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The conceptual feasibility of a packed bed membrane reactor for the autothermal reforming (ATR) of methane for the production of ultrapure hydrogen was investigated. By integrating H2 permselective Pd-based membranes under autothermal conditions, a high degree of process integration and intensification can be accomplished which is particularly interesting for small scale H2 production units. A two-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous packed bed membrane reactor model was developed that solves the continuity and momentum equations and the component mass and energy balances. In adiabatic operation, autothermal operation can be achieved; however, large axial temperature excursions were seen at the reactor inlet, which are disadvantageous for membrane life and catalyst performance. Different operation modes, such as cooling the reactor wall with sweep gas or distributive feeding of O2 along the reactor length to moderate the temperature profile, are evaluated. The concentration polarisation because of the selective hydrogen removal along the membrane length was found to become significant with increasing membrane permeability thereby constraining the reactor design. To decrease the negative effects of mass transfer limitations to the membrane wall, a small membrane tube diameter needs to be selected. For a relatively small ratio of the membrane tube diameter to the particle diameter, the porosity profile needs to be taken into account to prevent overestimation of the H2 removal rate. It is concluded that autothermal production of H2 in a PBMR is feasible, provided that the membranes are positioned outside the inlet region with large temperature gradients.  相似文献   

The scope of the paper is the analysis of the possibility of increasing conversion in different types of systems based on continuous stirred tank reactors. A numerical model of the cascade with constant direction of material flow is tested, a model of changes of direction flow and a relaxation model. The analysis is conducted by means of parametric continuation method and numerical simulation, with the designation of bifurcation diagrams and time series. An essential impact of the relaxation method on the increase of the conversion degree is indicated.  相似文献   

In this contribution the technical feasibility of the reverse flow catalytic membrane reactor (RFCMR) concept with porous membranes for energy efficient syngas production is investigated. In earlier work an experimental proof of principle was already provided [Smit, J., Bekink, G.J., van Sint Annaland, M., Kuipers, J.A.M., 2005a. A reverse flow catalytic membrane reactor for the production of syngas: an experimental study. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 3 (A12)], but compensatory heating was required and problems related to the mechanical strength of the powder-based YsZ catalyst and the steel filter were reported. Therefore, in Part 1 the performance of a Rh-Pt/Al2O3 catalyst with improved mechanical strength and porous Al2O3 membranes with excellent temperature resistance was tested in an isothermal membrane reactor. For this purpose a novel sealing technique was developed that could withstand sufficiently high pressure differences and temperatures. Very high syngas selectivities close to the thermodynamic equilibrium could be achieved for a considerable period of time without any increase in pressure drop and without any decrease in syngas selectivity. Using the Rh-Pt/Al2O3 catalyst, several experiments were performed in a RFCMR demonstration unit and the influence of different operating conditions and design parameters on the reactor behaviour was investigated. It is shown that very high syngas selectivities (up to 95%) can be achieved with a maximal on-stream time of 12 h, without using any compensatory heating and despite inevitable radial heat losses. In Part 2 a reactor model is discussed that can well describe the experimental results presented in this part.  相似文献   

The analysis performed as well as extensive numerical simulations have revealed the possibility of the generation of homoclinic orbits as a result of homoclinic bifurcation in the model which describes transport phenomena and chemical reaction in a porous catalyst pellet. A method has been proposed for the development of a special type of diagrams—the so-called bifurcation diagrams. These diagrams comprise the locus of homoclinic orbits together with the lines of limit points bounding the region of multiple steady states as well as the locus of the points of Hopf bifurcation. Thus, they define a set of parameters for which homoclinic bifurcation can take place. They also make it possible to determine conditions under which homoclinic orbits are generated.Two kinds of homoclinic orbits have been observed, namely semistable and unstable orbits. It is found that the character of the homoclinic orbit depends on the stability features of the limit cycle which is linked with the saddle point.Very interesting dynamic phenomena are associated with the two kinds of homoclinic orbits; these phenomena have been illustrated in the solution diagrams and phase diagrams.  相似文献   

“Ignition/extinction” phenomena and steady-state multiplicity were discovered in an autohumidification polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. At steady state, the water produced by the fuel cell reaction is balanced by water removal by the flowing reactant gas streams. Ignition, corresponding to a high fuel cell current, arises from positive feedback between the water produced by the reaction and the transport of protons in the membrane. A critical level of membrane hydration is required for ignition; insufficient membrane hydration will extinguish the fuel cell current. This new autocatalytic mechanism has an interesting analogy to the autothermal reactor.  相似文献   

A fixed bed reactor (FBR) and a packed bed membrane reactor (PBMR) were compared with respect to their performance in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over VOx/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. The experiments were carried out at high space velocities and under oxygen excess conditions. In the PBMR, the oxidant air was distributed from the shell side of the membrane.

At similar overall feed configurations, the conversion of ethane was found to be higher in the PBMR. This effect was most pronounced at the highest space velocity. Mostly ethylene yield was higher in the PBMR than in the FBR. However, the yield of carbon oxides increased more. Thus, an improvement of olefin selectivity was not observed. There were even sets of experimental conditions, where the ethylene yield in the PBMR fell below the corresponding value for the FBR. In the PBMR under oxygen excess conditions, the consecutive oxidation of ethylene is more favoured than in the FBR.

Two essential reasons for the observed differences in the reactor performances are discussed. At first, there are different local reactant concentrations. Secondly, there are essential differences in the residence time behaviour of the reactants in the FBR and PBMR. In order to exemplify the latter aspect additional experiments have been carried out using a cascade of three identical PBMRs. Varying the specific oxygen flow rates over the individual membrane segment walls different dosing profiles were implemented. The results obtained in this study emphasise the general potential, but also the limits of membrane reactors compared to the FBR.  相似文献   

An important decision in the design of fluidized bed reactors is which of several flow regimes to choose. Almost all fluidized bed reactor models are restricted to a single flow regime, making comparison difficult, especially near the regime boundaries. This paper examines the performance of fluidized bed methane reformers with three models—a simple equilibrium model and two kinetic distributed models, based on different assumptions of varying sophistication. Membranes are incorporated to improve reactor performance. Eighteen cases are simulated for different flow regimes and membrane configurations. Predictions for the fast fluidization and turbulent flow regimes show that the rate-controlling step is permeation through the membranes. Bubbling regime simulations predict somewhat less hydrogen production than for turbulent and fast fluidization, due to the effects of interphase crossflow and mass transfer. Overall reactor performance is predicted to be best under turbulent fluidization operation. Practical considerations also affect the advantages, shortcomings and ultimate choice of flow regime.  相似文献   

The determination of periodic states of cyclic chemical processes by standard simulation techniques is computationally inefficient due to the long transient phase. We introduce the Newton-Picard method, a hybrid convergence acceleration method and compare its performance to the performance of existing convergence accelerating techniques. The comparison is made with respect to the number of function evaluations, robustness and dependence on initial conditions. We also discuss, depending on the characteristics of the chemical process, which acceleration method has the best performance.  相似文献   

In flow-through membrane reactors, a porous membrane is used as a microstructured catalyst support, which provides for an intensive contact between reactants and catalyst. When performing exothermal gas phase reactions, large temperature differences between feed and permeate side are observed. This work systematically derives an axial temperature profile inside the inaccessible membrane pores by combining a one-dimensional reactor model of mass and energy balances with experimental measurements of reactor temperatures and conversion, applying ethene hydrogenation as a model reaction. It is shown, that the anodized membrane reactor can be regarded as isothermal under any operating conditions and the heat transfer mechanisms inside the membrane prove to be irrelevant for the resulting membrane temperature. By applying the derived heat transfer model to the performed ethene hydrogenation experiments, the reactor temperature can be predicted satisfactorily in the whole range of performed experiments.  相似文献   

A generalized comprehensive model was developed to simulate a wide variety of fluidized-bed catalytic reactors. The model characterizes multiple phases and regions (low-density phase, high-density phase, staged membranes, freeboard region) and allows for a seamless introduction of features and/or simplifications depending on the system of interest. The model is implemented here for a fluidized-bed membrane reactor generating hydrogen. A concomitant experimental program was performed to collect detailed experimental data in a pilot scale prototype reactor operated under steam methane reforming (SMR) and auto-thermal reforming (ATR) conditions, without and with membranes of different areas under diverse operating conditions. The results of this program were published in Mahecha-Botero et al. [2008a. Pure hydrogen generation in a fluidized bed membrane reactor: experimental findings. Chem. Eng. Sci. 63(10), pp. 2752-2762]. The reactor model is tested in this second paper of the series by comparing its simulation predictions against axially distributed concentration in the pilot reactor. This leads to a better understanding of phenomena along the reactor including: mass transfer, distributed selective removal of species, interphase cross-flow, flow regime variations, changes in volumetric flow, feed distribution, and fluidization hydrodynamics. The model does not use any adjustable parameters giving reasonably good predictions for the system of study.  相似文献   

The effect of reaction distribution policy on a reactive column profiles is analyzed. We find that the extent reaction on a single reactive stage can greatly influence the feasibility and termination of subsequent non-reactive stages. We develop a method to quantitatively predict when perturbing the amount of reaction on a single stage will subsequently force the column profile to become infeasible or otherwise fail to meet global design targets. To predict such behavior we rely on the map of stable invariant manifolds over the saddle branch of an isoreflux pinch point curve. We show how this method can be used to select reactive stages and distribute reaction over a column section profile to meet certain design criteria. We also show how this method can be used to find limits on overall extent reaction within a column or extent reaction on a single stage.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of slow transient behavior in an autohumidified stirred tank reactor (STR) polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell is developed. The key feature of the model is the positive feedback between current, water production, and membrane resistance which leads to two stable “ignited” states, corresponding to either a uniform current distribution or a partially ignited cell with localized current production. The switching between the two regimes is accompanied by hysteresis and transient behavior on the order of 2-4 h in a small cell. We compare the numerical results to experimental data gathered by [Benziger et al. 2005. Chemical Engineering Science 60 (6), 1743-1759] and show that the lateral diffusion of water within the ionomer membrane is a possible mechanism behind the hysteresis and slow transient behavior they observed.  相似文献   

Rh-impregnated alumina foams and metallic microchannel reactors have been studied for production of hydrogen-rich syngas through short contact time catalytic partial oxidation (POX) and oxidative steam reforming (OSR) of propane. Effects of temperature and residence time have been compared for the two catalytic systems. Temperature profiles obtained along the central axis were valuable in understanding the different behaviour of the reactor systems. Gas phase ignition occurs in front of the metallic monolith at furnace temperatures above 700 °C, leading to lower hydrogen selectivity. Lowering the residence time below 10 ms for the microchannel monolith increases the syngas selectivity. This probably due to quenching of the gas phase reactions at high linear gas velocity, and suggests that microchannel reactors have potential for isolating kinetic effects and minimising gas phase contributions. The Rh/Al2O3 foam systems show higher initial syngas selectivity than the Rh-impregnated microchannel reactors, but deactivate rapidly upon temperature cycling, especially when steam is added as a reactant.  相似文献   

Global warming attributed in part to the release of the so-called greenhouse gases is becoming an increasing concern, and steps are being implemented to mitigate such emissions. The two most significant emissions are carbon dioxide and methane. A significant fraction of emissions is emitted by oil and gas production and transportation facilities. Because methane has at least 21 times the greenhouse gas potential of carbon dioxide, it is advantageous to convert methane to carbon dioxide via combustion, even if the carbon dioxide is vented to the atmosphere. Fugitive methane combustion does however present certain difficulties in its combustion. This paper presents an overview of the problem and suggests some possible catalytic reactor technologies appropriate for the solution.  相似文献   

A simple, pseudo-equilibrium model was derived for a catalytic system with a first order chemical reaction and simultaneous diffusive and adsorptive processes, in order to assess the corresponding kinetics and Henry law's-type adsorption parameters. Solutions from this model were compared to exact solutions from a more detailed, general model. It was shown that under most of the experimental conditions used in stirred batch reactors and the usual model considerations, it is only possible to assess apparent adsorption parameters. Also, we observed that a stable relationship between the concentrations in the gas and solid phases is reached. The error produced in assuming that the apparent adsorption constant is the real one was calculated to be very important. The value of the apparent adsorption constant depends on various system properties and experimental conditions, such as the Thiele modulus, the amount of catalyst and the contact time. The ratio between the apparent and real adsorption constants was shown to be the transient effectiveness factor at any moment. This ratio reaches a maximum value for the pseudo-equilibrium state, that is always larger than the steady-state effectiveness factor, becoming closer as long as the system's adsorption capacity decreases. The analysis determines the operative conditions to reduce the parametric correlation. Also a criterion for the applicability of usual approximations in the assessment of kinetics and equilibrium adsorption parameters in porous solid catalysts by means of pulse injection methods is established.  相似文献   

The feature of solids distribution in tanks stirred with multiple Rushton turbines was investigated. Both transient and steady-state experiments were performed in tanks of two scales with a variety of suspensions. The data were analysed with the axial sedimentation-dispersion model. The axial dispersion coefficient of the solid phase was found not to differ from that of the liquid by more than 20%. The effective particle settling velocity in the stirred medium was then determined. It is confirmed that this parameter is different from the terminal settling velocity. Their ratio exhibits the same dependence on Kolmogoroff microscale and particle size as obtained previously with an indirect, approximate approach.  相似文献   

Large regions of inhomogeneous mixing have been observed in industrial, bottom-sweeping impeller crystallizers. To investigate this phenomenon, we conducted experiments on a one-tenth volume model of this kind of mixing tank. Results are reported of Lagrangian marker particle (LMP) and microconductivity measurements using the model mixing tank with impeller tip Reynolds numbers of 25,000. Surprising structure is found in this high Reynolds number flow. Using the LMP trajectory data, we show the flow consists of a narrow region of rapidly moving, upward spiralling flow at the tank perimeter. This flow returns slowly through a vertical stack of tori and through a quiescent region centered on the impeller. These tori are concentric with the impeller and exist at loci of regions of shear found adjacent to the quiescent central region and the tank perimeter.Conditional analysis of the microconductivity signals reveals that large concentration fluctuations occur in the perimeter flow. In contrast, only small diffusive-like concentration fluctuations occur in the center of the tank. This segregation of regions of rapid transport in the perimeter flow from regions of micromixing in the quiescent region results in inhomogeneous mixing in the tank. The complexity of the flow is reflected in the large dynamical dimension (≈24) of the flow obtained from the calculation of the Kolmogorov entropy production rate. The return-time distribution was found to be composed of a superposition of two log-normal distributions. Period doubling phenomenon was also found in these distributions.  相似文献   

An experimental study is presented for comparing the behavior of a packed bed reactor in the catalytic liquid-phase oxidation of aqueous phenol with two modes of operation, downflow and upflow. The operating parameters investigated included temperature, reactor pressure, gas flowrate, liquid hourly space velocity and feed concentration. Because of the completely wetted catalyst, the upflow reactor generally performs better for high pressures and low feed concentrations when the liquid reactant limitation controls the rate. The interaction between the reactor hydrodynamics, mass transfer, and reaction kinetics is discussed. For both operation modes, complete phenol removal and significant total organic carbon (TOC) reduction can be achieved at rather mild conditions of temperature (150-170 °C) and total pressure (1.5-3.2 MPa). The results show that the phenol and TOC conversion are considerably affected by the temperature, while the air pressure only has minor influence. Total elimination of TOC is difficult since acetic acid, as the main intermediate, is resistant to catalytic wet oxidation. All tests were conducted over extrudates of Fe-Al pillared clay catalyst, which is stable and maintains its activity during the long-term experimental process. No significant catalyst deactivation due to metal ion leaching and polymer deposition was detected.  相似文献   

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