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本文主要介绍颜色分析仪的研制方法,采用颜色传感器TCS3200D对颜色进行采集,以单片机为控制核心,识别出相应的颜色并与存于数据库中的标准颜色相比较,然后打印出所识别的颜色与标准颜色的差别,以利于进一步的进行分析处理。本仪器产品成本较低,适于普通家庭使用,可以达到微型化的设计目标。  相似文献   

3D打印技术的开发,使多个领域焕发出生机与活力,它颠覆了传统的理念,从立体成型角度造就了锻造业的升级发展.3D打印技术是一种新型的增材制造,是全球制造领域兴起的一种制造技术,集合了光控、数控和新材料的应用.在航空制造领域,3D打印技术能够在复杂部件生产制造上发挥重要的作用,能够创新材料类型,将新技术与新方法有机融合,形成适合航空产业发展的技术创新和产品创新.  相似文献   

文章主要论述了3D打印技术的特征,以及国内外服装设计师对3D打印技术的运用、3D打印未来发展趋势和我国在政策上对3D打印的支持。3D打印技术从发明到投入市场仅仅35年时间,虽然发展迅速却还未能普及,特别是在服装领域的运用还处于开发阶段,随着我国对3D打印技术的开发和研究逐步加深,3D打印必将在服装以及其他生活领域遍地开花,惠及广大民众。  相似文献   

随着3D打印技术的快速发展,使其在数字产品模型制造领域的应用逐步成为一种潮流和热门的话题。基于FDM快速成型技术的桌面级3D打印设备的正在走向成熟,使用、维护简单,价格竞争力强。但是由于FDM技术的技术特点,打印出来的产品表面精度较低。针对FDM成型技术的不足,设计了一种基于模糊PID控制的3D打印后处理系统,通过模糊规则对PID的参数进行自整定,实现对3D打印后处理装置中加热温度的控制,使打印模型的抛光效果达到最佳。仿真结果表明:该控制系统稳定性好,控制精度高,响应速度快。  相似文献   

2008年10月21日,本刊讯,三维打印机的制造商Corporation(ZCorp)推出了全新的ZPrinter 650系列产品,该产品可打印极大体积的模型,并具有顶级的色彩质量和高分辨率,是全彩三维打印技术领域里又一重大突破。ZPrinte  相似文献   

2017年3月14日~16日,德州仪器(TI)与其DLP产品在工业领域的多家生态圈合作伙伴共同亮相2017慕尼黑上海光博会.DLP产品展示了支持3D机器视觉、3D打印、光谱分析、数字光刻和其他创新应用的广泛芯片组产品库,以及合作伙伴带来的多款创新性光学产品.  相似文献   

喷墨打印机佳能腾彩PIXMA iP4680 佳能腾彩PIXMAiP4680采用了佳能新的墨水系统,新的墨水系统带来的最大改变在于对红色区域的颜色再现进行了扩展,为用户带来了更加丰富和明快的红色,这在我们打印的测试样张中也体现的非常明显,照片打印效果给人眼前一亮的感觉。此外,为了特别增强彩色打印质量和速度.这款产品还特别增加了彩色喷头的数量,在提高了彩色打印速度的同时,也为用户提供了较高的彩色照片打印质量。  相似文献   

3D打印是快速成形技术的一种,它是一种以数字模型文件为基础,运用塑或料粉末状金属等可粘合材料,通过逐层打印的方式来构造实际物体的技术.打印先进行模型结构设计,再通过UG进行三维模型构造,之后利用Click和ReplicatorG进行数据处理,最后使用普及型3D打印机3D-YUNDL-24打印模型.3D打印的结构设计分为简单的结构设计、复杂曲面的设计、典型的零件设计和减速器装配.其目的是向人们证明3D打印技术巨大的潜力,在制造领域将人们的注意力转移到3D打印上,从而促进3D打印技术的发展.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了3D打印的发展历程、基本原理以及分类,描述了打印设备基本构成及工作流程,分析了3D打印技术的优缺点及技术瓶颈。并列举了不同行业领域对3D打印技术的应用,对3D打印产业的发展前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

2016年11月4日,由北京市科学技术研究院指导,北京市计算中心和震旦集团3D事业部联合主办,机械工业信息中心、机械工业信息研究院、北京市模具行业协会和上海协创数字医学研究中心支持的3D打印科普项目精品巡展(上海站)在上海浦东震旦国际大楼成功举办.此次巡展主题为"3D打印梦想,创新、创造",旨在凝聚行业协会、应用企业、研究机构、技术和服务提供商的智慧,整合3D打印行业上下游优势资源,进一步推动3D打印技术在各领域的应用,实现3D打印技术在机械、模具、汽车和消费品等领域的落地应用.  相似文献   

目的 打印输出技术是目前国内外图像复制领域的主流技术。打印机特征化旨在建立打印机输入控制值与输出色彩信息值之间的对应关系,保证打印输出图像各像素色彩值的准确性。基于可见光谱的打印机特性化过程,以图像光谱信息作为打印机特性化过程中的色彩控制依据,可避免基于色度的打印输出过程所固有的同色异谱问题,实现图像色彩复制领域最高级别的无条件颜色匹配。在广泛文献调研的基础上,本文回顾了打印机光谱特性化方法各部分研究的发展历程,分析介绍了该领域主要研究内容及其研究现状,对打印机光谱特性化方法流程进行了较为全面的综述。方法 以Yule-Nielsen修正的光谱Neugebauer模型(YNSN模型)为典型代表,从打印机墨量限制方法、正向光谱预测模型、反向光谱分色模型以及色彩匹配评价度量4个方面,对目前基于可见光谱的打印机特性化方法研究情况进行了总结与归纳,并结合现有研究存在的问题对未来研究发展趋势进行了展望。结果 综合近几年该领域研究发展情况,认为目前打印机光谱特性化方法研究在墨量限制算法合理性、正反向建模精度等方面已经取得了较为理想的结果。然而,尽管已有20多年的广泛研究,鉴于光谱数据的高维性以及具体应用场景的多样性,导致准确而高效的实现光谱打印机特性化仍然是一个极具难度的问题,特别在建模效率提高、模型适用性增强、模型物理意义提升以及评价度量综合性能优化等方面,目前研究仍存在较大的研究发展空间。结论 打印机光谱特性化是实现图像色彩信息高保真打印复制的必要手段,其今后将继续在图像复制领域起到非常关键作用。然而,由于基于光谱的打印机特性化过程涉及光谱学及色度学理论、半色调呈色理论、最优化计算理论、人眼视觉机理、数字加网技术等多种理论与技术,故其研究具有一定的难度与挑战性。本文对打印机光谱特性化方法研究现状进行了较为深入的介绍与分析,意在使国内同行对该领域有一个较为全面的了解,以期引起更多研究者对该领域的关注。由于篇幅所限,许多问题未及深究。  相似文献   

MCCAD研究包括印刷色标的制定、屏幕再现与印刷复原的模型转换研究、专家设色系统等。本文在色度学理论基础上,通过实验方法,对CMY印刷颜色系统和RGB屏幕颜色系统的色度数据、色域范围进行了系统分析,导出了一个比现有CRT、PAL和NTSC颜色模型使用范围广、色域转换范围大的新模型。解决了地图印刷色标屏幕再现的关键技术,建立了地图色谱数据库,举例介绍了彩色地图的CAD方法。为地图色彩CAD、印刷工艺数据化、标准化设计提供了技术手段。  相似文献   

The user-computer interface for color selection is of great significance for the use of colors incomputer graphics, particularly in some fields where the used colors have to be selected carefully. Thispaper discusses what factors have to be considered to design an effective user interface for color selec-tion. It also presents a method which shows how to represent 3D color spaces according to the psychol-ogy of color perception. Two examples of user interface for color selection are given. One is based onthe CLELUV uniform color space, the other is based on RGB-rotated color model.  相似文献   

This study investigated errors in color judgment related to stimuli (cyan vs. magenta vs. yellow) printed on various materials (coated paper vs. cotton vs. polyester fiber) and occurring in a range of visual environments (color temperature × luminance: 4000 K × 1500 lx vs. 4000 K × 750 lx vs. 2700 K × 1500 lx vs. 2700 K × 750 lx) under illuminated light‐emitting diodes. Participants included 16 female and 14 male Taiwanese college students [age range, 20–26 years (M = 21.92, SD = 2.13)]. Subjects were instructed to perform a series of comparative judgments in which they carefully observed a standard stimulus color under illuminated LEDs and judged which of five simultaneously presented colors under illuminant D65 was the most similar to the standard color. Data analysis revealed that the effect of visual environment on accuracy of color judgments against the standard was significant. Additionally, the accuracy of color judgments against the standard was significantly better for polyester printing material than it was for coated paper. The color of the standard also significantly affected color judgment accuracy: cyan yielded significantly worse accuracy rates than did magenta or yellow. These results have implications for lighting design and interior design.  相似文献   

针对金属印刷质量中的色差检测问题,采用机器视觉的技术对色差检测算法进行了研究。通过在金属印刷品的留白区域印刷色标,使用工业CCD相机采集金属印刷产品上的色标区域,使用数字图像处理技术提取色标。使用了基于HSV颜色空间的色差检测算法和基于CIELAB颜色空间的色差检测算法,分析了两种颜色空间下色差检测的实验结果,采用两种颜色空间检测算法相结合的方法,实现对色差合理有效的快速检测,同时能保证检测结果的准确性。  相似文献   

Large-sized product cannot be printed as one piece by a 3D printer because of the volume limitation of most 3D printers. Some products with the complex structure and high surface quality should also not be printed into one piece to meet requirement of the printing quality. For increasing the surface quality and reducing support structure of 3D printed models, this paper proposes a 3D model segmentation method based on deep learning. Sub-graphs are generated by pre-segmenting 3D triangular mesh models to extract printing features. A data structure is proposed to design training data sets based on the sub-graphs with printing features of the original 3D model including surface quality, support structure and normal curvature. After training a Stacked Auto-encoder using the training set, a 3D model is pre-segmented to build an application set by the sub-graph data structure. The application set is applied by the trained deep-learning system to generate hidden features. An Affinity Propagation clustering method is introduced in combining hidden features and geometric information of the application set to segment a product model into several parts. In the case study, samples of 3D models are segmented by the proposed method, and then printed using a 3D printer for validating the performance.  相似文献   

W.K. Chiu  K.M. Yu   《Computer aided design》2008,40(12):1080-1093
Among the different types of direct digital manufacturing (DDM) technologies, some of them can be used for making functionally graded material (FGM) objects. Apart from specific characteristics of the DDM process being employed, one problem in FGM object fabrication is the generation of the corresponding information complete format so that the functionally graded material information can be realized. In this paper, this issue is addressed and the three-dimensional printing (3DP) process is considered as the DDM technology employed for making a FGM prototype. The property of printing a 3D prototype in color is adopted and a methodology is proposed for representing the mechanical properties of an FGM object by color information. In this methodology, an object is considered as “functionally graded” if its mechanical strength is gradually changed within the object and the mechanical strength arisen from gluing powdered material by binders in 3DP is assumed to be proportional to the concentrations of the binders applied in it. If the concentration of each primary color binder is different and a pixel of color is printed in the appropriate proportion, the resultant pixel would have a corresponding binder concentration value. To determine the binder concentration requirements, a computer-aided engineering (CAE) analysis is first carried out and the concentration requirements in different parts of the object are inferred from the CAE analysis result. These requirements are then converted to color information by applying the proposed methodology. As the binder concentrations of different colors are different, a colorful prototype would also be an FGM one.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) printing technologies enables fast prototyping of complex 3D objects with ever improving printing qualities. To date, 3D printing has been found useful in areas such as manufacturing, industrial design, aerospace, dental and medical industries, and many others. In this article, we review recent advances of 3D printing technologies for terahertz (THz) applications. Different 3D printing technologies and printable materials are first discussed and compared. 3D‐printed THz components and devices, which are categorized as waveguides/fibers, antennas, and quasi‐optical components, are further demonstrated. It is found that the performances and functionalities of 3D‐printed THz devices have been greatly enhanced, while the operating frequencies have been increased from the lower end of THz range to over 1 THz region. With further development of novel materials and printing techniques, it is believed that 3D printing technologies will play an important role in the realization of THz components for efficient control and manipulation of THz waves.  相似文献   

Subtractive-Color-Reproduction is the fundamental mechanism in 4-color process printing, which employs CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) dots for color reproduction. Watermarks embedded in RGB images are distorted when the image is transformed from what to process color for printing usage. Based on the feature of CMYK color space and human visual system, this paper presents a robust CMYK watermarking algorithm for printing images, which embeds an informative watermark and a structure template signal in DCT domain of the Yellow information channel and DFT domain of the black information channel respectively. The embedded template enables robustness against geometric distortions in the print-scanning process. Another spatial visual mask is proposed to reshape the embedded energy after it is inverted to the spatial domain, which significantly improves the color fidelity and the image quality. In addition, a dot gain compensation model is put forward for color correction. A series of proof tests have been carried out on an offset press, which show that the watermark preserves the fidelity of the image and can be extracted with a high quality; moreover, a remarkable fidelity of color and tones on printed copies is well preserved.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possibility of fabricating quantum dot light‐emitting diodes (QLEDs) using inkjet printing technology, which is the most attractive method for the full‐color patterning of QLED displays. By controlling the quantum dot (QD) ink formulation and inkjet printing condition, we successfully patterned QLED pixels in the 60‐in ultrahigh definition TV format, which has a resolution of 73 pixels per inch. The inkjet‐printed QLEDs exhibited a maximum luminance of 2500 cd/m2. Although the performance of inkjet‐printed QLEDs is low compared with that of QLEDs fabricated using the spin‐coating process, our results clearly indicate that the inkjet printing technology is suitable for patterning QD emissive layers to realize high‐resolution, full‐color QLED displays.  相似文献   

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