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不锈钢板坯连铸凝固特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了 2种不锈钢凝固时的结晶特性 ,模拟计算了连铸过程中不同拉速和不同二冷配水下铸坯温度场的变化 ,并分析了铸坯温度场的变化与铸坯质量的关系 总结出提高铸坯质量的二冷配水原则 ,为制定不同拉速下的二冷配水制度提供了科学依据  相似文献   

结合某钢厂的连铸机生产实践,建立宽厚板坯连铸传热数学模型,利用商业软件ANSYS,通过改变拉速,过热度,二冷水量等条件,对Q345C厚板坯的凝固过程进行数值模拟,分析了不同因素对连铸凝固传热过程的影响.  相似文献   

基于凝固传热学理论,以300 mm厚Q345D板坯连铸过程为研究对象,建立了板坯二维凝固传热数学模型。利用等效比热法对凝固潜热进行处理,分析了拉速、过热度、二冷区喷水量以及二冷区长度变化对出结晶器坯壳厚度、铸坯表面温度等凝固参数的影响。结果表明,适当提高拉速、降低过热度和增加二冷段长度,可以促进连铸坯凝固,降低板坯缺陷,提高生产效率。  相似文献   

马钢四钢轧板坯连铸机生产过程中发现铸坯在二冷过程中内、外弧冷却极不均匀,铸坯组织出现等轴晶区向外弧方向严重偏移。通过射钉试验确定铸坯综合凝固系数,并对铸坯低倍组织的测量获得铸坯凝固组织发生不均匀的起始坯壳厚度,再结合二冷区坯壳厚度的计算公式就可推导出铸坯凝固组织偏移的起始位置。  相似文献   

作者概述了国内外铸件凝固过程中温度场数值模拟进展,介绍了傅立叶方程及其相应初始条件、边界条件、潜热处理以及多种计算方法,提出了凝固过程温度场模拟需解决的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过对单晶连铸凝固过程原理的分析,建立了温度场计算的物理模型及数学模型。利用该模型通过数值计算可以将工艺参数和固液界面的形状与位置定量的联系起来,为单晶连铸凝固过程的自动控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

双频电磁约束成形过程的温度场研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以耐热不锈钢为实验材料,利用自制的真空电磁约束成形定向凝固实验设备,测试并分析了双频电磁成形过程中样件的温度场及其影响因素,结果表明:合理的预热感应圈结构使送入固态料棒的温度分布合理;在预热感应圈不影响成形感应圈的磁场分布的情况下,预热感应圈能调整熔体的温度分布,提高熔体的过热度;屏蔽罩能够调节成形感应圈内熔体的温度分布,使熔体的下固/液界面上移,使成形感应圈内的熔体处于理想状态,侧表面垂直,位于电磁压力最大作用范围内;在其他条件一定时,抽拉速度争电源功率必须良好匹配,才能实现使金属熔化争凝固的动态平衡。  相似文献   

采用金相显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对双辊铸轧304不锈钢薄带裂纹及组织特征进行了观察,并结合能谱仪(EDS)对微区成分和夹杂物进行了分析。结果表明,铸轧薄带上的裂纹在薄带表面凹痕处产生,并沿柱状晶晶界向内部扩展,终止于柱状晶与心部等轴晶交界处;在柱状晶区内存大量缩孔和夹杂,在铸轧机械应力和热应力的共同作用下,破坏了材料的连续性;铸轧裂纹断面存在氧化现象,说明铸轧裂纹在铸轧凝固的高温阶段生成。  相似文献   

To understand the solidification behavior of austenitic stainless steel in rotary electromagnetic-field, the influence of low-frequency rotary electromagnetic-field on solidification structure of austenitic stainless steel in horizontal continuous casting was investigated based on industrial experiments. The results show that the solidification structure of austenitic stainless steel can be remarkably refined, the central porosity and shrinkage cavity can be remarkably decreased, and the equiaxed grains zone are enlarged by means of application of appropriate low-frequency electromagnetic-field parameters. The industrial trials verify that the stirring intensity of austenitic stainless steel should be higher compared with that of plain carbon steel. Electromagnetic stirring affects the macrostructure even if the average magnetic flux density of the electromagnetic stirring reaches 90 mT (amplitude reaches 141 mT) with the frequency of 3–4 Hz. Due to a higher viscosity, rotating speed of molten stainless steel is 20%–30% lower than that of molten carbon steel in the same magnetic flux density. Foundation item: Project(CSTC2007BB4216) supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China  相似文献   

ZA合金挤压铸造凝固过程温度场、应力场数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用有限元方法分析了ZA合金挤压铸造在凝固过程中的温度场以及由此产生的热应力场.对传热系统模型中的对流、辐射边界条件和凝固潜热进行了处理,用ANSYS有限元软件进行数值计算分析,并给出了计算结果。  相似文献   

针对奥氏体和马氏体不锈钢连铸中的质量问题,对太钢第三炼钢厂结晶器的锥度进行了调查分析.根据铸机和不锈钢的钢种特性,分别计算比较了马氏体和奥氏体连铸坯在结晶器内的收缩规律,分析了连铸工艺参数如拉坯速度、过热度对铸坯收缩的影响规律,在此基础上设计了曲线锥度的结晶器,并在生产实践中取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

大方坯连铸过程中铸坯传热及凝固行为的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结晶器和二冷区传热对大方坯产品质量和铸机的生产率有重要影响,本文讨论了包钢引进的全国最大的方坯连铸机在拉坯时结晶器和二冷区传热情况以及坯壳凝固生长,铸坯温度的变化规律。着重讨论了电磁搅拌,过热度和拉速对坯壳凝固和生长规律的影响,指出控制铸坯凝固的主要因素是凝固潜热,影响凝固未端的最主要因素是拉速,而电磁搅拌对其影响区内的传热和坯壳生长和铸坯温度亦有重大影响。  相似文献   

0Cr18Ni9不锈钢焊接温度场的数值仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于有限元软件SYSWELD对不锈钢0Cr18Ni9平板TIG焊的温度场进行三维动态模拟,得出了瞬态温度场分布图和特征点的热循环曲线,同时也得出了焊缝上任一点的温度变化与相变的关系.与文献资料比较表明,所建立的数值模拟仿真模型可以较好的模拟焊接温度场,为研究焊接过程中的应力应变和减少焊接应力与变形提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

A heat transfer model on the solidification process has been established on the basis of the technical conditions of the slab caster in No.3 steel works of Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation, and the temperature field in the solidifying slab was calculated which was verified by the measured slab surface temperature. The influences of the main operating factors including casting speed, spray cooling patterns, superheat of melt and slab size on the solidification process were analyzed and the means of enhancing the slab temperature was brought forward. Raising the casting speed to 1.3 m/min, controlling the flowrate of secondary cooling water and improving the cooling pattern at the lower segments of secondary cooling zone could improve the slab temperature effectively. And the increasing the superheat is adverse to the production of high temperature slab.  相似文献   

宽板坯凝固前沿轻压下率模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合连铸坯凝固规律及轻压下技术改善铸坯中心偏析的冶金原理,建立宽板坯轻压下率理论模型。根据某厂连铸宽板坯实际生产条件,以传热模型计算的铸坯凝固温度数据作为轻压下率模型计算条件,分析拉速、浇注温度、坯壳凝固收缩特性对铸坯轻压下率的影响规律。结果表明,在相同的拉速和浇注温度条件下,铸坯轻压下率沿拉坯方向的分布总体呈减小趋势;拉速较高时的起始轻压下率小于拉速较低时对应的起始轻压下率;拉速与平均轻压下率呈线性递减关系:拉速每升高0.1m/min,平均轻压下率减小0.015mm/m;浇注温度越低,轻压下区起始轻压下率的值越高;浇注温度对平均轻压下率的影响较小,浇注温度每升高10℃,平均轻压下率仅减小0.002 5mm/m;铸坯外部凝固坯壳的收缩对整个轻压下区平均轻压下率的贡献量为20.4%~22.3%。  相似文献   

The microstructure of AISI 304 austenite stainless steel fabricated by the thin strip casting process were investigated using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructures of the casting strips show a duplex structure consisting of delta ferrite and austenite. The volume fraction of the delta ferrite is about 9.74vol% at the center and 6.77vol% at the surface of the casting thin strip, in vermicular and band shapes. On account of rapid cooling and solidification in the continuous casting process, many kinds of inclusions and precipitates have been found. Most of the inclusions and precipitates are spherical complex compounds consisting of oxides, such as, SiO2, MnO, Al2O3, Cr2O3, and FeO or their multiplicity oxides of MnO·Al2O3, 2FeO·SiO2, and 2MnO·SiO2. Many defects including dislocations and stacking faults have also formed during the rapid cooling and solidification process, which is helpful to improve the mechanical properties of the casting strips.  相似文献   

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