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Passivation of highly dispersed metal catalysts after reduction is necessary prior to exposure to air due to the exothermicity of metal oxidation. This exothermicity can result in a significant increase in temperature of the catalyst resulting in catalyst degradation and a potential fire hazard. This paper reports the results of a study of passivation of Ru-promoted Co/alumina. Passivations using CO and CO+H2 mixtures were compared to the standard method of passivation using small concentrations of O2. Passivation by CO+H2 resulted in a lower temperature rise upon exposure to air than oxygen passivation. Passivation using CO/H2=10 resulted in a catalyst whose catalytic activity for CO hydrogenation was able to be recovered after exposure to air by re-reduction similar to after oxygen passivation. CO passivation yielded a catalyst that was not able to be as well recovered upon re-reduction, probably due to the formation of graphitic carbon. Exposure of the CO/H2 passivated catalyst to air for at least 90 min actually made it easier to recover the original activity upon re-reduction. This is probably related to the oxidation of the carbidic passivation layer during air exposure.  相似文献   

The influence of CO2 on the deactivation of Co/γ-Al2O3 Fischer–Tropsch (FT) catalyst in CO hydrogenation has been investigated. The presence of CO2 in the feed stream reveals a negative effect on catalyst stability and in the formation of heavy hydrocarbons. The CO2 acts as a mild oxidizing agent on cobalt metal during Fischer–Tropsch synthesis. During FT synthesis on Co/γ-Al2O3 of 70 h, the CO conversion and C5+ selectivity in the presence of CO2 decreased more significantly than in the absence of CO2. CO2 is found to be responsible for the partial oxidation of surface cobalt metal at FT synthesis environment with the co-existence of generated water.  相似文献   

The Fischer–Tropsch synthesis over Co/γ-Al2O3 and Co–Re/γ-Al2O3 was investigated in a fixed-bed reactor at 20 bar and 483 K using feed gases with molar H2/CO ratios of 2.1, 1.5 and 1.0 simulating synthesis gas derived from biomass. With lower H2/CO ratios in the feed, the CO conversion and the CH4 selectivity decreased, while the C5+ selectivity and olefin/paraffin ratio for C2–C4 increased slightly. The water–gas shift activity was low for both catalysts, resulting in high molar usage ratios of H2/CO (close to 2.0), even at the lower inlet ratios (i.e. 1.5 and 1.0). For both catalysts, the drop in the production rate of hydrocarbons when shifting from an inlet ratio of 2.1 to 1.5 was significant mainly because the H2/CO usage ratio did not follow the change in the inlet ratio. The hydrocarbon selectivities were rather similar for inlet H2/CO ratios of 2.1 and 1.5, while significantly deviating from those for an inlet ratio of 1.0. With the studied catalysts, it is possible to utilize the advantages of an inlet ratio of 1.0 (higher selectivity to C5+, lower selectivity to CH4, no water–gas shifting of the bio-syngas needed prior to the FT reactor) if a low syngas conversion is accepted.  相似文献   

A K/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared using the wet impregnation method with K2CO3 as a precursor salt. During the activation process, a clear interaction between potassium carbonate-derived species and the support took place resulting in the formation of K aluminate-like species, as observed by evolved gas analysis by mass spectrometry (EGA-MS) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). This catalyst was tested in the transesterification of sunflower oil with methanol, achieving a methyl ester yield close to 100% after 1 h. However, when it was used in successive runs the catalyst showed a strong decrease in its catalytic performance. It is established experimentally that the performance in the first run was mainly due to a homogeneous contribution from active basic species dissolved in methanol. The leaching of potassium species in the reaction media was not avoided although a clear interaction between active phase and support was observed. The present work stresses the obligation of the reutilization and of the verification of the leaching of active species in analogous catalytic systems based on alkaline and alkaline-earth metal oxides when used in the transesterification reaction with methanol.  相似文献   

The rate of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis over an industrial well-characterized Co–Ru/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was studied in a laboratory well mixed, continuous flow, slurry reactor under the conditions relevant to industrial operations as follows: temperature of 200–240 °C, pressure of 20–35 bar, H2/CO feed ratio of 1.0–2.5, gas hourly space velocity of 500–1500 N cm3 gcat− 1 h− 1 and conversions of 10–84% of carbon monoxide and 13–89% of hydrogen. The ranges of partial pressures of CO and H2 have been chosen as 5–15 and 10–25 bar respectively. Five kinetic models are considered: one empirical power law model and four variations of the Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson representation. All models considered incorporate a strong inhibition due to CO adsorption. The data of this study are fitted fairly well by a simple LHHW form − RH2 + CO = apH20.988pCO0.508 / (1 + bpCO0.508)2 in comparison to fits of the same data by several other representative LHHW rate forms proposed in other works. The apparent activation energy was 94–103 kJ/mol. Kinetic parameters are determined using the genetic algorithm approach (GA), followed by the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) method to make refined optimization, and are validated by means of statistical analysis. Also, the performance of the catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis and the hydrocarbon product distributions were investigated under different reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Both low loaded 15% Co/Al2O3 and more highly loaded 25% Co/Al2O3 catalysts are studied, in order to explore the impact of cluster size on the stability of the cobalt cluster to support-influenced reoxidation processes at high H2O/CO ratios. XAFS and activity data suggest that there are two regions for the water effect: at lower H2O/CO ratios water influences CO conversion by reversible kinetic effects while at higher H2O/CO ratios cobalt re-oxidation processes occur. The latter regime where water was added at and above 25% are examined. Synthesis conditions were maintained constant while argon balancing gas was replaced by added water. Catalyst samples were withdrawn from the reactor during synthesis at different partial pressures of added water and cooled in the wax product under inert gas. The EXAFS results suggest that, unlike the smaller clusters on unpromoted and, especially noble-metal promoted, 15% Co/Al2O3 catalysts, the larger crystallites (>10 nm by chemisorption and XRD) on 25% Co/Al2O3 undergo oxidation by H2O to CoO, most likely confined to the surface. The clusters are re-reduced when H2O was switched off, and the activity displayed an important recovery.  相似文献   

通过制备高纯度的前驱体湃铝石获得了η-Al2O3材料,采用XRD验证了η-Al2O3与γ-Al2O3在晶相结构上的差异,比较了两者的表面形貌、织构及酸碱性能,结果显示,η-Al2O3与γ-Al2O3的比表面积相当,但η-Al2O3具有更弱的弱碱位和较少的强碱位,并拥有丰富的中等强度酸性位。将η-Al2O3与γ-Al2O3作为催化剂应用于CS2水解反应,结果表明,在(200~450) ℃测试温度范围内,η-Al2O3催化剂对CS2的水解活性始终优于γ-Al2O3,两种催化剂上CS2反应的浓度效应也明显不同,推测与它们的酸碱性质影响了对CS2的吸附能力有关,导致两者催化CS2水解反应遵循了不同的机制。  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline α-Al2O3 and Ni-modified α-Al2O3 have been prepared by sol–gel and solvothermal methods and employed as supports for Pd catalysts. Regardless of the preparation method used, NiAl2O4 spinel was formed on the Ni-modified α-Al2O3 after calcination at 1150 °C. However, an addition of NiO peaks was also observed by X-ray diffraction for the solvothermal-made Ni-modified α-Al2O3 powder. Catalytic performances of the Pd catalysts supported on these nanocrystalline α-Al2O3 and Ni-modified α-Al2O3 in selective hydrogenation of acetylene were found to be superior to those of the commercial α-Al2O3 supported one. Ethylene selectivities were improved in the order: Pd/Ni-modified α-Al2O3–sol–gel > Pd/Ni-modified α-Al2O3-solvothermal ≈ Pd/α-Al2O3–sol–gel > Pd/α-Al2O3-solvothermal  Pd/α-Al2O3-commerical. As revealed by NH3 temperature program desorption studies, incorporation of Ni atoms in α-Al2O3 resulted in a significant decrease of acid sites on the alumina supports. Moreover, XPS revealed a shift of Pd 3d binding energy for Pd catalyst supported on Ni-modified α-Al2O3–sol–gel where only NiAl2O4 was formed, suggesting that the electronic properties of Pd may be modified.  相似文献   

Wood-derived bio-oil contains high amounts of compounds with different oxygen-containing functional groups that must be removed to improve the fuel characteristics. Elimination of oxygen from carboxylic groups was studied with model compounds, methyl heptanoate and methyl hexanoate, on sulphided NiMo/γ-Al2O3 and CoMo/γ-Al2O3 catalysts in a flow reactor. Catalyst performances and reaction schemes were addressed. Aliphatic methyl esters produced hydrocarbons via three main paths: The first path gave alcohols followed by dehydration to hydrocarbons. Deesterification yielded an alcohol and a carboxylic acid in the second path. Carboxylic acid was further converted to hydrocarbons either directly or with an alcohol intermediate. Decarboxylation of the esters led to hydrocarbons in the third path. No oxygen-containing compounds were detected at complete conversions. However, the product distributions changed with time, even at complete conversions, indicating that both catalysts deactivated under the studied conditions.  相似文献   

Addition of Na to Rh/γ-Al2O3 and Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts operated under identical simulated TWC conditions has dramatically different effects in the two cases (although the two metals respond similarly to Na promotion of NOx reduction in the absence of gaseous oxygen). Na addition to rhodium has a detrimental effect as manifested by severe poisoning and decreased nitrogen selectivity over the greater part of the temperature range studied. In contrast, Na promotion significantly improves the overall performance of Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts under simulated TWC conditions. This is manifested by a considerable widening of the gas composition window over which palladium delivers high NOx conversion, whilst at the same time exhibiting markedly improved selectivity towards N2 formation. The very different behaviour of the two metals may be understood in terms of a single underlying effect, namely, the electronic influence of sodium ions on the adsorption strength (and hence relative coverages) of the various reactants on the metal surface.  相似文献   

Two types of NiO/γ-Al2O3 catalysts prepared by the impregnation and the sol–gel method were used for the partial oxidation of methane to syngas at 850°C (GHSV1.8×105 lkg−1 h−1). The effects of the carbon deposition, the loss and sintering of nickel and the phase transformation of γ-Al2O3 support on the catalytic performance during 80 h POM reaction were investigated with a series of characterization such as XRD, BET, AAS, TG, and XPS. The results indicated that the carbon deposition and the loss and sintering of nickel could not cause the serious decrease of catalytic performance over NiO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst during the short-time reaction. However, the slow process of the support γ-Al2O3 phase transforming into -Al2O3 could slowly decrease the performance of NiO/γ-Al2O3 catalysts. Aimed at the reasons of the deactivation, an improved catalyst was obtained by the complexing agent-assisted sol–gel method.  相似文献   

Dibenzothiophene (DBT) hydrodesulphurization (HDS) reaction at 3 MPa and 325–375 °C on Mo/γ-Al2O3 single-bed and Me/γ-Al2O3//SiO2//Mo/γ-Al2O3 (Me = Co or Ni) double-bed catalysts were investigated. Results indicate that ratio cyclohexylbenzene (CHB)/biphenyl (BP) or selectivity is higher when using double-beds rather than a single-bed. Synergy in dibenzothiophene hydrodesulphurization on Co//Mo and Ni//Mo double-beds is also detected. Changes in selectivity and conversion are attributed to the action of spillover hydrogen (Hso) formed in the first bed that reaches the second bed.  相似文献   

Promoted (Co, Ni)-Mo/γ-Al2O3 hydrodesulphurization catalysts have been decoked using hydrogen gasification. The catalysts were exposed to a benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) feed for one week until a significant level of coke had been built up on the surface. The catalysts were then decoked by gasifi- cation at 400°C in hydrogen. The decoking was monitored using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy C/Al ratio. After 6 h gasification there was a tenfold decrease in the C/A1 ratio indicating a significant amount of decoking. Furthermore, the initial activity was regained as determined by the conversion of a standard BTX feed.  相似文献   

γ-Al2O3 and SiO2 supported Co catalysts, with varying amounts of Ru, were prepared and evaluated for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS). The composition of Ru for optimum activity was found to be support-dependent. The reducible Co3O4 was high in the region of 0–1.64 wt.% of Ru in Co/SiO2 catalysts. Co/γ-Al2O3 displayed a maximum for reducible Co species at 0.42 wt.% Ru. Segregation of Ru occurred beyond this composition decreasing the extent of reduction. Co/γ-Al2O3 catalysts showed lower activity and olefin selectivity, in spite of higher Co dispersion, than Co/SiO2 catalysts. The catalytic performance depends on the amount of reducible Co species, which again depends upon the optimum content of Ru.  相似文献   

The activity and selectivity of rhenium promoted cobalt Fischer–Tropsch catalysts supported on Al2O3, TiO2 and SiO2 have been studied in a fixed-bed reactor at 483 K and 20 bar. Exposure of the catalysts to water added to the feed deactivates the Al2O3 supported catalyst, while the activity of the TiO2 and SiO2 supported catalysts increased. However, at high concentrations of water both the SiO2 and TiO2 supported catalyst deactivated. Common for all catalysts was an increase in C5+ selectivity and a decrease in the CH4 selectivity by increasing the water partial pressure. The catalysts have been characterized by scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), BET, H2 chemisorption and X-ray diffraction (XRD).  相似文献   

Mn effect and characterization on γ-Al2O3-, -Al2O3- and SiO2-supported Ru catalysts were investigated for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis under pressurized conditions. In the slurry phase Fischer–Tropsch reaction, γ-Al2O3 catalysts showed higher performance on CO conversion and C5+ selectivity than -Al2O3 and SiO2 catalysts. Moreover, Ru/Mn/γ-Al2O3 exhibited high resistance to catalyst deactivation and other catalysts were deactivated during the reaction. From characterization results on XRD, TPR, TEM, XPS and pore distribution, Ru particles were clearly observed over the catalysts, and γ-Al2O3 catalysts showed a moderate pore and particle size such as 8 nm, where -Al2O3 and SiO2 showed highly dispersed ruthenium particles. The addition of Mn to γ-Al2O3 enhanced the removal of chloride from RuCl3, which can lead to the formation of metallic Ru with moderate particle size, which would be an active site for Fischer–Tropsch reaction. Concomitantly, manganese chloride is formed. These schemes can be assigned to the stable nature of Ru/Mn/γ-Al2O3 catalyst.  相似文献   

The conversion of CO/H2, CO2/H2 and (CO+CO2)/H2 mixtures using cobalt catalysts under typical Fischer–Tropsch synthesis conditions has been carried out. The results show that in the presence of CO, CO2 hydrogenation is slow. For the cases of only CO or only CO2 hydrogenation, similar catalytic activities were obtained but the selectivities were very different. For CO hydrogenation, normal Fischer–Tropsch synthesis product distributions were observed with an of about 0.80; in contrast, the CO2 hydrogenation products contained about 70% or more of methane. Thus, CO2 and CO hydrogenation appears to follow different reaction pathways. The catalyst deactivates more rapidly for the conversion of CO than for CO2 even though the H2O/H2 ratio is at least two times larger for the conversion of CO2. Since the catalyst ages more slowly in the presence of the higher H2O/H2 conditions, it is concluded that water alone does not account for the deactivation and that there is a deactivation pathway that involves the assistance of CO.  相似文献   

The Fischer‐Tropsch synthesis (FTS) in gaseous and supercritical phases was examined in a continuous, high‐pressure fixed‐bed reactor by employing a cobalt catalyst (Co‐Ru/γ‐Al2O3). The kinetic modeling of the FTS was investigated in the reactor over a 60–80 mesh cobalt catalyst. The Langmuir‐Hinshelwood kinetic equation was used for both the Fisher‐Tropsch (FT) and water gas shift (WGS) reactions. The kinetic model was applied for simulation of the reactor with 16–20 mesh cobalt catalyst. The simulation results showed a good agreement with the experimental data. The experimental data showed that higher CO conversion and lower CH4 and CO2 selectivities were achieved in supercritical media compared to the gaseous phase. The BET surface area and pore volume enhancement results provided evidence of the higher in situ extraction and greater solubility of heavy hydrocarbons in supercritical media than in gaseous phases. Furthermore, the effects of supercritical solvent such as n‐pentane, n‐hexane, n‐heptane and their mixtures were studied. Moreover, the influence of reaction temperature, H2/CO ratio, W/F(CO+H2) and pressure tuning in the supercritical media FT synthesis were investigated, as well as the effect of the supercritical fluid on the heat transfer within the reactor. The product carbon distribution had a similar shape for all types of solvents and shifted to lighter molar mass compounds with increasing temperature, H2/CO ratio, and W/F(CO+H2). Finally, the product distribution shifted to higher molar mass hydrocarbons with increasing pressure. As a result, one may conclude that a mixture of hydrocarbon products of the FTS can be used as a solvent for supercritical media in Fischer‐Tropsch synthesis.  相似文献   

Atomic scale computer simulation was used to predict the mechanisms and energies associated with the accommodation of aliovalent and isovalent dopants in three host oxides with the corundum structure. Here we consider a much more extensive range of dopant ions than has previously been the case. This enables a rigorous comparison of calculated mechanism energetics. From this we predict that divalent ions are charge compensated by oxygen vacancies and tetravalent ions by cation vacancies over the full range of dopant radii. When defect associations are included in the model these conclusions remain valid. At equilibrium, defects resulting from extrinsic dopant solution dominate intrinsic processes, except for the largest dopant cations. Solution reaction energies increase markedly with increasing dopant radius. The behaviour of cluster binding energies is more complex.  相似文献   

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