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Dark septate endophytes (DSE) are ubiquitous and abundant in stressful environments including heavy metal (HM) stress. However, our knowledge about the roles of DSE in improving HM tolerance of their host plants is poor. In this study, maize (Zea mays L.) was inoculated with a HM tolerant DSE strain Exophiala pisciphila H93 in lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) contaminated soils. E. pisciphila H93 successfully colonized and formed typical DSE structures in the inoculated maize roots. Colonization of E. pisciphila H93 alleviated the deleterious effects of excessive HM supplements and promoted the growth of maize (roots and shoots) under HM stress conditions, though it significantly decreased the biomass of inoculated maize under no HM stress. Further analysis showed that the colonization of E. pisciphila H93 improved the tolerance of maize to HM by restricting the translocation of HM ions from roots to shoots. This study demonstrated that under higher HM stress, such a mutual symbiosis between E. pisciphila and its host (maize) may be an efficient strategy to survive in the stressful environments.  相似文献   

After sampling over regular intervals from 1985 to 1987 the heavy metals Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were quantitatively determined by atomic emission spectrometry/inductively coupled plasma in above-ground parts of the moss Polytrichum formosum (Hedw.). All metals present a typical summer-winter oscillation (seasonal variation), which is much greater than the "inter-stand" variation of Polytrichum formosum within the forest ecosystem under investigation. To obtain comparable results on a regional or global scale it is suggested to collect all samples of Polytrichum formosum for biomonitoring purposes in the last week of September.  相似文献   

To assess the feasibility of using animal excrement to biomonitor the extent of heavy metal contamination in the marine environment, concentrations of mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in the fresh excrement of seabirds and marine mammals, along with other biomaterials, from the Arctic, Antarctica (West and East), and Xisha Archipelago of the South China Sea were determined. Results show that the excrement of marine animals at higher trophic levels generally contained high levels of Hg, demonstrating the biomagnification of Hg through food chains in different remote regions. Significant variations in metal accumulation in the excrements were observed among the distinctive geographical areas, with the highest Hg concentration in Xisha Archipelago and the highest Pb concentration in the Arctic, which reflects different levels of air metal pollution at various sampling locations. Concentrations of Cu in the excrements primarily correlate to the geochemical background levels in the regions. High Cu concentrations were found near the Great Wall Station in West Antarctica where a copper mineralized belt exists. No clear spatial variation pattern was found for Zn accumulation in the excrement. This study shows that animal excrement can be used as bioindicators for the level of metal contamination in the marine environment, with the advantages of easy sampling, accurate detection (i.e., with high levels of metal accumulation), and reconstructing historical metal contamination trends by long-term monitoring of sedimentary excrements.  相似文献   

Sea stars (Asterias rubens L.) were collected in different stations distributed in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Concentrations of four heavy metals and six PCB congeners were measured in two body compartments (body wall and pyloric caeca). In order to assess the potential harm of these contaminants, two biochemical parameters were measured in sea stars, viz. reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by amoebocytes and cytochrome P450 immunopositive protein (CYP1A IPP) induction in pyloric caeca. Sea stars from stations located in the plume of the Scheldt river showed the highest contamination levels. Other stations, similarly located, displayed lower levels. No simple relationship could be established between ROS production by sea star amoebocytes and contaminant levels measured in sea star tissues. CYP1A IPP induction displayed more contrasted responses, and highly significant regressions were found between PCB concentrations measured in pyloric caeca and CYP1A IPP. Both biological parameters were found to vary significantly over the study area. On the whole, data indicated that contamination levels and subsequent effects in sea stars were comparable to those described in previous large-scale studies, but that working at a smaller scale highlighted the existence of patterns of contamination which can blur general trends due to major contamination sources like contaminated rivers.  相似文献   

Samples of Severn Estuary (U.K.) inter-tidal sediments were fractionated into a range of particle sizes. The heavy metal concentrations in the non-residual portion (acid leach) of the sediment increased with decreasing particle size. However, the general trend was upset by a large proportion of coal particles from the adjacent S. Wales coalfield, within one specific fraction causing an enhanced heavy metal concentration. There were significant (99% confidence level) correlations between the amount of less than 20 μm material in the sediment and the concentration of Fe, Pb, Cu and Mn; lower, but still significant correlations (95% confidence level) were found for Zn, Cd, Ni and Cr. No significant correlation was found for Co. The ratio of heavy metal associated with the less than 20-μm fraction of the sediment to the metal associated with the unfractionated sediment increased for Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn in the lower part of the estuary.  相似文献   

The concentrations of various metals (Zn, Cu, Mn and Cr) in liver, kidneys and brain from specimens of the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus captured from 5 sites were measured. Two of the sites were in a restored mine dump, another in an area characterized by serpentized soils and the remaining two were control sites. The sample size required for statistical differentiation of the sampling sites was calculated from the mean values and the variability in bioaccumulation corresponding to each of the sites. The relationship between the sample size and the results of the statistical test used to reveal significant differences between the mean concentrations of metals in organs from A. sylvaticus is demonstrated. The homeostatic control exerted by the wood mice on the tissue levels of metals reduced the interpopulational variability, thereby homogenizing the mean bioaccumulation corresponding to the different sampling stations. The sample size, tissue regulation of the levels of heavy metals and the patterns of variability are of vital importance in evaluating the usefulness of A. sylvaticus as a biomonitor of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Hair samples from the scalp were used in a preliminary assessment of heavy metals exposure (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Zn) of the human population living near an abandoned cupric pyrite mine (Mina de S. Domingos, Southeast Alentejo, Portugal). In parallel with the collection of hair samples, individuals from two different communities at the South and North of the mine area answered a questionnaire designed to obtain information about potential exposure pathways to these elements. The questionnaire allowed data collection about the most frequently consumed foodstuffs, drinking water sources, smoking habits, alcohol consumption and health condition. Higher concentrations, and subsequently higher ranges, of Cd, Cu and As were recorded in individuals living near the mine (MSD group), in opposition to individuals living several kilometers apart. Additionally, the concentrations recorded in the hair of some individuals from the MSD group were above the reference values for non-exposed individuals, suggesting their enhanced exposure. However, no significant differences were found for the average concentration of these elements between villages. Individuals from the CP and SC groups presented significantly higher concentrations of Zn and Mn in scalp hair. These results were in agreement with the concentrations of these elements recorded in soil samples. The water supplies of the area do not seem to be potential sources of trace elements for human beings. In opposition, individuals that frequently consume milk and cheese obtained from cattle that usually breeds in the area presented significantly higher concentrations of As and Mn in their scalp hair. Our results suggest that the population of S. Domingos mine area and neighbour localities may be exposed to some of the elements analysed namely Mn and Zn. The most likely exposure pathways seemed to be animal foodstuffs, however, a more detailed analysis of these products, as well as garden vegetables and fruits, should be performed.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cd, Pb and Co have been determined in water, bottom sediments, plankton, zoobenthos and ichthyofauna of mesotropic Lake Piaseczno located in eastern Poland. In water, sediments, plankton and benthos the most abundant heavy metals were Fe, Zn and Mn, whereas in fish Zn, Cu, and Mn were most abundant. The amount of heavy metals in the biotic components was dependent upon their concentration in water and partly upon the concentration in bottom sediments. A considerably less important role in the translocation of heavy metals is probably played by trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, copper, mercury, lead and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the muscle, gill and liver of bream Abramis brama L. to study the relationship between the heavy metal load of fish and their age and size, and the seasonal variation of pollutant loads. Fish were collected from the Western basin of Lake Balaton (Hungary) in October 1999 and May 2000. The average metal concentrations of different organs varied in the following ranges: Cd 0.42-2.10; Cu 1.77-56.2; Hg 0.01-0.19; Pb 0.44-3.24; Zn 10.9-82.5 microg g(-1) dry weight. The highest Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations were detected in the gill or liver of fish, whereas the highest Hg concentrations were measured in the muscle. In the liver of bream for cadmium, copper and mercury the Pearson correlation analysis revealed positive associations related to age and size (length, net weight), as well as for the mercury load of all three investigated organs. In the muscle and gill the copper, lead and zinc concentrations, similarly to the lead and zinc concentrations of the liver, the associations related to age and size were negative. The correlations between the heavy metal concentrations of organs and the individual condition factors of fish samples proved to have opposite trends compared to those related to the age and size of fish. The seasonal variations in the heavy metal load of bream could be attributed rather to the seasonal change in the condition factor of fish than to variations in the pollutant load of the site.  相似文献   

Gay D  Maher W 《Water research》2003,37(9):2173-2185
Copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium were measured in the gastropod mollusc Bembicium nanum at two uncontaminated locations, Jervis Bay and Rosedale, NSW, to determine natural variability of metals associated with gender, mass, shore position and temporal variability. Trace metals were also measured in B. nanum at three industrialised locations to determine the accumulation of trace metals in contaminated environments.Copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations were not significantly different between male and female B. nanum. No significant relationships were found between zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations and mass. There was a significant relationship between copper concentration and mass but only 19% of the variation was explained by mass. Generally inherent variability within samples had a greater influence than gender or variations in mass on trace metal concentrations.No trend was found in cadmium and selenium concentrations with variation in shoreline position. Copper and zinc concentrations increased further away from the low tide mark, with a decrease in metal concentrations at the furthest site from the water. Variability in metal concentrations is attributable to variations in food source, food availability and different immersion times.Copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations varied over a 12-month period. Copper, cadmium and selenium were taken up and lost over time, as metal body burden followed the same trend as metal concentrations. Zinc concentrations were influenced by mass. Copper and cadmium concentrations fluctuated throughout the 12-month period but with no clear seasonal trends. Selenium concentrations peaked in spring (October), with concentrations remaining uniform over the other months. These differences in mean concentrations between months were most likely due to inherent trace metal variability associated with differences in food availability and changes in metabolic rates associated with changes in temperature during the study period.Measurement of trace metals in B. nanum at contaminated sites showed that B. nanum accumulates metals in response to contamination.B. nanum meets most of the requirements to be a biomonitor of trace metal contamination as they are abundant, sedentary, easy to identify, provide sufficient tissue for analysis, tolerate high concentrations of pollutants and they accumulate trace metals in response to contamination. However, as trace metal concentration can vary with mass, shoreline position and temporally, care must be taken to collect individual organisms with similar mass from similar shoreline positions and times.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the heavy metals Cd, Cu, Fe Mn, V and Zn have been measured in the principal tissues of the red mullet, Mullus barbatus (L.), during a complete sexual cycle. By comparison of metal levels during the reproductive and non-reproductive periods, it was found that concentrations as well as total amounts of Cu, Mn and Zn in liver and gonads of male and female mullets were dependent upon the stage of the sexual cycle. No relationship with the sexual cycle was noted for these metals measured in muscle, kidney, spleen or pyloric caecum. Because of the observed variation in liver and gonad metal concentrations, these tissues appear to be poor indicators of ambient levels of metals in the surrounding waters. However, muscle may prove useful as an indicator tissue owing to its apparent independence of effects of the sexual cycle.  相似文献   

An evaluation is reported of methods used to prepare mosses for analysis when required for monitoring metal pollution. Fontinalis antipyretica and Rhynchostegium riparioides taken from the River Hoëgne, Belgium, were used for the study. The stages in preparation studied critically were the storage of the moss after it had been collected from the river, washing, choice of which particular fraction to use and the conditions for final drying prior to digestion. For any one particular treatment, the concentrations of metals analysed (Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) were usually lower in Fontinalis than Rhynchostegium. Metal concentrations found as a result of the various treatments differed markedly for some metals, including Zn, Cd and Pb. However no one sequence of methods is ideal for all purposes. Criteria that need to be considered when selecting methods include the time and facilities available and whether the moss is to be used for monitoring long-term or short-term pollution.  相似文献   

Contents of iron, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel, lead and cadmium were determined in the brain, pectoral muscle, kidney, liver and bones of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), a cosmopolitan, herbivorous duck species. Both immature (im; in the first year of life) and older (adult, ad) ducks were studied. The birds originated from wetlands in two areas in north-western Poland, one located in the S?ońsk waterfowl reserve (n = 32 im + 24 ad) and the other near the city of Szczecin (n = 21 im + 21 ad). There were numerous significant age-dependent differences in the metal contents of the organs of the Mallards obtained from near Szczecin (Sz) and/or S?ońsk (S). Copper contents in the brain (Sz and S), muscles (Sz) and kidneys (Sz) as well as cadmium contents in the liver (Sz, S), kidneys (Sz, S) and muscles (S) were observed to increase with age. Between-area differences in metal contents of individual organs were recorded as well. The S Mallard showed higher contents of iron and copper (in muscles, liver and kidneys), zinc (in liver and kidneys) and cadmium (in muscles, liver and kidneys), while the Sz ducks revealed higher contents of manganese and lead (in brain and bones). The differences observed may be related to the habitat specificity: the Sl?ońsk reserve is periodically flooded by the River Odra (Oder) waters that carry pollutants from a copper mining area 250 km away. On the other hand, the mid-field ponds near Szczecin are affected by pollutants, including those that are manganese-rich, generated by agriculture and traffic.  相似文献   

The outermost bark layer of trees, predominantly Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), was sampled at 82 non-urban locations from six arbitrarily designated areas (Northwest, Northeast, Central Highlands, Central and East, Central and Southwest, Southeast), throughout Scotland during 2002-2003 and analysed for lead concentration and stable lead isotopes by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), respectively. The mean lead concentration and mean (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio (+/-1 standard deviation, SD) for bark samples from the areas were as follows: Northwest (8.0 mg kg(-1), 1.121+/-0.014, n=17), Northeast (8.9 mg kg(-1), 1.117+/-0.012, n=12), Central Highlands (11.3 mg kg(-1), 1.130+/-0.010, n=11), Central and East (35.3 mg kg(-1), 1.120+/-0.007, n=10), Central and Southwest (20.6 mg kg(-1), 1.125+/-0.018, n=22) and Southeast (34.4 mg kg(-1), 1.120+/-0.005, n=10), with an overall mean lead concentration of 18.5 mg kg(-1) (range 0.6-146 mg kg(-1), median 8.4 mg kg(-1)) and an overall mean (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio of 1.122+/-0.014 (range 1.089-1.168, median 1.122). The overall mean (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio for bark was therefore significantly lower (p<0.01, t test) than the mean atmospheric (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio of 1.154+/-0.006 (range 1.144-1.167, n=50) and 1.154+/-0.010 (range 1.134-1.171, n=26) as determined in rainwater collected routinely at Glensaugh, Central Highlands, during 2002 and 2003, respectively. The bark (206)Pb/(207)Pb values, 90% of which lay between 1.10 and 1.14, were more akin to those recorded for the atmosphere (via rainwater, atmospheric particulates, moss, etc.) at various locations throughout Scotland during the 1990s, a decade over which the use of leaded petrol (mean (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio=1.076+/-0.011) declined markedly before its complete withdrawal in 2000. This strongly suggests that the lead content and isotopic composition of tree bark from Scots pine, which reputedly sheds its outer layers every couple of years or so, reflect exposure to atmospherically deposited lead (in the atmosphere or soil) over a much longer time period than just the previous 2-3 years of exposure to contemporary atmospheric lead. The possible influence of soil lead upon tree bark through external attachment was not observed in a comparative sub-set study of 27 paired bark (mean (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio=1.122+/-0.016) and surface (0-2 cm) soil (mean (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio=1.145+/-0.022) samples, in only six cases (i.e. 22%) of which did the corresponding (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios agree within +/-2 SD. Likewise, bark (206)Pb/(207)Pb values exhibited no discernible trend with distance from the nearest road, with similar average values for 0-20 m (1.123+/-0.015, n=34) and 20-700 m (1.122+/-0.012, n=48), although the corresponding mean (and median) lead concentration of 23.5 (10) mg kg(-1) vs. 14.9 (7.5) mg kg(-1) was slightly higher for the former. The influence of airborne dusts from waste deposits related to former mining/smelting of Wanlockhead/Leadhills lead ores ((206)Pb/(207)Pb=1.170+/-0.003) could be seen, however, in the sycamore bark lead concentrations of up to 3050 mg kg(-1) and (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios (1.168-1.171) observed at a distance of 0.5 km away.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in the marine gastropod, Littorina brevicula Philippi, were determined to assess the metal pollution in Onsan Bay, Korea. Samples of L. brevicula employed as a biomonitor and seawater were collected from 12 to 20 stations of Onsan Bay in November 1997, respectively. Dissolved metal concentrations in surface seawater were highest at the station near Onsan Non-ferrous Industrial Complex: 1.15 micrograms l-1 for Cd, 2.49 micrograms l-1 for Pb, 3.75 micrograms l-1 for Cu and 23.98 micrograms l-1 for Zn. These values were 1-2 orders higher than those shown at outer regions of the Bay. Metal concentrations in the soft body of periwinkles were highly variable at different sampling locations: 0.48-27.11 micrograms g-1 for Cd, 1.41-24.91 micrograms g-1 for Pb, 57-664 micrograms g-1 for Cu and 83-246 micrograms g-1 for Zn. The values from stations near the industrial complex were higher than those expected from relationships between body sizes and metal body burdens in periwinkles collected from the whole Korean coast. Spatial distribution of metal concentrations in the periwinkle and seawater indicated that Onsan industrial complex near the Bay is the input source of these metals. Especially, Cd and Pb concentrations in the periwinkle and seawater were distinctly decreased with distance from the Onsan industrial complex. Non-essential metals such as Cd and Pb in the periwinkle showed a strong correlation with dissolved metal concentrations in seawater. Conversely, essential Cu and Zn in the periwinkle were hardly explained by those in seawater, except at the most contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Sponge 'sentinel' of heavy metals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possibility of monitoring siliceous sponges as an ideal bioindicator of 17 trace metals and halogens was investigated. Of the two species of Demosponge from the Indian coastal waters receiving stable and radioactive nuclides (54Mn, 63Ni, 65Zn, 60Co, 75Se, 113Sn, 90Sr, 131I, 137Cs), Spirastrella cuspidifera was found to accumulate Cd, Cr, and Sn in the range of 15-2000 micrograms g-1 dry tissue, some 5-7 orders of magnitude higher than in the ambient waters. Prostylyssa foetida, from the same microecological niche, was found to be totally free of these three metal ions. The bioaccumulation of Ni was also significantly higher in S. cuspidifera (400-2250 micrograms g-1) than in P. foetida (7-15 micrograms g-1). The former species was also found to be an ideal sentinel for detecting levels of Co, Zn, and Ti; levels of Cu, Mn, Pb Fe and Sr were higher in P. foetida, but those of the halogens I and Br were practically identical in both species. Furthermore, bioaccumulation of metal ions was found to be a function of sponge tissue itself, rather than that of either obligate or facultative symbiont microflora. In view of the high degree of species specificity which sponges exhibit while accumulating many trace metal ions, a 'sponge watch programme' is proposed on a global scale for monitoring the health of coastal ecosystems against a variety of potentially toxic pollutants.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring study was made of the atmospheric deposition of arsenic and selenium across northern Canada utilizing Sphagnum fuscum moss. Intensive sampling was carried out adjacent to the smelter at Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. An average background concentration of arsenic in the moss of 0.66 mg kg-1 was determined, while most selenium concentrations were below the detection limit of 0.2 mg kg-1. Elevated arsenic concentrations were found in the vicinity of the mining and smelting areas of Flin Flon, Manitoba, and Atikokan, Ontario. High concentrations of selenium were detected only near Rouyn-Noranda. Both arsenic and selenium occurred in moss at concentrations lower than found in Canadian soils.  相似文献   

综述了民族药——铁包金的化学成分、药理作用和繁殖等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Chemical binding of heavy metals in anoxic river sediments.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
K C Yu  L J Tsai  S H Chen  S T Ho 《Water research》2001,35(17):4086-4094
Acid volatile sulfides (AVS) in sediments are available for binding with divalent cationic metals through the formation of insoluble metal-sulfide complexes, thereby controlling the metal bioavailability and subsequent toxicity to benthic biocommunities. However, when the molar concentrations of simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) were greater than AVS, the unexpectedly low or nondetectable levels of metal in pore water could also be found. Thus, except AVS, additional binding phases in sediments were supposed to provide the binding sites for SEM. The aims of this study are to realize the spatial distribution of AVS, SEM, and other binding phases of heavy metals in anoxic sediments of the Ell-Ren river and to elucidate what may be the main additional binding phases except AVS in the anoxic river sediments. By comparing the spatial distributions of SEM/ AVS ratio with various binding phases in extremely anoxic sediments (redox potential was between -115 and -208 mV), both organic matter and carbonates could be considered to be the main additional binding phases of SEM other than AVS. In addition, AVS appeared to have the priority to bind with SEM. By comparing the binding phases of heavy metals before and after AVS extraction, it could be found that Fe-oxides could also be considered to be the main additional binding phase associated with Zn in slightly anoxic sediments (redox potential was between -50 and -130mV), while organic matter with Cu being the next.  相似文献   

A circumpolar survey of heavy metals in willow ptarmigan liver and kidney revealed considerable variations in Cd content in Canada and Scandinavia. The Cd content in central Canada was comparable with that in Scandinavia and Russia, at least for kidney. However, in both liver and kidney the median for Canada as a whole was much higher than in the other countries. Some Canadian locations had exceptionally high levels, several birds having >50 mg kg(-1) in liver and >400 mg kg(-1) in kidney. In Norway, the Cd content was highest in central mountain areas in south Norway and inland locations in the two northernmost counties. Five locations in central and north Norway showed mean Cd levels in kidney above 100 mg kg(-1). It is difficult to evaluate regional differences in Sweden, but most locations had the same Cd level as moderately contaminated locations in Norway. Cd levels in Russia were comparable to moderately contaminated locations in the other countries. Due to a high intake of willow, naturally rich in Cd, direct comparison of the Cd level in willow ptarmigan from different locations cannot reveal the effects of long-range pollution. The Pb concentration in willow ptarmigan kidney and liver varied significantly in Norway and Canada, but not in Sweden and Russia. Levels in Sweden and Russia were comparable to those in Canada and low levels in Norway. The highest median value from all locations within countries was found in Norway, both in liver and kidney. The highest Pb content was found in south Norway, indicating an effect of long-range pollution in willow ptarmigan. The level in western Canada was significantly higher than in central Canada. The Hg content in liver varied significantly from one location to another in all the countries and in kidney everywhere except Sweden. In Scandinavia, there is no distinct regional pattern. Canada had a significantly higher Hg level in central than western regions in both tissues the opposite of that found for Cd and Pb. Cu and Zn showed significant variations from one location to another in liver and kidney in Canada and Norway, but only in kidney in samples from Sweden. Comparison between western and central Canada revealed a significant difference for Cu in liver, samples from central Canada having more. There are no significant differences from one country to another, but some localities in Canada seem to have higher Cu concentrations in kidney than are found in Scandinavia and Russia.  相似文献   

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