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The advent of mixture models has opened the possibility of flexible models which are practical to work with. A common assumption is that practitioners typically expect that data are generated from a Gaussian mixture. The inverted Dirichlet mixture has been shown to be a better alternative to the Gaussian mixture and to be of significant value in a variety of applications involving positive data. The inverted Dirichlet is, however, usually undesirable, since it forces an assumption of positive correlation. Our focus here is to develop a Bayesian alternative to both the Gaussian and the inverted Dirichlet mixtures when dealing with positive data. The alternative that we propose is based on the generalized inverted Dirichlet distribution which offers high flexibility and ease of use, as we show in this paper. Moreover, it has a more general covariance structure than the inverted Dirichlet. The proposed mixture model is subjected to a fully Bayesian analysis based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods namely Gibbs sampling and Metropolis–Hastings used to compute the posterior distribution of the parameters, and on Bayesian information criterion (BIC) used for model selection. The adoption of this purely Bayesian learning choice is motivated by the fact that Bayesian inference allows to deal with uncertainty in a unified and consistent manner. We evaluate our approach on the basis of two challenging applications concerning object classification and forgery detection.  相似文献   

Recently hybrid generative discriminative approaches have emerged as an efficient knowledge representation and data classification engine. However, little attention has been devoted to the modeling and classification of non-Gaussian and especially proportional vectors. Our main goal, in this paper, is to discover the true structure of this kind of data by building probabilistic kernels from generative mixture models based on Liouville family, from which we develop the Beta-Liouville distribution, and which includes the well-known Dirichlet as a special case. The Beta-Liouville has a more general covariance structure than the Dirichlet which makes it more practical and useful. Our learning technique is based on a principled purely Bayesian approach which resulted models are used to generate support vector machine (SVM) probabilistic kernels based on information divergence. In particular, we show the existence of closed-form expressions of the Kullback-Leibler and Rényi divergences between two Beta-Liouville distributions and then between two Dirichlet distributions as a special case. Through extensive simulations and a number of experiments involving synthetic data, visual scenes and texture images classification, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

We developed a variational Bayesian learning framework for the infinite generalized Dirichlet mixture model (i.e. a weighted mixture of Dirichlet process priors based on the generalized inverted Dirichlet distribution) that has proven its capability to model complex multidimensional data. We also integrate a “feature selection” approach to highlight the features that are most informative in order to construct an appropriate model in terms of clustering accuracy. Experiments on synthetic data as well as real data generated from visual scenes and handwritten digits datasets illustrate and validate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

In the Bayesian mixture modeling framework it is possible to infer the necessary number of components to model the data and therefore it is unnecessary to explicitly restrict the number of components. Nonparametric mixture models sidestep the problem of finding the “correct” number of mixture components by assuming infinitely many components. In this paper Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) models are cast as infinite mixture models and inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo is described. The specification of the priors on the model parameters is often guided by mathematical and practical convenience. The primary goal of this paper is to compare the choice of conjugate and non-conjugate base distributions on a particular class of DPM models which is widely used in applications, the Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture model (DPGMM). We compare computational efficiency and modeling performance of DPGMM defined using a conjugate and a conditionally conjugate base distribution. We show that better density models can result from using a wider class of priors with no or only a modest increase in computational effort.  相似文献   

Short text clustering is one of the fundamental tasks in natural language processing. Different from traditional documents, short texts are ambiguous and sparse due to their short form and the lack of recurrence in word usage from one text to another, making it very challenging to apply conventional machine learning algorithms directly. In this article, we propose two novel approaches for short texts clustering: collapsed Gibbs sampling infinite generalized Dirichlet multinomial mixture model infinite GSGDMM) and collapsed Gibbs sampling infinite Beta-Liouville multinomial mixture model (infinite GSBLMM). We adopt two flexible and practical priors to the multinomial distribution where in the first one the generalized Dirichlet distribution is integrated, while the second one is based on the Beta-Liouville distribution. We evaluate the proposed approaches on two famous benchmark datasets, namely, Google News and Tweet. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our models compared to basic approaches that use Dirichlet priors. We further propose to improve the performance of our methods with an online clustering procedure. We also evaluate the performance of our methods for the outlier detection task, in which we achieve accurate results.  相似文献   

In this article, the task of remote-sensing image classification is tackled with local maximal margin approaches. First, we introduce a set of local kernel-based classifiers that alleviate the computational limitations of local support vector machines (SVMs), maintaining at the same time high classification accuracies. Such methods rely on the following idea: (a) during training, build a set of local models covering the considered data and (b) during prediction, choose the most appropriate local model for each sample to evaluate. Additionally, we present a family of operators on kernels aiming to integrate the local information into existing (input) kernels in order to obtain a quasi-local (QL) kernel. To compare the performances achieved by the different local approaches, an experimental analysis was conducted on three distinct remote-sensing data sets. The obtained results show that interesting performances can be achieved in terms of both classification accuracy and computational cost.  相似文献   

The generalized Dirichlet distribution has been shown to be a more appropriate prior than the Dirichlet distribution for naïve Bayesian classifiers. When the dimension of a generalized Dirichlet random vector is large, the computational effort for calculating the expected value of a random variable can be high. In document classification, the number of distinct words that is the dimension of a prior for naïve Bayesian classifiers is generally more than ten thousand. Generalized Dirichlet priors can therefore be inapplicable for document classification from the viewpoint of computational efficiency. In this paper, some properties of the generalized Dirichlet distribution are established to accelerate the calculation of the expected values of random variables. Those properties are then used to construct noninformative generalized Dirichlet priors for naïve Bayesian classifiers with multinomial models. Our experimental results on two document sets show that generalized Dirichlet priors can achieve a significantly higher prediction accuracy and that the computational efficiency of naïve Bayesian classifiers is preserved.  相似文献   

There has been a constant desire for proposing new machine learning approaches for count data modeling. One of the most referred approaches is the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model (Blei et al., 2003b). LDA has been shown to be a reliable model for count data classification. It is based, however, on the consideration of the Dirichlet distribution, as a prior, which modeling capabilities have been challenged recently and some alternative priors have been proposed. One of these priors is the Beta-Liouville (BL) distribution that we will consider in this work to provide an alternative to the LDA model. In order to maintain consistency with the original model we shall call our resulting model, latent Beta-Liouville allocation (LBLA). Like the LDA, the LBLA model uses a variational Bayes method for learning its hidden parameters. It will be shown that LDA is a special case of the LBLA model that we will show its merits, in comparison to the LDA model, via three distinct challenging applications namely text classification, natural scene categorization, and action recognition in videos. We will show that the LBLA model results in improved modeling accuracy in return for a slight increase in computational complexity. We conclude that our model can be considered as a more efficient replacement for the LDA model.  相似文献   

A hybrid Huberized support vector machine (HHSVM) with an elastic-net penalty has been developed for cancer tumor classification based on thousands of gene expression measurements. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian formulation of the hybrid Huberized support vector machine for binary classification. For the coefficients of the linear classification boundary, we propose a new type of prior, which can select variables and group them together simultaneously. Our proposed prior is a scale mixture of normal distributions and independent gamma priors on a transformation of the variance of the normal distributions. We establish a direct connection between the Bayesian HHSVM model with our special prior and the standard HHSVM solution with the elastic-net penalty. We propose a hierarchical Bayes technique and an empirical Bayes technique to select the penalty parameter. In the hierarchical Bayes model, the penalty parameter is selected using a beta prior. For the empirical Bayes model, we estimate the penalty parameter by maximizing the marginal likelihood. The proposed model is applied to two simulated data sets and three real-life gene expression microarray data sets. Results suggest that our Bayesian models are highly successful in selecting groups of similarly behaved important genes and predicting the cancer class. Most of the genes selected by our models have shown strong association with well-studied genetic pathways, further validating our claims.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric approach for modeling and selection based on a mixture of Dirichlet processes with Dirichlet distributions, which can also be seen as an infinite Dirichlet mixture model. The proposed model uses a stick-breaking representation and is learned by a variational inference method. Due to the nature of Bayesian nonparametric approach, the problems of overfitting and underfitting are prevented. Moreover, the obstacle of estimating the correct number of clusters is sidestepped by assuming an infinite number of clusters. Compared to other approximation techniques, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), which require high computational cost and whose convergence is difficult to diagnose, the whole inference process in the proposed variational learning framework is analytically tractable with closed-form solutions. Additionally, the proposed infinite Dirichlet mixture model with variational learning requires only a modest amount of computational power which makes it suitable to large applications. The effectiveness of our model is experimentally investigated through both synthetic data sets and challenging real-life multimedia applications namely image spam filtering and human action videos categorization.  相似文献   

近年来,使用高斯混合模型作为块先验的贝叶斯方法取得了优秀的图像复原性能,针对这类模型分量固定及主要依赖外部学习的缺点,提出了一种新的基于狄利克雷过程混合模型的图像先验模型。该模型从干净图像数据库中学习外部通用先验,从退化图像中学习内部先验,借助模型中统计量的可累加性自然实现内外部先验融合。通过聚类的新增及归并机制,模型的复杂度随着数据的增大或缩小而自适应地变化,可以学习到可解释及紧凑的模型。为了求解所有隐变量的变分后验分布,提出了一种结合新增及归并机制的批次更新可扩展变分算法,解决了传统坐标上升算法在大数据集下效率较低、容易陷入局部最优解的问题。在图像去噪及填充实验中,相比传统方法,所提模型无论在客观质量评价还是视觉观感上都更有优势,验证了该模型的有效性。  相似文献   

Positive vectors clustering using inverted Dirichlet finite mixture models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work we present an unsupervised algorithm for learning finite mixture models from multivariate positive data. Indeed, this kind of data appears naturally in many applications, yet it has not been adequately addressed in the past. This mixture model is based on the inverted Dirichlet distribution, which offers a good representation and modeling of positive non-Gaussian data. The proposed approach for estimating the parameters of an inverted Dirichlet mixture is based on the maximum likelihood (ML) using Newton Raphson method. We also develop an approach, based on the minimum message length (MML) criterion, to select the optimal number of clusters to represent the data using such a mixture. Experimental results are presented using artificial histograms and real data sets. The challenging problem of software modules classification is investigated within the proposed statistical framework, also.  相似文献   

Denoising of multicomponent images using wavelet least-squares estimators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we study denoising of multicomponent images. The presented procedures are spatial wavelet-based denoising techniques, based on Bayesian least-squares optimization procedures, using prior models for the wavelet coefficients that account for the correlations between the spectral bands. We analyze three mixture priors: Gaussian scale mixture models, Bernoulli-Gaussian mixture models and Laplacian mixture models. These three prior models are studied within the same framework of least-squares optimization. The presented procedures are compared to Gaussian prior model and single-band denoising procedures. We analyze the suppression of non-correlated as well as correlated white Gaussian noise on multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing data and Rician distributed noise on multiple images of within-modality magnetic resonance data. It is shown that a superior denoising performance is obtained when (a) the interband covariances are fully accounted for and (b) prior models are used that better approximate the marginal distributions of the wavelet coefficients.  相似文献   

We propose a novel unsupervised learning framework to model activities and interactions in crowded and complicated scenes. Hierarchical Bayesian models are used to connect three elements in visual surveillance: low-level visual features, simple "atomic" activities, and interactions. Atomic activities are modeled as distributions over low-level visual features, and multi-agent interactions are modeled as distributions over atomic activities. These models are learnt in an unsupervised way. Given a long video sequence, moving pixels are clustered into different atomic activities and short video clips are clustered into different interactions. In this paper, we propose three hierarchical Bayesian models, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) mixture model, Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) mixture model, and Dual Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes (Dual-HDP) model. They advance existing language models, such as LDA [1] and HDP [2]. Our data sets are challenging video sequences from crowded traffic scenes and train station scenes with many kinds of activities co-occurring. Without tracking and human labeling effort, our framework completes many challenging visual surveillance tasks of board interest such as: (1) discovering typical atomic activities and interactions; (2) segmenting long video sequences into different interactions; (3) segmenting motions into different activities; (4) detecting abnormality; and (5) supporting high-level queries on activities and interactions.  相似文献   

The prior distribution of an attribute in a naïve Bayesian classifier is typically assumed to be a Dirichlet distribution, and this is called the Dirichlet assumption. The variables in a Dirichlet random vector can never be positively correlated and must have the same confidence level as measured by normalized variance. Both the generalized Dirichlet and the Liouville distributions include the Dirichlet distribution as a special case. These two multivariate distributions, also defined on the unit simplex, are employed to investigate the impact of the Dirichlet assumption in naïve Bayesian classifiers. We propose methods to construct appropriate generalized Dirichlet and Liouville priors for naïve Bayesian classifiers. Our experimental results on 18 data sets reveal that the generalized Dirichlet distribution has the best performance among the three distribution families. Not only is the Dirichlet assumption inappropriate, but also forcing the variables in a prior to be all positively correlated can deteriorate the performance of the naïve Bayesian classifier.  相似文献   

We present a QoS-aware recommender approach based on probabilistic models to assist the selection of web services in open, distributed, and service-oriented environments. This approach allows consumers to maintain a trust model for each service provider they interact with, leading to the prediction of the most trustworthy service a consumer can interact with among a plethora of similar services. In this paper, we associate the trust in a service to its performance denoted by QoS ratings instigated by the amalgamation of various QoS metrics. Since the quality of a service is contingent, which renders its trustworthiness uncertain, we adopt a probabilistic approach for the prediction of the quality of a service based on the evaluation of past experiences (ratings) of each of its consumers. We represent the QoS ratings of services using different statistical distributions, namely multinomial Dirichlet, multinomial generalized Dirichlet, and multinomial Beta-Liouville. We leverage various machine learning techniques to compute the probabilities of each web service to belong to different quality classes. For instance, we use the Bayesian inference method to estimate the parameters of the aforementioned distributions, which presents a multidimensional probabilistic embodiment of the quality of the corresponding web services. We also employ a Bayesian network classifier with a Beta-Liouville prior to enable the classification of the QoS of composite services given the QoS of its constituents. We extend our approach to function in an online setting using the Voting EM algorithm that enables the estimation of the probabilities of the QoS after each interaction with a web service. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in modeling, classifying and incrementally learning the QoS ratings.  相似文献   

Finite mixture models are one of the most widely and commonly used probabilistic techniques for image segmentation. Although the most well known and commonly used distribution when considering mixture models is the Gaussian, it is certainly not the best approximation for image segmentation and other related image processing problems. In this paper, we propose and investigate the use of several other mixture models based namely on Dirichlet, generalized Dirichlet and Beta–Liouville distributions, which offer more flexibility in data modeling, for image segmentation. A maximum likelihood (ML) based algorithm is applied for estimating the resulted segmentation model’s parameters. Spatial information is also employed for figuring out the number of regions in an image and several color spaces are investigated and compared. The experimental results show that the proposed segmentation framework yields good overall performance, on various color scenes, that is better than comparable techniques.  相似文献   

Mixture modeling is one of the most useful tools in machine learning and data mining applications. An important challenge when applying finite mixture models is the selection of the number of clusters which best describes the data. Recent developments have shown that this problem can be handled by the application of non-parametric Bayesian techniques to mixture modeling. Another important crucial preprocessing step to mixture learning is the selection of the most relevant features. The main approach in this paper, to tackle these problems, consists on storing the knowledge in a generalized Dirichlet mixture model by applying non-parametric Bayesian estimation and inference techniques. Specifically, we extend finite generalized Dirichlet mixture models to the infinite case in which the number of components and relevant features do not need to be known a priori. This extension provides a natural representation of uncertainty regarding the challenging problem of model selection. We propose a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to learn the resulted infinite mixture. Through applications involving text and image categorization, we show that infinite mixture models offer a more powerful and robust performance than classic finite mixtures for both clustering and feature selection.  相似文献   

Type-2 fuzzy logic-based classifier fusion for support vector machines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a machine-learning tool, support vector machines (SVMs) have been gaining popularity due to their promising performance. However, the generalization abilities of SVMs often rely on whether the selected kernel functions are suitable for real classification data. To lessen the sensitivity of different kernels in SVMs classification and improve SVMs generalization ability, this paper proposes a fuzzy fusion model to combine multiple SVMs classifiers. To better handle uncertainties existing in real classification data and in the membership functions (MFs) in the traditional type-1 fuzzy logic system (FLS), we apply interval type-2 fuzzy sets to construct a type-2 SVMs fusion FLS. This type-2 fusion architecture takes considerations of the classification results from individual SVMs classifiers and generates the combined classification decision as the output. Besides the distances of data examples to SVMs hyperplanes, the type-2 fuzzy SVMs fusion system also considers the accuracy information of individual SVMs. Our experiments show that the type-2 based SVM fusion classifiers outperform individual SVM classifiers in most cases. The experiments also show that the type-2 fuzzy logic-based SVMs fusion model is better than the type-1 based SVM fusion model in general.  相似文献   

Sharma  Archit  Saxena  Siddhartha  Rai  Piyush 《Machine Learning》2019,108(8-9):1369-1393

Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) enable learning highly nonlinear models by combining simple expert models. Each expert handles a small region of the data space, as dictated by the gating network which generates the (soft) assignment of input to the corresponding experts. Despite their flexibility and renewed interest lately, existing MoE constructions pose several difficulties during model training. Crucially, neither of the two popular gating networks used in MoE, namely the softmax gating network and hierarchical gating network (the latter used in the hierarchical mixture of experts), have efficient inference algorithms. The problem is further exacerbated if the experts do not have conjugate likelihood and lack a naturally probabilistic formulation (e.g., logistic regression or large-margin classifiers such as SVM). To address these issues, we develop novel inference algorithms with closed-form parameter updates, leveraging some of the recent advances in data augmentation techniques. We also present a novel probabilistic framework for MoE, consisting of a range of gating networks with efficient inference made possible through our proposed algorithms. We exploit this framework by using Bayesian linear SVMs as experts on various classification problems (which has a non-conjugate likelihood otherwise generally), providing our final model with attractive large-margin properties. We show that our models are significantly more efficient than other training algorithms for MoE while outperforming other traditional non-linear models like Kernel SVMs and Gaussian Processes on several benchmark datasets.


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