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以金氰化浸出过程为背景,基于物料守恒方程建立动态机理模型,用Tikhonov正则化方法估计动力学反应速度,进而辨识模型未知参数,有效降低了测量噪声对估计及辨识结果的影响;采用实时优化约束自适应方法减小模型参数失配对优化结果的影响.仿真结果表明,在模型参数失配时,所提出的方法仍能收敛到实际过程的最优设定点,不必求实际数据梯度,且受噪声影响小,便于实际应用,为湿法冶金全流程优化控制的顺利实施奠定了基础.  相似文献   

针对湿法冶金金氰化浸出过程的实时优化问题,提出一个自优化控制方案.基于系统的参数不确定模型,选择并求解输出变量的线性组合为被控变量,在反馈控制器作用下跟踪其恒定设定值,实现浸出过程在不确定性扰动下的自优化控制.仿真结果验证了该控制方案的有效性:扰动产生时,系统的经济指标在常规控制作用下得到改善,并最终运行于真实的最优点附近,提高了浸出过程的生产效益.  相似文献   

由于浸出过程较为复杂,其过程模型难以准确地反映实际过程,导致基于该模型的过程优化结果不是实际最优值.基于此,提出一种考虑模型误差的浸出过程优化方法,利用高斯混合模型对浸出过程混合模型的误差均值和方差进行描述,并将其引入优化目标中.构建考虑模型误差的浸出过程优化模型,并以二阶振荡粒子群优化算法完成对优化模型的求解.最后通过仿真实验表明了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

常减压装置操作复杂、耦合性高,如何快速、准确地寻找适合生产工况的最优操作点,是制约装置减压深拔、节能降耗,进一步挖掘经济效益的一大瓶颈。某炼厂常减压炼油装置在线闭环实时优化系统根据原油性质、运行条件、价格体系等因素实时寻找装置最优操作条件并自动、闭环控制装置进行调整,为生产带来可观的经济效益,也是助力炼厂从自动化走向智能化以及实现碳达峰、碳减排的必经之路。经标定,该实时优化系统可实现全厂年增经济效益2474万元。  相似文献   

叶凌箭 《自动化学报》2022,48(11):2777-2787
针对间歇过程的实时优化问题, 提出了一种基于自优化控制的批内优化方法. 以测量变量的线性组合为被控变量, 在单批次内跟踪控制被控变量实现间歇过程的实时优化. 根据是否在间歇过程的不同阶段切换被控变量, 给出了两种自优化控制策略, 对每种策略又分别提出两种设定轨线选取方案. 为求解这些情形下的最优被控变量(组合矩阵), 以最小化平均经济损失为目标, 推导了组合矩阵和经济损失之间的函数关系, 分别将其描述为相应的非线性规划问题. 在此基础上, 进一步引入了扩张组合矩阵, 将这些非线性规划问题归纳为求解扩张组合矩阵的一致形式(扩张组合矩阵具有不同的结构约束), 并推导得到了其中一种方案的解析解计算方法. 以一个间歇反应器为研究对象, 验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   


针对一阶最优性必要条件跟踪法优化间隔较长的缺点, 提出一种基于输出反馈的显式实时优化方法. 对系统进行不同工况下的离线优化, 经函数拟合得到最优控制输入与输出变量的显式回归模型, 直接应用于实时优化, 避免了在线梯度估计. 研究一个连续搅拌釜式反应器的反应过程, 并对比两种方法的优化效果, 结果验证了所提出方法的实际使用效果


本文以钴湿法冶金过程草酸钴合成为背景,研究基于多向偏最小二乘回归(MPLS)模型的草酸钴平均粒度批次间自适应优化策略.本文首先利用MPLS方法建立草酸钴平均粒度的数据模型;针对模型不确定性情况下难以获得最优操作变量的问题,提出利用批次间修正项自适应优化方法,使迭代优化结果逐渐趋向于实际最优值;本文还通过引入T2统计量软约束将优化结果限制在数据模型的有效区间之内.数值仿真表明该方法可以有效解决草酸钴合成过程的批次间自适应优化问题,且与传统两步方法和迭代学习控制相比具有更好的优化效果.  相似文献   

冯明琴  张靖  孙政顺 《自动化学报》2003,29(6):1015-1022
催化裂化装置是一个高度非线性、时变、长时延、强耦合、分布参数和不确定性的复杂系统.在研究其过程机理的基础上,定义了一种模糊神经网络用以建模,用自相关函数检验法检验模型的正确性,再用改进的Frank-Wolfe算法进行稳态优化计算,并以一炼油厂催化裂化装置为对象进行试验,研究其辨识、建模和稳态优化控制.这种模糊神经网络具有隐层数多、隐层结点数多、泛化能力和逼近能力强、收敛速度快的优点,更突出的特点还在于可由输出端对输入求导,为稳态优化计算提供了极大方便,它与改进的Frank-Wolfe算法相结合用于解决非线性复杂生产过程的建模和稳态优化控制问题是可行的.  相似文献   


针对一类具有输入及状态未建模动态的非线性系统, 设计K滤波器来估计系统不可量测状态, 基于动态面控制技术并利用径向基函数神经网络的逼近能力, 提出一种输出反馈自适应跟踪控制方案. 利用Nussbaum 函数性质, 有效地解决了高频增益符号未知问题. 在控制器设计中引入规范化信号来约束输入未建模动态, 从而有效地抑制其产生的扰动. 通过理论分析证明了闭环控制系统是半全局一致终结有界的.


针对连续重整反应单元在操作和控制中存在的问题,通过机理分析,提出了用宏观反应热衡量反应深度,并实现了反应热的实时计算;在此基础上建立了基于状态空间模型的多变量预估控制系统,对反应热和反应温度进行协调控制:并以反应热为调优手段,建立了反应深度实时优化器,使芳烃收率最大化.该先进控制及实时优化系统,解决了通常先进控制因原料性质、负荷等变化而不能长期使用的问题,并在该装置得到了成功地应用,实现了产品质量的卡边控制.该系统上线运行至今已经有2年多,一直保持了95%以上的投用率,极大地提高了装置控制平稳率和安全性,提高芳烃收率0.76%,获得了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

In this paper, a distributed Model Predictive Control (DMPC) is proposed for the secondary voltage and frequency control of islanded microgrid, where each distributed generator (DG) is controlled by a Model Predictive Control (MPC) in the secondary control layer, individually. With considering the nonlinear dynamics of DG with primary control, input‐output feedback schemes are developed for voltage and frequency control separately. Then, all MPCs use the local and neighboring nodes information to solve the optimization problem instead of communicating with a central controller. In this way, the control of the whole system is fully distributed, which allows for a plug‐and‐play. The convergence and stability analysis of the overall closed‐loop system are provided. The simulation result shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this work, we propose a dynamic output feedback robust model predictive control (RMPC) design method for linear uncertain systems with input constraints. In order to handle the input constraints, the control signals are permitted to saturate, which can fully utilize the capability of actuators and thus can reduce the conservatism. For the unavailable states, an ellipsoidal set is used to obtain an estimation, and it is updated at every time instant. A modified RMPC design requirement is used to ensure the recursive feasibility of the optimization problem. Then, the design method is formulated in terms of a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequality constraints. The proposed output feedback RMPC design method is expected to further reduce the conservativeness. The improvements of the proposed algorithm over the other existing techniques is demonstrated by an example. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对预测控制中模型不确定性的处理一直是预测控制算法亟待解决的问题.考虑一类包含模型不确定性的控制对象模型,提出一种极大极小预测控制器设计方法.在滚动优化的每一步,考虑了状态变量不完全可测的情况,引入动态输出反馈的思想得到一个最坏条件下的性能指标的最优解,以最坏条件下的性能指标为求解优化问题的上界,通过线性矩阵不等式的方法求解凸优化问题.并从理论上证明了所设计的鲁棒预测控制器对不确定模型是稳定的.通过仿真算例的分析,证明了极大极小鲁棒预测控制器设计的有效性.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop an output feedback adaptive control framework for continuous-time minimum phase multivariable dynamical systems for output stabilisation and command following. The approach is based on a nonminimal state-space realisation that generates an expanded set of states using the filtered inputs and filtered outputs and their derivatives of the original system. Specifically, a direct adaptive controller for the nonminimal state-space model is constructed using the expanded states of the nonminimal realisation and is shown to be effective for multi-input, multi-output linear dynamical systems with unmatched disturbances, unmatched uncertainties and unstable dynamics. The proposed adaptive control architecture requires only knowledge of the open-loop system's relative degree as well as a bound on the system's order. Several illustrative numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The fuzzy model predictive control (FMPC) problem is studied for a class of discrete‐time Takagi‐Sugeno (T‐S) fuzzy systems with hard constraints. In order to improve the network utilization as well as reduce the transmission burden and avoid data collisions, a novel event‐triggering–based try‐once‐discard (TOD) protocol is developed for networks between sensors and the controller. Moreover, due to practical difficulties in obtaining measurements, the dynamic output‐feedback method is introduced to replace the traditional state feedback method for addressing the FMPC problem. Our aim is to design a series of controllers in the framework of dynamic output‐feedback FMPC for T‐S fuzzy systems so as to find a good balance between the system performance and the time efficiency. Considering nonlinearities in the context of the T‐S fuzzy model, a “min‐max” strategy is put forward to formulate an online optimization problem over the infinite‐time horizon. Then, in light of the Lyapunov‐like function approach that fully involves the properties of the T‐S fuzzy model and the proposed protocol, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee the input‐to‐state stability of the underlying system. In order to handle the side effects of the proposed event‐triggering–based TOD protocol, its impacts are fully taken into consideration by virtue of the S‐procedure technique and the quadratic boundedness methodology. Furthermore, a certain upper bound of the objective is provided to construct an auxiliary online problem for the solvability, and the corresponding algorithm is given to find the desired controllers. Finally, two numerical examples are used to demonstrate the validity of proposed methods.  相似文献   

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