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建筑师是需要把大众的空间利益放在第一位的职业。然而,在中国高速发展的房地产业,在喧嚣不已的房地产舆论中,我们却很少能听到建筑师的声音,却很谋求“建筑师的独立人格”。日前在庆贺同济大学百年的集会上,国内知名专家对这一问题做了一场精彩的论辩。  相似文献   

李怀埙 《新建筑》1993,(4):59-61
建筑的美学属性含有多个方面,建筑作品要符合基本性、显示其目的性,追求单纯与和谐,创造环境和意境之美。建筑是综合的艺术、建筑师是综合艺术家。  相似文献   

王铠  董烜 《时代建筑》2004,(2):58-69
本文从与基地环境对话、中国情结、材料/建造、空间四个方面,对中国国际建筑艺术实践展外国建筑师作品的基本设计理念、方案的概况作简要综述。  相似文献   

建筑风格和建筑师的文化人格   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
靳炳勋 《新建筑》1998,(1):43-44
提出建筑师的文化人格这一概念,从建筑创作和建筑理论的角度阐释了建筑风格、城市风格与建筑师文化人格的相互关系以及创造新时代中国建筑新风格的重要意义和迫切性。  相似文献   

2002年.库啥斯在《大跃进》一书中曾这样描述当时的中国建筑师:“中国建筑师是世界上最重要、最具影响力、最强大的建筑师,他们以最短的时间、最低的费用建造最多的建筑。中国建筑师的数量是美国的1/10.用1/5的时间建成美国5倍的建筑量,  相似文献   

再论建筑师的创造性人格靳炳勋拙作《试论建筑师的创造性人格》发表以后(《建筑学报》9103),收到同行朋友的来信或与之交谈,肯定鼓励,论议质疑者皆有。由此而引起我不断思索引申“试论”中言犹未尽,意尚不达之内容,忝作而论。简括之,有如下议问:创造性并非无...  相似文献   

李南 《风景园林》2010,(2):11-11
本刊讯 展览《感觉即真实》是丹麦/冰蒿艺术家奥拉维尔·埃利亚松和中国建筑师马岩松的首度合作。本次展览在北京大山子798艺术区UCCA大展厅展出,展览持续到6月20日。  相似文献   

2013保利春季拍卖会中国著名建筑师模型与草图专场圆满落幕,参拍建筑师14人,上拍作品18件,成交9件,其中高于底价拍出2件。这是继2012年底中国著名建筑师试水保利秋拍,首度亮相现当代中国艺术之国际知名设计师作品专场之后的又一次亮相,规模更大、规格更高。  相似文献   

作者通过对北京王府饭店等五座著名的新型饭店的设计手法及其使用和艺术效果的分析,认为这些饭店已从单纯的满足过客需要,发展到全面体现风俗人情,而成为了深入到人类精神世界的实用性艺术品,而这一效果的取得,多是由于吸取了传统文化的精髓,它们一经建筑师的神化便奥妙无穷,文章认为,建筑的真正目的是体现时代精神-自由,独立,人的尊严。  相似文献   

美术馆建筑设计研究展由哥伦比亚大学北京建筑中心、国家画院公共艺术中心、一和研发中心、筑龙网、元典美术馆等几家机构联合主办。展览关注的是建筑观念与建筑实践的问题,倡导建筑师要有独立的判断力。  相似文献   

运用霍兰德职业能力人格测验 ,对建筑类专业 (包括建筑学、土木工程、工程管理、环境工程 )学生进行测试 ,以探讨建筑类专业的大学生职业能力人格的特点 ,以及专业对大学生职业人格的影响  相似文献   

传统文化是大学德育中的重要内容。继承并弘扬传统文化,对于民族精神的发展、个体精神的安顿和道德人格的培养具有重要意义。但在追求科学理性与创新的现代社会,大学德育教学究竞如何才能获得教育实效,其中关键就是要让传统文化教育在德育课堂上“活起来”,即遵循“人性化德育”的教育理念,创设师生共同学习场景,使教材上的理论内容转化为学生的思想滋养与行为准则,完善学生的人格和道德品质。  相似文献   

自然特征、景观格局、自然与人文资源和现有开发导向等因素,共同决定了景观空间内部不同的本底特征,即景观性格。通过对多类型资源的叠加,生成对区域空间景观性格的综合评价结果,一方面可以作为国土空间用途管制所涉及问题的评价依据,另一方面可以具体指导国土空间风貌控制问题,从而弥补现有国土空间规划编制过程对景观资源禀赋及本底特色的忽视。对现有景观性格评价方法进行了梳理,基于此构建景观性格评价在国土空间规划中应用的过程步骤,并以黑龙江省伊春市为例进行景观性格评价实践,形成景观性格分区、景观性格分级及景观性格描述等成果,指导伊春市国土空间规划风貌控制、功能区划分及发展定位。景观性格评价有利于发掘利用空间自身优势,与现有国土空间规划评估体系形成互补,共同指导规划的编制过程。  相似文献   

传统教学模式忽略了学生之间的个性差异和能力差异,"分层教学"模式使认知能力和个性特点不同的学生均学有所得,文章在阐述分层次教学理论的基础上,以高职院校数学分析课程为例,为层次不同的学生构建更加适应其个性特点和知识需求的教学模式。在分析IRT自适应考试模型的基础上,引入题库分层法,以被试者能力值与难度值之差的绝对值作为选题策略,优化了IRT自适应考试模型。  相似文献   

刘旭红 《华中建筑》2005,23(4):97-99
在当前教育事业快速发展的时期,建设适应环境、展现个性、有鲜明特色的中小学校校园,是校园规划设计的首要目标。本文通过华中师大附中东莞分校规划设计,探讨当今校园规划中的体现校园特色的思路与理念。  相似文献   

Employee turnover is a continuing challenge in the construction industry with negative effects on construction companies. Other industries have begun using personality profile assessments as a tool for reducing employee turnover, and more specifically in their hiring, promoting, team building, and leadership development processes. However, it was unknown if this trend was effecting the construction industry. The purpose of this research was to determine if and how U.S. commercial construction companies utilize personality profiles in their employee retention processes. A survey was randomly sent to 235 of the top 400 commercial construction companies in the United States to determine if these companies were using assessments, and if it had any effect on the turnover within these companies. Interviews were conducted over the phone with human resources representatives from these companies, and responses were sorted into similar themes and ideas using qualitative pattern coding techniques. Of the 78 responding companies, one-third were using employee personality profiles within their business practices. This article reports the experiences and general attitudes for both the companies that do and do not utilize personality profiles. The results of this research provides strong evidence that using personality profile assessments can help construction companies reduce employee turnover.  相似文献   

温旻 《建筑与环境》2010,(6):154-156
传统民居的开发利用有其独特的个性。赣州地区拥有丰富的自然资源和人文资源,具有发展旅游业的巨大潜力,应通过保护、改造、更新及功能置换等方式,实现传统民居保护和发展的协调发展。  相似文献   

The aim was to study possible relationships between personality traits as measured by the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP), a self-report personality inventory based on psychobiological theory, and medical symptoms, in subjects with previous work history in suspected sick buildings. The study comprised 195 participants from 19 consecutive cases of suspected sick buildings, initially collected in 1988-92. In 1998-89, the KSP inventory and a symptoms questionnaire were administered in a postal follow-up study. There were 16 questions on symptoms, including symptoms from the eyes, nose, throat, skin, and headache, tiredness, and a symptom score (SC), ranging from 0 to 16, was calculated. The questionnaire also requested information on personal factors, including age, gender, smoking habits, allergy and diagnosed asthma. The KSP ratings in the study group did not differ from the mean personality scale norm scores, calculated from an external reference group. Females had higher scores for somatic anxiety (P < 0.01), muscular tension (P < 0.001), psychic anxiety (P < 0.01), psychasthenia (P < 0.05), indirect aggression (P < 0.05), and guilt (P < 0.05), while males scored higher on detachment (P < 0.001). Subjects with higher SC were found to display higher degree of somatic anxiety (P < 0.001), muscular tension (P < 0.001), psychic anxiety (P < 0.001), psychasthenia (P < 0.001), inhibition of aggression (P < 0.05), detachment (P < 0.05), suspicion (P < 0.01), indirect aggression (P < 0.01), and verbal aggression (P < 0.05). In addition, ocular, respiratory, dermal, and systemic symptoms (headache and tiredness) were significantly related to anxiety- and aggressivity-related scales. There were associations between personality scales and change of symptom score (SC) during the 9-year period. The associations between KSP personality traits and symptoms were more pronounced in females. In conclusion, there are gender differences in personality and SBS symptoms. Personality may play a role in the occurrence of symptoms studied in indoor environmental epidemiology. Our results support a view that measurement of personality could be of value in future studies and vulnerability to environmental stress. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Personality and personal vulnerability should be considered in both indoor environmental epidemiology and practical handling of building with suspected indoor problem, especially when the technical investigations fail to identify any obvious technical malfunction. Moreover, personality aspects should be considered among subjects with possible vulnerable personality exposed to environmental stress, and personality diagnosis can be a complementary tool useful when assessing 'sick building patients' in the medical services. We found no evidence of severe personality pathology in among those working in workplaces with environmental problems so called 'sick buildings'.  相似文献   

尹以俗  刘娟娟 《中国园林》2024,40(4):139-144
:景观偏好是个体、群体或民族对特定景观的态度和 偏好。历史悠久、意蕴深远的传统园林花木景观偏好和人格化 现象,推动了中华民族健康和谐的社会人格构建,意义重大。 花木五感景观偏好与人格关联是关键科学问题。引入人格神经 科学,首先从花木影响人格发展的“感知-偏好-人格”神经心 理过程,构建研究框架;其次,以古代大数据《全唐诗》所见 松树为例,基于NVivo软件和扎根理论方法,发现:1)诗人 偏爱松树,共有3 044首描写松树五感景观的唐诗,占比高达 6.22%;2)其中,以视觉景观为主,听觉和触觉次之,占比分 别为82.85%、10.09%和9.23%;3)松树视觉“青”“霜 雪”“孤”“鹤”“风云月”等和听觉“风中松声”共计 1 432个编码,体现了中华民族集体松景观偏好,与坚韧不 屈、贞节不阿、超凡脱俗的“百木长”松格建立关联。“感 知-偏好-人格”研究框架,能较为全面有效地揭示传统花木 五感景观偏好与人格内在关联。  相似文献   

藏书建设是图书馆工作不可或缺的重要组成部分。文章通过分析影响藏书建设的各种因素,提出了高校合并后图书馆必须建立独具本校学科特色文献资源体系的构想,进而从图书馆日常业务工作的采访、分编、排架、剔旧等方面入手,提出了改善藏书结构的对策。  相似文献   

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