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陆飞骏 《玻璃》1990,(1):42-43,49
在列出燃料及其燃烧的各种参数后,笔者以为,要产生有效的火焰,必须充分考虑一系列重要的实际因素.因此建议,应根据实际情况对设备的每个零件的保养制订一览表.当通过燃烧油或煤气来加热玻璃熔窑时,通常的方法是将燃料直接喷人熔窑的燃烧室.为了得到有效的火焰,要特别注意燃  相似文献   

能源紧缺以及环境保护的要求使得火电厂燃油受限,继而等离子点火燃烧器替代了传统锅炉点火稳燃燃烧的轻柴油,本文就离子点火燃烧器在金山热电厂1#、2#锅炉的运行情况,对影响其稳定运行的各参数的控制,投运等离子点火发生器的注意事项,及运用等离子点火发生器防止炉爆燃的安全措施等方面进行了全面的分析论述。  相似文献   

本实用新型涉及一种燃烧器的结构,特别是一种管式炉燃烧器,包括外壁、进气管组、进风口、点火嘴,在外壁上设有可调节进风量的调节风门。在燃烧器底部设有气动推进器;在燃烧器顶部设有稳燃罩;在燃烧器的底部或侧部设有火检安装管;在燃烧器底部还设有观火孔。其优点  相似文献   

对氨纶生产中天然气锅炉燃烧器出现的常见故障,包括燃烧器、风机系统、锅炉本体等方面故障进行了总结,并对实际处理过程中所积累的办法和经验进行了汇总,以便天然气锅炉更好地稳定运行,在环保要求日益严格的情况下,保证企业良好运行。  相似文献   

我公司现有两条2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线,回转窑规格为Φ4.0×60m,其窑头煤粉燃烧器使用的都是F.L.S公司生产的DBC型Duoflex(多富乐)燃烧器.经过多年的使用,对DBC型Duoflex煤粉燃烧器有了深入的了解,并积累了一些使用经验,现作一介绍.  相似文献   

王军  张明星 《水泥》2014,(9):52-52
<正>在生产中,燃烧器的位置不是固定的,需要调整。我公司原来燃烧器和窑门间采用塞保温棉的方式,有冷风摄入,造成二次风温降低和煤耗的增加。我们借鉴Φ4.8m×74m回转窑窑头密封的形式,对燃烧器周围的密封进行了改造。1燃烧器周围密封燃烧器周围为推拉式窑门,左窑门做一个凹槽,右窑门为正常尺寸,使右窑门插入左窑门时正好贴合。沿窑门的孔洞一周焊接一圈两半法兰A。再制作两半带锥套的法兰B,在法兰B的锥套上,固定不锈  相似文献   

1概述目前,回转窑用煤粉燃烧器已由最初的单风道发展到双风道、三风道和四风道,且有轴流式、分割式和旋流式三种型式。其中,四风道明显优于三风道,旋流式优于分割式。因此,旋流式四风道煤粉燃烧器是当今世界上最先进的回转窑用多风道煤粉燃烧器。生产实践表明,其一次风(包括煤风)用量可降到8%以下,优化后可降到5%甚至4%;且既可烧燃油、燃气和各种煤炭(烟煤、劣质煤、低挥发分煤和无烟煤)等燃料,还可以烧煤页岩、油页岩、煤矸石、石油焦、工业废油废液、废轮胎、废塑料、废木屑、生活垃圾等各种工业和生活废弃物。国际上…  相似文献   

SOG型燃烧器是石化行业工艺炉普遍采用的一种燃烧器,其优点已得到大家的公认,但其风门易出现故障也是各炼厂普遍存在的问题。在1994年的大检修中,我们与洛阳设备研究所共同改造了SOG(Ⅱ)型燃烧器,并取得了良好的效果。且我厂常压炉使用SOG燃烧器的状况常压炉设计热负荷为1.005×106kJ,共12台燃烧器,其型号为SOG-300油气联合燃烧器。由于近几年我厂优化操作,正常生产时很少用燃烧油,全烧于气和低压瓦斯,只有在开停工或催化事故状态下,才短时间烧燃料油,但就是在这调整操作的紧急关头,经常出现火焰难以调节的情况,使操…  相似文献   

中国海洋石油天野化工合成氨装置油改气及设备改造项目的历史背景,技术来源,改造工艺技术及其创新点和不足之处进行了总体介绍。改造的总体方案为合成氨装置生产原料全部改为天燃气。由以前的共环式烧嘴改为三型烧嘴。  相似文献   

实践证明,一次风用量、风道风速、旋流风的旋转和扩散、风压、二次风温、喂煤系统的计量准确性和稳定性是影响燃烧器性能发挥的主要因素。燃烧器的调试工作是一个复杂的系统工程,必须有计划、按步骤进行。燃烧器在使用中,要加强检查维护,对出现的损伤要及时进行修理。  相似文献   

A three-component particle-dynamics anemometry is used to measure, in the near-burner region, the characteristics of gas-particle two phase flows with two swirl burners with different primary air flow types, on a gas-particle two phase test facility. One burner is the radial bias combustion swirl pulverized coal burner whose primary air is non-swirl, and the other is the swirl burner whose primary air is swirl. With the former one, particle volume fluxes, particle volume fractions and particle number concentrations are bigger near the edge of central recirculation zone, and the particle volume fractions and the particle number concentrations are also bigger in the central recirculation zone. With the latter one, the particle volume fluxes and particle number concentrations are less near the edge of the central recirculation zone, and they are bigger in the wall zone. The influence of gas-particle flow characteristics on combustion has been analyzed, and the theory of air-surrounding-coal combustion is given.  相似文献   

回转窑燃烧器是水泥生产中重要的热工设备,其性能和操作的好坏将直接影响着熟料的产、质量。因此,对于燃烧器的研究一直在进行着。可视化技术是一门边缘性质的学科,然而在解决某些问题的时候,却起着十分重要的作用,尤其是在研究物体运动轨迹时,可视化技术能够直观地反映实际流体的运动情况。可视化技术分为计算数字可视化技术和物理可视化技术。本文介绍了酸碱水模拟和水/小球模型这两种物理可视化技术,并且探索了将其应用到研究水泥回转窑燃烧器中的可行性。  相似文献   

利用先进的CFD技术模拟了新型多通道煤粉燃烧器在窑内的燃烧情况,根据结果分析燃烧过程中污染物的排放情况,研究结论是:将4%~6%的一次风由旋风道12个孔喷出,剩余风量由12个直风道喷出,能减少一次风量降低能耗;设计旋风道偏转25°,提高旋风道喷出速度到160m/s,直风道速度到240m/s,使CO_2、CO、NO_x、SO_2生成在旋流区,同时达到减少排放的目的。  相似文献   

对合成氨装置D1 676 mm(新式)气化炉和三流道烧嘴的应用情况进行分析并与D1 484 mm(老式)气化炉和两流道烧嘴进行对比,阐述了新式气化炉和三流道烧嘴在装置稳定运行上的优点以及运行存在的问题.  相似文献   

The important requirement for the development of burners is the achievement of low emissions, particularly NO x , while maintaining high combustion efficiency. In this work, an externally oscillated oil burner was developed which provides both high-efficiency combustion and low NO x emission simultaneously. To investigate combustion characteristics and NO x emission, parametric studies were carried out about oscillation frequency, forcing amplitude, and air velocity. Optimum combustion was achieved at frequency of 1,900 Hz, amplitude of 3 V pp , and air velocity of 6.8 m/s. The NO x and CO emissions were reduced by 47% and 22%, respectively. In particular, the mechanism responsible for the inherently low NO x emission levels from an externally oscillated oil burner has been shown to be a short residence time at high temperature caused by rapid mixing with cooler residual gases.  相似文献   

齐先志  杨静  王晓霖  谢成  曹加园  席罡 《当代化工》2016,(4):853-855,859
管道失效数据库在管道完整性管理实施和安全监管方面起着重要作用,介绍了国外PHMSA、EGIG、Concawe、NEB等管理机构成熟运行的管道失效数据库,从数据库的统计范围、事故上报、事故统计等方面分析了不同国家管道失效数据库的差异和对我国数据库建设的参考。  相似文献   

A three-component particle-dynamics anemometer is used to measure the characteristics of two-phase gas/particle flows in the near-burner region for a centrally fuel rich swirl coal combustion burner using a gas/particle two-phase test facility. Velocities, mean particle diameters and particle-volume flux profiles were obtained. The primary air and glass beads partially penetrate the central recirculation zone and are then deflected radially. At the center of the central recirculation zone, the mean radial velocities and tangential velocities are low and a zone of high particle-volume flux and large particle size is formed. The influence of gas/particle flow characteristics on combustion is analyzed.  相似文献   

A three-component particle-dynamics anemometer is used to measure, in the near-burner region, the influence of the particle bias in the primary air duct on the gas/particle flow characteristics for a centrally fuel rich swirl coal combustion burner, in conjunction with a gas/particle two-phase test facility. Velocities, particle volume flux profiles and normalized particle number concentrations were obtained. Compared with a common burner (a centrally fuel rich burner without a particle concentrator), the degree of penetration for the centrally fuel rich burner is higher, the residence time of particles in the central recirculation zone is longer and the central recirculation zone is larger. The particle volume flux and normalized particle number concentration for the centrally fuel rich burner are much larger near the chamber axis. The influence of gas/particle flow characteristics on combustion has been analyzed.  相似文献   

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