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Eric W. Neuman Gregory E. Hilmas William G. Fahrenholtz 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2013,33(15-16):2889-2899
The mechanical properties of zirconium diboride–silicon carbide (ZrB2–SiC) ceramics were characterized from room temperature up to 1600 °C in air. ZrB2 containing nominally 30 vol% SiC was hot pressed to full density at 1950 °C using B4C as a sintering aid. After hot pressing, the composition was determined to be 68.5 vol% ZrB2, 29.5 vol% SiC, and 2.0 vol% B4C using image analysis. The average ZrB2 grain size was 1.9 μm. The average SiC particles size was 1.2 μm, but the SiC particles formed larger clusters. The room temperature flexural strength was 680 MPa and strength increased to 750 MPa at 800 °C. Strength decreased to ~360 MPa at 1500 °C and 1600 °C. The elastic modulus at room temperature was 510 GPa. Modulus decreased nearly linearly with temperature to 210 GPa at 1500 °C, with a more rapid decrease to 110 GPa at 1600 °C. The fracture toughness was 3.6 MPa·m½ at room temperature, increased to 4.8 MPa·m½ at 800 °C, and then decreased linearly to 3.3 MPa·m½ at 1600 °C. The strength was controlled by the SiC cluster size up to 1000 °C, and oxidation damage above 1200 °C. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2002,22(6):963-971
Silicon nitride–silicon oxynitride in situ composites were fabricated by plane-strain-compressing dense silicon nitrides, starting from 93 wt.% ultrafine β-Si3N4 and 7 wt.% cordierite, at 1600 °C under a constant load of 40 MPa and subsequent annealing at 1750 °C for 30 min. The resulting composites featured a microstructure of elongated Si2N2O grains (∼0.64 μm in diameter and ∼5.5 in aspect ratio) dispersed in a fine-grained β-Si3N4 matrix (∼ 0.30μm in diameter and ∼3.5 in aspect ratio), with the amount of Si2N2O, which had relatively strong textures, being strain-dependent. The mechanical properties were found to be improved due to the development of elongated Si2N2O grains, the texture formation, and the coarsening of β-Si3N4. Fracture toughness, however, was still low (∼5.2 MPa m1/2) for these composites in comparison to self-reinforced silicon nitrides, resulted from the strong Si2N2O-matrix interfacial bond and nearly equiaxed β-Si3N4 with a small grain size. Anticipated property anisotropies were clearly observed as a result of the textured microstructure. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2002,22(9-10):1587-1600
Interphase boundaries between SiC and h-BN grains in hot isostatically pressed Si3N4–SiC particulate composites made from both as-received powders and deoxidised powders, in which sub-micron size h-BN particles occur as a contaminant, have been characterised using transmission electron microscopy techniques. Most of the h-BN grains observed were aligned with respect to SiC grains so that (111) 3C SiC and (0001) α-SiC planes were parallel to (0001) h-BN planes. The h-BN–SiC interphase boundaries in the composites made from as-received powders were covered with thin silica-rich intergranular films, in contrast to the interphase boundaries in the composites made from deoxidised powders. These observations are discussed in the light of models for the formation of intergranular amorphous films in ceramic materials, geometric considerations for low interfacial energies and the possible bonding at h-BN–SiC interphase boundaries free of intergranular films. 相似文献
The aim of this work was to shed light on the wetting mechanism in the SiC–B4C–Al system and to explore processing routes that enable infiltration of Al alloys into these ceramic powder mixtures without the formation of the deleterious reaction product Al4C3. For this purpose, powder mixtures consisting of SiC and pre-treated B4C were pressureless infiltrated with Al alloys at relatively low temperatures under an inert gas atmosphere. Depending on the characteristics of the starting powders fully infiltrated composites were achieved in the temperature range of 935–1420 °C. It was observed that addition of pre-treated B4C to SiC enabled complete infiltration of the ~0.6 cm thick preforms. The bulk density of all produced composites was >98% of the X-ray density. By controlling the surface chemistry and particle size of the starting powders as well as the processing conditions, the wetting behaviour and reaction kinetics of this system could be tailored so as to render fully dense SiC–B4C–Al composites devoid of Al4C3. 相似文献
In this study, silicon carbide powders were manufactured successfully by the method of preheating combustion synthesis in nitrogen atmosphere where it was introduced into an epoxy resin to produce a microwave absorber. The structure of the silicon carbide was characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Composite based on the various loadings of silicon carbide and epoxy resin specimens were prepared and the reflection losses of these composite samples were studied using the free space method. Based on the microwave measurements, microwave absorber specimens of silicon carbide with thermal plastic resin at frequencies between 2 and 18 and 18–40 GHz could be obtained from a matching thickness of 2.0 mm by controlling the content of silicon carbide. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2006,26(4-5):703-710
Thermal diffusivity, a, and thermal conductivity, κ, between room temperature and 600 K were investigated for SiC composites containing 0–50 mass% of Tyranno® SiAlC (SA) fibre (mean length: 394 μm) hot-pressed at 1800 °C for 30 min under a pressure of 31 MPa. The monolithic SiC specimen possessed κ of 32.1 W m−1 K−1 at room temperature; no significant changes were found for the SiC composite containing ≤20 mass% of SA fibre addition. However, further increases in the amount of SA fibre to 50 mass% improved κ to a maximum of 56.3 W m−1 K−1. The value of a for the SiC composite containing 40 mass% of SA fibre was 0.185 cm2 s−1 at room temperature and decreased to 0.120 cm2 s−1 at 600 K. In addition, SiC composites using 40 mass% of SA fibre with a carbon interface of approximately 100 nm were fabricated. The effect of this interface on a and κ was marginal. 相似文献
Marc W. Bird Robert P. Aune Feng Yu Paul F. Becher Kenneth W. White 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2013,33(13-14):2407-2420
Flexural creep studies of ZrB2–20 vol% SiC ultra-high temperature ceramic were conducted over the range of 1400–1820 °C in an argon shielded testing apparatus. A two decade increase in creep rate, between 1500 and 1600 °C, suggests a clear transition between two distinct creep mechanisms. Low temperature deformation (1400–1500 °C) is dominated by ZrB2 grain or ZrB2–SiC interphase boundary and ZrB2 lattice diffusion having an activation energy of 364 ± 93 kJ/mol and a stress exponent of unity. At high temperatures (>1600 °C) the rate-controlling processes include ZrB2–ZrB2 and/or ZrB2–SiC boundary sliding with an activation energy of 639 ± 1 kJ/mol and stress exponents of 1.7 < n < 2.2. In addition, cavitation is found in all specimens above 1600 °C where strain-rate contributions agree with a stress exponent of n = 2.2. Microstructure observations show cavitation may partially accommodate grain boundary sliding, but of most significance, we find evidence of approximately 5% contribution to the accumulated creep strain. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2019,39(2-3):144-149
Two different SiC ceramics with a new additive composition (1.87 wt% Y2O3–Sc2O3–MgO) were developed as matrix materials for fully ceramic microencapsulated fuels. The mechanical and thermal properties of the newly developed SiC ceramics with the new additive system were investigated. Powder mixtures prepared from the additives were sintered at 1850 °C under an applied pressure of 30 MPa for 2 h in an argon or nitrogen atmosphere. We observed that both samples could be sintered to ≥99.9% of the theoretical density. The SiC ceramic sintered in argon exhibited higher toughness and thermal conductivity and lower flexural strength than the sample sintered in nitrogen. The flexural strength, fracture toughness, Vickers hardness, and thermal conductivity values of the SiC ceramics sintered in nitrogen were 1077 ± 46 MPa, 4.3 ± 0.3 MPa·m1/2, 25.4 ± 1.2 GPa, and 99 Wm−1 K−1 at room temperature, respectively. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2022,42(11):4472-4478
ZrB2 was mixed with 0.5 wt% carbon and up to 10 vol% ZrC and densified by hot-pressing at 2000 °C. All compositions were > 99.8% dense following hot-pressing. The dense ceramics contained 1–1.5 vol% less ZrC than the nominal ZrC addition and had between 0.5 and 1 vol% residual carbon. Grain sizes for the ZrB2 phase decreased from 10.1 µm for 2.5 vol% ZrC to 4.2 µm for 10 vol% ZrC, while the ZrC cluster size increased from 1.3 µm to 2.2 µm over the same composition range. Elastic modulus was ~505 GPa and toughness was ~2.6 MPa·m½ for all compositions. Vickers hardness increased from 14.1 to 15.3 GPa as ZrC increased from 2.5 to 10 vol%. Flexure strength increased from 395 MPa for 2.5 vol% ZrC to 615 MPa for 10 vol% ZrC. Griffith-type analysis suggests ZrB2 grain pullout from machining as the strength limiting flaw for all compositions. 相似文献
Giuseppe Magnani Leandro Beaulardi Alida Brentari Takehiro Toyoda Koji Takahashi 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2010,30(3):769-773
Crack healing in liquid-phase-pressureless-sintered SiC–AlN composites was investigated by introducing cracks into specimens and subsequently heat-treating the specimens. It was observed that cracks were healed and the strength was recovered. Cracks were filled with silica or mullite produced by the oxidation of the composites. It was shown that the healing temperature could be fixed in the range 1100–1300 °C and that large cracks up to about 300 μm could be healed completely. Our results imply that a simple oxidation heat-treatment can improve the reliability of silicon carbide–aluminum nitride components. 相似文献
Diamond–silicon carbide composites were sintered at high temperature, up to 2273 K, and high pressure, up to 10 GPa. Raman microscopy was used to map stress distribution in diamond crystals on surfaces of the composites. Splitting of the triple degenerate band of diamond and frequency shifts of its components were used to calculate the magnitudes of stress. Those magnitudes varied with location and reached maximum values near crystals boundaries. Stress depended on the sintering temperature, pressure, and the crystal size and was attributed to differences in thermal expansion coefficients and bulk moduluses of diamond and silicon carbide. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2014,34(16):4145-4155
The creep deformation of the ultra-high temperature ceramic composite ZrB2–20%SiC at temperatures from 1400 to 1700 °C was studied by a micromechanical mode in which the real microstructure was adopted in finite element simulations. Based on the experiment results of the change of activation energy with respect to the temperature, a mechanism shift from diffusional creep-control for temperatures below 1500 °C to grain boundary sliding-control for temperatures above 1500 °C was concluded from simulations. Also, the simulation results revealed the accommodation of grain rotation and grain boundary sliding by grain boundary cavitation for creep at temperatures above 1500 °C which was in agreement with experimental observations. 相似文献
Marc W. Bird Robert P. Aune Alfred F. Thomas Paul F. Becher Kenneth W. White 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2012,32(12):3453-3462
Hot pressed ZrB2–20 vol.% SiC ultra-high temperature ceramic composites have been prepared for strength and fracture investigations. Two composites fabricated under differing hot pressing temperatures with (ZSB) and without (ZS) B4C sintering aids were selected for room temperature modulus of rupture (MOR) strength and single-edge-notch bend (SENB) fracture toughness experiments. Structure property relationships were examined for both composites. MOR and stiffness temperature dependence was also investigated up to 1500 °C. Long crack propagation studies were conducted up to 1400 °C using the double cantilevered beam geometry with half-chevron-notch initiation zones. Residual Boron-rich carbide maximum particle sizes were found to be strength limiting in ZSB billets while SiC controlled strength in ZS billets. Flexure strength decreased linearly with temperature from 1000 to 1500 °C with no visible plastic deformation prior to fracture. Similar stiffness decreases were observed with a transition temperature range of 1100–1200 °C. Long crack studies produced R-curves that show no significant toughening behavior at room temperature with some modest rising R-curve behavior appearing at higher temperatures. These studies also show the plateau toughness increases with temperature up to 1200 °C. This is supported by an observed transition from primarily transgranular fracture at room temperature to primarily intergranular fracture at high temperatures. Wake zone toughening is evident up to 1000 °C with KR rise from 0.1 to 0.5 MPa√m. Beyond 1000 °C fracture mechanism transitions to include creep zone development ahead of crack tip with wake zone toughening vanishing. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2020,40(3):630-635
Carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide (C/SiC) composites are of the few most promising materials for ultra-high-temperature structural applications. However, the existing studies are mainly conducted at room and moderate temperatures. In this work, the tensile properties of a two-dimensional plain-weave C/SiC composite are studied up to 2300 °C in inert atmosphere for the first time. The study shows that C/SiC composite firstly shows linear deformation behavior and then strong nonlinear characteristics at room temperature. The nonlinear deformation behavior rapidly reduces with temperature. The Young’s modulus increases up to 1000 °C and then decreases as temperature increases. The tensile strength increases up to 1000 °C firstly, followed by reduction to 1400 °C, then increases again to 1800 °C, and lastly decreases with increasing temperature. The failure mechanisms being responsible for the mechanical behavior are gained through macro and micro analysis. The results are useful for the applications of C/SiC composites in the thermal structure engineering. 相似文献
Mechanical and dielectric properties of porous Si2N2O–Si3N4 in situ composites fabricated for use as radome by gel-casting process were investigated. The flexural strength of the Si2N2O–Si3N4 ceramics is 230.46 ± 13.24 MPa, the complex permittivity of the composites varies from 4.34 to 4.59 and the dissipation factor varies from 0.00053 to 0.00092 from room temperature to elevated temperature (1150 °C) at the X-band. In the porous regions, some Si2N2O fibers (50–100 nm in diameter) are observed which may improve the materials properties. 相似文献
Kai Liu Lei Qiu Yuzhen Zhang Yanying Du Ce Sun Song Zhang Rong Tu Yanjiao Wu Huajun Sun Yusheng Shi 《International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology》2023,20(6):3455-3469
A material extrusion (MEX) technology has been developed for the additive manufacturing of continuous carbon fiber–reinforced silicon carbide ceramic (Cf/SiC) composites. By comparing and analyzing the rheological properties of the slurries with different compositions, a slurry with a high solid loading of 48.1 vol% and high viscosity was proposed. Furthermore, several complex structures of Cf/SiC ceramic composites were printed by this MEX additive manufacturing technique. Phenolic resin impregnation–carbonization process reduces the apparent porosity of the green body and protects the Cf. Finally, the reactive melting infiltration (RMI) process was used to prepare samples with different Cf contents from 0 to 2 K (a bundle of carbon fibers consisting of 1000 fibers). Samples with Cf content of 1 K show the highest bending strength (161.6 ± 10.5 MPa) and fracture toughness (3.72 ± 0.11 MPa·m1/2) while the thermal conductivity of the samples with the Cf content of 1 K reached 11.0 W/(m·K). This study provides a strategy to prepare Cf/SiC composites via MEX additive manufacturing and RMI. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2023,43(4):1385-1396
The polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs) technique enables relatively low-temperature fabrication of Si-based ceramics, with silicon carbide fiber as a representative product. Polycarbosilane (PCS) has Si-C backbone structures and can be converted to silicon carbide. In the PDCs method, residual or excess carbon is generated from the precursor (C/Si ratio = 2 for polycarbosilane). Because of the non-stoichiometry of SiC, the physicochemical properties of polymer-derived SiC are inferior to those of conventional monolithic SiC. Herein, a silicon carbide-hafnium carbide nanocomposite fiber was optimized by crosslinking oxygen into the PCS fiber by regulating the oxidation curing time. During pyrolysis, carbothermal reduction, and sintering, carbon was removed by reaction with hydrogen and cross-linked oxygen. Non-destructive techniques (X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and high-temperature thermomechanical analysis) were used to investigate the effects of excess carbon. The microstructure of the near-stoichiometric SiC-HfC nanocomposite fiber was more densified, with superior high-temperature properties. 相似文献
Zirconium diboride and boron carbide particles were used to improve the ablation resistance of carbon–carbon (C–C) composites at high temperature (1500 °C). Our approach combines using a precursor to ZrB2 and processing them with B4C particles as filler material within the C–C composite. An oxyacetylene torch test facility was used to determine ablation rates for carbon black, B4C, and ZrB2–B4C filled C–C composites from 800 to 1500 °C. Ablation rates decreased by 30% when C–C composites were filled with a combination of ZrB2–B4C particles over carbon black and B4C filled C–C composites. We also investigated using a sol–gel precursor method as an alternative processing route to incorporate ZrB2 particles within C–C composites. We successfully converted ZrB2 particles within C–C composites at relatively low temperatures (1200 °C). Our ablation results suggest that a combination of ZrB2–B4C particles is effective in inhibiting the oxidation of C–C composites at temperatures greater than 1500 °C. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2014,34(7):1783-1790
Dense nanocomposites constituted from 70/30 vol% of hafnia–silicon carbide and were prepared by spark plasma sintering. Silicon carbide suppresses grain growth. The fracture strength of as prepared composites is 400–600 MPa. Oxidation up to 1600 °C in air for 10 h has minor influence on the mechanical strength, which is ascribed to the dense nature of the oxidation scale. The high density of the oxidation scale is attributed to a volume increase when silicon carbide oxidizes and reacts with hafnia to form hafnium silicate. The composite has a thermal conductivity of 14 W m−1 K−1 at room temperature. Design approaches for further enhancement of ultrahigh temperature properties of oxide/non-oxide composites are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2000,20(2):153-157
Mullite–zirconia composites were prepared from Indian zircon flour and calcined alumina following the reaction sintering route. Zircon flour and calcined alumina with 0–4.5 mol% dysprosium oxide were attrition milled followed by isostatic pressing and sintering at 1400–1650°C for 2 h. Significant densification was achieved after dysprosia addition as an additive. The thermal expansion coefficient values were found to be reduced in the presence of dysprosia. Dysprosia helps in densification by liquid phase formation as well as by stabilisastion in tetragonal zirconia state. The thermo-mechanical and microstructural characteristics of the composites were discussed. 相似文献