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Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) is a processor architectural technique that promises to significantly improve the utilization and performance of modern wide-issue superscalar processors. An SM T processor is capable of issuing multiple instructions from multiple threads to a processor's functional units each cycle. Unlike shared-memory multiprocessors, SMT provides and benefits from fine-grained sharing of processor and memory system resources; unlike current uniprocessors, SMT exposes and benefits from inter-thread instruction-level parallelism when hiding long-latency operations. Compiler optimizations are often driven by specific assumptions about the underlying architecture and implementation of the target machine, particularly for parallel processors. For example, when targeting shared-memory multiprocessors, parallel programs are compiled to minimize sharing, in order to decrease high-cost inter-processor communication. Therefore, optimizations that are appropriate for these conventional machines may be inappropriate for SMT, which can benefit from finegrained resource sharing within the processor. This paper reexamines several compiler optimizations in the context of simultaneous multithreading. We revisit three optimizations in this light: loop-iteration scheduling, software speculative execution, and loop tiling. Our results show that all three optimizations should be applied differently in the context of SMT architectures: threads should be parallelized with a cyclic, rather than a blocked algorithm; non-loop programs should not be software speculated, and compilers no longer need to be concerned about precisely sizing tiles to match cache sizes. By following these new guidelines, compilers can generate code that improves the performance of programs executing on SMT machines.  相似文献   


The Louvain community detection algorithm is a hierarchal clustering method categorized in the NP-hard problem. Its execution time to find communities in large graphs is, therefore, a challenge. Parallelization is an effective solution for amortizing Louvain's execution time. In this paper, we propose an adaptive CUDA Louvain method (ACLM) algorithm that benefits from the graphic processing unit (GPU). ACLM uses the shared memory in GPU, as well as the optimal number of threads in the GPU blocks. These features minimize parallelization overhead and accelerate the calculation of modularity parameters. The proposed algorithm allocates threads to each block based on the number of required streaming multiprocessors (SMs) and warps on GPU. The implementation results show that ACLM can effectively accelerate the execution time by 77% compared to the competitive method in the large graph benchmarks.


Parallel loop self‐scheduling on parallel and distributed systems has been a critical problem and it is becoming more difficult to deal with in the emerging heterogeneous cluster computing environments. In the past, some self‐scheduling schemes have been proposed as applicable to heterogeneous cluster computing environments. In recent years, multicore computers have been widely included in cluster systems. However, previous researches into parallel loop self‐scheduling did not consider certain aspects of multicore computers; for example, it is more appropriate for shared‐memory multiprocessors to adopt Open Multi‐Processing (OpenMP) for parallel programming. In this paper, we propose a performance‐based approach using hybrid OpenMP and MPI parallel programming, which partition loop iterations according to the performance weighting of multicore nodes in a cluster. Because iterations assigned to one MPI process are processed in parallel by OpenMP threads run by the processor cores in the same computational node, the number of loop iterations allocated to one computational node at each scheduling step depends on the number of processor cores in that node. Experimental results show that the proposed approach performs better than previous schemes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is an architectural technique that improves resource utilization by allowing instructions from multiple threads to coexist in a processor and share resources. However, earlier studies have shown that the performance of an SMT architecture begins to saturate as the number of coexisting threads increases beyond four. We show that no single fetch policy can be the best solution during the entire execution time and that a significant performance improvement can be attained by dynamically switching the fetch policies. We propose an implementation method which includes an extremely lightweight thread to control fetch policies (a detector thread) and a processor architecture to run the detector thread without impact on the user application threads. We evaluate various heuristics for the detector thread to determine the best fetch policies. We show that, with eight threads running on our simulated SMT, the proposed approach can outperform fixed scheduling mechanisms by up to 30%.  相似文献   

Hierarchical ring-based multiprocessor systems are attractive and enjoy several advantages over other type of systems. They ensure unique paths between nodes, simple node interfaces and simple cross-ring connections. Furthermore, employing point-to-point links allows the system to run at high clock rate which increases bandwidth and decreases latency. This paper investigates the performance of hierarchical ring-based shared-memory multiprocessors. Rings in the hierarchy are composed of point-to-point, unidirectional links and apply the Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) protocol. We pay special emphasis on the impact of locality on processor and interconnection design issues such as number of outstanding requests, and ring topology. We find that in order to exploit the power of hierarchical multiprocessors an accurate and appropriate model of locality must be used. Hierarchical multiprocessors that are well balanced (uniform) tend to provide lower latency and higher system throughput. For non-uniform systems, high degree of locality is required for the hierarchies to perform well. However, restricting the number of outstanding transactions per processor is important in decreasing packets latency and avoiding network contention.  相似文献   

In this paper, a processor allocation mechanism for NoC-based chip multiprocessors is presented. Processor allocation is a well-known problem in parallel computer systems and aims to allocate the processing nodes of a multiprocessor to different tasks of an input application at run time. The proposed mechanism targets optimizing the on-chip communication power/latency and relies on two procedures: processor allocation and task migration. Allocation is done by a fast heuristic algorithm to allocate the free processors to the tasks of an incoming application when a new application begins execution. The task-migration algorithm is activated when some application completes execution and frees up the allocated resources. Task migration uses the recently deallocated processors and tries to rearrange the current tasks in order to find a better mapping for them. The proposed method can also capture the dynamic traffic pattern of the network and perform task migration based on the current communication demands of the tasks. Consequently, task migration adapts the task mapping to the current network status. We adopt a non-contiguous processor allocation strategy in which the tasks of the input application are allowed to be mapped onto disjoint regions (groups of processors) of the network. We then use virtual point-to-point circuits, a state-of-the-art fast on-chip connection designed for network-on-chips, to virtually connect the disjoint regions and make the communication latency/power closer to the values offered by contiguous allocation schemes. The experimental results show considerable improvement over existing allocation mechanisms.  相似文献   

The most computationally demanding scientific problems are solved with large parallel systems. In some cases these systems are Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) multiprocessors made up of a large number of cores which share a hierarchically organized memory. The main basic component of these scientific codes is often matrix multiplication, and the efficient development of other linear algebra packages is directly based on the matrix multiplication routine implemented in the BLAS library. BLAS library is used in the form of packages implemented by the vendors or free implementations. The latest versions of this library are multithreaded and can be used efficiently in multicore systems, but when they are used inside parallel codes, the two parallelism levels can interfere and produce a degradation of the performance. In this work, an auto-tuning method is proposed to select automatically the optimum number of threads to use at each parallel level when multithreaded linear algebra routines are called from OpenMP parallel codes. The method is based on a simple but effective theoretical model of the execution time of the two-level routines. The methodology is applied to a two-level matrix–matrix multiplication and to different matrix factorizations (LU, QR and Cholesky) by blocks. Traditional schemes which directly use the multithreaded routine of BLAS, dgemm, are compared with schemes combining the multithreaded dgemm with OpenMP.  相似文献   

Multiprocessor execution of functional programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functional languages have recently gained attention as vehicles for programming in a concise and elegant manner. In addition, it has been suggested that functional programming provides a natural methodology for programming multiprocessor computers. This paper describes research that was performed to demonstrate that multiprocessor execution of functional programs on current multiprocessors is feasible, and results in a significant reduction in their execution times.Two implementations of the functional language ALFL were built on commercially available multiprocessors.Alfalfa is an implementation on the Intel iPSC hypercube multiprocessor, andBuckwheat is an implementation on the Encore Multimax shared-memory multiprocessor. Each implementation includes a compiler that performs automatic decomposition of ALFL programs and a run-time system that supports their execution. The compiler is responsible for detecting the inherent parallelism in a program, and decomposing the program into a collection of tasks, calledserial combinators, that can be executed in parallel.The abstract machine model supported by Alfalfa and Buckwheat is calledheterogeneous graph reduction, which is a hybrid of graph reduction and conventional stack-oriented execution. This model supports parallelism, lazy evaluation, and highe order functions while at the same time making efficient use of the processors in the system. The Alfalfa and Buckwheat runtime systems support dynamic load balancing, interprocessor communication (if required), and storage management. A large number of experiments were performed on Alfalfa and Buckwheat for a variety of programs. The results of these experiments, as well as the conclusions drawn from them, are presented.This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants DCR-8302018 and DCR-8521451, by a DARPA subcontract with SDC/Unisys, and by gifts from Burroughs Austin Research Center and the Intel Corporation.  相似文献   

Existing techniques for sharing the processing resources in multiprogrammed shared-memory multiprocessors, such as time-sharing, space-sharing, and gang-scheduling, typically sacrifice the performance of individual parallel applications to improve overall system utilization. We present a new processor allocation technique called Loop-Level Process Control (LLPC) that dynamically adjusts the number of processors an application is allowed to use for the execution of each parallel section of code, based on the current system load. This approach exploits the maximum parallelism possible for each application without overloading the system. We implement our scheme on a Silicon Graphics Challenge multiprocessor system and evaluate its performance using applications from the Perfect Club benchmark suite and synthetic benchmarks. Our approach shows significant improvements over traditional time-sharing and gang-scheduling. It has performance comparable to, or slightly better than, static space-sharing, but our strategy is more robust since, unlike static space-sharing, it does not require a priori knowledge of the applications' parallelism characteristics  相似文献   

An important issue for the efficient use of multiprocessor systems is the assignment of parallel processors to nested parallel loops. It is desirable for a processor assignment algorithm to be fast and always generate an optimal processor assignment. The paper proposes two efficient algorithms to decide the optimal number of processors assigned to each individual loop. Efficient parallel counterparts of these two algorithms are also presented. These algorithms not only always generate an optimal processor assignment, but also are much faster than the exiting optimal algorithm in the literature. The paper discusses improving the performance of parallel execution by transforming a nested parallel loop into a semantically equivalent one. Three loop transformations are investigated. It is observed that, in most cases, the parallel execution time is improved after applying these transformations  相似文献   

In parallel to the changes in both the architecture domain–the move toward chip multiprocessors (CMPs)–and the application domain–the move toward increasingly data-intensive workloads–issues such as performance, energy efficiency and CPU availability are becoming increasingly critical. The CPU availability can change dynamically due to several reasons such as thermal overload, increase in transient errors, or operating system scheduling. An important question in this context is how to adapt, in a CMP, the execution of a given application to CPU availability change at runtime. Our paper studies this problem, targeting the energy-delay product (EDP) as the main metric to optimize. We first discuss that, in adapting the application execution to the varying CPU availability, one needs to consider the number of CPUs to use, the number of application threads to accommodate and the voltage/frequency levels to employ (if the CMP has this capability). We then propose to use helper threads to adapt the application execution to CPU availability change in general with the goal of minimizing the EDP. The helper thread runs parallel to the application execution threads and tries to determine the ideal number of CPUs, threads and voltage/frequency levels to employ at any given point in execution. We illustrate this idea using four applications (Fast Fourier Transform, MultiGrid, LU decomposition and Conjugate Gradient) under different execution scenarios. The results collected through our experiments are very promising and indicate that significant EDP reductions are possible using helper threads. For example, we achieved up to 66.3%, 83.3%, 91.2%, and 94.2% savings in EDP when adjusting all the parameters properly in applications FFT, MG, LU, and CG, respectively. We also discuss how our approach can be extended to address multi-programmed workloads.  相似文献   

A parallel processing methodology for high-speed dynamic simulation of controlled multibody mechanical systems is proposed for shared memory multiprocessor implementation. A dual-rate integration method is developed first to account for different time scales of mechanical and control subsystems and to employ different integration algorithms and step sizes that are best suited for individual subsystems. A parallel processing algorithm is designed for shared memory multiprocessors to exploit nested parallelism in a high as well as a medium level. Procedure dependency due to the recurrence relations in the Newton-Euler formulation is eliminated by utilizing a modified system graph that creates independent parallel threads. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated using an example on an Alliant FX/8.  相似文献   

Efficient performance tuning of parallel programs is often hard. Optimization is often done when the program is written as a last effort to increase the performance. With sequential programs each (executed) code segment will affect the completion time. In the case of a parallel program executed on a multiprocessor this is not always true, due to dependencies between the different threads. Thus, certain code segments of the execution may not affect the completion time of the program. Optimization of such code segments will not increase the performance. In this paper we present an approach to optimize performance by finding the extended critical path of the multithreaded program. The extended critical path analysis is a generalization of the critical path analysis in the sense that it also deals with more threads than processors. We have implemented the extended critical path analysis in a performance optimization tool. The tool allows the user to determine the extended critical path of a multithreaded application written for the Solaris operating system for any number of processors based on execution on a single processor workstation.  相似文献   

PRESTO is a programming system for writing object-oriented parallel programs in a multiprocessor environment. PRESTO provides the programmer with a set of pre-defined object types that simplify the construction of parallel programs. Examples of PRESTO objects are threads, which provide fine-grained control over a program's execution, and synchronization objects, which allow simultaneously executing threads to co-ordinate their activities. The goals of PRESTO are to provide a programming environment that makes it easy to express concurrent algorithms, to do so efficiently, and to do so in a manner that invites extensions and modifications. The first two goals, which are the focus of this paper, allow a programmer to use parallelism in a way that is naturally suited to the problem at hand, rather than being constrained by the limitations of a particular underlying kernel or hardware architecture. The third goal is touched upon but not emphasized in this paper. PRESTO is written in C++; it currently runs on the Sequent shared-memory multiprocessor on top of the Dynix operating system. In this paper we describe the system model, its applicability to parallel programming, experiences with the initial implementation, and some early performance measurements.  相似文献   

Both parallel and distributed network environment systems play a vital role in the improvement of high performance computing. Of primary concern when analyzing these systems is multiprocessor task scheduling. Therefore, this paper addresses the challenge of multiprocessor task scheduling parallel programs, represented as directed acyclic task graph (DAG), for execution on multiprocessors with communication costs. Moreover, we investigate an alternative paradigm, where genetic algorithms (GAs) have recently received much attention, which is a class of robust stochastic search algorithms for various combinatorial optimization problems. We design the new encoding mechanism with a multi-functional chromosome that uses the priority representation—the so-called priority-based multi-chromosome (PMC). PMC can efficiently represent a task schedule and assign tasks to processors. The proposed priority-based GA has show effective performance in various parallel environments for scheduling methods.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to provide systems support that allows fine grain, data parallel code to execute efficiently on much coarser grain multiprocessors. The task of writing parallel applications is simplified by allowing the programmer to assume a number of processors convenient to the algorithm being implemented. This paper describes and evaluates a runtime approach that efficiently manages thousands of virtual processors per actual processor. The limits in using user-level threads as fine grain virtual processors are identified. Key techniques used are tight integration and specialization of scheduling, communication, optimized context switching, and fine-tuned stack management. A prototype of this runtime approach is evaluated by comparing implementations of three problems, a smoothing kernel of a thin-layer Navier–Stokes code, a five point stencil problem, and a block bordered system of linear equations on an Intel Paragon multiprocessor and on a network of DEC Alpha workstations. The additional cost relative to an efficient manually contracted code can be as low as 15% for granularities of 50 floating point operations per virtual processor and is typically 5–20% for granularities of about 100 floating point operations per virtual processor. The overhead is analyzed in detail to show the costs of scheduling, communication, context switching, reduced memory performance, and insuring data consistency. The implementation and analysis indicate that fine grain code can be efficiently executed on a coarse grain multiprocessor using very lightweight, specialized threads.  相似文献   

Parallel applications typically do not perform well in a multiprogrammed environment that uses time‐sharing to allocate processor resources to the applications' parallel threads. Co‐scheduling related parallel threads, or statically partitioning the system, often can reduce the applications' execution times, but at the expense of reducing the overall system utilization. To address this problem, there has been increasing interest in dynamically allocating processors to applications based on their resource demands and the dynamically varying system load. The Loop‐Level Process Control (LLPC) policy (Yue K, Lilja D. Efficient execution of parallel applications in multiprogrammed multiprocessor systems. 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, 1996; 448–456) dynamically adjusts the number of threads an application is allowed to execute based on the application's available parallelism and the overall system load. This study demonstrates the feasibility of incorporating the LLPC strategy into an existing commercial operating system and parallelizing compiler and provides further evidence of the performance improvement that is possible using this dynamic allocation strategy. In this implementation, applications are automatically parallelized and enhanced with the appropriate LLPC hooks so that each application interacts with the modified version of the Solaris operating system. The parallelism of the applications are then dynamically adjusted automatically when they are executed in a multiprogrammed environment so that all applications obtain a fair share of the total processing resources. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modern processor architectures are increasingly complex and heterogeneous, often requiring software solutions tailored to the specific hardware characteristics of each processor model. In this article, we address this problem by targeting two processors featuring Simultaneous MultiThreading (SMT) to improve the occupancy of their internal execution units through a sustained stream of instructions coming from more than one thread. We target the AMD Bulldozer and IBM POWER7 processors as case studies for specific hardware-oriented performance optimizations that increase the variety of instructions sent to each core to maximize the occupancy of all its execution units. WorkOver, presented in this article, improves thread scheduling by increasing the performance of floating point-intensive workloads on Linux-based operating systems. WorkOver is a user-space monitoring tool that automatically identifies FPU-intensive threads and schedules them in a more efficient way without requiring any patches or modifications at the kernel level. Our measurements using standard benchmark suites show that speedups of up to 20% can be achieved by simply allowing WorkOver to monitor applications and schedule their threads, without any modification of the workload.  相似文献   

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