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Genetic algorithms for flowshop scheduling problems   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this paper, we apply a genetic algorithm to flowshop scheduling problems and examine two hybridizations of the genetic algorithm with other search algorithms. First we examine various genetic operators to design a genetic algorithm for the flowshop scheduling problem with an objective of minimizing the makespan. By computer simulations, we show that the two-point crossover and the shift change mutation are effective for this problem. Next we compare the genetic algorithm with other search algorithms such as local search, taboo search and simulated annealing. Computer simulations show that the genetic algorithm is a bit inferior to the others. In order to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm, we examine the hybridization of the genetic algorithms. We show two hybrid genetic algorithms: genetic local search and genetic simulated annealing. Their high performance is demonstrated by computer simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the two-machine flowshop problem with the makespan minimization and the learning effect, which computational complexity was not determined yet. First, we show that an optimal solution of this problem does not have to be the ‘permutation’ schedule if the learning effect is taken into consideration. Furthermore, it is proved that the permutation and non-permutation versions of this problem are NP-hard even if the learning effect, in a form of a step learning curve, characterizes only one machine. However, if both machines have learning ability and the learning curves are stepwise then the permutation version of this problem is strongly NP-hard. Furthermore, we prove the makespan minimization problem in m-machine permutation proportional flowshop environment remains polynomially solvable with identical job processing times on each machine even if they are described by arbitrary functions (learning curves) dependent on a job position in a sequence. Finally, approximation algorithms for the general problem are proposed and analyzed.  相似文献   

针对流水线调度这一类NP-Hard难题,深入分析了零空闲流水线调度问题,提出了一种解决零空闲流水线调度问题的基于NEH方法的禁忌搜索算法,建立了以工件的最大完工时间为目标的算法模型.新算法利用NEH启发式算法产生问题的初始解,改善了新算法的搜索性能.利用动态方式更新禁忌表长,提高了新算法的鲁棒性.为了提高算法的运行时效,利用快速搜索算法对提出的禁忌搜索算法进行改进,即采用快速搜索算法作为禁忌搜索的邻域函数,得到另一种改进的禁忌搜索算法.仿真试验结果表明了该算法的有效性及优越性,新算法在流水线生产调度及自动化工程等领域具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a time-dependent learning effect in a flowshop scheduling problem. We assume that the time-dependent learning effect of a job was a function of the total normal processing time of jobs scheduled before the job. The following objective functions are explored: the makespan, the total flowtime, the sum of weighted completion times, the sum of the kth power of completion times, and the maximum lateness. Some heuristic algorithms with worst-case analysis for the objective functions are given. Moreover, a polynomial algorithm is proposed for the special case with identical processing time on each machine and that with an increasing series of dominating machines, respectively. Finally, the computational results to evaluate the performance of the heuristics are provided.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the recent research efforts to bridge the gap between the theory and the practice of scheduling by modelizing a realistic manufacturing environment and analyzing the effect of the inclusion of several characteristics in the problem formulation. There are several constraints and characteristics that affect the scheduling operations at companies. While these constraints are many times tackled in the literature, they are seldom considered together inside the same problem formulation. We propose a formulation along with a mixed integer modelization and some heuristics for the problem of scheduling n jobs on m stages where at each stage we have a known number of unrelated machines. The jobs might skip stages and, therefore, we have what we call a hybrid flexible flowshop problem. We also consider per machine sequence-dependent setup times which can be anticipatory and non-anticipatory along with machine lags, release dates for machines, machine eligibility and precedence relationships among jobs. Manufacturing environments like this appear in sectors like food processing, ceramic tile manufacturing and several others. The optimization criterion considered is the minimization of the makespan. The MIP model and the heuristics proposed are tested against a comprehensive benchmark and the results evaluated by advanced statistical tools that make use of decision trees and experimental designs. The results allow us to identify the constraints that increase the difficulty.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discrete version of the Inter-Species Cuckoo Search (ISCS) algorithm and illustrates its use for solving two significant types of the flow-shop scheduling problems. These are Hybrid Flow-shop Scheduling (HFS) and Permutation Flow-shop Sequencing Problems (PFSP). Hybrid flowshop scheduling problems are a generalization of flowshops having parallel machines in some stages and these problems are known to be NP-hard. A heuristic rule called the Smallest Position Value (SPV) is used to enable the continuous inter-species cuckoo search to be applied to most types of sequencing problems. Makespan and mean flow time are the objective functions considered and computational experiments are carried out to compare the proposed Discrete Inter-Species Cuckoo Search (DISCS) with other state-of-the-art meta-heuristic algorithms. Experimental results confirm the superiority of DISCS with respect to many other existing metaheuristic search algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a Self-guided Genetic Algorithm (Self-guided GA), which belongs to the category of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs). Most EDAs explicitly use the probabilistic model to sample new solutions without using traditional genetic operators. EDAs make good use of the global statistical information collected from previous searches but they do not efficiently use the location information about individual solutions. It is recently realized that global statistical information and location information should complement each other during the evolution process. In view of this, we design the Self-guided GA based on a novel strategy to combine these two kinds of information. The Self-guided GA does not sample new solutions from the probabilistic model. Instead, it estimates the quality of a candidate offspring based on the probabilistic model used in its crossover and mutation operations. In such a way, the mutation and crossover operations are able to generate fitter solutions, thus improving the performance of the algorithm. We tested the proposed algorithm by applying it to deal with the NP-complete flowshop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan. The experimental results show that the Self-guided GA is very promising. We also demonstrate that the Self-guided GA can be easily extended to treat other intractable combinatorial problems.  相似文献   

This paper considers the two-stage flexible flowshop scheduling problem with availability constraints. We discuss the complexity and the approximability of the problem, and provide some approximation algorithms with finite and tight worst case performance bounds for some special cases of the problem.  相似文献   

陈可嘉  王潇 《控制与决策》2013,28(10):1502-1506
针对两机无等待流水车间调度问题,提出目标函数最大完工时间最小化的快速算法,并给出算法的复杂度。分析两机无等待流水车间调度问题的排列排序性质,证明了两机无等待流水车间调度问题的可行解只存在于排列排序中,排列排序的最优解一定是两机无等待流水车间调度问题的最优解。最后研究了同时包含普通工件和无等待工件的两机流水车间调度问题的复杂性,为进一步研究两机无等待流水车间调度问题提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient meta-heuristic algorithm based on electromagnetism-like mechanism (EM), in which has been successfully implemented in a few combinatorial problems. We propose the EM for scheduling the flow shop problem that minimizes the makespan and total weighted tardiness and considers transportation times between machines and stage skipping (i.e., some jobs may not need to be processed on all the machines). To show the efficiency of this proposed algorithm, we also apply simulated annealing (SA) and some other well-recognized constructive heuristics, such as SPT, NEH, (g/2, g/2) Johnson’ rule, EWDD, SLACK, and NEH_EWDD for the given problems. To evaluate the performance and robustness of our proposed EM, we experiment a number of test problems. Our computational results show that our proposed EM in almost all cases outperforms SA and other foregoing heuristics applied to this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a flowshop scheduling problem with a special blocking RCb (Release when Completing Blocking). This flexible production system is prevalent in some industrial environments. Genetic algorithms are first proposed for solving these flowshop problems and different initial populations have been tested to find which is best adapted. Then, a method is proposed for further improving genetic algorithm found solutions, which consists in marking out recurrent genes association occurrences in an already genetic algorithm optimized population. This idea directly follows Holland’s first statement about nature observations. Here, proposed idea is that populations well adapted to a problem have an adapted genetic code with common properties. We propose to mark out these properties in available genetic code to further improve genetic algorithm efficiency. Implementation of this method is presented and obtained results on flowshop scheduling problems are discussed.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimisation problems have seen a large impulse in the last decades. Many new techniques for solving distinct variants of multi-objective problems have been proposed. Production scheduling, as with other operations management fields, is no different. The flowshop problem is among the most widely studied scheduling settings. Recently, the Iterated Greedy methodology for solving the single-objective version of the flowshop problem has produced state-of-the-art results. This paper proposes a new algorithm based on Iterated Greedy technique for solving the multi-objective permutation flowshop problem. This algorithm is characterised by an effective initialisation of the population, management of the Pareto front, and a specially tailored local search, among other things. The proposed multi-objective Iterated Greedy method is shown to outperform other recent approaches in comprehensive computational and statistical tests that comprise a large number of instances with objectives involving makespan, tardiness and flowtime. Lastly, we use a novel graphical tool to compare the performances of stochastic Pareto fronts based on Empirical Attainment Functions.  相似文献   

In our previous researches, we proposed the artificial chromosomes with genetic algorithm (ACGA) which combines the concept of the Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) with genetic algorithms (GAs). The probabilistic model used in the ACGA is the univariate probabilistic model. We showed that ACGA is effective in solving the scheduling problems. In this paper, a new probabilistic model is proposed to capture the variable linkages together with the univariate probabilistic model where most EDAs could use only one statistic information. This proposed algorithm is named extended artificial chromosomes with genetic algorithm (eACGA). We investigate the usefulness of the probabilistic models and to compare eACGA with several famous permutation-oriented EDAs on the benchmark instances of the permutation flowshop scheduling problems (PFSPs). eACGA yields better solution quality for makespan criterion when we use the average error ratio metric as their performance measures. In addition, eACGA is further integrated with well-known heuristic algorithms, such as NEH and variable neighborhood search (VNS) and it is denoted as eACGAhybrid to solve the considered problems. No matter the solution quality and the computation efficiency, the experimental results indicate that eACGAhybrid outperforms other known algorithms in literature. As a result, the proposed algorithms are very competitive in solving the PFSPs.  相似文献   

Recently, iterated greedy algorithms have been successfully applied to solve a variety of combinatorial optimization problems. This paper presents iterated greedy algorithms for solving the blocking flowshop scheduling problem (BFSP) with the makespan criterion. Main contributions of this paper can be summed up as follows. We propose a constructive heuristic to generate an initial solution. The constructive heuristic generates better results than those currently in the literature. We employ and adopt well-known speed-up methods from the literature for both insertion and swap neighborhood structures. In addition, an iteration jumping probability is proposed to change the neighborhood structure from insertion neighborhood to swap neighborhood. Generally speaking, the insertion neighborhood is much more effective than the swap neighborhood for the permutation flowshop scheduling problems. Instead of considering the use of these neighborhood structures in a framework of the variable neighborhood search algorithm, two powerful local search algorithms are designed in such a way that the search process is guided by an iteration jumping probability determining which neighborhood structure will be employed. By doing so, it is shown that some additional enhancements can be achieved by employing the swap neighborhood structure with a speed-up method without jeopardizing the effectiveness of the insertion neighborhood. We also show that the performance of the iterated greedy algorithm significantly depends on the speed-up method employed. The parameters of the proposed iterated greedy algorithms are tuned through a design of experiments on randomly generated benchmark instances. Extensive computational results on Taillard’s well-known benchmark suite show that the iterated greedy algorithms with speed-up methods are equivalent or superior to the best performing algorithms from the literature. Ultimately, 85 out of 120 problem instances are further improved with substantial margins.  相似文献   

Storage or buffer capacities between successive machines in flowshop problems may be unlimited, limited or null. The last two cases can lead to blocking situations. In flowshop scheduling literature, many studies have been performed about classical flowshop problems and also about some problems with only one blocking situation between all machines.  相似文献   

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a novel metaheuristic inspired by the flocking behavior of birds. The applications of PSO to scheduling problems are extremely few. In this paper, we present a PSO algorithm, extended from discrete PSO, for flowshop scheduling. In the proposed algorithm, the particle and the velocity are redefined, and an efficient approach is developed to move a particle to the new sequence. To verify the proposed PSO algorithm, comparisons with a continuous PSO algorithm and two genetic algorithms are made. Computational results show that the proposed PSO algorithm is very competitive. Furthermore, we incorporate a local search scheme into the proposed algorithm, called PSO-LS. Computational results show that the local search can be really guided by PSO in our approach. Also, PSO-LS performs well in flowshop scheduling with total flow time criterion, but it requires more computation times.  相似文献   

A hybrid sliding level Taguchi-based particle swarm optimization (HSLTPSO) algorithm is proposed for solving multi-objective flowshop scheduling problems (FSPs). The proposed HSLTPSO integrates particle swarm optimization, sliding level Taguchi-based crossover, and elitist preservation strategy. The novel contribution of the proposed HSLTPSO is the use of a PSO to explore the optimal feasible region in macro-space, the use of a systematic reasoning mechanism of the sliding level Taguchi-based crossover to exploit the better solution in micro-space, and the use of the elitist preservation strategy to retain the best particles of multi-objective population for next iteration. The sliding level Taguchi-based crossover is embedded in the PSO to find the best solutions and consequently enhance the PSO. Using the systematic reasoning way of the Taguchi-based crossover with considering the influence of tuning factors α, β and γ is presented in this study to solve the conflicting problem of non-feasible solutions and to find the better particles. As a result, it exhibits a significant improvement in Pareto best solutions of the FSP. By combining the advantages of exploration and exploitation, from the computational experiments of the six test problems, the HSLTPSO provides better results compared to the existing methods reported in the literature when solving multi-objective FSPs. Therefore, the HSLTPSO is an effective approach in solving multi-objective FSPs.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of scheduling part families and jobs within each part family in a flowshop manufacturing cell with sequence dependent family setups times where it is desired to minimize the makespan while processing parts (jobs) in each family together. Two evolutionary algorithms—a Genetic Algorithm and a Memetic Algorithm with local search—are proposed and empirically evaluated as to their effectiveness in finding optimal permutation schedules. The proposed algorithms use a compact representation for the solution and a hierarchically structured population where the number of possible neighborhoods is limited by dividing the population into clusters. In comparison to a Multi-Start procedure, solutions obtained by the proposed evolutionary algorithms were very close to the lower bounds for all problem instances. Moreover, the comparison against the previous best algorithm, a heuristic named CMD, indicated a considerable performance improvement.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on single machine scheduling subject to inventory constraints. Jobs add or remove items to or from the inventory, respectively. Jobs that remove items cannot be processed if the required number of items is not available. We consider scheduling problems on a single machine where the objective is to minimize the total weighted completion time. We develop properties of optimal solutions and design a branch and bound algorithm and a dynamic programming algorithm with two extensions. We compare the approaches in our computational study and empirically derive parameter settings leading to instances which are hard to solve.  相似文献   

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