3, d 4 to 22, and d 26 to 83 of age, NH(3)-N concentration averaged 60.1, 179.8, and 58.2 mg/L, respectively. No VFA were detected in ruminal samples collected on d 1 of life of calves. From d 2 to 10 and d 12 to 83 of age, ruminal total VFA concentration averaged 19.5 and 84.4mM, respectively. Neither ruminal xylanase or amylase activities were observed at d 1 of age. From d 5 to 15 and d 19 to 83 of age, the xylanase activity averaged 182.2 and 62.4 μmol of sugar released per hour per gram of ruminal content dry matter (DM), respectively. From d 5 to 83 of age, the amylase activity reached 35.4 μmol of sugar released per hour per gram of ruminal content DM. The ruminal ureolytic activity was observed with an average value of 6.9 μg of NH(3)-N released per minute per gram of ruminal content DM over the 83-d experimental period. From d 1 to 4 and d 5 to 83 of age, the proteolytic activity was 8.2 and 27.9 optical density units per hour per gram of ruminal content DM, respectively. The fermentative and enzymatic activities were rapidly established in the rumen from d 2 after birth. Most parameters did not evolve further after 1 mo of age.  相似文献   

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