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本文以给不同信号相位的车辆分配绿灯时间的交通信号配时问题为代表,将群智能劳动分工应用到时间分配问题的求解中,提出一种新颖的蜂群劳动分工算法(bee swarm labor division algorithm, BSLDA)。首先从时间分配的视角对交通信号配时问题进行分析,然后将激发-抑制原理引入BSLDA,为每个信号相位定义了激发剂和抑制剂,并设计了增加绿灯时间、减少绿灯时间和保持绿灯时间3种行为。在群智能劳动分工激发-抑制原理作用下,BSLDA中的每个信号相位都能根据环境变化选择恰当的行为完成时间分配。最后采用真实的交通流数据进行仿真实验,结果表明本文方法适于求解不确定环境下的交通信号配时问题。  相似文献   

启发于生物狼群群体的劳动分工行为,本文提出一种新颖的角色?匹配狼群劳动分工方法。通过剖析自然狼群的生物学行为,概括提炼出狼群劳动分工行为的个体任务的专职化、个体角色可塑性和任务分配均衡性3个典型特征,并建立了生物狼群劳动分工行为与普适性任务分配问题之间的仿生映射关系;从狼群“个体?个体”+“个体?环境”的交互方式角度出发,分析了角色?匹配的狼群劳动分工的个体角色转换和任务调整机制,研究了狼群角色?匹配的柔性劳动分工机制,提出了一种新的群智能方法,即角色?匹配的狼群劳动分工方法;将狼群的角色?匹配劳动分工与蚁群的刺激?响应劳动分工和蜂群的激发?抑制劳动分工进行了比较分析,并展示出角色?匹配狼群劳动分工方法的应用前景。  相似文献   

赵璞  肖人彬 《控制与决策》2023,38(5):1352-1362
针对边缘计算环境中,边缘设备的计算和存储资源有限的问题,探讨高效的边云协同任务调度和资源缓存策略,研究自组织劳动分工群智能算法模型机理,并以此为基础,提出基于蜂群劳动分工“激发-抑制”模型的边云协同任务调度算法(edge cloud collaborative task scheduling algorithm based on bee colony labor division‘activator-inhibitor’ model, ECCTS-BCLDAI)和基于蚁群劳动分工“刺激-响应”模型的边云协同资源缓存算法(edge cloud collaborative resource caching algorithm based on ant colony labor division ‘stimulus-response’ model,ECCRC-ACLDSR).仿真实验结果表明:所提出的ECCTS-BCLDAI任务调度算法在降低平均任务执行时长、减少边云协同费用上相较于传统算法有更好的表现;所提出的ECCRC-ACLDSR资源缓存算法在降低任务平均时长、优化网络带宽占用率、减少...  相似文献   

受社会性昆虫劳动分工的启发提出一种群机器人地图创建的探索策略,以提高群机器人创建地图的效率。当机器人所在顶点位置有未访问的路径时,机器人随机选择一条未访问路径进行访问;如果当前位置的所有路径都已被访问,机器人会根据响应函数对下一访问位置进行概率选择。对算法分别进行了不同地图规模和机器人数量的计算机仿真实验,根据算法评价指标(覆盖时间、路径重复覆盖次数和覆盖率)对实验结果进行了评价,并与随机选择的算法进行了对比,结果表明算法是可行、有效的。最后指出了下一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

基于群体多样性反馈控制的自组织微粒群算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微粒群算法是一种新型的群智能算法,已被广泛用于各种复杂优化问题的求解,但算法依然面临着过早收敛问题.为克服算法的早熟问题,提出了自组织微粒群算法.将微粒群体视为自组织系统,引入负反馈机制.群体多样性是影响微粒群算法全局优化性能的关键因素,把群体多样性作为个体微粒可感知的群体动态信息,用于动态调整惯性权重或加速度系数,通过不同的特性参数实现微粒的集聚或分散,使群体维持适当的多样性水平以利于全局搜索.用于复杂函数优化问题的求解,并与其他典型改进算法进行了性能比较.仿真结果表明,基于多样性控制的自组织微粒群算法可以有效避免早熟问题,提高微粒群算法求解复杂函数的全局优化性能.  相似文献   

胡亮  肖人彬  李浩 《计算机应用》2019,39(7):1899-1904
群智能劳动分工是指任何启发于群居性昆虫和其他动物群体的集体行为而设计的算法和分布式问题解决方式,可以广泛用于现实生活中的任务分配问题。针对交通信号配时这类任务分配问题,引入描述蜜蜂个体之间交互方式的劳动分工理论,提出了一种基于群智能的蜂群双抑制劳动分工算法(BDILDA),该算法通过个体内部抑制剂和外部抑制剂的相互作用,达到群体劳动分工的动态调节。为了验证BDILDA的有效性,选取交通信号配时问题进行仿真实验。采用BDILDA对实际案例进行了交通信号配时求解,并把所得结果与Webster算法、群智能多种群蚁群算法(MCAA)、迁移蜂群(TBO)算法和反向烟花算法(BFWA)得出的结果进行了对比。实验结果显示所提算法减小平均延误时间14.3~20.1个百分点,减少平均停车次数3.7~4.5个百分点,在最大通行能力方面增加5.2~23.6个百分点。结果表明该算法适于求解不确定环境下的动态分配问题。  相似文献   

针对多目标粒子群优化算法收敛性和多样性难以平衡的问题,提出一种利用问题的结构信息来解决多目标问题的自组织多目标粒子群算法。通过自组织映射网络发现种群和非支配解集分布的结构,构造出当前粒子的邻域关系,从邻域中选出非支配解,从而引导种群局部和全局的搜索。提出了精英学习策略,通过对精英粒子进行变异,引导算法跳出局部最优。实验结果表明,所提算法可以兼顾收敛性和多样性,有效地解决多目标优化问题。  相似文献   

杨惠珍  王强 《控制与决策》2021,36(8):1911-1919
多水下自主航行器(autonomous underwater vehicle,AUV)的动态任务分配问题具有高度非线性、动态不确定性以及多模态的特征,对多AUV任务分配方法的自组织性、鲁棒性以及快速性提出了更高的要求.动态蚁群劳动分工(dynamic ant colony''s labor division,DACLD)模型是一种采用分布式框架的群智能算法,众多行为简单的个体相互作用过程中涌现产生的整体智能行为能很好地适应复杂多变的环境,在解决任务分配问题上具有很好的柔性.引入动态蚁群劳动分工中的刺激-响应原理,建立动态蚁群劳动分工与多AUV任务分配问题之间的映射关系,将任务的状态预测纳入响应阈值,研究基于动态蚁群劳动分工模型的多AUV任务分配方法.同时,针对任务分配过程中可能出现的任务冲突现象,提出新的循环竞争方案以实现最大限度地利用AUV资源.仿真结果表明,所提出的方法能高效地完成任务分配过程,具有很好的自组织性、鲁棒性及快速性.  相似文献   

芦进  肖人彬  李婷婷 《计算机应用》2007,27(12):2888-2892
提出了一种新的算法结构,通过建立"局部环境因数"模型,利用集中式处理模式,动态分配全局勘探和局部开采子种群比例,有效地实现分工目的,平衡算法的局部和全局搜索能力。将其应用到两个不同类型的实际工程约束优化问题中进行验证,并与其他文献的改进算法进行了对比。实验结果表明,该算法比其他改进算法在计算精度、效率、鲁棒性上都有很大的提高。  相似文献   

We design and implement a novel information self-organization model based on Generalized Cellular Automata (GCA),to accomplish network information content self-organization employing the idea of swarm intelli-gence.Through constructing correspondent cell rules and the mapping of complex network environment to our GCA.reasonable distribution of network information from different information sources can be achieved on different notes according to dynamic variation of local network circumstances.Simulation experiment results show many advantages of our methodology over present approaches in terms of efficiency,adaptability,reliability,and easy hardware implementation.  相似文献   

群体智能在图像处理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王宇庆  刘维亚 《计算机应用》2007,27(7):1647-1650
介绍了群体智能的概念和特点,阐述了群体智能在图像处理领域的应用。在此基础上,从人眼的视觉结构以及仿生学的角度出发,对基于群体智能的图像处理方法的基本思想进行了深入的分析和探讨,并与传统的图像处理方法进行了比较。群体智能利用的是群体的优势,通过构造某种形式的子单元簇,使分布于图像环境中的个体以自组织的方式突现出图像本身所具有的某种特征。  相似文献   

Ever since the concept of swarm intelligence was brought out, a variety of control algorithms for swarm robotics has been put forward, and many of these algorithms are stable enough and efficient. Most of the researches only take an invariable controller which functions through the whole stage into consideration, the situation in which controller changes over time is rarely taken into account. However, there are limitations for invariable controller dominated algorithms in practical situation, which makes them unable to meet changing environment. On the contrary, variable controller is more flexible and can be able to adapt to complex environment. Considering such advantages, a time-varying algorithm for swarm robotics is presented in this paper. The algorithm takes time as one of the independent variables so that the controller is no longer fixed through the time, but can be changed over time, which brings more choices for the swarm robot system. In this paper, some relevant simulations are designed to test the algorithm. Different control strategies are applied on the same flock during the time, and a more complex, flexible and practical control effect is acquired successfully.   相似文献   

Early studies in particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm reveal that the social and cognitive components of swarm, i.e. memory swarm, tend to distribute around the problem's optima. Motivated by these findings, we propose a two-layer PSO with intelligent division of labor (TLPSO-IDL) that aims to improve the search capabilities of PSO through the evolution memory swarm. The evolution in TLPSO-IDL is performed sequentially on both the current swarm and the memory swarm. A new learning mechanism is proposed in the former to enhance the swarm's exploration capability, whilst an intelligent division of labor (IDL) module is developed in the latter to adaptively divide the swarm into the exploration and exploitation sections. The proposed TLPSO-IDOL algorithm is thoroughly compared with nine well-establish PSO variants on 16 unimodal and multimodal benchmark problems with or without rotation property. Simulation results indicate that the searching capabilities and the convergence speed of TLPSO-IDL are superior to the state-of-art PSO variants.  相似文献   

Information networks are becoming more and more complex to accommodate a continuously increasing amount of traffic and networked devices, as well as having to cope with a growing diversity of operating environments and applications. Therefore, it is foreseeable that future information networks will frequently face unexpected problems, some of which could lead to the complete collapse of a network. To tackle this problem, recent attempts have been made to design novel network architectures which achieve a high level of scalability, adaptability, and robustness by taking inspiration from self organizing biological systems. The objective of this paper is to discuss biologically inspired networking technologies.  相似文献   

本文针对人工鱼群算法在运行后期搜索的盲目性较大、寻优结果精度较低、运算速度慢的缺点,通过借鉴人类社会中普遍存在的分工、合作和竞争现象,提出一种具备分工、合作和竞争(简称DCC)策略的改进多鱼群算法。该算法策略通过设立多个人工鱼群,分别使用不同的搜索策略,进行算法集成,各人工鱼群之间既进行分工合作,同时又保持竞争关系,通过这种多关系共存的方式来改善算法求解性能,提高求解的质量和效率。通过对几种典型多峰函数的测试表明,该算法策略比其他几种算法能更有效、更精确地找出全局最优解,避免陷入局部最优解,而且该算法策略可通过自适应的演进策略来进一步提高求解的质量。  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt has been made by incorporating some special features in the conventional particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique for decentralized swarm agents. The modified particle swarm algorithm (MPSA) for the self-organization of decentralized swarm agents is proposed and studied. In the MPSA, the update rule of the best agent in swarm is based on a proportional control concept and the objective value of each agent is evaluated on-line. In this scheme, each agent self-organizes to flock to the best agent in swarm and migrate to a moving target while avoiding collision between the agent and the nearest obstacle/agent. To analyze the dynamics of the MPSA, stability analysis is carried out on the basis of the eigenvalue analysis for the time-varying discrete system. Moreover, a guideline about how to tune the MPSA's parameters is proposed. The simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme effectively constructs a self-organized swarm system in the capability of flocking and migration.Category (5) – Intelligent Systems / Intelligent Control / Fuzzy Control / Prosthetics / Robot Motion Planning  相似文献   

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