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Kawahara Jun-ichiro; Di Lollo Vincent; Enns James T. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2001,27(4):969
Perception of the 2nd of 2 targets (T1 and T2) is impaired if the lag between them is short (0–500 ms). The authors used this attentional blink (AB) to index attentional requirements in detection and identification tasks, with or without backward masking of T2, in 2 stimulus domains (line orientation, coherent motion). With masking, the AB occurred because T2 was masked during the attentional dwell time created by T1 processing (Experiments 1, 2, and 3). Without masking, an AB occurred only in identification because during the attentional dwell time. T2 decayed to a level that could support simple detection but not complex identification. However, an AB occurred also in detection if T2 was sufficiently degraded (Experiment 4). The authors drew 2 major conclusions: (a) Attention is required in both identification and detection, and (b) 2 factors contribute to the AB, masking of T2 while attention is focused on T1 and decay of the T2 trace while unattended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
When 2 different visual targets presented among different distracters in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) are separated by 400 ms or less, detection and identification of the 2nd targets are reduced relative to longer time intervals. This phenomenon, termed the attentional blink (AB), is attributed to the temporary engagement of a limited-capacity attentional system by the 1st target, which reduces resources available for processing the 2nd target. Although AB has been reliably obtained with many stimulus types, it has not been found for faces (E. Awh et al., 2004). In the present study, the authors investigate the underpinnings of this immunity. Unveiling circumstances in which AB occurs within and across faces and other categories, the authors demonstrate that a multichannel model cannot account for the absence of AB effects on faces. The authors suggest instead that perceptual salience of the face within the distracters' series as well as the available resources determine whether or not faces are blinked in RSVP. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Cousineau Denis; Charbonneau Dominic; Jolicoeur Pierre 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2006,60(3):175
The attentional blink effect (AB) is used to examine the limits of attention in dual-task paradigms. However, since the effect is nonlinear, it is sometimes difficult to characterize the results. Furthermore, it is difficult to assess the significance of the effect between groups because the results are highly variable both within and across subjects. In this paper, we propose a method to quantify four characteristics of the AB curve: the minimum performance, the amplitude between the minimum and the asymptotic performance, the amount of Lag-1 sparing, and the width of the effect. The method, based on curve fitting, allows easier comparisons of the results across experiments, can test only one characteristic at a time, and yields more powerful statistical tests. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Giesbrecht Barry; Bischof Walter F.; Kingstone Alan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,29(1):238
When 2 masked targets are presented in a rapid sequence, correct identification of the 1st hinders identification of the 2nd. Visual masking of the 2nd target plays a critical role during this 2nd-target deficit, or "attentional blink" (AB). The object substitution hypothesis (B. Giesbrecht and V. Di Lollo, 1998) predicts that late-stage visual processes involved in object substitution mediate masking of the 2nd target during AB, whereby stronger masking should produce a more severe deficit. Six experiments are presented, together testing this hypothesis. Although masking by object substitution was observed, it did not interact with the AB. An alternative hypothesis is proposed stating that mostly early-stage visual processes mediate the masking effects that are critical to the AB. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Crebolder Jacquelyn M.; Jolic?ur Pierre; McIlwaine Joyce D. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,28(3):695
To investigate the locus of signal probability effects and the influence of stimulus quality on this locus, the authors manipulated probability in Task 2 of a psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm. The effect was additive with stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) when the target was not masked but underadditive with decreasing SOA when the target was masked. Even with masking, however, a range of probabilities had effects additive with SOA. The results suggest loci of stimulus probability before the PRP bottleneck as well as at or after the bottleneck. A second issue addressed was the locus of interference in the attentional blink (AB). The AB was larger when the probability of the first of 2 targets was lower. The results lead to the conclusion that one cause of the AB effect is a locus at least as late as the PRP bottleneck. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
When asked to identify 2 visual targets (T1 and T2 for the 1st and 2nd targets, respectively) embedded in a sequence of distractors, observers will often fail to identify T2 when it appears within 200-500 ms of T1--an effect called the attentional blink. Recent work shows that attention does not blink when the task is to encode a sequence of consecutive targets, suggesting that distractor interference plays a causal role in the attentional blink. Here, however, the authors show that an attentional blink occurs even in the absence of distractors, with 2 letter targets separated by a blank interval. In addition, the authors found that the impairment for identification of the 2nd of 2 targets separated by a blank interval is substantially attenuated either when the intertarget interval is filled with additional target items or when the 2nd target is precued by an additional target. These findings show that the root cause of the blink lies in the difficulty of engaging attention twice within a short period of time for 2 temporally discrete target events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Vachon Fran?ois; Tremblay Sébastien; Jones Dylan M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,33(2):330
When two visual targets, Target 1 (T1) and Target 2 (T2), are presented among a rapid sequence of distractors, processing of T1 produces an attentional blink. Typically, processing of T2 is markedly impaired, except when T1 and T2 are adjacent (Lag 1 sparing). However, if a shift of task set-a change in task requirements from T1 to T2-occurs, this sparing is reduced substantially. With a semantic priming technique, in which T1 could be either related or unrelated to T2, the priming of T2 by T1 diminished markedly at Lag 1, when the transition between T1 and T2 involved a switch in either location (Experiments 1 and 2) or task (Experiment 3), but remained unaffected at other lags. These results suggest that perceptual processing of T2 cannot be carried out in parallel with task-set reconfiguration. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Olivers Christian N. L.; Hulleman Johan; Spalek Thomas; Kawahara Jun-ichiro; Di Lollo Vincent 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,37(2):396
The attentional blink is the marked deficit in awareness of a 2nd target (T2) when it is presented shortly after the 1st target (T1) in a stream of distractors. When the distractors between T1 and T2 are replaced by even more targets, the attentional blink is reduced or absent, indicating that the attentional blink results from online selection mechanisms that act in response to distracting input rather than being the result of T1-induced cognitive resource depletion. However, Dell'Acqua, Jolicoeur, Luria, and Pluchino (2009) recently contended that an attentional blink is found in the multiple-target case as long as the appropriate trial context and analyses are used, thus reinstating resource-based explanations of the attentional blink and challenging the selection account. Specifically, an attentional blink reemerges when target performance is analyzed contingent on previous target accuracy. We argue on theoretical and empirical grounds that neither the trial context nor the type of analysis poses a serious problem for selection accounts. We show that the attentional blink and previous target contingency effects can be dissociated, with the latter depending more on low-level, short-range competition. We conclude that selection mechanisms involved in filtering for targets still provide a strong and coherent explanation of the attentional blink. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
When two targets are embedded in a temporal stream of distractors, second-target identification is initially impaired and then gradually improves as intertarget interval lengthens (attentional blink; AB). According to bottleneck models of the AB, difficulty of first-target processing should modulate the magnitude of the second-target deficit. To test this, we examined whether a data-limited manipulation of T1 difficulty (forward masking) would modulate AB magnitude. In two experiments, we show that data-limited manipulations of T1 difficulty do affect the AB, so long as T1 is not masked by an immediately trailing distractor. When such a trailing item is present, the relationship between T1 difficulty and the AB disappears. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This set of 6 experiments used a 2-target rapid serial visual presentation paradigm to address 2 main questions: (a) What is the nature of the code retrieved from nontarget (i.e., unselected) items? and (b) How do the processing demands of the target affect the nature of the codes extracted from its proximate distractors? There were 3 main results: First, unless a nontarget receives attentional processing, its codes remain dormant. The type of activated codes depends on the perceptual load imposed by the other items that also underwent processing. Second, the item trailing the target invariably gets processed, but those farther downstream are excluded. If target selection is exacting, the codes of the item leading the target may also be enhanced. Third, the magnitude of the attentional blink increases with target selection difficulty; it is, however, unaffected by the perceptual load imposed by the target. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Stein Timo; Peelen Marius V.; Funk Johanna; Seidl Katharina N. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,10(1):136
Fearful faces receive privileged access to awareness relative to happy and nonemotional faces. We investigated whether this advantage depends on currently available attentional resources. In an attentional blink paradigm, observers detected faces presented during the attentional blink period that could depict either a fearful or a happy expression. Perceptual load of the blink-inducing target was manipulated by increasing flanker interference. For the low-load condition, fearful faces were detected more often than happy faces, replicating previous reports. More important, this advantage for fearful faces disappeared for the high-load condition, during which fearful and happy faces were detected equally often. These results suggest that the privileged access of fearful faces to awareness does not occur mandatorily, but instead depends on attentional resources. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The attentional blink (J. E. Raymond, K. L. Shapiro, & K. M. Arnell, 1992) refers to an apparent gap in perception observed when a second target follows a first within several hundred milliseconds. Theoretical and computational work have provided explanations for early sets of blink data, but more recent data have challenged these accounts by showing that the blink is attenuated when subjects encode strings of stimuli (J. Kawahara, T. Kumada, & V. Di Lollo, 2006; M. R. Nieuwenstein & M. C. Potter, 2006; C. N. Olivers, 2007) or are distracted (C. N. Olivers & S. Nieuwenhuis, 2005) while viewing the rapid serial visual presentation stream. The authors describe the episodic simultaneous type, serial token model, a computational account of encoding visual stimuli into working memory that suggests that the attentional blink is a cognitive strategy rather than a resource limitation. This model is composed of neurobiologically plausible elements and simulates the attentional blink with a competitive attentional mechanism that facilitates the formation of episodically distinct representations within working memory. In addition to addressing the blink, the model addresses the phenomena of repetition blindness and whole report superiority, producing predictions that are supported by experimental work. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Ghorashi S. M. Shahab; Smilek Daniel; Di Lollo Vincent 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,33(1):124
J. S. Joseph, M. M. Chun, and K. Nakayama (1997) found that pop-out visual search was impaired as a function of intertarget lag in an attentional blink (AB) paradigm in which the 1st target was a letter and the 2nd target was a search display. In 4 experiments, the present authors tested the implication that search efficiency should be similarly impaired (steeper search slopes at shorter lags). A conventional AB deficit was found, but, contrary to expectations, search slopes were invariant with lag. These results suggest that no search can be carried out during the period of the AB. Instead, the search is postponed until after the 1st target has been processed. The authors conclude that efficient visual search cannot be carried out unless the visual system is configured appropriately for the search task. If the initial configuration is inappropriate, processing of the 2nd target is held in abeyance until the system has been suitably reconfigured. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The authors tested whether the attentional blink (AB), a deficit in the ability to report a second target appearing within half a second of a first target, may reflect limitations for consolidating visual stimuli into working memory and awareness. Previous research has shown that people are severely limited in the rate that they can identify and report visual events presented in rapid succession. Word length was examined, a variable known to affect verbal working memory. Experiment 1 showed that the AB was modulated by the phonological length of the fast target. Phonologically longer pseudowords triggered larger blink deficits. Experiment 2 also demonstrated the word-length effect on the AB using real-world stimuli, anagrams, that controlled for low-level visual differences between conditions. These data support proposals that the AB reflects a difficulty in consolidating information into working memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Scalf Paige E.; Banich Marie T.; Kramer Arthur F.; Narechania Kunjan; Simon Clarissa D. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,33(2):298
Recent data have shown that parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres can expand the capacity of visual working memory for spatial locations (J. F. Delvenne, 2005) and attentional tracking (G. A. Alvarez & P. Cavanagh, 2005). Evidence that parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres can improve item identification has remained elusive. The authors used a novel variant of the attentional blink paradigm to show that the attentional blink is reduced if targets are divided between the hemispheres rather than directed to a single hemisphere. Parallel processing by the cerebral hemispheres can thus expand the capacity of processes involved in item identification. The authors also show that prior engagement of the attentional system may compromise the processing of items directed to the right visual field. This pseudoextinction may explain the failures of previous attempts to demonstrate that parallel processing can improve item identification (J. F. Delvenne, 2005; S. J. Luck, S. A. Hillyard, G. R. Mangun, & M. S. Gazzaniga, 1989). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
In a previous study, it was shown that the attentional blink (AB)--the failure to recall the 2nd of 2 visual targets (T1 and T2) presented within 500 ms in rapid serial visual presentation--is reduced when T2 is preceded by a distractor that shares a feature with T2 (e.g., color; Nieuwenstein, Chun, van der Lubbe & Hooge, 2005). Here, this cuing effect is shown to be contingent on attentional set. For example, a red distractor letter preceding a green digit T2 is an effective cue when the task is to look for red and green digits, but the same red cue is relatively ineffective when the task is to look for only green digits or when the color of T2 is not specified. It is also shown that cuing is not interrupted by a distractor intervening between the cue and T2. These findings provide evidence for a contingent, delayed selection account of the AB. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Shore David I.; McLaughlin Elizabeth N.; Klein Raymond M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2001,55(4):318
When one masked target (T2) follows another (T1) in close temporal proximity, identification accuracy of the second target is reduced for a period referred to as the attentional blink. Analysis of the attentional blink literature suggests that increasing the difficulty of T1 processing increases the magnitude of the blink. In a previous study that eliminated several untoward features of the typical attentional blink design (e.g., task switching, location switching, and stream contribution), we found no effect on blink magnitude when three levels of T1 difficulty (manipulated in a data-limited manner) were randomly intermixed. Here, when we repeated the previous study, with 20 college students, using a blocked manipulation of T1 difficulty, which is characteristic of the literature, a significant positive relation between T1 difficulty and blink magnitude was found. Resource allocation put in place to encode T1 in advance of a dual-target trial thus seems to be the critical factor in mediating this relation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Rowe Gillian; Valderrama Steven; Hasher Lynn; Lenartowicz Agatha 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2006,21(4):826
The authors investigated the effect of age and time of testing on the ability to control attention and addressed the possibility that older adults' susceptibility to distraction may sometimes facilitate performance on a later cognitive task. Using a modification of a G. Rees, C. Russell, C. D. Frith, and J. Driver (1999) procedure, the authors asked the participants to make same or different judgments on line drawings superimposed with task-irrelevant letter strings. Memory for the distractors was subsequently tested with an implicit memory task. Both older and young adults demonstrated greater memory for distractors at nonoptimal times of day than at optimal times of day; however, older adults showed considerably better memory for the distractors than did young adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Kihara Ken; Yagi Yoshihiko; Takeda Yuji; Kawahara Jun I. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,37(1):168
When two targets (T1 and T2) are embedded in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), T2 is often missed (attentional blink, AB) if T2 follows T1 by less than 500 ms. Some have proposed that inhibition of a distractor following T1 contributes to the AB, but no direct evidence supports this proposal. This study examined distractor inhibition by assessing a distractor devaluation effect where inhibited items were evaluated less positively than controls. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that a distractor presented just after T1 was evaluated less favorably when T2 was misidentified, independently of stimulus characteristics. Experiment 3 produced distractor devaluation in T2 incorrect trials when the evaluated distractor was the second item after T1. In contrast, a distractor presented before T1 was not devaluated (Experiment 4). Experiment 5 demonstrated that participants could not recognize presented distractors after an RSVP task, rejecting the possibility that memorized distractors were devalued. Results show a relationship between the devaluation of distractors following T1 and the AB, providing the first direct evidence of the distractor inhibition during the AB. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
An attentional blink (AB) paradigm was used to investigate the attentional resources necessary for visual marking. The results showed that distractors presented inside the AB cannot easily be ignored despite participants anticipating a future target display. This supports the hypothesis that attentional resources are required for visual marking. In addition, probe dots were better detected on blinked distractors than on successfully ignored distractors, but only when the task required new items to be prioritized. In a final experiment, a stronger negative carry-over effect on search occurred for targets identical to distractors presented outside rather than inside the AB. This suggests that at least part of the inhibitory processes involved in visual marking are nonspatial. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献