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The effects of practice on 2 retrievals from a single cue were investigated. In Experiment 1, participants were given extended single-task practice and were then tested on a dual memory retrieval task. Performance was consistent with a sequential retrieval model proposed by T. C. Rickard and H. Pashler (2003). In Experiment 2, participants practiced both single- and dual-retrieval tasks extensively. Initially, data from all participants indicated sequential retrieval. However, participants who grouped the 2 response outputs were eventually able to perform the dual task with a latency that approached the prediction of a parallel race model. Models that assume a transition from sequential to parallel retrieval with practice, along with other models that assume an immutable retrieval bottleneck at all practice levels, are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study explored the elaborative retrieval hypothesis as an explanation for the testing effect: the tendency for a memory test to enhance retention more than restudying. In particular, the retrieval process during testing may activate elaborative information related to the target response, thereby increasing the chances that activation of any of this information will facilitate later retrieval of the target. In a test of this view, participants learned cue–target pairs, which were strongly associated (e.g., Toast: Bread) or weakly associated (e.g., Basket: Bread), through either a cued recall test (Toast: _____) or a restudy opportunity (Toast: Bread). A final test requiring free recall of the targets revealed that tested items were retained better than restudied items, and although strong cues facilitated recall of tested items initially, items recalled from weak cues were retained better over time, such that this advantage was eliminated or reversed at the time of the final test. Restudied items were retained at similar rates on the final test regardless of the strength of the cue–target relationship. These results indicate that the activation of elaborative information—which would occur to a greater extent during testing than restudying—may be one mechanism that underlies the testing effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present research examines semantic priming from attended and unattended parafoveal words. Participants made a lexical decision in response to a single central target. The target was preceded by two parafoveal prime words, with one of them (the attended prime) being precued by a peripheral cue. The main variables manipulated across experiments were cue informativeness (valid vs. neutral cues) and stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between prime and probe (200, 300, 600, or 1,000 ms). The results showed (a) reliable semantic priming from both attended and ignored prime words and (b) that the ignored priming effects were either negative or positive, depending on both the prime-probe SOA and cue informativeness. The present findings are discussed in relation to inhibitory versus episodic retrieval models of negative priming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study takes inventory of available evidence on response repetition (RR) effects in task switching, in particular the evidence for RR cost when the task switches. The review reveals that relatively few task-switching studies in which RR effects were addressed have shown statistical support for RR cost, and that almost all are affected by 1 of 2 potential artifacts, either a response bias caused by disallowing stimulus repetitions or the effect of including stimulus repetitions in data analysis. New results with these factors controlled support an episodic retrieval model in which features of the retrieved trace, including the stimulus but also the task, task cue, and response, facilitate or interfere with performance depending on whether they match or mismatch the current processing context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An alternative to semantic network models of lexical knowledge representation and access is described, in which knowledge about a word is represented as a pattern of activation across a collection of processing units. In this distributed memory model, semantic priming effects arise naturally from the similarity of the patterns of activation that represent a related prime and target. Priming effects can be reduced by an intervening stimulus that modifies the pattern of activation before the target appears. This process is demonstrated empirically with a word naming task. An implemented version of the distributed memory model is used to simulate these results, and results from previous research in which participants overtly responded to the item that intervened between a prime and target are also simulated. Comparisons with semantic network and compound cue models of priming are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Memory for emotional stimuli is superior to memory for neutral stimuli. This study investigated whether this memory advantage is present in implicit memory. Memory was tested with a test of explicit memory (associate cued recall) and a test of conceptual implicit memory (free association) identical in all respects apart from the retrieval instructions. After studying emotional and neutral paired associates, participants saw the first member of the pair, the cue; in the test of explicit memory participants were instructed to recall the associate; in the test of implicit memory participants were instructed to generate the first word coming to mind associated to the word. Depth of study processing dissociated performance in the tests, confirming that the free-association test was not contaminated by an intentional retrieval strategy. Emotional pairs were better recalled than neutral pairs in the test of explicit memory but not in the equivalent test of implicit memory. The absence of an emotion effect in implicit memory implies that emotional material does not have a privileged global mnemonic status; intentional retrieval is necessary for observing the emotion-related memory advantage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Applies a simulation model of episodic memory, MINERVA 2, to the learning of concepts, as represented by the schema-abstraction task. The model assumes that each experience produces a separate memory trace and that knowledge of abstract concepts is derived from the pool of episodic traces at the time of retrieval. A retrieval cue contacts all traces simultaneously, activating each according to its similarity to the cue, and the information retrieved from memory reflects the summed content of all activated traces responding in parallel. It is suggested that the MINERVA 2 model is able to retrieve an abstracted prototype of the category when cued with the category name and to retrieve and disambiguate a category name when cued with a category exemplar. The model successfully predicts basic findings from the schema-abstraction literature (e.g., differential forgetting of prototypes and old instances, typicality, and category size effects), including some that have been cited as evidence against exemplar theories of concepts. The model is compared with other classification models, and its implications regarding the abstraction problem are discussed. (63 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous findings suggest that emotional stimuli sometimes improve (emotion-induced hypervision) and sometimes impair (emotion-induced blindness) the visual perception of subsequent neutral stimuli. We hypothesized that these differential carryover effects might be due to 2 distinct emotional influences in visual processing. On the one hand, emotional stimuli trigger a general enhancement in the efficiency of visual processing that can carry over onto other stimuli. On the other hand, emotional stimuli benefit from a stimulus-specific enhancement in later attentional processing at the expense of competing visual stimuli. We investigated whether detrimental (blindness) and beneficial (hypervision) carryover effects of emotion in perception can be dissociated within a single experimental paradigm. In 2 experiments, we manipulated the temporal competition for attention between an emotional cue word and a subsequent neutral target word by varying cue–target interstimulus interval (ISI) and cue visibility. Interestingly, emotional cues impaired target identification at short ISIs but improved target identification when competition was diminished by either increasing ISI or reducing cue visibility, suggesting that emotional significance of stimuli can improve and impair visual performance through distinct perceptual mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Lexical priming, whereby a prime word facilitates recognition of a related target word (e.g., nurse → doctor), is typically attributed to association strength, semantic similarity, or compound familiarity. Here, the authors demonstrate a novel type of lexical priming that occurs among unassociated, dissimilar, and unfamiliar concepts (e.g., horse → doctor). Specifically, integrative priming occurs when a prime word can be easily integrated with a target word to create a unitary representation. Across several manipulations of timing (stimulus onset asynchrony) and list context (relatedness proportion), lexical decisions for the target word were facilitated when it could be integrated with the prime word. Moreover, integrative priming was dissociated from both associative priming and semantic priming but was comparable in terms of both prevalence (across participants) and magnitude (within participants). This observation of integrative priming challenges present models of lexical priming, such as spreading activation, distributed representation, expectancy, episodic retrieval, and compound cue models. The authors suggest that integrative priming may be explained by a role activation model of relational integration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In four experiments, we investigated whether masked stimuli in priming experiments are subjected to early or to late selection. In Experiment 1, participants classified four target-pictures as being small or large. In line with early selection accounts, prime-pictures with a different perceptual appearance as the experienced targets did not elicit congruency effect. In Experiment 2, 40 targets all depicting animals were presented. Results were in line with late selections assumptions because novel animal primes but not novel primes from different semantic categories yielded congruency effects. In Experiment 3, the targets were chosen such that there is a second semantic feature that covaried with the required response. Here, novel primes picturing small animals did not influence target responses with regard to the instructed size classification, but with regard to their affiliation to the category animal. In Experiment 4, small and large pictures from two categories were presented. Category match did not influence priming, ruling out that feature overlap contaminated the former results. The results indicate that participants’ prestimulus expectations determine in which stage in the processing-stream masked stimuli are selected. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Priming effects of ignored distractor words were investigated in a task-switching situation that allowed an orthogonal variation of priming and response compatibility between prime and probe. Across 3 experiments, the authors obtained a disordinal interaction of priming and response relation. Responding was delayed in the ignored repetition condition if different responses were required for identical stimuli in the prime and probe (negative priming). Repeating the prime distractor in the probe facilitated responding if the same response was required in the prime and in the probe (positive priming). The same pattern of results was replicated in a letter-matching task without task switching (Experiment 4). Findings lend support to a new model that explains negative priming in terms of an automatic retrieval of incidental stimulus-response associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In two causal learning experiments with human participants, the authors compared various associative theories that assumed either elemental (unique cue, modified unique cue, replaced elements model, and Harris' model) or configural processing of stimuli (Pearce's theory and a modification of it). The authors used modified patterning problems initially suggested by Redhead and Pearce (1995). Predictions for all theories were generated by computer simulations. Both configural theories and the unique cue approach failed to account for the observations. The replaced elements model was able to account for part of the data, but only if the replacement parameters could vary across discrimination problems. The Harris model and the modified unique cue approach, assuming that the salience of stimuli decreases with an increasing number of stimuli in a compound, successfully accounted for all of our data. This success implies that attentional factors should be explicitly taken into account in associative learning theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Empirical retrospective revaluation is a phenomenon of Pavlovian conditioning and human causal judgment in which posttraining changes in the conditioned response (Pavlovian task) or causal rating (causal judgment task) of a cue occurs in the absence of further training with that cue. Two experiments tested the contrasting predictions made by 2 families of models concerning retrospective revaluation effects. In a conditioned lick-suppression task, rats were given relative stimulus validity training, consisting of reinforcing a compound of conditioned stimuli (CSs) A and X and nonreinforcement of a compound of CSs B and X, which resulted in low conditioned responding to CS X. Massive posttraining extinction of CS A not only enhanced excitatory responding to CS X, but caused CS B to pass both summation (Experiment 1) and retardation (Experiment 2) tests for conditioned inhibition. The inhibitory status of CS B is predicted by the performance-focused extended comparator hypothesis (J. C. Denniston, H. I. Savastano, & R. R. Miller, 2001), but not by acquisition-focused models of empirical retrospective revaluation (e.g., A. Dickinson & J. Burke, 1996; L. J. Van Hamme & E. A. Wasserman, 1994). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three conditioned suppression experiments with rats investigated contrasting predictions made by the extended comparator hypothesis and acquisition-focused models of learning, specifically, modified SOP and the revised Rescorla–Wagner model, concerning retrospective revaluation. Two target cues (X and Y) were partially reinforced using a stimulus relative validity design (i.e., AX–Outcome; BX–No outcome; CY–Outcome; DY–No outcome), and subsequently one of the companion cues for each target was extinguished in compound (BC–No outcome). In Experiment 1, which used spaced trials for relative validity training, greater suppression was observed to target cue Y for which the excitatory companion cue had been extinguished in relation to target cue X for which the nonexcitatory companion cue had been extinguished. Experiment 2 replicated these results in a sensory preconditioning preparation. Experiment 3 massed the trials during relative validity training, and the opposite pattern of data was observed. The results are consistent with the predictions of the extended comparator hypothesis. Furthermore, this set of experiments is unique in being able to differentiate between these models without invoking higher-order comparator processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a typical blocking procedure, pairings of a compound consisting of 2 stimuli, A and X, with the outcome are preceded by pairings of only A with the outcome (i.e., A+ then AX+). This procedure is known to diminish responding to the target cue (X) relative to a control group that does not receive the preceding training with blocking cue A. We report 2 experiments that investigated the effect of extinguishing a blocking cue on responding to the target cue in a human causal learning paradigm (i.e., A+ and AX+ training followed by A– training). The results indicate that extinguishing a blocking cue increases conditioned responding to the target cue. Moreover, this increase appears to be context dependent, such that increased responding to the target is limited to the context in which extinction of the blocking cue took place. We discuss these findings in the light of associative and propositional learning theories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Item noise models of recognition assert that interference at retrieval is generated by the words from the study list. Context noise models of recognition assert that interference at retrieval is generated by the contexts in which the test word has appeared. The authors introduce the bind cue decide model of episodic memory, a Bayesian context noise model, and demonstrate how it can account for data from the item noise and dual-processing approaches to recognition memory. From the item noise perspective, list strength and list length effects, the mirror effect for word frequency and concreteness, and the effects of the similarity of other words in a list are considered. From the dual-processing perspective, process dissociation data on the effects of length. temporal separation of lists, strength, and diagnosticity of context are examined. The authors conclude that the context noise approach to recognition is a viable alternative to existing approaches. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Switch costs in task switching are commonly attributed to an executive control process of task-set reconfiguration, particularly in studies involving the explicit task-cuing procedure. The authors propose an alternative account of explicitly cued performance that is based on 2 mechanisms: priming of cue encoding from residual activation of cues in short-term memory and compound cue retrieval of responses from long-term memory. Their short-term priming account explains the repeated cue encoding benefit, switch cost, reduction in switch cost with preparation time, and other effects. The authors develop a mathematical model of their priming account and fit it to data from 3 experiments, demonstrating that a set of basic psychological processes can produce several effects--including putative switch costs--without switching tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported in which the mechanisms underlying auditory negative priming were investigated. In Experiments 1A and 1B, preprime-prime intervals and prime-probe intervals were manipulated. The ratio between the 2 intervals determined the size of the negative priming effect. Results are compatible with the episodic retrieval account, according to which the retrieval of inappropriate response information associated with the previous distractor slows down responding when that stimulus becomes the target. Experiment 2 tested a variant of this account, according to which the retrieval of the prime response rather than the retrieval of nonresponse information interferes with responding. Consistent with this variant, participants erroneously responded with the prime response more frequently in the ignored repetition condition than in the control condition. Experiment 3 replicated this finding and generalized it to the visual modality. The authors conclude that the retrieval of the inappropriate prime response is a determinant of the negative priming phenomenon. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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