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The residential vegetation features in urban landscapes play an important role as indicators regarding urban biodiversity potential and cultural changing. They also include ornamental resources in the context to landscape appreciation for human environment. Therefore, this paper provides quantitative information on the distribution of plant species in urban residential landscape areas of Trabzon city (Turkey). In a total of 218 sampled areas, 274 plants species belonging to 70 families were surveyed with respect to residential use types of the city. The study results showed that among the species recorded in five residential type (traditional housing, detached housing, villa, apartment blocks and sites, mass housing for employees), non-native taxa frequency of a total species are much and dominantly represent residential landscape structure. Additionally, the species richness and diversity is positively related to new urban development areas. But, it was clearly determined that the vegetation structure has tended to ornamental purposes different from traditional residential gardens including fruit and other benefiting species. Consequently, it can be evidence that the residential vegetation is ornamental plant resources to urban biodiversity and that the distribution of the species in urban landscapes follows necessities of city and human quality.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of cities in many parts of the world has stimulated an increasing number of ecological studies of urban environments. Here, 12 study sites in the city of Belo Horizonte (MG), southeastern Brazil, were compared to analyze the effects of habitat changes related to urbanization on the species richness and abundance of native wasps and bees. Two spatial scales were considered: large portions of the urban landscape (entire sites) and small areas within these sites (public squares). Overall, the abundance of advanced eusocial bees (i.e. stingless bees), which were the dominant species, was directly affected by the loss of vegetation cover and the increase of buildings associated with urbanization. The magnitude of this effect varied according to the nesting habits of each species. The loss of vegetation cover associated with urbanization also had a negative effect on the abundance and species richness of advanced eusocial wasps. Generalist species of bees and wasps, such as Trigona spinipes and Polybia occidentalis, were very abundant and not sensitive to the habitat changes related to urbanization. Advanced eusocial bees also responded to small-scale habitat changes (size and vegetation cover of public squares). No relation was found between the solitary and the primitive eusocial wasps and bees and the habitat changes considered here. Conservation strategies in urban environments need to consider different spatial scales in order to maintain or enhance the local diversity of wasps and bees.  相似文献   

切尔西花展是世界上最著名的花展之一,花展中的展示花园往往是名家名作,体现了当前英国最高的园林设计水平。时尚花园以标新立异、极富特色而著称:庭院花园和城市花园则以小巧别致、适合人居为特色。2003年切尔西花展作品以自然、简洁、富有地方特色为主流,强调对植物和色彩运用的科学、多样,尤其强调对生态环境和可持续发展所应采取的措施。  相似文献   

The city of Ankara is located in the geographic centre of Anatolia, Turkey. In the state of nature, Anatolia was covered with forests. Due to the destructive effects of civilisations passing through Anatolia over the centuries, the forest vegetation was gradually transformed to a steppe formation. After it became the capital city, a rapid planned urbanisation process was initiated in Ankara. In the first development plan, efforts were concentrated on the south axis of the city, which harbored the greatest concentration of indigenous plant cover in the valleys.In 1974, the embassy gardens and parks on the north–south axis were declared a “Natural Conservation Area”. Despite the conservation act, change and denuding of indigenous vegetation continued all along the axis due to highly increasing development. However, these conservation areas still include tree species from the indigenous vegetation. In this study, the presidency gardens, the embassy gardens and parks in Ankara that were declared a “conservation area” were evaluated in terms of the remaining tree species from the indigenous plant cover. The study aims to indicate the level of conservation of natural habitat in Ankara and to determine whether the concept of “Natural Conservation Areas” includes the protection of biodiversity or not. Moreover, the research results aim to reveal still existing tree species of indigenous vegetation, which will enlighten us regarding future landscape planning in Central Anatolia. Trees were examined by age, height and exposition. The results show that remaining indigenous tree species of the study area grow along the former ncesu River and that the terrain on which the trees stand is mostly exposed to the southwest and southeast. The indigenous tree species which do not exist in the study area are scattered in valleys along the river trails or on the hills of Ankara’s rural lands.  相似文献   

谷云黎 《中国园林》2012,28(4):85-87
在中国古典园林中,公共园林与衙署园林在知名度上要低于皇家园林和私家宅园,但是在一些特定的古代城市中,它的作用要明显高于其他园林在南宁的古代城市建设中,公共园林与衙署园林占据重要地位,是城市建设的主要组成部分,被赋予了一些不可替代的功能.分析其关系的通用性与特殊性,对于深入认知中国园林传统,建设有地方特色的当前城市园林最观,增加城市园林景观的历史文化内涵具有广泛的现实意义.  相似文献   

受到传统生态思想和自然审美观的影响,中国古代注重城市建设与园林的统筹发展,与古代西方城市有着本质的不同。以清代北京城为例,系统论述以皇家园林为建设重点的园林化营建过程。首先,分析北京的自然条件及清代北京城的营建基础;其次,利用相关文本和图像资料,梳理北京以水系整治为先导,围绕紫禁城由内向外分为内廷宫苑、皇城御苑、西北郊离宫和行宫群落的4个层次,发现园林化建设以皇家园林为重点,延伸至大小私园及寺庙园林、水陆交通沿线等;最后,分析清代北京园林化城市的特点,说明兼具民生、景观与生态的山水园林城市建设理念是中国古代城市建设的优秀传统,以期为当代公园城市建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Evidence shows that in the absence of intact natural habitats, some exotic patches of vegetation may play a compensatory role in supporting indigenous biodiversity in urban environments. This paper suggests that in urban settings where landscapes already contain non-natives, both indigenous and exotic flora may be necessary to maintain indigenous biodiversity. The research was constructed based upon a review of the current literature combined with a GIS-based spatial analysis of urban landscape patterns, using Wellington New Zealand as a case study. The research provides evidence concerning different aspects of utilising indigenous and exotic plant species to argue that a balanced proportion of indigenous to exotic plants may be advantageous in order to respond to some aspects of biodiversity loss. The results have three immediate implications for landscape architecture practices at the urban scale and reveal important issues that should be addressed by future research.  相似文献   

白雪锋  许浩  江文琪 《中国园林》2023,39(7):133-138
近代南京是中国最早开启近代化建设和提出绿地系统的城市之一,园林类型主体由私家园林向公共绿地扩展,绿地的功能与权属发生变化。基于Arc GIS平台,结合空间句法和分形理论,探讨了城市化进程下南京近代园林的类型和分布演变。研究表明:1)近代园林数量呈倒“V”形生长,清末主要为私家园林和宗教园林,民国以别墅园林、城市公园、公建附属园林为主;2)清末集中于城南,民国向城北扩展;城东园林较少,近代园林南北方向扩展能力远大于东西方向;3)近代园林主要分布于城北住宅和文教区及路网整合度较高、公共交通发达且地价小于30元/方丈的区域。总结了近代园林类型、分布与城市近代化转型背景、社会生活的变迁及中西文化交流融合的影响关系,为划定近代园林保护范围、塑造“民国文化看南京”的城市品牌提供依据。  相似文献   

海口市城市绿地常见植物多样性调查及特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市绿地的植物多样性是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,对城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。通过对海口城市绿地33个样地的调查表明,海口城市绿地常见植物72科187属298种(含品种);主体植物为华南地区常见种,多为栽培植物,另外,主体植物为少数种类占据,主要是椰子、福建茶、美人蕉等;外来植物占植物总数的55%,占有较大比例,其中部分外来植物对当地生态系统构成威胁。通过分析发现,因大量外来植物及栽培植物的存在,海口城市绿地植物多样性较高,但城市绿地实用功能略有不足,缺乏对植物多样性的保护功能,因而进一步完善城市绿地的功能结构非常必要。  相似文献   

公共园林的出现,从根本上改变了园林“私有制”的束缚。历史上,在北京外城的坑塘遗址处形成了一些公共园林区域,成为当时士庶百姓游览和活动的重要场所。以金鱼池、南下洼一带为例,梳理北京外城坑塘遗址公共园林的变迁,这些区域先后被利用和改造,但因缺乏对其人文资源和历史资源的深刻认识,出现了定位不明确,主题不突出等问题。思考历史公共园林所具有的丰厚价值和承载的重要功能,将对当今城市园林绿地建设有重要启发。  相似文献   

鞠培泉 《风景园林》2016,(10):49-56
在中国园林史中,以扬州园林为代表之一的江南私家园林占据及其重要的地位。在经历很长时期的沉寂后,扬州旧城中又自发出现了很多私家园林。将这些当代私家园林置入中国园林的发展脉络中,以园林测绘图纸和对园林主人的访谈为研究素材,从土地和住房政策的变化、扬州旧城的历史文化传承以及传统民居街巷体系等角度分析了20世纪90年代以来私家园林在扬州旧城重新焕发活力的原因;通过与传统园林的对比,总结了扬州当代私家园林的特征。从人与自然共生这个园林的核心问题出发,认为扬州当代私家园林是中国园林发展的一种可能,这也是研究的意义所在。  相似文献   

Urban agriculture offers a framework for local self-reliance by provisioning food security, employment opportunities, and other community benefits. However, urban agriculture must rely on the supporting and regulating services of the soil food web. Hence, we quantified belowground biocontrol activity in urban gardens and vacant lots in two post-industrial cities using an in situ insect baiting technique. Due to the differences in habitat structure, we hypothesized that belowground biocontrol services will differ between gardens and vacant lots and the influence of habitat structure would differ with the type of biocontrol organism. Results revealed that biocontrol activity, as assessed by % mortality of baited insects, varied between 51% and 98% with higher activity often recorded in vacant lots than gardens. Major contributions to bait insect mortality were by ants, followed by microbial pathogens and entomopathogenic nematodes, respectively. Ants showed higher (p < 0.0001) % mortality in vacant lots (60% ± 33.4%) than in urban gardens (33.3% ± 22.2%) whereas microbial pathogens exhibited higher (p < 0.0001) mortality in gardens (27.8% ± 15%) than vacant lots (8.3% ± 16.7%). Ants caused higher (p < 0.0001) mortality when larger-mesh size cages were used compared with the smaller-mesh size cages, but mortality by microbial pathogens did not differ with cage type. The high biocontrol activity indicates the resilience of the soil food web in urban ecosystems and the differential effects of habitat structure on biocontrol activity can help guide landscape planning and vegetation management to enhance urban environments and boost local self-reliance.  相似文献   

以解决岩石园"如何设计""为何设计"的问题入手,通过分析国内外知名岩石园,从而得到当前岩石园规划设计依据的类型,确定以高山生境特征作为设计依据。但高山生境在城市中无法完全复制,因此仅以模仿其景观风貌特点作为设计依据。以中国高山生境为例,通过对生长的高山植被景观风貌进行提炼,得到高山植被外观风貌构建模式图;结合外观风貌特点,提取高山植被景观元素特点和设计要点,通过植物种类替换,构建出岩石园基于高山生境特征的植物造景设计模式。  相似文献   

清末广州中西交汇,景园营造新旧共存互动,推 动岭南园林的近代转型。其中,在繁荣的中西贸易和文化交 流,以及书院文化、士绅文化等的影响下,清末岭南形成了 以广州为中心、十三行行商为代表、官商士绅竞相造园的特 殊历史时期,其造园数量、规模、意匠等均在该时期达到岭 南古典园林发展的巅峰。这一时期也是岭南园林近代转型的 关键时期。在西方文化和清末洋务运动思想的影响下,广州 开始出现洋务花园、公园、市政绿化,以及校园绿地等新型 园林形式。这些具有公共性质的城市景致与新建私园一道广 泛分布在城墙以外,成为清末广州城市空间拓展与风景体系 形成的重要参与者。由于清末广州城外造景的繁荣,从时间 上开启了岭南园林的近代转型,在空间上使岭南园林的地域 性特征得以形成和辨识,其空间性与时间性界定了清末岭南 园林近代转型的物质及文化维度。梳理了清末广州具有代表 性的景园营造活动,在分析其动力机制的同时,探讨城外造 景之于岭南园林近代转型的意义。  相似文献   

经营性私园是清末至民国时期在上海出现的一类特殊的私家园林,由私人集资开设,依靠门票和园内各项服务性收费自负盈亏.通过文献查阅和案例分析,考查1882—1949年近代上海经营性私园的时空分布、规模和经营内容,梳理经营性私园在沪发展60余年的历史,探讨其与近代上海商业化、城市化及娱乐休闲需求的关联.经营性私园的属性从文人园...  相似文献   

A vegetation survey of road verges along an urban to rural gradient in the Potchefstroom Municipal Area was conducted. Important applications of these studies include understanding of the role of indigenous (native) and exotic species in the overall synanthropisation of vegetation. The present study forms part of a research programme on spontaneous vegetation in urban open spaces in the North-West Province of South Africa. A numerical classification technique ( ) was used as a first approximation and the classification was refined using Braun-Blanquet procedures. The result is a phytosociological table from which 13 plant communities and seven sub-communities were recognised. Although some of these communities and sub-communities are similar to previously described vegetation types in natural and disturbed areas, most of them were not described before in South Africa. Two ordination scatter diagrams show the distribution of the plant communities along gradients which were related to the depth of the soil water table, habitat type, trampling, soil compaction and percentage of gravel in the soil surface. Similarities between roadside vegetation in this study and those overseas are discussed, as well as the possible role of road verges as dispersal corridors between natural and disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Recent urban ecological research shows high species numbers in slowly developed cities and towns. Urban development is known to fragment, change and weaken urban biodiversity. Conservation areas have been the main tool in protecting threatened species both in rural and urban municipalities in Finland. However, very little is known about how successful conservation areas are in protecting rare and threatened species and their habitats in boreal cities and towns. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a rapidly urbanising hemiboreal city, which has a high number of vascular plant species in both native and urban biotopes. One and 0.25 km2 grid square maps and simple overlay methods are being used to analyse data on species occurrence and land use. Total species number, a rarity index and historical and threatened groupings are used to classify species and their habitats. At present, conservation areas can protect only a small proportion of threatened species in Helsinki. More protection areas, green areas in future land-use decisions and new management goals are needed to protect the biodiversity of existing vascular plant species.  相似文献   

王世礼  胡丹 《中国园林》2023,39(9):139-144
目前对中国近代公园建设发展的研究大多以东、中部政治中心及通商大埠为范本,并以西方近代公园引入及皇家与私家园林开放为主线,但忽视了中国传统公共园林与现代城市公园的承继、结合与转化。中国近代公园建设尽管以西方近代公园范式的传播和拓展为显象,但是无法脱离传统公共园林及其建设经验。在追溯近代昆明从传统公共园林到现代城市公园发展历程的基础上,剖析了传统公共园林建设经验与西方城市公园范式对近代昆明公园建设与公共空间拓展的双重影响,并尝试对其混杂的现代性特征进行解读。  相似文献   

The study explored the effects of intensive urbanization on urban plant diversity and landscape pattern. An inventory of plant species in managed green spaces in the nine urban districts of Guangzhou (south China) with varied development history was conducted. The relationships among species richness, diversity and urban development were analysed by community ecology attributes, cluster analysis, growth-form differentiation and district fidelity indices, and statistical tests. The 1055 vascular species were dominated by a small number of common evergreen species, accompanied by many rare species. By species richness, tree was the dominant growth form, followed by herb and shrub. Species richness and diversity were slightly below urban-fringe secondary forests. Old and young districts offered disparate conditions for species enrichment to establish urban landscape patterns with divergent floristic and growth-form assemblages. Urban species profile and vegetation landscapes were mainly influenced by planning and management of the urban landscape and changing landscape fashion.  相似文献   

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