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如何打造一个高效的团队,目前国内很多企业的领导对此还颇为挠头。“目前,80%的美国前500家大公司中,约有一半以上员工为工作团队成员;68%的美国中小制造业在生产部门通过团队进行管理,团队的作用不言而喻。但是,处于迅速转型阶段的不少中国企业领导对于如何打造出一个高效的团队还并不清楚。”明基逐鹿软件公司总经理洪宜幸感叹到。  相似文献   

尉春艳 《电子世界》2013,(1):171+177
本文以研发团队为研究对象,从冲突的角度,对研发团队冲突过程进行动态分析,建立了研发团队冲突的过程发展模式,并指出了影响研发团队冲突的其他因素。  相似文献   

知识经济时代和信息化时代的来临,对现代人类生活产生了广泛而深远的影响,这不仅改变了人们的生活与工作,并推动了相关产业的蓬勃发展,网络虚拟信息化的产生、传播和获取都有了新的方式,给传统行业带来新的冲击。网络虚拟信息化团队(简称:虚拟团队)以信息沟通技术为连通,最大化的整合了人力智力资源,能有效的提高企业的竞争力,因此被越来越多的企业所青睐。近几年来,虚拟团队更是以迅雷般的速度席卷全球,在世界各个角度,铺盖了各个行业各个领域。本文通过研究分析虚拟团队沟通的有效性影响因素,对当下虚拟团队中有效性沟通存在的问题提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

本文着重讨论创业创队的形成、创业团队的组建、创业团队的发展,对创业团队做一个全方位的分析。一个好的创业团队对一个刚刚起步的企业发挥的至关重要的作用,本文通过讨论创业团队来说明创业团队对一个企业的重要性。  相似文献   

郑南宁 《现代电子技术》2004,27(21):i002-i002
从微电子技术的发展史和IC产业链的特点可以看到,IC设计业对人才的依赖程度极强,IC企业的发展壮大完全依赖于一批精诚团结、富于创新的技术与管理团队。IC企业面临的最大风险是人才的流失;不但需要大量熟悉电子系统研发的工程师从事IC设计,而且需要大量掌握半导体物理、自动控  相似文献   

面临激烈挑战的今天,需要结合组织内不同的资源,作出迅速的市场反应,只有打造高绩效团队,才能发挥最高的效能;只有建立高尚的团队观念和积极的工作态度,提高团队的绩效和生产力,才能更有效的促进企业的发展。在国企科研单位从事项目管理工作多年,本人就如何打造高绩效团队和大家分享几点经验。  相似文献   

宁涛 《中国无线电》2011,(12):5-I0001
成都九华圆通科技发展有限公司为四川省认定的高新技术企业,是无线电频谱管理装备的专业研发生产企业。 公司经过12年的发展,目前拥有一支以博士、硕士和高级工程师为骨干的研发团队,职工人数达到180余人,形成了覆盖射频微波部件、接收机、干扰机、电台、雷达、无线电监测测向设备的无线电产品研发生产产业链。  相似文献   

阐述了虚拟团队在提高解决问题效率方面的重要作用,提出团队构建时需要注重全局统筹、注意跨专业互补配置、团队项目化运作和不定期审核等考虑因素。针对通信运营企业实际问题,有针对性的提出虚拟团队构建,注重实际生产经营需要,改善企业在实际生产经营当中的实际困难,为通信运营企业优化组织结构、提高整体效率、持续健康发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前中国的CMMB核心芯片研发团队正在加紧与手持消费电子设备企业,如联想、中兴通讯、华旗资讯等,合作开展手机、MP4、GPS等设备上看电视的技术集成和设计工作。  相似文献   

华盛顿大学商学院终身教授陈晓萍在对中国企业的团队建设状况进行调研时发现,87%的受访者坦承自己曾经工作过的团队相当糟糕。究其原因,大多与团队领导缺乏优秀团队文化直接有关。  相似文献   

并行工程下的集成产品开发团队   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了并行工程的理念及并行工程下的集成产品开发团队的概念、组成、管理及信息技术支持 ,并对我国制造业企业新产品开发组织结构的现状及发展方向进行了分析  相似文献   

中国通信市场的快速发展使其成为国内外通信厂商关注的焦点,各厂商为了占领这个市场,都加大了各方面的投入力度,其中研究和开发方面的投入已成为通信厂商的一个重要竞争砝码。本文从人均研发投入、研发机构设置、研发重点、研发合作等方面对国内外通信厂商在中国大陆的研发状况进行了分析,并对未来的产品研发趋势做了总结。  相似文献   

论研发设计质量管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈声涛 《电子质量》2005,(1):30-31,47
质量是做出超越客户期望的东西,质量管理是在有效的管理体系中以最经济的办法生产出适合买方要求的产品,研发设计质量管理是系统的作好产品的“优生”工作。作为组织质量管理体系的一部分,研发设计质量管理越来越为人们重视了,产品质量特性来自于它的设计阶段,如何作好研发设计质量管理工作,是新产品设计阶段工作的重点,本文主要描述了建立研发设计质量管理体系的重要工具和方法。  相似文献   

王毅  贾令宇 《电信科学》2006,22(1):26-28
企业转型是商业模式的再设计,中国电信企业的传统商业模式已经不适应当前的商业环境,亟需创建成功的新商业模式,实现企业转型。对于当前的中国电信企业来说,转型成功的关键因素是实现从基于产品的研发体系到基于商业模式的产品研发体系的转变。基于商业模式的产品研发体系应与战略紧密结合,建立跨部门的合作机制和目标研发管理框架,并以客户为中心设计解决方案。  相似文献   

The author focuses on the scientific output of small and medium-sized firms in high-tech industries in the US. The indicators for technological output have been defined differently by different researchers. Economists have used patents as the measure of research and development (R&D) output, partly because they are easier to delineate than other indicators. Behavioral researchers interested in the R&D management process have relied on publications as a surrogate measure for R&D output, while research in science policy and innovation has focused on products and processes as indicators of innovation and technical output. The author focuses on all three measures as indicators of R&D output and investigates the interrelationship among them as well as the correlates for this output. Except for the chemical industry. R&D expenditure is closely related to size as measured by annual sales, rather than the net income. It is observed that a growing firm is more likely to spend proportionately more money in R&D. The three output measures-patents, papers, and new products-are correlated, but the pattern of the relationship is different in different industries. It is noted that a firm's grown is linked with new products in only some industries. Patents do not seem to have any effect on sales growth. The growth in R&D is not a factor leading to a higher level of scientific productivity. The important factor is the average level of R&D spending. The policy implication for this observation is to maintain a steady funding level of R&D, avoiding sudden changes in R&D budget  相似文献   

唐健 《电信科学》2001,17(2):21-24
中国高速信息示范网(CAINONet)的研究开发项目是“863”计划的一个跨主题重大项目,旨在自行研制出光交叉连接设备、光分插复用设备、核心路由器和一体化网络管理系统,并在北京建立一个基于IP/DWDM的高速信息示范网,连接北京地区部分重要科研院所与著名高等院校,为以光因特网技术为代表的先进网络技术提供一个试验平台。该项目得到了中国最具优势的科研院所和企业的积极参与和大力支持。本文主要报告该项目的立项背景、主要目标、组织结构、研发任务、取得的进展以及下一步的计划等。  相似文献   

Existing studies of conflict management in joint ventures (JVs) assume that the characteristics of the tasks that generate conflict have no impact on either the conflict-performance relationship or on the effectiveness of conflict management techniques. In this paper, we challenge this assumption by examining JV conflict over R&D and marketing tasks. Because JVs decisions are made by two or more partners, often with very different goals and agendas, the potential for conflict is high. In some cases, this conflict can have a positive impact on performance. We hypothesize that this possibility is more likely in the context of R&D task conflict, because: 1) marketing task conflict is relatively more likely to involve distributive (win-lose) issues and 2) when win-win (integrative) potential exists, disputants are relatively less likely to perceive this potential in marketing task conflicts (i.e., the disputants in a marketing task conflict are more likely to approach their conflict from a fixed-pie perspective). Our analysis of data collected from 196 JVs clearly supports this hypothesis. We also find that the relative effectiveness of different conflict management strategies varies depending on whether they are applied to R&D or marketing task conflict. Our results demonstrate the importance of aligning conflict management strategies with the integrative potential of R&D and marketing tasks.  相似文献   

本文回顾了近50年来我国电信科研和产业的成果,重点介绍了列入国家计划的正在进行的课题,展望电信技术的发展方向和研究开发任务。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study on the strategic structure of corporate R&D in Japanese and Australian technology-based companies. The perceived importance and distribution of basic research, precompetitive strategic research and applied research within a corporate R&D portfolio are examined through a comparative analysis of survey data. The results suggest that Japanese firms tend to place great emphasis on basic and precompetitive strategic research, although applied research still retains its importance. They recognize that basic research is critical to achieve long-term competitive advantages in the marketplace. Australian firms also realize the importance of basic research and the use of portfolio approach in R&D management. However, research work in Australian firms tends to focus on applied research with only a limited involvement in medium- and long-term research. Finally, it is concluded that Japanese firms utilize a portfolio approach to corporate R&D management more systematically than do their Australian counterparts  相似文献   

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