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This paper presents a methodology to estimate the economic, emissions, and energy benefits that could be obtained from a base loaded CHP system using screening parameters and system component efficiencies. On the basis of the location of the system and the facility power to heat ratio, the power that must be supplied by a base loaded CHP system in order to potentially achieve cost, emissions, or primary energy savings can be estimated. A base loaded CHP system is analyzed in nine US cities in different climate zones, which differ in both the local electricity generation fuel mix and local electricity prices. Its potential to produce economic, emissions, and energy savings is quantified on the basis of the minimum fraction of the useful heat to the heat recovered by the CHP system (φmin). The values for φmin are determined for each location in terms of cost, emissions, and energy. Results indicate that in terms of cost, four of the nine evaluated cities (Houston, San Francisco, Boulder, and Duluth) do not need to use any of the heat recovered by the CHP system to potentially generate cost savings. On the other hand, in cities such as Seattle, around 86% of the recovered heat needs to be used to potentially provide cost savings. In terms of emissions, only Chicago, Boulder, and Duluth are able to reduce emissions without using any of the recovered heat. In terms of primary energy consumption, only Chicago and Duluth do not require the use of any of the recovered heat to yield primary energy savings. For the rest of the evaluated cities, some of the recovered heat must be used in order to reduce the primary energy consumption with respect to the reference case. In addition, the effect of the efficiency of the power generation unit and the facility power to heat ratio on the potential of the CHP system to reduce cost, emissions, and primary energy is investigated, and a graphical method is presented for examining the trade‐offs between power to heat ratio, base loading fraction, percentage of recovered heat used, and minimum ratios for cost, emissions, and primary energy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Heating and cooling energy requirements for buildings are usually supplied by separated systems such as furnaces or boilers for heating, and vapor compression systems for cooling. For these types of buildings, the use of combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems or combined heating and power (CHP) systems are an alternative for energy savings. Different researchers have claimed that the use of CCHP and CHP systems reduces the energy consumption related to transmission and distribution of energy. However, most of these analyses are based on reduction of operating cost without measuring the actual energy use and emissions reduction. The objective of this study is to analyze the performance of CCHP and CHP systems operating following the electric load (FEL) and operating following the thermal load (FTL), based on primary energy consumption (PEC), operation cost, and carbon dioxide emissions (CDE) for different climate conditions. Results show that CCHP and CHP systems operated FTL reduce the PEC for all the evaluated cities. On the other hand, CHP systems operated FEL always increases the PEC. The only operation mode that reduces PEC and CDE while reducing the cost is CHP‐FTL. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Energy consumption in commercial buildings accounts for a significant proportion of worldwide energy consumption. Any increase in the energy efficiency of the energy systems for commercial buildings would lead to significant energy savings and emissions reductions.  相似文献   

Hassan Radhi 《Solar Energy》2010,84(12):2009-2021
Developments in the design and manufacture of photovoltaic cells have recently been a growing concern in the UAE. At present, the embodied energy pay-back time (EPBT) is the criterion used for comparing the viability of such technology against other forms. However, the impact of PV technology on the thermal performance of buildings is not considered at the time of EPBT estimation. If additional energy savings gained over the PV system life are also included, the total EPBT could be shorter. This paper explores the variation of the total energy of building integrated photovoltaic systems (BiPV) as a wall cladding system applied to the UAE commercial sector and shows that the ratio between PV output and saving in energy due to PV panels is within the range of 1:3–1:4. The result indicates that for the southern and western façades in the UAE, the embodied energy pay-back time for photovoltaic system is within the range of 12–13 years. When reductions in operational energy are considered, the pay-back time is reduced to 3.0–3.2 years. This study comes to the conclusion that the reduction in operational energy due to PV panels represents an important factor in the estimation of EPBT.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the advantages of using a combined heating and power (CHP) system operating at full load to satisfy a fraction of the facility electric load, that is, a base load. In addition, the effect of using thermal storage during the CHP system operation (CHP‐TS) is evaluated. A small office building and a restaurant with the same floor area, in Chicago, IL, and Hartford, CT, were used to evaluate the base‐loaded CHP and CHP‐TS operation based on operational cost, primary energy consumption (PEC), and carbon dioxide emissions (CDEs). Results indicate that, in general, the use of thermal storage is beneficial for the CHP system operation because it reduces cost, PEC, and CDEs compared with a CHP with no thermal storage. The CHP and CHP‐TS operation is more beneficial for a restaurant than for a small office building for the evaluated cities, which clearly indicates the effect of the thermal load on the CHP system performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that climate changes will have a major effect on our lives. However, buildings will also be faced with climate changes, and these changes will have an impact on indoor comfort, energy demands and the efficiency of building services, especially on those supporting free cooling and free heating. In order to predict the expected changes in a building's thermal response during its lifetime, it is necessary to look at the climate changes predicted for the future. In our study, the climate changes were considered by using simplified mathematical models combined with available test reference years to establish ‘corrected test reference years’. A transient simulation tool, TRNSYS, was used to simulate the indoor climate and the useful energy demand for the heating and cooling of different buildings with different free‐cooling techniques. In order to predict the expected changes in a building's thermal response, the meteorological parameters for the moderate, continental climate region of Slovenia were taken into account. The study shows that during a building's lifetime, significant changes in useful energy demands can be expected—a decrease in the useful energy demand for heating of between 23 and 40% and an up‐to‐38‐times increase in the useful energy needed for mechanical cooling. In buildings without mechanical cooling, the efficiency of the different free‐cooling techniques should be increased by between 100 and 200% to ensure the same living comfort. The results presented in the study confirm that it is necessary to evaluate the consequences of global climate changes from the point of view of energy use in buildings, their construction and the buildings' service installations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The optimization of design and operation of combined heat, cooling and power systems usually leads to select different plant lay-outs and size of components, depending on the adopted optimization criterion (maximum profit or energy saving or minimum environmental impact). This occurs when the current energy prices and the normative provisions supporting cogeneration are not able to coincide with the specific customer’s interest and the overall “social interest” for a reduction in energy consumption and in pollutants’ emissions. At EU level, polygeneration is considered to have a large potential for residential and commercial buildings district network, for the tertiary sector and for industrial applications. In such applications, it is often convenient to integrate the trigeneration system with a reversible heat pump, because of a low ratio between electric demand and that for heating and cooling. In this paper, the design and operation of such hybrid systems is discussed. The results achievable through different operation modes are compared and, with reference to a 600-rooms hotel and a 300-beds hospital in Italy, the effects on plant design from an hour-by-hour optimization of plant operation are assessed. Finally, the need for a flexible support system for cogeneration plants is put into evidence and some criteria are listed for an effective regulation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the viability of converting single-family residential buildings in Brazil into zero energy buildings (ZEBs). The European Union and the United States aim ZEBs implementation to address ‘peak oil’ and environmental concerns. However, literature shows no agreement on a consensual definition of ZEB. Seeking a Brazilian ZEB definition, this paper addresses PassivHaus and thermal comfort standards for hot climates, source metrics for ZEB, Brazil′s energy mix, residential energy end uses and Brazilian legal framework for residential photovoltaic (PV) generation. Internal Rate of Return for PV systems in two Brazilian cities is calculated under various scenarios. It shows grid parity was reached from April 2012 to November 2012 assuming residential electric tariffs of that period and the financial conditions given by the Brazilian government for the construction of new dams in the Amazon and the lowest rates offered by Brazilian banks to private individuals. Governmental decision to lower electric residential tariffs in November 2012 reduced the scope of grid parity. Later revocation of a tax exemption in April 2013 ended grid parity in Brazil. It concludes, conversely to developed countries, it is the volatile Brazilian energy policy, instead of economical barriers, the main obstacle for ZEB viability in Brazil.  相似文献   

In recent years, growing attention has been given to new alternative energy sources and exergy analysis since fossil fuels cause emissions that have some negative impacts on earth such as global warming, greenhouse effect etc. New power generation systems have been developed in order to reduce or eliminate these impacts as possible. So that, new alternative energy systems have been taken place instead of fossil fuel based systems with nearly zero emission levels. One of them is solid polymer electrolyte or proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Although it has significant advantages, there are some disadvantages such as cost, and hydrogen is not a fuel that can be easily obtained. For these reasons, efficiency of a PEM fuel cell has a great significance. Energy efficiency of a system is the most important parameter for utilization. But, energy analysis does not always show the capacity to do work potential of energy of a system. Exergy analysis must be investigated for a system in order to see available work of the system. Because of disadvantages of the PEM fuel cell, exergy analysis has quite importance. In this paper PEM fuel cell and exergy analysis of PEM fuel cell are combined and investigated. A detailed review of the past and recent research activities has been documented. The review focuses on exergy analysis of both PEM fuel cells and PEM based combined heat and power (CHP) systems at different operating parameters. It is concluded that there are a lot of parameters which effects the exergy efficiencies of systems.  相似文献   

Solar energy systems are an effective way to meet the needs of zone heating, cooling, electricity, and domestic hot water. However, to reach sustainability, and energy storage unit should be considered for installation. In this study, two combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems are simulated and studied using TRNSYS software; both using natural gas engine generators and photovoltaics as prime movers and a hydrogen fuel cell/electrolyzer storage unit, one with absorption chiller and another with compression chiller cooling. For the study, a residential building is modeled for three major populated climate zones of the United States of America, namely, Hot-humid, mixed-humid and cold using DesignBuilder and EnergyPlus software. The energy demand for its HVAC operation and domestic electricity is obtained and used for system simulation in TRNSYS software. Due to choosing actual equipment for the CCHP arrangement, precise economic and environmental models are designed to further evaluate the possibility of execution of the system. The results show that absorption chiller-equipped CCHP has better performance both environmentally and economically. In addition, the outcome shows that the suggested systems show less favorability to be utilized in hot humid climate zones.  相似文献   

This paper includes a review of the different computer tools that can be used to analyse the integration of renewable energy. Initially 68 tools were considered, but 37 were included in the final analysis which was carried out in collaboration with the tool developers or recommended points of contact. The results in this paper provide the information necessary to identify a suitable energy tool for analysing the integration of renewable energy into various energy-systems under different objectives. It is evident from this paper that there is no energy tool that addresses all issues related to integrating renewable energy, but instead the ‘ideal’ energy tool is highly dependent on the specific objectives that must be fulfilled. The typical applications for the 37 tools reviewed (from analysing single-building systems to national energy-systems), combined with numerous other factors such as the energy-sectors considered, technologies accounted for, time parameters used, tool availability, and previous studies, will alter the perception of the ‘ideal’ energy tool. In conclusion, this paper provides the information necessary to direct the decision-maker towards a suitable energy tool for an analysis that must be completed.  相似文献   

The current subsidized energy prices in Iran are proposed to be gradually eliminated over the next few years. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of current and future energy price policies on optimal configuration of combined heat and power (CHP) and combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems in Iran, under the conditions of selling and not-selling electricity to utility. The particle swarm optimization algorithm is used for minimizing the cost function for owning and operating various CHP and CCHP systems in an industrial dairy unit. The results show that with the estimated future unsubsidized utility prices, CHP and CCHP systems operating with reciprocating engine prime mover have total costs of 5.6 and $2.9×106 over useful life of 20 years, respectively, while both systems have the same capital recovery periods of 1.3 years. However, for the same prime mover and with current subsidized prices, CHP and CCHP systems require 4.9 and 5.2 years for capital recovery, respectively. It is concluded that the current energy price policies hinder the promotion of installing CHP and CCHP systems and, the policy of selling electricity to utility as well as eliminating subsidies are prerequisites to successful widespread utilization of such systems.  相似文献   

郭雯 《能源工程》2003,(5):22-24
热电联产在意大利的应用比较普遍,但中小型热电机组的发展则比较缓慢。介绍了意大利的能源政策、法规及市场自由化对热电联产的影响,还介绍了意大利环境方面法规,意大利在热电(冷)联产方面的激励措施等。  相似文献   

Feasibility of cooling, heating, and power systems frequently is based on economic considerations such as energy prices. However, a most adequate feasibility of CHP systems must be based on energy consumption followed by economic considerations. CHP systems designs must yield economical savings, but more importantly must yield real energy savings based on the best energy performance. For CHP systems, energy savings is related to primary energy and not to site energy. This paper presents a mathematical analysis demonstrating that CHP systems increase the site energy consumption (SEC). Increasing the SEC could yield misleading results in the economic feasibility of CHP systems. Three different operation modes are evaluated: (a) cooling, heating, and power; (b) heating and power; and (c) cooling and power, to represent the operation of the system throughout the year. Results show that CHP systems increase site energy consumption; therefore primary energy consumption (PEC) should be used instead of SEC when designing CHP systems.  相似文献   

The conceptual model on motivations to adopt sustainable innovations (Noppers et al., 2014) proved to be successful in explaining proxies of the adoption of sustainable innovations: positive evaluations of the utility (instrumental attributes), environmental impact (environmental attributes), and specifically the extent to which the innovation says something about a person (symbolic attributes) increased interest in and intention to adopt sustainable innovations. In this paper, we examined to what extent the evaluations of these three attributes can also explain the actual adoption of smart energy systems that facilitate sustainable energy use. Results showed that adopters of smart energy systems (who agreed to participate in a project in which these systems were tested) evaluated the symbolic attributes of these systems more positively than non-adopters (who did not participate in this project), while both groups did not differ in their evaluation of the instrumental and environmental attributes of smart energy systems. A logistic regression analysis indicated that only evaluations of the symbolic attributes explained actual adoption of smart energy systems. Policy could stress and enhance the symbolic attributes of sustainable innovations to encourage adoption.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation into the feasibility and potential advantages of a small scale Miller cycle natural gas engine for applications such as domestic combined heat and power systems. The Miller cycle engine is compared to a standard Otto cycle engine using cycle analyses and multidimensional simulation, and basic engine design implications are discussed. It is found that the Miller cycle engine has a potential for improved fuel efficiency, but at the cost of a reduced power to weight ratio. A fuel efficiency advantage of 5→10%510% compared to a standard Otto cycle engine appears possible, however it is stated that further investigations, in particular into the topic of engine friction, are required in order to validate the findings.  相似文献   

Building envelope impacts upon energy consumption and indoor environment. The relationship between envelope components and indoor environment has become increasingly important, especially with the new emphasis on visual comfort, thermal comfort and indoor air quality. This paper examines the interaction between occupant thermal comfort and envelope component regulations in the Gulf States. The country chosen for this study is the Kingdom of Bahrain, the smallest country in the Gulf region. Simulation results and comparative studies were employed to investigate the impact of the current envelope component regulations on the internal environment. The paper focuses on residential buildings and concludes that the envelope component regulations contribute positively to the internal thermal performance. Although these envelope components are not generally the primary elements that impact upon internal thermal comfort there are circumstances when the components become very warm and occupants positioned close to them will experience discomfort. This paper shows that the thermal insulation regulation makes a small impact on thermal comfort, whereas the window regulation, particularly glazing, is more influential and that for most window areas, solar impacts are generally large.  相似文献   

The development of industrial ecology has led company managers to increasingly consider their company's niche in the regional system, and to develop optimization plans. We used emergy-based, ecological-economic synthesis to evaluate two optimization plans for the Jiufa Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant, Shandong China. In addition, we performed economic input–output analysis and energy analysis on the system. The results showed that appropriately incorporating a firm with temporary extra productivity into its regional system will help maximize the total productivity and improve ecological-economic efficiency and benefits to society, even without technical optimization of the firm itself. In addition, developing a closer relationship between a company and its regional system will facilitate the development of new optimization opportunities. Small coal-based CHP plants have lower-energy efficiency, higher environmental loading, and lower sustainability than large fossil fuel and renewable energy-based systems. The emergy exchange ratio (EER) proved to be an important index for evaluating the vitality of highly developed ecological-economic systems.  相似文献   

Current conventional agricultural systems using intensive energy has to be re-vitalized by new integrated approaches relying on renewable energy resources, which can allow farmers to stop depending on fossil resources. The aim of the present study was to compare wheat production in dryland (low input) and irrigated (high input) systems in terms of energy ratio, energy efficiency, benefit/cost ratio and amount of renewable energy use. Data were collected from 50 irrigated and 50 dryland wheat growers by using a face-to-face questionnaire in 2009. The results showed that the total energy requirement under low input was 9354.2 MJ ha−1, whereas under high input systems it was 45367.6 MJ ha−1. Total energy input consumed in both dryland and irrigated systems could be classified as direct, indirect, renewable and non-renewable energies which average in two wheat production systems were 47%, 53%, 24% and 76%, respectively. Energy ratios of 3.38 in dryland and 1.44 in irrigated systems were achieved. The benefit–cost ratios were 2.56 in dryland and 1.97 in irrigated wheat production systems. Based on the results of the present study, dry-land farming can have a significant positive effect on energy-related factors especially in dry and semi-dry climates such as Iran.  相似文献   

This paper develops a multiperiod multiobjective optimization procedure to determine the optimal configuration and operational strategy of a trigeneration system assisted with solar-based technologies and thermal energy storage. The optimization model, formulated as mixed integer linear programming problem, incorporates dynamic operating conditions through time-dependent local climatic data, energy resources, energy demands, electricity prices, and electricity CO2 emission factors. The methodology is applied to a case study of a residential building in Spain. First, the single-objective solutions are obtained, highlighting their fundamental differences regarding the installation of cogeneration (included in the optimal total annual cost solution) and solar-based technologies (included in the optimal total annual CO2 emissions solution). Then, the Pareto curve is generated, and a decision-making approach is proposed to select the preferred trade-off solutions based on the marginal cost of CO2 emissions saved. Additionally, sensitivity analyses are performed to investigate the influence of key parameters concerning energy resources prices, investment costs, and rooftop area. The analyses of the trade-off solutions verify the enormous potential for CO2 emissions reduction, which can reach 32.3% with only 1.1% higher costs by displacing cogeneration in favor of the heat pump and the electric grid. Besides, with a modest cost increase of 7.3%, photovoltaic panels are incorporated, promoting an even greater CO2 emissions reduction of 45.2%.  相似文献   

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