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Cholesterol content (mg/100g wet weight) of muscle and adipose tissue from crossbred bulls (N = 34) and steers (N = 35) was determined by spectrophotometry. Sampling site effects were highly significant, with subcutaneous adipose tissue (101·7) and perinephric adipose tissue (89·7) containing the most cholesterol, and longissimus muscle (58·3) containing the least. Semitendinosus and triceps brachii muscles were similar in cholesterol content (63·9 mg/100g and 63·7 mg/100g, respectively). Although sex condition differences within sampling sites were non-significant, steer carcasses may have more total cholesterol than bull carcasses because steers contain a higher percentage of fat than bulls raised under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Sixteen steers (441±31.7kg initial body weight) consumed two high concentrate diets with either 0 or 3% fish oil to determine the impact of fish oil, an omega-3 fatty acid source, on the fatty acid composition of beef carcasses. Collected tissue samples included the Longissimus thoracis from the 6th to 7th rib section, ground 10th to 12th rib, liver, subcutaneous adipose tissue adjacent to the 12th rib, intramuscular adipose tissue in the 6th to 7th rib sections, perirenal adipose tissue, and brisket adipose tissue. Including fish oil in the diet increased most of the saturated fatty acids (P<0.01) and proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids (P<0.06), and decreased (P<0.01) proportions of monounsaturated fatty acids. Dietary fish oil increased (P<0.01) levels of omega-3 fatty acids in sampled tissues, resulting in lower (P<0.01) omega-6:omega-3 ratios. The weight percentages of C20:5 and C22:6 in tissue may provide the recommended daily allowance for humans. Fish oil may have a role in beef niche marketing if there are no deleterious effects on consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Two groups of Simmental calves were fed a milk replacer diet or were early weaned and slaughtered at the age of 4 months. Two muscles and two adipose tissue samples were removed, the lipids were extracted by chloroform-methanol and the fatty acid composition was analyzed by gas chromatography after transesterification with Na-methylate. Total lipid contents in both muscles were relatively small (<2%) Due to high phospholipid content, veal muscle lipids contain a high proportion of polyene fatty acids which accounted for more than 30%. Adipose tissue consists predominantly of oleic acid (from 34% to 37%) and palmitic acid (from 27% to 29%). In extractable perinephric fat, milk replacer diet caused significantly higher myristic acid (C(14)) values and, accordingly, lower oleic (C(18:1)) values.  相似文献   

To determine the impacts of finishing diet and tissue type and location on fatty acid composition and palatability of Jersey beef, twenty steers were assigned to a factorial treatment design with initial weight (Light vs. Heavy) and finishing diet (70 vs. 85% concentrate) as treatments. Ribeye steaks were collected for sensory evaluation. Muscle, seam and subcutaneous (s.c.) fat from steaks, kidney fat (KF) and omental fat (OMF) were collected for fatty acid analysis. Initial weight and finishing diet had little impact on beef palatability. The 85% concentrate decreased polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in muscle and increased trans fatty acids in all tissues (P < 0.05). The monounsaturated:saturated fatty acid ratio (MUFA:SFA) was highest in s.c. fat, intermediate in muscle and seam fat, and lowest in KF and OMF. The PUFA:SFA was highest in muscle, intermediate in s.c. and seam fat, and lowest in KF and OMF. Fatty acid composition differed greatly among tissues and the lower concentrate diet increased omega-3 and PUFA percentages in muscle.  相似文献   

Rule DC 《Meat science》1997,46(1):23-32
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate direct transesterification of fatty acids of tissue total lipids with boron-trifluoride in methanol. Adipose tissue, muscle, and liver samples obtained from market-weight lambs, were transesterified with 14% boron-trifluoride in methanol at 80 °C. Total lipids of additional samples were first solvent-extracted and then transesterified with 14% boron-trifluoride in methanol. Thin layer Chromatographic evaluation revealed quantitative conversion of triacylglycerol- and polar lipid-fatty acids to fatty acid methyl esters using direct transesterification. No differences in fatty acid composition were observed for adipose tissue (p > 0.05); however, for muscle, 20:4 was greater (p = 0.01) with direct transesterification. For liver, greater concentrations of fatty acids were observed for the direct transesterification method (p < 0.02). Weight percentages of adipose and muscle fatty acids were unchanged from 15 to 180min of direct transesterification; however, 120 and 90 min of direct transesterification were required for adipose tissue and muscle, respectively, for complete transesterification. It was concluded that for analysis of total fatty acids, one-step direct transesterification with boron-trifluoride in methanol is a useful and acceptable procedure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine whether the plane of nutrition of cows at a critical time for fetal skeletal muscle and adipose tissue development would affect meat quality and carcass composition of offspring. To alter maternal nutrition, beef cows were placed on improved pasture (IP) or native range (NR) pasture from 120 to 150 through 180 to 210 days of gestation. Esophageal extrusa samples collected from cows grazing IP varied from 11.1% crude protein of organic matter early in the test period to 6.0% crude protein of organic matter at the end of the grazing period; whereas, extrusa samples of cows grazing NR ranged from 6.5% crude protein of organic matter during early grazing to 5.4% crude protein of organic matter at the end of the grazing period. Steers were slaughtered and carcass characteristics were collected. Warner–Bratzler shear force was performed on longissumus steaks, western blotting was used to measure proteolysis, and myosin isoform typing was performed. Improved pasture steers had heavier live and hot carcass weights. Tenderness was greater in IP compared to NR steers. No difference in calpastatin content and troponin-T degradation was observed between treatments. The 12th rib fat thickness was greater for IP than for NR steers. Subcutaneous adipose tissue of IP steers tended to have a greater number of cells per field of view than NR steers. Data show improving nutritional status of cows during mid to late gestation affects tenderness, adipose tissue deposition and growth in steers.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):11291-11305
Postnatal metabolism depends on maturation of key metabolic pathways around birth. In this regard, endogenous glucose production is impaired in calves born preterm. Concerning protein metabolism, the rates of protein turnover are greater during the neonatal period than at any other period of postnatal life. The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) are considered as the major regulators of cellular protein turnover. The objectives of this study were to investigate (1) the changes in plasma AA profiles, (2) the mRNA abundance of mTOR signaling and UPS-related genes in skeletal muscle, and (3) the mRNA abundance of branched-chain AA (BCAA) catabolic enzymes in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in neonatal calves with different degree of maturation during the transition to extrauterine life. Calves (n = 7/treatment) were born either preterm (PT; delivered by cesarean section 9 d before term) or at term (T; spontaneous vaginal delivery) and were left unfed for 1 d. Calves in treatment TC were also spontaneously born but were fed colostrum and transition milk for 4 d. Blood samples were collected from all calves at birth and at 24 h of life. Additional blood samples were taken 2 h after feeding (26 h of life) for PT and T calves, and on d 4 of life for TC, to determine plasma glucose, urea, and AA. Tissue samples from 3 muscles [M. longissimus dorsi (MLD), M. semitendinosus (MST), and M. masseter (MM)], and kidney fat were collected following euthanasia at 26 h after birth (PT, T) or on d 4 of life (TC) at 2 h after feeding. The concentrations of the majority of plasma AA (Ala, Gln, Asn, Cit, Lys, Orn, Thr, and Tyr), nonessential AA, and total AA were greater during the first 24 h and also before and 2 h after feeding in PT than in T. The ratio of plasma BCAA to the aromatic AA (Tyr and Phe) was greatest in TC, followed by T, and least in PT. The mRNA abundance of mTOR and ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) in MLD and MM was greater in PT and T than in TC. The mRNA abundance of muscle-specific ligases FBXO32 (F-box only protein 32) in the 3 different skeletal muscles and TRIM63 (tripartite motif containing 63) in MLD was greater in PT and T than in TC; in MM, TRIM63 mRNA was greatest in PT. The mRNA for BCKDHA and BCKDHB (the α and β polypeptide of branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase) in kidney fat was elevated in PT and T compared with TC, suggesting a possible enhancement of BCAA oxidation as energy source to cover the energetic and nutritional postnatal demands in PT and T in a starved state. The increased abundances of mTOR-associated signaling factors and muscle-specific ligase mRNA indicate a greater rate of protein turnover in muscles of PT and T in a starved state. Elevated plasma concentrations of several AA may result from enhanced muscle proteolysis and impaired conversion to glucose in the liver of PT calves.  相似文献   

Rates of utilization of glucose, acetate, and lactate and activities of selected enzymes were determined in vitro to evaluate the effects of age and diet on lipogenesis in perirenal adipose tissue of calves. Three-day-old Holstein bull calves were fed up to 12 wk of age on one of three dietary treatments: a high carbohydrate milk replacer; a high fat milk replacer; and weaning at 6 wk of age from high fat replacer to calf starter. Adipose tissue biopsies were obtained from calves at 2, 5, 8, and 12 wk of age. Rates of fatty acid synthesis and activities of enzymes of the pentose phosphate and citrate cleavage pathways were increased in calves fed high carbohydrate milk replacer. These parameters were decreased in calves fed high fat replacer and were further depressed after weaning. Substrate preference for fatty acid synthesis in all calves was acetate, then lactate, then glucose. With increase in age from 2 to 12 wk, adipose tissue of calves fed milk replacer partitioned more acetate and lactate toward fatty acid synthesis and less toward oxidation. The pentose phosphate cycle was characterized by high rate of recycling and contributed at least 50% of reducing equivalents required for fatty acid synthesis. It appeared that several features of lipogenesis characteristic of functional ruminants are also shared by preruminant calves.  相似文献   

Swatland HJ 《Meat science》2002,62(2):225-228
Bulk refractive index (RI) was measured with an Abbe refractometer using a red laser for transmittance (T) and a green laser for reflectance. The critical angle, although obscured by scattering, was detected subjectively at the red-green boundary. The refractometer also was operated under computer control, detecting RI photometrically. Pork longissimus thoracis (n=20) had higher RI than biceps femoris (1.357±0.004 versus 1.352±0.005, respectively, P<0.001). Longissimus thoracis also had lower Japanese pork colour scores (JPCS) than biceps femoris (2.92±0.37 versus 3.87±0.48, respectively, P<0.001). In pooled samples (n=40), RI was correlated with JPCS, r=-0.55, P<0.001. RI of bovine tendon (n=10) was higher than for adipose tissue (1.415±0.009 versus 1.343±0.001, P<0.001). Refraction may contribute to the inverse relationship between meat pH and paleness, and may affect signals from fibre-optic meat probes.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10 Friesian calves received, respectively, 819 and 1380 g of milk replacer daily between birth and 95 d of age. After weaning, both groups were pair-fed until slaughter at 533 d of age. Body composition, cellularity, and lipogenic activity of kidney and omental fat were determined at 95 and 533 d of age. Milk intake restriction produced a 40% reduction of growth rate and a 68% decrease in lipid deposition between birth and 95 d of age. This was accompanied by a reduced adipose cell hypertrophy without any effect on adipose cell number. Acetate incorporation in isolated cells, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, NADP-malate dehydrogenase, and lipoprotein lipase activities were lower in restricted animals. Glucose incorporation in isolated fat cells was very slight in both groups. Acetate incorporation and lipogenic enzyme activities were more than 10 times higher in 533-d-old animals that have larger adipocytes than in younger calves. Moreover, kidney fat presented a higher rate of de novo fatty acid synthesis than omental fat. The reverse order was observed for lipoprotein lipase activity. Early postnatal nutrition had no significant effect on lipid deposition between 95 and 533 d of age. There were no significant differences in body composition, adipose tissue cellularity, or metabolism at slaughter.  相似文献   

Eighty pigs, male and female littermate pairs, were fed a control or a test diet from 25 to 95 kg live weight. The diets, as fed, contained 15.5 g/kg linoleic acid (18:2) and 1.9 g/kg α-linolenic acid (18:3) (control) or 10 g/kg linoleic acid and 4 g/kg α-linolenic acid (test). The test diet, with added linseed, was, therefore, high in the main n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) 18:3 and low in the main n-6 PUFA 18:2. Making this relatively small change led to a 56% increase in the content of 18:3 in muscle and major increases in the contents of the beneficial longer chain PUFAs EPA (20:5n-3) (100% increase) and DHA (22:6n-3) (35% increase) which are synthesised from 18:3n-3. Levels of EPA and DHA in pigmeat adipose tissue were also increased by the test diet. In liver, the test diet resulted in an 18:3 level 4× higher than in muscle, with 10× more EPA and 20× more DHA. Sausages, analysed after 6 months frozen storage also had high n-3 PUFA levels, due to the contribution of these fatty acids from both muscle and adipose tissue. From a health perspective these results confirm the potential of pigmeat to supply valuable n-3 PUFA to the human diet. The test diet produced a PUFA:saturated FA ratio in muscle of 0.4, close to the minimum recommended value for the diet as a whole and an n-6:n-3 ratio of 5, a significant improvement on the current average for pigmeat (7). It is estimated that the test diet would provide 12 g of long chain n-3 PUFA to the human diet per annum at current pigmeat consumption levels in the UK, about a third of that from oily fish.  相似文献   

Heritability and genetic and phenotypic correlations between 15 individuals and 10 groups of fatty acids with a concentration greater than 0.5% in the brisket adipose tissue of 223 Angus and Charolais based crossbred commercial steers were estimated using univariate and bivariate animal models. Individual saturated fatty acids were low to moderately heritable, with heritability estimates ranging from 0.05 (C16:0) to 0.31 (C15:0). Individual monounsaturated fatty acids were low to moderately highly heritable ranging from 0.04 (9c C17:1 and 11c C18:1) to 0.51 (9c C14:1). Polyunsaturated fatty acid C18:2n − 6 was moderately heritable (0.17). Among groups of fatty acids, heritability estimates ranged from 0.03 for branched chain fatty acid (BCFA) and n − 6/n − 3 to 0.16 for n − 6 and Health Index. A range of low (0.00) to high (1.00) phenotypic and genetic correlations was observed among the 25 fatty acids considered in this study. In general, fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and 11t C18:1, with potential health benefits, showed significant antagonistic correlations with unhealthy fatty acids such as C14:0 and C16:0. The results from this study provide insight into the direct genetic control of host genes on fatty acid composition of beef tissues and will facilitate designs of genetic selection and/or genetic based diet management to improve fatty acid composition in beef cattle.  相似文献   

The nutrient content of and feeding recommendations for milk replacers (MR) vary widely in North America, and acceleration of growth through manipulation of protein and energy intakes can reduce rearing costs of dairy operations. The effects of varying the protein and energy intake of MR on metabolite concentrations in plasma, liver, and muscle and the phosphorylation activity of protein kinase B (AKT) and ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) cell signals in liver and muscle were assessed. Twenty-four newborn Holstein calves were fed 1 of 4 MR for 9 wk (n=6/treatment): (1) a 20% crude protein (CP), 20% fat MR fed at 441 g of dry matter (DM)/d (CON); (2) a high-protein, medium-fat MR (HPMF; 28% CP, 20% fat) fed at 951 g of DM/d; (3) a high-protein, high-fat MR (HPHF; 27% CP, 28% fat) fed at 951 g of DM/d; and (4) HPHF fed at 1,431 g of DM/d (HPHF+). Water and starter (20% CP, 1.43% fat) were offered ad libitum and calves were fed MR twice daily. Plasma samples were obtained at 1, 5, and 9 wk of age. Calves were not weaned and were slaughtered after the last blood sampling. Liver and muscle tissues were collected and analyzed for metabolite concentrations and cell signaling activity. Calves fed all treatments had lower plasma concentrations of Phe and Tyr, and a trend for lower Leu, but greater concentrations of Thr relative to calves fed CON. Calves fed all treatments had increased muscle concentrations of Met and muscle to plasma ratios of Phe, Tyr, and branched-chain amino acids compared with CON. All treatments increased liver to plasma ratios of Phe and Tyr but diminished the ratios of Met compared with CON. Phosphorylation of protein kinase B was not affected by treatment; however, relative to calves fed HPHF, HPMF and HPHF+ diets increased phosphorylation ratios of ribosomal protein S6 in the liver. Therefore, the changes in plasma and tissue concentrations and plasma to tissue ratios of amino acids were associated with enhanced growth rates. However, cell signaling activity was not consistent with accelerated growth in calves fed treatments with increased contents of energy and protein possibly due to confounding effects of diet (MR + starter) or fasting before tissue harvesting. Muscle concentrations of Met might have a regulatory role in protein synthesis in rapidly growing calves fed high levels of CP and energy.  相似文献   

Mean lipoprotein lipase activities (mueq fatty acids released/h per g tissue) and lipid content(%) in adipose tissue of steers from brisket, perirectal, subcutaneous abdominal, and mesenteric areas were 32, 32, 30, 50, and 73, 77, 64, and 85. The enzyme activity was higher in mesenteric tissue than in the other sites which did not differ from each other. Mesenteric adipose tissue had higher and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue had lower lipid content than did brisket and perirectal adipose tissue. Lipid content and enzyme activity were correlated .38.  相似文献   

Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) serotypes are important foodborne pathogens that cause gastrointestinal disease worldwide. An understanding of how STEC strains attach to surfaces may provide insight into the potential persistence of and contamination with STEC in food environments. The initial attachment of a selection of STEC serotypes to beef muscle and adipose tissue was evaluated for isolates grown in planktonic and sessile culture. Initial experiments were performed to determine whether attachment differed among STEC strains and between the two modes of growth. Viable counts were obtained for loosely and strongly attached cells, and the strength of attachment (Sr) was calculated. All bacterial isolates grown in sessile culture attached in higher numbers to muscle and adipose tissue than did bacteria in planktonic cultures. For all attachment assays performed, mean concentrations for loosely attached cells were consistently higher than concentrations for strongly attached cells. The mean concentrations for strongly attached bacteria for planktonic and sessile cultures were significantly higher (P < 0.05) on adipose than on muscle tissue. However, some strains of STEC, particularly those from sessile culture, did not differ in their attachment to muscle or adipose tissue. Sr values were not significantly different (P > 0.05) among STEC isolates for all assays. No correlation was found between bacterial hydrophobicity and surface charge values (previously determined) and production of surface structures, viable counts, and Sr values. STEC grown in planktonic and sessile culture seems to behave differently with respect to attachment to muscle and adipose tissue. Cells in sessile culture may have a greater potential to strongly attach to meat surfaces.  相似文献   

We investigated the composition of fatty acids in adipose tissue, serum, and liver of cows that were fed at restricted energy intake or were overfed during the dry period. Overfed cows had higher concentrations of serum nonesterified fatty acids and consequently accumulated greater amounts of triacylglycerols in the liver than did cows that were fed at restricted energy intake. The percentages of the different fatty acids present in adipose tissue were similar for both groups and did not change during sampling intervals. Before parturition, concentrations of the individual fatty acids present in serum were similar between groups. After parturition, concentrations of major fatty acids in serum, including palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids significantly increased in both groups and were higher in overfed cows than in cows that were fed at restricted energy intake. The shift of concentrations of the different fatty acids present in the liver--as a result of increased lipolysis-was observed in palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids but not stearic acid, suggesting that stearic acid is used by the liver (i.e., oxidation) or is considerably secreted through the milk, thereby not increasing in accumulation in the liver. In conclusion, different feeding regimens during the dry period do not influence the composition of fatty acids in adipose tissue. More intensive lipolysis results in increased concentrations of palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids in the blood; subsequently, these fatty acids, excluding stearic acid, greatly accumulated in the liver.  相似文献   

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