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研究了碳离子束辐照剂量对甜高粱节间数的影响及辐照后不同节间长度、节间重量及糖锤度的变化规律.结果表明:(1)不同的辐照剂量对节间数影响差异不显著(p>0.05);(2)和对照BJ0601相比,碳离子束辐照后,KFJT-1的节间长度、节间重量及节间糖锤度的平均值均有所增加,增加量的平均值分别为0.6cm,18.9g,0.79%.  相似文献   

碳离子束对甜高粱辐射诱变的当代效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用兰州重离子加速器提供的中能碳离子束对甜高粱品种BJO601和BJO602进行了不同剂量的辐照处理,以期选育出生物学产量高、汁液糖锤度高及抗逆性强的品种.当代田间试验结果表明:(1)甜高粱在田间的存活曲线均呈"类马鞍型",随着剂量的增加,其存活率先降后升再下降;(2)随着辐照剂量的变化,其茎秆亩产量、糖锤度和对照相比,均发生了明显的变化;(3)经过碳离子束辐照,出现了株高、单秆重、糖锤度高、早熟、茎粗等突变类型,为进一步的品种选育和诱变机理研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

利用兰州重离子加速器提供的中能碳离子束对甜高高粱品种BJ0601和BJ0602进行了不同剂量的辐照处理,以期选育出生物学产量高、汁液糖锤度高及抗逆性强的品种。当代田间试验结果表明:(1)甜高梁在田间的存活曲线均呈“类马鞍型”,随着剂量的增加,其存活率先降后升再下降;(2)随着辐照剂量的变化,其茎秆亩产量、糖锤度和对照相比,均发生了明显的变化;(3)经过碳离子束辐照,出现了株高、单秆重、糖锤度高、早熟、茎粗等突变类型,为进一步的品种选育和诱变机理研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

碳离子辐照诱变产生的甜高粱M2代幼苗对高温胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甜高粱(Sorghum bicolor(L)Moench)"凯勒"种子经不同剂量(0、10Gy、30Gy、50Gy、80Gy)80MeV/u碳离子注入后,其M2代幼苗对40℃高温胁迫作出了不同的响应:株高、叶绿素含量变化不大,相对低剂量(10Gy、30Gy)碳离子处理使M2代幼苗生物量高于对照CK(0Gy)和高剂量(50Gy、80Gy)处理,同时从丙二醛(Malondialdehyde,MDA)和可溶性糖含量的变化来看,30Gy碳离子辐射处理组MDA和可溶性糖含量降低,提高了M2代幼苗的高温抗性.  相似文献   

甘露  王振华  张红  马成俊  李刚 《核技术》2012,(8):624-629
探究传统活血化瘀中药红花活性成分羟基红花黄色素A(HSYA)对12C6+重离子束诱发放射性脑损伤的保护作用。昆明种小鼠60只,随机分为正常组、辐照对照组、HSYA低(5 mg/kg)、中(10 mg/kg)、高(20 mg/kg)剂量干预组。给药组于辐照前3 d起每日腹腔注射相应剂量药物,末次给药后1 h,以4.0 Gy12C6+辐照小鼠头部。辐照1个月后,通过Morris水迷宫实验检验小鼠认知功能,以伊文思蓝(EB)作为指示剂测定小鼠血脑屏障通透性,并分别用亚硝酸盐形成法和硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)法测定脑组织中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)的含量。结果显示,经12C6+辐照后,单纯照射组小鼠表现出明显的认知功能障碍(P<0.01),小鼠血脑屏障通透性明显升高,脑组织SOD活性明显降低,MDA含量明显增加,羟基红花黄色素A可剂量依赖性地改善小鼠认知功能障碍,保护血脑屏障,上调SOD活性,并降低MDA含量,表明羟基红花黄色素A对12C6+重离子束诱发放射性脑损伤有保护作用。  相似文献   

碳离子束辐照大豆当代诱变效应及褐皮突变体的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同剂量碳离子束辐照大豆"合丰55"干种子,通过对表型、株高、分枝数及产量相关性状的考察以及DNA指纹图谱分析探索离子束辐照大豆的当代诱变效应。结果表明离子束诱变大豆M1代田间出现多种变异表型,辐照处理对M1代株高和分枝数有抑制作用,单株荚数、单株粒数、单株粒重及百粒重随着辐照剂量的增加呈现先降低后升高再降低的趋势,但这些变异与对照相比并未达到显著水平。大豆种子经辐照后M1代筛选到1株褐皮突变体,种皮颜色由黄色变为褐色,而且这种变异在M2代能够稳定遗传。运用随机扩增多态性(Random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)技术对其DNA多态性进行研究发现,辐照后突变体DNA与对照相比扩增条带或增加或减少,相似性系数为0.9513。综合结果表明,碳离子束辐照对大豆当代产生了一定的诱变效应,不仅造成了农艺性状的变异,而且使DNA水平也发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   

使用12C6+离子束辐照Clitopilus pinsitus原生质体至不同吸收剂量,运用琼脂柱预筛和96孔板固体发酵选育截短侧耳素高产变异株。结果显示,最佳12C6+离子束吸收剂量为1.5 Gy,在该吸收剂量下正变异率为37.58%。选育出C.pin15I5E和C.pin15II6B两株正变异株,其产量较出发菌株分别提高16.17%和15.47%。表明重离子束辐照原生质体是行之有效的工业微生物诱变育种方法。  相似文献   

采用荷能Ar 束室温倾角溅射石墨的方法制备可控锥角的碳纳米纤维/圆锥结构.扫描电子显微镜结果表明样品表面产生的圆锥密度达1×109-1×1010·cm-2,沿离子束方向排列,且在每个圆锥上都有碳纳米纤维长出.随着入射倾角由30°增大到60°,碳圆锥的锥角从33°降到20°、长径比从250nm/150nm增大到1200nm/400nm.随着入射角度的增加,离子束诱导的表面原子有效扩散系数减小和溅射速率增大是碳圆锥的长径比增大、碳圆锥的锥角减小及其密度增加的原因.随着离子束流强度由200μA·cm-2增加到800μA·cm-2,碳圆锥的锥角从90°降到20°、碳圆锥的高度从100nm增加到1200nm.相同时间内,随束流强度的增大,碳圆锥表面单位面积内离子的注入剂量增大,导致溅射出来的碳原子数目增多.这是随离子束流强度增大形成碳圆锥的锥角变小且高度增加的原因.  相似文献   

测量了49.30MeV/u及经脊形过滤器展宽的Bragg峰的74.55MeV/u^12C离子束在不同贯穿深度上辐射后黑色素瘤B16细胞的存活率。结果显示,在以存活为终点的B16细胞生物学效应与碳离子束能量沉积同步增大。即Bragg或展宽的Bragg峰区内细胞存活率远低于离子束入射或出射通道处的细胞存活率。通过实验测量与剂量平均LET结合的线性平方模型理论计算存活曲线的比较,发现在实验测量误差范围内两者符合较好。提示:剂量平均LET结合线性平方模型可能是预测中能重离子束贯穿深度上B16细胞存活效应的一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

为研究重离子辐照突变株的细胞遗传学变化,以碳离子辐照选育出的甜高粱早熟突变株KFJT-1及其对照品种KFJT-CK为材料,比较研究了两者之间花粉生活力大小以及花粉母细胞减数分裂的差异。结果发现:KFJT-1的花粉生活力以及花粉总数大于KFJT-CK;KFJT-1花粉母细胞减数分裂大多进入第二次减数分裂时,KFJT-CK花粉母细胞集中在第一次减数分裂;在KFJT-1减数分裂末期II,出现了两组分裂时期不一致、3分体以及不均等分裂畸变状况,畸变率仅为4.5%,说明KFJT-1在生长繁殖过程中修复了大部分由于物理诱变造成的染色体畸变,且能稳定遗传。这些结果从生殖细胞水平进一步说明碳离子辐照早熟突变株KFJT-1较未突变株KFJT-CK成熟期早,且各项指标均优于KFJT-CK。  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum has the potential of becoming a useful energy crop.An early-maturity mutant of sweet sorghum,KFJT-1,was obtained by carbon ions irradiation of KFJT-CK,a wild plant.In this paper,we evaluate the mutant from the length and fresh weight of radicle and leaves after seed germination,the growth rate at the elongation stage,and the internodal parameters under field trail condition.The results showed that the seedling growth of KFJT-1 was inhibited by carbon ions irradiation,and the leaf length,the fresh weight of radicle and leaves from KFJT-1 decreased by 15.32%,76.27%,and 27.08%than those of KFJT-CK,respectively.However,the growth rate of KFJT-1 on July 12,July 27 and August 1 increased by 16.19%,59.28%and26.87%,respectively,compared with the KFJT-CK.The stalk diameter,total biomass yield and sugar content of KFJT-1 was higher than those of KFJT-CK,despite that the plant height of KFJT-1 was significantly less than KFJT-CK(P 0.05).In addition,KFJT-1 differed from KFJT-CK in the internodal length,weight and sugar content.In conclusion,the early-maturity mutant of KFJT-1 will be a promising variety for sweet sorghum industrialization in Gansu province,China.  相似文献   

Soil salinity can limit plant growth and productivity. The cultivation of tolerant varieties is convenient and cost-effective for making good use of the saline soils.The sweet sorghum plant has a high tolerance for saline alkaline soils. The KF1210-3 and KF1210-4 early-maturity mutants of sweet sorghum were obtained via carbon ion irradiation. The study assesses the productivity of three sweet sorghum cultivars(KF1210-3, KF1210-4, and KFJTCK) which were grown in intermediate(4.6 d S m~(-1)) and high(11.9 d S m~(-1)) soil salinity. The sweet sorghum grown in the soil salinity of 4.6 d S m~(-1)produced 50.00–57.30 %greater fresh weight than that in the soil salinity of11.9 d S m~(-1), while the difference was not as obvious among the dry biomass of the three sweet sorghum cultivars. Moreover, the Brix degree of the sweet sorghum grown in the soil salinity of 11.9 d S m~(-1)was greater than that grown in the soil salinity of 4.6 d S m~(-1). The heavy ion irradiation experiment is of great significance in screening plant mutants, improving environmental conditions, and assessing the productivity. This process, in turn, aids in the understanding of the effects of the biochemical and physiological mechanisms of salt stress.  相似文献   

Many mutants of plant induced by heavy ion beam irradiation have been reported in recent years,but leaf anthocyan mutants induced by ion irradiation in evergreen were rarely found.In this study,a color-leaf mutant with purple leaves,stems and petals was isolated from clones of Wandering Jew irradiated by 95.8 MeV/u carbon ion beam.The concentration and histological distribution of leaf pigment were surveyed in wild type and mutant.In mutant,contents of total chlorophylls (Chl),chlorophyll a (Chl a),chlorophyll b (Chl b) and carotenoids (Car) decreased significantly,while concentration of the anthocyanins was 6.2-fold higher than that of wild type.Further composition analysis of anthocyanins by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) indicated that the purple pigmentation of leaves in mutant was caused by accumulation of petunidin anthocyanin.Microscopic examination showed that most petunidin anthocyanin accumulated in the lower epidermis,and little in vascular parenchyma of mutant,while there was no pigment in wild type.Meanwhile,in spongy parenchyma of mutant we observed little Chl,which the wild type abounds in.In conclusion,the color-leaf mutant of Wandering Jew induced by irradiation of carbon ions was improved in ornamental value,and it could be contribute to variation in level,component and distribution of foliar pigment.The possible mutation mechanisms were discussed.  相似文献   

The study is to investigate the feasibility and advantages of heavy ion beams on radiotherapy. The cellular cycle and apoptosis, cell reproductive death and p53 expression evaluated with flow cytometry, clonogenic survival assays and Western blot analysis were examined in lung carcinoma cells after exposure to 89.63 MeV/u carbon ion and 6 MV X-ray irradiations, respectively. The results showed that the number colonyforming assay of A549 was higher than that of H1299 cells in two radiation groups; A549 cellular cycle was arrested in G2/M in 12 h and the per-centage of apoptosis ascended at each time point of carbon ion radiation with doses, the expression of p53 upregulated with doses exposed to X-ray or carbon ion. The cell number in G2/M of H1299 and apoptosis were increasing at all time points with doses in 12C6+ ion irradiation group. The results suggested that the effects of carbon ions or X rays ir-radiation on lung carcinoma cells were different, 12C6+ ion irradiation could have more effect on upregulating the ex-pression of p53 than X-ray, and the upregulated expression of p53 might produce the cellular cycle G2/M arrested, apoptosis increasing; and p53 gene might affect the lung cancer cells radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

In order to promote understanding of the fundamentals of ultra-low-energy ion interaction with DNA, molecular dynamics simulations using combined quantum-mechanics/molecular-mechanics of poly-AT and poly-GC A-DNA double strands irradiated by <200 eV carbon ions were performed to investigate the molecular implications of mutation bias. The simulations were focused on the responses of the DNA backbones and nitrogenous bases to irradiation. Analyses of the root mean square displacements of the backbones and non-hydrogen atoms of base rings of the simulated DNA structure after irradiation revealed a potential preference of DNA double strand separation, dependent on the irradiating energy. The results show that for the backbones, the large difference in the displacement between poly-GC and poly-AT in the initial time period could be the reason for the backbone breakage; for the nitrogenous base pairs, A-T is 30% more sensitive or vulnerable to ion irradiation than G-C, demonstrating a preferential, instead of random, effect of irradiation-induced mutation.  相似文献   

刘纯宝  赵志明  王志光 《核技术》2011,(10):740-744
用湿氧化法在单晶硅表面生长了非晶态SiO2薄膜,进行120 keV C离子注入和950 MeV Pb离子辐照,用荧光光谱分析样品发光特性的改变.结果发现,C离子注入和高能Pb离子辐照均能显著影响样品的发光特性,且荧光光谱的改变强烈依赖于注入和辐照剂量,预示不同注入和辐照剂量将导致不同的发光结构形成.对注入和辐照造成薄膜...  相似文献   

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