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The influences of protein concentration (0.2, 1, 2 wt%) and oil-phase volume fraction (5%, 20%, 40% v/v) on emulsion stability and rheological properties were investigated in whey protein isolate (WPI)-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions containing 0.2 wt% xanthan gum (XG). The data of droplet size, surface charge, creaming index, oxidative stability, and emulsion rheology were obtained. The results showed that increasing WPI concentration significantly affected droplet size, surface charge, and oxidative stability, but had little effect on creaming stability and emulsion rheology. At 0.2 wt% WPI, increasing oil-phase volume fraction greatly increased droplet size but no significant effect on surface charge. At 1 or 2 wt% WPI, increasing oil-phase volume fraction had less influence on droplet size but led to surface charge more negative. Increasing oil-phase volume fraction facilitated the inhibition of lipid oxidation. Meanwhile, oil-phase volume fraction played a dominant role in creaming stability and emulsion viscosity. The rheological data indicated the emulsions may undergo a behavior transition from an entropic polymer gel to an enthalpic particle gel when oil-phase volume fraction increased from 20% to 40% v/v. 相似文献
Effect of concentrated flaxseed protein on the stability and rheological properties of soybean oil-in-water emulsions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Flaxseed protein concentrate containing-mucilage (FPCCM) was used to stabilize soybean oil-in-water emulsions. The effects of FPCCM concentration (0.5, 1.0, 1.5% w/v) and oil-phase volume fraction (5, 10, 20% v/v) on emulsion stability and rheological properties of the soybean oil-in-water emulsions were investigated. Z-average diameter, zeta-potential, creaming index and rheological properties of emulsions were determined. The result showed that FPCCM concentration significantly affected zeta-potential, creaming rate and emulsion viscosity. The increasing of FPCCM concentration led to a more negative charged droplet and a lower creaming rate. Oil-phase volume fraction significantly affected Z-average diameter, rheological properties, creaming index and creaming rate. With the increase of oil-phase volume fraction, both Z-average diameter and emulsion viscosity increased, while creaming index and creaming rate decreased. The rheological curve suggested that the emulsions were shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluids. 相似文献
Droplet characterization and stability of soybean oil/palm kernel olein O/W emulsions with the presence of selected polysaccharides 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Droplet characteristics, flow properties and stability of egg yolk-stabilized oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions as affected by the presence of xanthan gum (XG), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), guar gum (GG), locust bean gum (LBG) and gum Arabic (AG) were studied. The dispersed phase (40%) of the emulsions was based on soybean oil/palm kernel olein blend (70:30) that partially crystallized during extended storage at 5 °C. In freshly prepared emulsions, the presence of XG, CMC, GG and LBG had significantly decreased the droplet mean diameters. XG, LBG, GG and CMC emulsions exhibited a shear-thinning behavior but AG emulsion exhibited a Bingham plastic behavior and control (without gum) emulsion almost exhibited a Newtonian behavior. Both control and AG emulsions exhibited a severe phase separation after storage (30 days, 5 °C). The microstructure of stored XG emulsion showed the presence of partially coalesced droplets, explaining a large increase in its droplet mean diameters. Increases in droplet mean diameters and decreases in flow properties found for stored GG and LBG emulsions were attributed to droplet coalescence. Nevertheless, the occurrence of droplet coalescence in these emulsions was considered to be small as no free oil could be separated under centrifugation force. Increases in flow properties and excellent stability towards phase separation found for stored CMC emulsion suggested that CMC could retard partial coalescence. Thus, the results support the ability of CMC, GG and LBG in reducing partial coalescence either by providing a sufficiently thick continuous phase or by acting as a protective coating for oil droplets. 相似文献
Rheology of spray-dried egg yolk-stabilized emulsions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
José E. Moros José M. Franco & Críspulo Gallegos 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2002,37(3):297-307
This paper deals with the influences that concentrations of oil fraction (65–77.5% w/w) and egg yolk (1–5% w/w), as well as temperature (5–35 °C), exerted on the droplet size distribution and rheological functions of concentrated oil-in-water food emulsions that were stabilized by a spray-dried egg yolk product. This work must be considered as a preliminary study concerning the use of low-in-cholesterol egg yolk as emulsifier. In order to achieve this aim, steady-state flow and dynamic viscoelasticity tests were done with emulsions processed with a rotor-stator turbine. The same processing conditions were always maintained. All of the emulsions prepared showed a high stability. An increase in oil fraction yielded higher values for the rheological functions, and larger droplet diameters. The influence of processed egg yolk concentration was more complex. Thus, an increase in egg yolk content yielded lower values for the rheological functions, but, after a particular concentration, a further increase in emulsifier content yielded higher values for the rheological functions. The experimental results have been discussed taking into account the close relationship between rheology and emulsion structural parameters. 相似文献
I. BURGAUD E. DICKINSON P. V. NELSON 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》1990,25(1):39-46
A reliable high-pressure laboratory homogenizer is described for the small-scale production of emulsions with highly reproducible droplet-size distribution. A key feature of the design of this 'jet homogenizer' is the inclusion of separate chambers for oil and aqueous phases, thereby eliminating the necessity for premixing prior to homogenization, with its associated problems of air incorporation. To illustrate the performance characteristics of the jet homogenizer, data are presented for the effect of homogenization pressure and equipment dimensions on the droplet size of n-tetradecane-in-water emulsions stabilized by sodium caseinate. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Crystallization kinetics and rhelogical behavior of blends of high-melting milk-fat fraction (HMF) and sunflower oil (SFO) with and without addition of the sucrose esters P-170, S-170, and P-1670 were investigated. Addition of sucrose esters delayed crystallization, as was evidenced by the longer induction times of crystallization (t) and the lower maximum solid fat content (Smax). Values of penetration force and time corresponding to the 1st peak of curves force compared with time also diminished with addition of SFO. When sucrose esters were added, a solid fat content greater than 10% at the 1st crystallization temperature was necessary to give a stronger structure that could be noticed as higher yield point. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Extensive hydrolysis of whey protein isolate (WPI) by Alcalase 2.4L® caused a dramatic increase in turbidity and viscosity. A gel was formed after the degree of hydrolysis was ≥ 18%, coinciding with < 16%β-lactoglobulin and < 4%α-lactalbumin remaining unhydrolyzed. Heat-induced and enzyme-induced WPI gels were compared. Frequency and strain dependence indicated that both gels could be considered as strong, physical gels. 相似文献
The use of antimicrobial edible film is proposed as a means of improving food safety and extending the shelf-life of food systems by controlling the release of antimicrobials on food surfaces. In this work we first selected and studied 8 different essential oils (EOs) from plants, namely, oregano, clove, tea tree, coriander, mastic thyme, laurel, rosemary, and sage as natural antimicrobials against 2 gram-positive bacteria (Listeria innocua and Staphylococcus aureus) and 2 gram-negative bacteria (Salmonella enteritidis and Pseudomona fragi) by using the agar disk diffusion method. EOs from oregano, clove, and tea tree produced the largest surfaces of inhibition against the growth of the 4 bacterial strains tested. Second and following the assessment of compatibility, stable antimicrobial edible films based on whey protein isolate (WPI) with increasing concentrations (0.5% to 9%) of the 8 EOs were developed and tested for antimicrobial activity against the same gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. WPI-edible films incorporating oregano or clove EO were found to have the most intense inhibitory effect of microbial growth. The bacterial strain gram-negative P. fragi presented the less susceptibility to the effect of those films. Moreover, only the edible films based on these 2 EOs were active against all 4 studied microorganisms. On the other hand, the edible films incorporating tea tree, coriander, mastic thyme, laurel, rosemary, or sage EOs even at high concentrations (7% to 9%) did not cause any antimicrobial effect against the pathogens S. aureus or S. enteritidis. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Potential applications of this technology can introduce direct benefits to the food industry by improving safety and microbial product quality. The results of this research have direct application in the food industry with potential applications in various foodstuffs, including meat and poultry products where the control of spoilage bacteria such as P. fragi throughout their chilled storage or the improvement of food safety by controlling pathogens such as S. enteritidis are topics of particular interest for the industry. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Angel food cakes made from egg white or whey protein foams were compared. Cakes were evaluated based on final volume, dynamic volume change, and rheological transitions during baking. Cake expansion during baking was a function of protein concentration regardless of protein type. Cakes containing whey proteins had a lower ability to prevent collapse once starch gelatinization started during baking. Heat-treating whey proteins or adding xanthan gum increases cake volume, but not to the extent of egg-white proteins. Cakes containing egg-white proteins became more elastic at 60 to 85 °C than those containing whey proteins, indicating physical differences in the heat-set protein foam network associated with protein type. 相似文献
采用紫苏籽油为芯材,大豆多糖和壳聚糖为壁材,分别制备紫苏籽油单层与双层乳状液,并且对乳状液的粒径、Zeta电位、物理稳定性以及化学稳定性进行评价。结果显示,单层乳状液粒径随着芯壁比(质量比)的升高而增大,物理稳定性变差,最适的芯壁比(质量比)为2∶1;随着壳聚糖质量分数的增加,双层乳状液的Zeta电位逐渐增大,并且由负值变为正值,壳聚糖质量分数为0.2%时电位绝对值最小为3.6 mV,当壳聚糖质量分数为0.4%时电位为43 mV,电位增加速率变小;随着壳聚糖质量分数的增加,乳状液粒径呈先减小、再增大、再减小的变化,壳聚糖质量分数为0.2%时达到最大粒径为5.21 μm,0.4%时达到最小粒径为1.185 μm;随着壳聚糖质量分数的增加乳状液物理稳定逐渐增强。壳聚糖质量分数对乳状液化学稳定性影响显著(p<0.05),抗氧化效果依次为0.4%>0.6%>0.2%。 相似文献
Janaína Teles de Faria Eduardo Basílio de Oliveira Valéria Paula Rodrigues Minim Luis Antonio Minim 《International Journal of Food Properties》2017,20(7):1643-1654
The effects of number of homogenization passes, pH, and NaCl concentration on the formation and stability of oil-in-water emulsions comprising a mixture of a biosurfactant (Quillaja bark saponin) and a globular protein (β-lactoglobulin) were investigated. The emulsions were characterized as to visual appearance, droplet size, droplet surface charge, and rheology. The emulsions obtained by different conditions (4, 6, or 8 passes; pH 7, 8, or 9; and 0, 100, or 200 mmol L?1 of NaCl) were polydisperse, presented relatively small average droplet sizes (z-average < 323 nm) as well as negative droplet charge (between –20 and –79.6 mV) in all evaluated conditions. Regardless of the number of homogenization passes, the emulsions exhibited low apparent viscosity and pseudoplastic behavior with small yield stress. Viscoelastic behavior was also observed, thus the emulsions were characterized as weak gels. Four homogenization passes were enough to obtain small droplets in the evaluated conditions. Droplet size was not significantly affected by NaCl concentration and pH (p > 0.05). On the other hand, the absolute ζ-potential values significantly decreased and increased upon increased NaCl content and pH, respectively. Regardless of the tested conditions, all emulsions had good stability against phase separation and droplet aggregation, since no significant changes in average droplet size were observed throughout storage (p > 0.05). In the presence of NaCl, in which droplet charge significantly decreased, emulsion was also stable. Thus, we can conclude that electrostatic repulsion as well as steric repulsion was responsible for stabilization. 相似文献
以脱脂米糠为原料,提取、分离水溶性米糠多糖,以动态流变仪为主要实验仪器,研究了水溶性米糠多糖的流体力学性能和相关影响因素.研究结果表明,水溶性米糠多糖溶液是典型的非牛顿流体,表现为剪切稀化的流体性能,多糖浓度越高,溶液剪切稀化现象越严重.同时其多糖溶液的流体性能还受体系温度、剪切速率和pH值等因素的影响. 相似文献
以类蛋黄酱体系为研究对象,运用Turbiscan、流变仪、粒度仪、显微镜研究在pH 3条件下橄榄油与椰子油不同比例复配(10:0、9:1、8:2、7:3)的混油基对于乳清分离蛋白-蛋黄卵磷脂稳定的乳液体系流变性质及冻融稳定性的影响.结果表明:随着椰子油比例增加,乳液黏度增加,弹性模量增加,橄榄油与椰子油质量比7:3复配... 相似文献
乳清蛋白-多糖的制备及功能特性的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过美拉德反应将壳寡糖引入乳清蛋白,形成乳清蛋白-壳寡糖共价复合物,对其溶解性、乳化性、乳化稳定性及热稳定性进行研究。结果表明,乳清蛋白-壳寡糖共价复合物可以较好的改善乳清蛋白的热稳定性,对乳清蛋白在等电点附近的溶解性,乳化性,乳化稳定性有一定的调节作用。采用三因素二次通用旋转组合设计对乳清蛋白-壳寡糖的制备条件(糖比例,温度,时间)进行优化,建立了以乳化性及乳化稳定性为响应值的回归方程。以乳化性为响应值,优化结果为:糖比例28%,温度45℃,时间17 h,此时乳清蛋白-壳寡糖乳化性为0.55,以乳化稳定性为响应值,优化结果为:糖比例34%,温度45℃,时间17 h,此时乳化稳定性为1.25 min。 相似文献