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K. D. Kim J. -J. Jeong S. Y. Mo Y. G. Lee C. B. Lee 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2001,39(3-4):335-344
A visual environment for system analysis codes (hereinafter called “ViSA”) has been developed to support code users in their input preparations, code executions, and output interpretations. ViSA provides a more convenient way for base input data generation and modification on a user-friendly basis. It also provides on-line graphical displays to give an in-depth understanding of transient thermal-hydraulic behaviors in nuclear power plants. This paper presents the main features of ViSA. 相似文献
The phased current distribution at current straps for the KSTAR ICRF antenna causes a power imbalance at each strap owing to the mutual couplings between current straps. In order to mitigate the effect of coupling, a decoupler connecting two phased feeding lines are designed based on both a lumped element antenna model and a distributed transmission line model. Though the decoupler parameter is dependent on the loading resistance, which depends on plasma condition, an analysis shows that the decoupling is effective in the wide range of loading resistance assuming the low variation of mutual inductance between straps. A circuit analysis also shows that the RF characteristics of a complex RF transmission system are matched well for the asymmetric antenna current spectrum aiming for a non-inductive current drive of KSTAR. The calibration result of decoupler after installation is also discussed. 相似文献
An internationally agreed validation matrix for PWR and BWR thermal-hydraulic system codes has been established by the CSNI-PWG-2 Task Group on Status and Assessment of Codes for Transients and ECCS. The matrix will be a guide for independent code assessment, will be a basis for the comparisons of code predictions performed with different system codes, and may contribute to the quantification of the uncertainty range of code predictions. 相似文献
To investigate the damping behavior of an in-situ structure a piping system was subjected to seismic-like loads during the SHAM test series at the HDR test facility in Kahl, FRG. Tests were run using random excitation to identify natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping values for different restraint configurations with MDOF system identification methods. The damping values were achieved concerning the stiffness of the respective restraint configuration. For one restraint configuration tests with earthquake-like excitation were evaluated by fitted parameter calculations for different load levels. This study served to determine the damping values as a function of excitation and stress levels. Both sets of evaluations cover the spectrum of restraint configurations used in practice, trace the load increase, and provide possibilities for comparing the results with pipe damping values used in current design practice. 相似文献
在Linux平台上,基于TCP/IP网络技术设计出了一个通用可靠的辐射信息可视化远程分析软件,它可以实现在远端对快速辐射信息采集系统进行可视化调试和实时监控,确保了操作安全、直观和及时,详细阐述了该软件的设计思想,对设计通用的辐射信息采集系统的调试和监控软件具有借鉴意义。 相似文献
S. S. Abalin I. F. Isaev A. A. Kulakov V. P. Sivokon' A. N. Udovenko R. R. Ionaitis 《Atomic Energy》1993,75(1):510-515
Institute of Nuclear Reactors, Kurchatov Institute Reactor Science Center, RNTs. Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 8–13, July, 1993. 相似文献
介绍了一回路冷却剂净化系统(KBE)的结构及陛能特点,研究分析了氨对硼酸型态及阴阳树脂的影响,冷却剂贮存系统(KBB)的设计缺陷。整理绘制了机组运行过程中碱金属、溶解氢的趋势图,结合机组在实际运行中出现的阴棚旨排带造成冷却剂氯离子超标、总碱金属偏离、溶解氢浓度下降等实际案例,总结优化了阳树脂氨钾饱和的开始时间、加钾量和氨浓度的控制;以及在不改变KBE初始设计的基础上增加KBE除碱金属功能,优化碱金属偏离的纠正措施。并根据实际运行结果对PUROLITE和BAYER两家公司生产的核级树脂性能进行了对比。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(1):121-131
Modular nuclear reactor systems are being developed around the world for new missions among which is cogeneration for industries and remote areas. Like existing fossil energy counterpart in these markets, a nuclear plant would need to demonstrate the feasibility of load follow including (1) the reliability to generate power and heat simultaneously and alone and (2) the flexibility to vary cogeneration rates concurrent to demand changes. This article reports the results of JAEA's evaluation on the high temperature gas reactor (HTGR) to perform these duties. The evaluation results in a plant design based on the materials and design codes developed with JAEA's operating test reactor and from additional equipment validation programs. The 600 MWt-HTGR plant generates electricity efficiently by gas turbine and 900°C heat by a topping heater. The heater couples via a heat transport loop to industrial facility that consumes the high temperature heat to yield heat product such as hydrogen fuel, steel, or chemical. Original control methods are proposed to automate transition between the load duties. Equipment challenges are addressed for severe operation conditions. Performance limits of cogeneration load following are quantified from the plant system simulation to a range of bounding events including a loss of either load and a rapid peaking of electricity. 相似文献
为了对硝酸盐自然循环回路(Nitrate Natural Circulation Loop,NNCL)的各子系统及设备的运行状态进行在线监测及远程控制,设计并实现了具有分布式结构的控制系统,并根据工程实际对其软件模块进行了改进。主要包括对过程控制软件包进行结构优化,以提高多通道模式下数据传输效率;使用Postgre SQL关系型数据库取代本地数据存储方式进行数据存档管理和和查询;在操作员计算机中更新人机界面软件以获得更好的界面效果,配置MATLAB在线驱动接口用于数据在线处理。经过运行测试表明,此系统可长期有效地支持回路的调试运行,并为实验人员提供研究所需的实验数据及控制途径。 相似文献
Ferritic chromium-molybdenum steels with chromium contents of 1 wt% up to 12 wt% have been exposed for 8370 h to flowing sodium at 550°C. The oxygen content of the sodium was 6–7 ppm by weight. Weight measurements, carbon analyses and metallographic examinations were carried out. The low chromium steels show weight loss and decarburisation. The high chromium steels show weight gain and carburisation. The crossover point is at about 5 wt% Cr. The composition at the utmost surface (<10 μm) of the various steels tends to about 8 wt% chromium, about 2 wt% nickel and 0.02–0.09 wt% carbon. Sodium chromite crystals were present on the steels with a chromium content of 5 wt% or more. At the exposed surface of the wt% chromium steel sodium chromite crystals were found locally. 相似文献