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P. Udomsamuthirun S. Ratanaburi N. Saentalard S. Yoksan 《Journal of Superconductivity》1996,9(6):603-604
We show numerical calculations for the gap ratioR for a BCS superconductor with a singular density of states of the formA||a, whereA and are model parameters. With proper finite energy cutoffs, we find larger values forR than the recent results of Mattis and Molina. 相似文献
Transport measurements distinguish the superconductive phase from the parent antiferromagnetic and the overdoped metallic phases in La2–xSrxCuO4. For small x, holes in the CuO2 sheets form non-adiabatic polarons containing, experimentally, five Cu atoms. Within a polaron, a first-order contraction of the mean Cu-O bond length collapses the Hubbard U and transfers spectral weight from the Hubbard bands to the gap between them. In the superconductive phase above Tc, condensation into a polaron liquid produces an (k) dispersion curve, and dynamic pseudo Jahn-Teller deformations within the polaron give a Seebeck enhancement with Tmax140 K. The polarons order pair-wise into 110 stripes alternating with parent-phase stripes; below Tc, the stripes are perfectly ordered. In the overdoped phase, the parent phase is squeezed out; the vibronic states become homogeneous.We thank the NSF, the Texas Advanced Research Program, and the Robert A. Welch Foundation, Houston, Texas, for financial support. 相似文献
Akiyuki Matsushita Kazunori Fukuda Yuh Yamada Fumihiro Ishikawa Syun Sekiya Masato Hedo 《Science and Technology of Advanced Materials》2013,14(6):477-483
We present studies of the thermal, magnetic, and electrical transport properties of reduced polycrystalline Pr2Ba4Cu7O15?δ (Pr247) showing a superconducting transition at Tc=10–16 K, and compare them with those of as-sintered non-superconducting Pr247. The electrical resistivity in the normal state exhibited T2 dependence up to approximately 150 K. A clear specific heat anomaly was observed at Tc for Pr247 reduced in a vacuum for 24 h, proving the bulk nature of the superconducting state. By the reduction treatment, the magnetic ordering temperature Tn of Pr moments decreased from 16 to 11 K, and the entropy associated with the ordering increased, while the effective paramagnetic moments obtained from the DC magnetic susceptibility varied from 2.72 to 3.13μB. The sign of Hall coefficient changed from positive to negative with decreasing temperature in the normal state of a superconducting Pr247, while that of the as-sintered one was positive down to 5 K. The electrical resistivity under high magnetic fields was found to exhibit Tα dependence (α=0.08–0.4) at low temperatures. A possibility of superconductivity in the so-called CuO double chains is discussed.PACS: 74.72.Jt; 74.25.Bt; 75.40.Cx; 74.25.Fy 相似文献
We have measured point contacts with a gold tip on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y thin films and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y/SrTiO3 double layers. The results show tunneling or direct conductivity behaviour depending on the junction parameters and can be fitted by corresponding theoretical models. From fitting procedure of differential characteristics by modified Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) theory the Fermi velocity vF=5×105 m/s, ratio 2(4.2K)/kTc=7.9 and coherence length ab=3.5 nm were obtained. The changing of the interface transmission by additional layers of different thickness corresponding to metallic or insulating behaviour is shown. In the frame of the inelastic scattering of quasiparticles the linear background of differential conductance is discussed.This work was supported by German BMFT under Contract No.l3N5924A and Slovak Grant Agency for Sciences (Grants Nos. 2/990125/93 and 2/999185/92). 相似文献
K. A. Moler D. J. Baar Ruixing Liang W. N. Hardy A. Kapitulnik 《Journal of Superconductivity》1995,8(5):571-574
The total specific heat of YBa2Cu3O6.95 single crystals includes contributions from phonons and spin-1/2 particles, as well as electronic contributions. The electronic specific heat is described by a quadratic term T2 in zero field and a linear term [(0)+(H)]T which is increased when a magnetic field H is applied perpendicular to the CuO2 planes. In agreement with d-wave superconductivity, we find that n/Tc and (H)n(H/Hc2)1/2, where n is the coefficient of the normal-state linear term. The H1/2 dependence of the density of states at the Fermi level was predicted by G. Volovik for lines of nodes in the gap: the quasiparticles which contribute to this density of states are close to the nodes in momentum space and are located outside the vortex core. 相似文献
S. I. Mukhin 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2009,22(1):75-80
Finite temperature instantons between meta-stable vacua of correlated electronic system are solved analytically for quasi one-dimensional Hubbard model. The instantons produce dynamic symmetry breaking and connect metallic state with the dual vacua: superconducting (SC) and spin-density wave (SDW) states. The instantons spread along the Matsubara’s imaginary time and possess the structure similar to the coordinate-space solitonic lattices previously discovered in quasi one-dimensional Peierls model. On the microscopic level the inter-vacua excursion is described by mutual transformations between the “resonating quartets” of the couples of electron–hole and Cooper pairs. Spectral properties of the electrons in the “instantonic crystal” reveal pseudo-gap (PG) behavior, with finite fermionic density of states in the center of the PG and “flat-band” outside of it. Analytically derived inverse temperature scaling of the pseudo-gap and the densities of the SC and SDW condensates is discussed in the context of ARPES and STM data in high-Tc cuprates. 相似文献
Sr2YRuO6 doped on its Ru site by Cu superconducts at the below 45 K, although its Ru and Cu are magnetically ordered at 23 K and 86 K, respectively. The SrO layers superconduct. Ba2GdRuO6, when doped with Cu, does not superconduct, because L = 0 Gd is not crystal-field split, and so induces Cooper pair-breaking. 相似文献
From structural analysis we have shown in a previous investigation that the series TlBa2Ca
n+1O2n+5 and Tl2Ba2Ca
n+1O2n+6 are composed of superconductor-semiconductor arrays. In this paper, we demonstrate that the unit cell of the Tl2Ba2Ca
n+1O2n+6 series can further be viewed as composed of a composite block of superconductor-metal-semiconductor, where TlBa2CuO5 is the fundamental superconductor, TlO the metallic unit, and CaCuO2 the semiconductor block. It is indicated that theT
c of Tl(2201) can be deduced from that of Tl(1201) based on Kresin's model of composite systems. 相似文献
A new behavior of the field dependence of microwave surface resistance (R
s), which was observed on a microstrip resonator and may be caused by the edge of the center strip, is reported in this paper for epitaxial high-T
c superconducting (HTSC) thin films. The exhibited behavior is that R
s remains almost unchanged below a certain rf magnetic field H
rf, and then increases abruptly at this field, after which it increases in proportion to H
rf. To explain the behavior, the morphology of the microstrip resonator was examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM), which showed that the edge of the resonator was damaged in some regions because of the acid etching. If the damaged edge is considered as a weakened granular superconductor, the observed R
s behavior could be explained well in terms of the high-frequency critical state model. This implies that the edge condition should be considered in studying the field dependence of R
s when the planar resonator technique is used. 相似文献