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通过对世界上第一批次人造金刚石的诞生、美国人造金刚石的产量、人造金刚石在工业上的用途以及美国的聚晶金刚石与宝石级人造金刚石的介绍,阐述美国人造金刚石行业的发展状况。 相似文献
文章通过对人造金刚石行业微利现状及其原因的阐述和分析,针对微利时代的金刚石行业发展提出了几点建议:尽快建立健全金刚石牌号,完善规范行业标准;加强技术自主创新,提高核心竞争力;实施品牌战略,强化质量管理。 相似文献
用于合成金刚石的石墨具有三个功用——碳源、热源和受压介质,其性能直接关系着金刚石的质量。文章针对人造金刚石用石墨材料主要性能的研究进行了综述,包括石墨化度、气孔率(体积密度)、灰分(纯度)、电阻率以及晶体结构等等。提出在选择合成金刚石用石墨材料时,应综合考虑其满足不同功用的各项性能,同时还要结合具体的生产条件。认为满足合成设备大型化和粉末工艺的粉状石墨和辅助加热用的石墨材料将是人造金刚石用石墨材料发展的新亮点。 相似文献
根据“创造性毁灭原理”和“复杂性思维原理”,分析了我国人造金刚石产业发展过程中存在的问题,指出了我国加入WTO后,我国人造金刚石产业发展面临的挑战和机遇,提出了抓住机遇把我国人造金刚石产业做强的对策。 相似文献
本文就金刚石冲击韧性(TI)、热冲击韧性(TTI)检测工作中发现的一些问题及问题产生的原因进行了讨论,通过对多种不同型号、粒度金刚石样品所进行的不同条件下的检测所获得的不同数据进行了系统分析,指出影响金刚石冲击(热)韧性结果的原因是多方面的。除设备本身原因外,测试环境、参数设定、人为操作等都可能成为影响检测结果的重要因素。因此,金刚石冲击韧性的检测是一项系统工作,需要做好各个环节的控制。 相似文献
1963年12月6日我国第一颗人造金刚石的诞生,是第一机械工业部通用机械研究所、磨料磨具磨削研究所和地质部地质科学研究院联合攻关所取得的一项重大科技成果。文章从对人类探索金刚石晶体生成奥秘的历史,到我国人造金刚石研究课题的下达与任务的分工,及其研究成果由试验室走向工业生产的全过程做了阐述。指出我国第一颗人造金刚石的研究成功是集体智慧的结晶,是社会主义大协作的体现,这个铁定的史实不是谁想改变就能改变的。 相似文献
本文通过对天然金刚石、人造金刚石及立方氮化硼的化学特性和物理特性的对比,提出了利用这三种材料制作出的木工刀具的优缺点,进一步指出了用复合人造金刚石生产的木工刀具可大大增加刀具的耐用度并可进一步提高刀具的加工精度。 相似文献
文章讨论了影响人造金刚石生长速率的因素,指出生长速率低是生产大颗粒人造金刚石单晶的瓶颈。作者预测:在保证金刚石晶体质量的同时,提高其生长速率的可能性是存在的。 相似文献
Microbiological risk assessment in Europe: the next decade 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Under the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures that came into force in 1995, it was stipulated that all World Trade Organisation (WTO) members are required to ensure that their sanitary and phytosanitary measures are based on assessment of the risks to human, animal or plant life or health. In doing so, they must take into account risk assessment techniques developed by relevant international organisations. WHO and FAO are two such international organisations that are of very high standard and influence. Their executive body, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has developed the concept of Microbiological Risk Assessment (MRA) in a wider framework called Risk Analysis. The aim of Risk Analysis is to provide a global standard for the interpretation of the acceptability of risks associated to foods to which consumers might be exposed. Microbiological Risk Assessment is an essential element of Risk Analysis because it specifies risks related to pathogenic micro-organisms in the food chain on the basis of sound science, combining qualitative and quantitative data in the areas of epidemiology and pathogenicity of micro-organisms with food production and handling. The concept is still in its infancy but is gaining wide acceptance globally. This paper will describe an inventory of MRA developments in Europe carried out under auspicion of the European Commission. It also gives the results of a literature survey concerning scientific publications on the topic MRA in which the activities in Europe are compared to those elsewhere. 相似文献
Predictions of future market demands and farm prices for dairy products are important determinants in developing marketing strategies and farm-production planning decisions. The objective of this report was to use current aggregate forecast data, combined with existing econometric models of demand and supply, to forecast retail demands for fluid milk and cheese and the supply and price of farm milk over the next decade. In doing so, we can investigate whether projections of population and consumer food-spending patterns will extend or alter current consumption trends and examine the implications of future generic advertising strategies for dairy products. To conduct the forecast simulations and appropriately allocate the farm milk supply to various uses, we used a partial equilibrium model of the US domestic dairy sector that segmented the industry into retail, wholesale, and farm markets. Model simulation results indicated that declines in retail per capita demand would persist but at a reduced rate from years past and that retail per capita demand for cheese would continue to grow and strengthen over the next decade. These predictions rely on expected changes in the size of populations of various ages, races, and ethnicities and on existing patterns of spending on food at home and away from home. The combined effect of these forecasted changes in demand levels was reflected in annualized growth in the total farm-milk supply that was similar to growth realized during the past few years. Although we expect nominal farm milk prices to increase over the next decade, we expect real prices (relative to assumed growth in feed costs) to remain relatively stable and show no increase until the end of the forecast period. Supplemental industry model simulations also suggested that net losses in producer revenues would result if only nominal levels of generic advertising spending were maintained in forthcoming years. In fact, if real generic advertising expenditures are increased relative to 2005 levels, returns to the investment in generic advertising can be improved. Specifically, each additional real dollar invested in generic advertising for fluid milk and cheese products over the forecast period would result in an additional $5.61 in producer revenues. 相似文献
彩色钻石的鉴定是珠宝检测部门的难题。对工作中遇到的一粒绿色钻石的鉴定特征进行了论述,并阐述了实验室对合成碳化硅的鉴定步骤。 相似文献
使用Diashape形貌分析系统,通过分析晶体的透光性和纯净度对人造金刚石所含包裹体的情况进行分级。选取包裹体含量中等的金刚石晶体,一部分在静压强度仪上施压致其开裂;另一部分通过高温煅烧致其开裂。使用超声波将已开裂晶体震开,通过分析断面形貌和成分,分析包裹体致金刚石晶体破裂失效的原因。试验发现,无论是受压,还是受热,金刚石的开裂面均平行于(111)晶面。包裹体与晶体的界面是应力集中的位置,也是裂纹源。晶体受压开裂是由于包裹体与晶体的弹性模量不同;而晶体受热之后的破裂失效,则是由于膨胀系数的不同所致。 相似文献